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Blackpill Incels are intelligent beings



Nov 8, 2017
Incels are intelligent beings who do not subscribe to the sheep and hive-mind mentality that the normans always accede to. Thanks to the blackpill we have become enlightened, in which have opened our eyes to the darkly honest paradigms and wonderfully depressing aphorisms about how cruel and evil life/society can be. The normans on the other hand, think themselves as smart people yet they believe in the just world fallacy. These so-called "intellectuals" have the trouble accepting the fact that there could be men who are condemned to stay virgins forever due to being unattractive.

They love to spout how there is someone special out there for everyone out which is factually incorrect because millions of people die without finding partners every year. They consistently resort to overused platitudes like, "you need confidence", "get a personality", "you need a shower" and etc, when arguing with us. They are always blind to the malevolent nature of femoids, and think femoids are some divine creatures of light; when it's distinctly the opposite. These are the type of people who think themselves as smart and Incels as idiots. Really comical when you think about it, isn't it?

The fact of the matter is, Incels are way more smarter than normans. Our findings are infallible, and our arguments incontestable. Normans are just too stupid see and realize it.
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Only the blackpilled ones, which I think is a small minority,
The popularity of pickup artistry bs shows that incels are pretty sheep-minded too.
What do you mean by "intelligent?", precisely?
Great post. Man, I need to save up money so that I can stay abroad for 1 year to learn Arabic.. need to immerse myself..just gotta graduate..reallly soon.
Incels are intelligent beings who do not subscribe to the sheep and hive-mind mentality that the normans always accede to. Thanks to the blackpill we have become enlightened, in which have opened our eyes to the darkly honest paradigms and wonderfully depressing aphorisms about how cruel and evil life/society can be. The normans on the other hand, think themselves as smart people yet they believe in the just world fallacy. These so-called "intellectuals" have the trouble accepting the fact that there could be men who are condemned to stay virgins forever due to being unattractive.

They love to spout how there is someone special out there for everyone out which is factually incorrect because millions of people die without finding partners every year. They consistently resort to overused platitudes like, "you need confidence", "get a personality", "you need a shower" and etc, when arguing with us. They are always blind to the malevolent nature of femoids, and think femoids are some divine creatures of light; when it's distinctly the opposite. These are the type of people who think themselves as smart and Incels as idiots. Really comical when you think about it, isn't it?

The fact of the matter is, Incels are way more smarter than normans. Our findings are infallible, and our arguments incontestable. Normans are just too stupid see and realize it.
The real blackpill is that all the intelligence in the world amounts to nothing compared to a few millimeters of bone.
Incels are also strong. A normie would not be able to handle having no love and no friends.
this is why i love this community. due to our circumstances we have become interesting, intelligent and most importantly unique individuals unlike normies who have little to no variety. normies and femoids might as well be clones of each other since they do the same shit all the time, no variety they are follow the trend, follow each other, emulate each other, just fucking drones walking.
Great post. We have the ability to see through lie's and deception, an ability normie's dont possess. We have alot of intellectuals in our community, this generations greatest men will be forged by The Blackpill . We will change the world forever.
this is why i love this community. due to our circumstances we have become interesting, intelligent and most importantly unique individuals unlike normies who have little to no variety. normies and femoids might as well be clones of each other since they do the same shit all the time, no variety they are follow the trend, follow each other, emulate each other, just fucking drones walking.

Pure cope. We are boring subhuman idiots.
Yeah we have a more realistic world view due to depressive realism
Yeah we have a more realistic world view due to depressive realism
This is all really. There are a few braincels here. Like the ones who believe in a God or afterlife. Just lol.
Depends on the individual, the reason our memes differ is that we have seen the cruel side of the life because of our mediocre genetics.
Intelligcen is about adaptability and reproduction not mental mastubration
This is false, intelligence depends on the individual, more accurate way would be saying incels in general have a more realistic view of the world
This is false, intelligence depends on the individual, more accurate way would be saying incels in general have a more realistic view of the world
We make up in awareness what we lack in social skills and looks
Incels are intelligent beings who do not subscribe to the sheep and hive-mind mentality that the normans always accede to. Thanks to the blackpill we have become enlightened, in which have opened our eyes to the darkly honest paradigms and wonderfully depressing aphorisms about how cruel and evil life/society can be. The normans on the other hand, think themselves as smart people yet they believe in the just world fallacy. These so-called "intellectuals" have the trouble accepting the fact that there could be men who are condemned to stay virgins forever due to being unattractive.

They love to spout how there is someone special out there for everyone out which is factually incorrect because millions of people die without finding partners every year. They consistently resort to overused platitudes like, "you need confidence", "get a personality", "you need a shower" and etc, when arguing with us. They are always blind to the malevolent nature of femoids, and think femoids are some divine creatures of light; when it's distinctly the opposite. These are the type of people who think themselves as smart and Incels as idiots. Really comical when you think about it, isn't it?

The fact of the matter is, Incels are way more smarter than normans. Our findings are infallible, and our arguments incontestable. Normans are just too stupid see and realize it.
Being incel has nothing to do with your intelligence. It's all about your genes if you are born smart/intelligent or low iq. When you look around here you will find some dumb ass motherfuckers.
The real blackpill is that all the intelligence in the world amounts to nothing compared to a few millimeters of bone.
fuck your right
Depends on the individual, the reason our memes differ is that we have seen the cruel side of the life because of our mediocre genetics.

Una theca desperationem destrueret animarum patientium.
I don't think were more intelligent, they're just very naive. They never had to wear glasses for their myopia, they never had to go to the dermatologist for bad acne, they never got made fun of for their height, they never had to deal with badly crooked/spaced apart teeth, they never had to deal with bad health problems and just a terrible combination of genetics. They've never had females ask you out randomly to harass you for being ugly, they never had girls say ewww and gross as soon as they look at you, they never had girls call you creepy and weird for no reason at all. The failo effect also ruins any observations that could be made about how ugly people get treated way worse in all aspects of life just because their ugly.
The black pill isn't a matter of intelligence, it's drowning out all the bullshit surrounding obvious truths.
The fact of the matter is, Incels are way more smarter than normans. Our findings are infallible, and our arguments incontestable. Normans are just too stupid see and realize it.

"What is truth?" This was one of the last questions Pontius Pilate posed to Jesus of Nazareth before the former condemned the latter to death. The absurd thing about Pilate asking at all is that regardless of how Jesus may have answered, the governor would have considered the response a lie. The world occupied by a Roman prefect with the authority to sentence his subjects to death is fundamentally different than the men he can execute. These two different men worshiped different gods, belonged to fundamentally different tribes. One tribe had power, the other was subjugated. That they each had their own truths should go without saying.

I'll admit that those who spout their mantras assuring us that no one is unlovable, that all it takes is a modicum of confidence, or that no one actually has to be left behind is infuriating. However, what sound like empty platitudes to the radically undesirable are simply and obvious truisms to those offering them up. The world that they inhabit, the one they've experienced first-hand, is one in which even the most awkward and unlovely find someone at some point. In their world no one actually reaches old age a virgin, and there has never been a man who goes to the grave without some woman having pined for him at least once. It simply happens, regardless of how unlikely, because Nature is exceptionally merciful and is loathe to leave any of Her children behind.

In their defense, they believe these notions to be true because they are true for the overwhelming majority of humanity. What things such as ourselves consider absurd fantasy are for them waking reality in much the same way what we experience to be reality would strike them as the most outlandish of nightmares. They speak to us with the Language of the Living Dead, we to them with the Language of the Dead Living, and neither hear anything issue from the mouth of the other save glossolalia.

They will never understand us and we will never understand them which is why there has always been enmity between our two tribes and always will be. Monsters and men will always live in opposition to each other, ugly Chaos and beautiful Order will always be antagonistic strangers, the carnival barker and the freaks in his sideshow will always despise each other, and the truths of the criminal bleeding to death on Golgatha will never be those of the vicious governor who has the power to crucify him upon it.
you are trying hard to make us feel good, all you say is a false appraisement. "we are enlightened" "we don't follow the hive mind, we smart" this is the same bullshit atheists tell to themselves.

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