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LifeFuel Incels are being recognised as a persecuted group by Alt Media.

  • Thread starter Deleted member 10124
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By "Alt Media" and "The Daily Beast."

Still, it's much better than where we were in 2018.
incels will have to be acknowledged eventually, more men are becoming incel by the day
or at least i like to imagine

At it boy James Bloodworth
The Incel community is overwhelmingly male (and growing) and to be an Incel (technically at least) is to have not had sex for six months or more.

What the actual fuck?

Trash article and not having sex for 6 months is what most normies live for fucks sake.

More about not having sex AT ALL and NOT RELATIONSHIP EVER
By "Alt Media" and "The Daily Beast."

Still, it's much better than where we were in 2018.

That's a start. James Bloodworth is a Big Wig amongst the British "Sane" Left.

He runs or ran "Left Foot Forward".

Good & sensible guy. Bought & read his book "Hired". Not sure if that's the exact title but he knows his shit although he maybe a Remainer I still respect the guy.
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What the actual fuck?

Trash article and not having sex for 6 months is what most normies live for fucks sake.

More about not having sex AT ALL and NOT RELATIONSHIP EVER
What the actual fuck?

Trash article and not having sex for 6 months is what most normies live for fucks sake.

More about not having sex AT ALL and NOT RELATIONSHIP EVER
Lmfao 6 months :feelsUnreal:

I haven’t had physical contact with a female in 6 months
As I recently noted for UnHerd, our promiscuous culture bends toward the Pareto principle, also known as the 80/20 rule whereby 20% of men date 80% of women. I wrote: “Women compete over the most desirable men, while the rest are increasingly turning towards porn and — before long, no doubt — sex robots.”

The sexual revolution and the gradual erosion of the pressure to settle down (what Jordan Peterson has referred to as “socially enforced monogamy”) has encouraged women (quite reasonably) to seek out the best partners for themselves. Some men refuse to reconcile themselves to this new reality. Others struggle in a digital dating environment where superficial qualities are prized to an extent that was not true in the past. In the world of online dating, which is how 40% of couples in the United States meet, looks, height and social status are usually pre-requisites for matching with someone at all.
Offline, many Incels lack the basic social skills required to navigate relations with the opposite sex. According to an internal poll carried out on the website Incels.co, 26% of users of the forum said they had some form of autism. Flirting, which requires an innate understanding of nuanced sub-communications and unspoken sexual tension, does not come naturally to these men.

Moreover, mainstream dating advice for men is useless at the best of times and consists largely of feel-good bromides (often written by women) extolling men to ‘just be yourself’ or to let ‘fate’ take care of it. Real-life dating coaching, which takes clients out into bars and clubs in order to learn how to interact with women in a non-platonic way, is laughed at by the mainstream and dominated by charlatans calling themselves ‘pickup artists’.

@SergeantIncel @Master Thanks for those Surveys. Keep them coming.
Inceldom touches a nerve in wider society, which I suspect is why we have few conversations about it. All of us treat people differently on the basis of their physical appearance, however altruistic we may believe ourselves to be. As a recent article in Vice, which drew on a comprehensive body of research, noted: “Attractive people are generally assumed to be more intelligent, more trustworthy, and have better social skills.”

We shy away from talking honestly about this because to do so would be to acknowledge that there are some areas where true ‘equality’ — the ideal we strive for in most areas of political life — is unattainable when it comes to hooking up. The topic of sex and dating is already a minefield where egos swim amidst the unspoken and adversarial mating strategies deployed by men and women. There is very little altruism and equality when it comes to finding a mate. The sexual act is discriminatory by definition.
Inceldom fits within a broader trend towards alienation and reclusive behaviour in modern societies, fostered by technology, changing dating preferences and — among other things — easy access to pornography. We don’t have our own hikikomori problem in the west just yet, but Incels are a growing phenomenon that society would do well to better understand — even if that is less satisfying than throwing the word around as an online insult.

I don't like his "easy access to pornography" malarky.
What the actual fuck?

Trash article and not having sex for 6 months is what most normies live for fucks sake.

More about not having sex AT ALL and NOT RELATIONSHIP EVER

Read the whole article.
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Recognizing the problem is one thing... society will admit there is a problem and then tell us, the powerless men waiting to die, that it's up to us to fix it for ourselves. At this trajectory, there is nothing more to do than commit suicide or do the two letter thing (in Scrabble).
This is undoubtedly a convenient rationalisation for some. It’s easier to sit at home on the internet and lament the callousness and superficiality of wider society than it is to begin the long and arduous process required to become a more attractive man.

incels will have to be acknowledged eventually, more men are becoming incel by the day
or at least i like to imagine
I hope so after all hitler was able to do a pretty great thing. @kikecel he would make kike foids equal to us.
Until the media acknowledges the real reason for inceldom is women's rights and floating hypergamy, idgaf. Victim blaming and saying porn is the problem is bullshit.
incels will have to be acknowledged eventually, more men are becoming incel by the day
or at least i like to imagine
Thing is they don't acknowledge those men as incels, but only us
They think it's a movement when it's a state
We will never be seen in a positive light. Anyone who defends us becomes public enemy #1.
What the actual fuck?

Trash article and not having sex for 6 months is what most normies live for fucks sake.

More about not having sex AT ALL and NOT RELATIONSHIP EVER
Normies C A N N O T understand not having sex, or unable to be in a relationship ever, it doesn't compute in their brain. They would rope if face with the same reality that we live in.
Not a click tbh
The tide is turning. The more feminism progresses, the more sub-8 men will wake up. Eventually the blackpill will be accepted as self-evident.
Three stages for the recognition of truth:

  1. Ridicule
  2. Violent opposition
  3. Acceptance as self-evident

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