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JFL Incels are a Cult

  • Thread starter Deleted member 19756
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Deleted member 19756

Deleted member 19756

Jul 16, 2019
Stupid cucks explain how cults recruit people and worship a leader. Then they go on to say online male forums are cults because we have shared experiences and members commit violence. There have been no documented cases of violence that were committed by members of this forum. AM wasn't linked to this forum and ER existed well before it.

If incels are a cult, where's the sex? Tell me how to get out of this cult! If we delete the forum we will all lose our virginity and the cult will be gone!:feelsautistic:
We must fuck all women soon
I think they accuse us of being a suicide cult tbh. However imo I'd say most normies adhere to the doctrines of humanism and lifeism, to the point where it goes beyond all reason, and they want to force people to continue living even when doing so isn't within the best interests of anyone, much less the people in question.

Of course I don't expect most NPCs to be capable of too much critical or abstract thinking.
netflix is cringe
Incels are 1,000,000x more likely to hurt themselves then someone else.

But because we're low value men people only care about the handful of incels that hurt normies whose lives are more precious then every incel combined
Normies, real talk, you want incels to not be incels anymore and start to be "good" people, well treat them better, talk with them, don't make fun of them, and foids start talking to incels and knowing them, don't judge them by appearance and wanting him gone from society, ahh is that too much? Oh yeah I get it, would be so easy if incels just die alone without hurting anyone and not post their misogyny thoughts online, right?

But this is not how it works little soyboys, this era of passiveness of incels is over, we will not tolerate the way we are treated anymore, we won't let this hierarchy of awful people stomp our heads and spit on our faces, you took too much from us and gave nothing in return, we are alone, we are hated, we are ostracized and humiliated, is easy to understand normies, the rebellion is inevitable as long as you think it's not real and the solution is to hate incels even more, you aren't stopping anything you are accelerating the process, good luck normies you made your choice.
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I think they accuse us of being a suicide cult tbh. However imo I'd say most normies adhere to the doctrines of humanism and lifeism, to the point where it goes beyond all reason, and they want to force people to continue living even when doing so isn't within the best interests of anyone, much less the people in question.

Of course I don't expect most NPCs to be capable of too much critical or abstract thinking.
They want undesirable men dead or emotionally and mentally tortured. We help ourselves enough to get into society and hope we can form friendship only to get shunned and say it’s ourselves holding us back. No ya don’t want us near ya unless it’s y’all pushing us to death slowly and watching it.
Incels are 1,000,000x more likely to hurt themselves then someone else.

But because we're low value men people only care about the handful of incels that hurt normies whose lives are more precious then every incel combined

There are only single acts in form of crimes. I mean, how many incels really went on a rampage? 4 or 5? Yet the general public seem to love to accuse incels in general, despite the fact they always preach to not generalise any kind of group. They just keep ignoring their own sense of ethics when it fis them, only to attack men.

I can bring another example. Here in Germany when some foreigner is involved in some crime and it is discussed officially, they try to hide their identity and they talk about men in general once again. Then the general public becomes all sensitive. But when some white men is behind it, the general public specifically attack white men for it. This is so utterly retarded.
I mean I'm not calling for violence but I don't shed any tears over dead normies either.
We have no 'chrismaistic leader' nor force people to devoice time and resources. Therefore, we are not a cult.
Also blackpill has no clear definition, it's widely debated and disagreed on.
Cult Definition 1): If a group of people are having large amounts of sex, they're a cult.
Cult Definition 2) If a group of people are having 0 sex, they're a dangerous cult to society and should be purged.
I won't lie. I really dig rave cults. They sound like fun.
The mental gymnastics in this video about incels demonstrates once again that L*ftoids simply cannot and will not grasp the reality of the situation. Again, they have demonstrated just how powerless they are and their repeated failed attempts of converting so many young men into their cult must prove frustrating for them, no doubt when they tangle a failed normie on their line they celebrate even if it's a meagre catch. I feel like the reason why L*ftoids make this kind of propaganda is because they're afraid we're going to do unto them for what they have done unto us. They must be extremely paranoid about their past and present sins manifesting to unleash punishment upon them - and so they should. Incel isn't an ideology, the blackpill isn't an ideology. The reason they claim they're ideologies is simply because they cannot target or attack something without a real identity, but since these aren't actual ideologies, L*ftoids feel a need to stretch the political spectrum to the point we become far-right. It doesn't actually change anything because it's not grounded in reality, but it makes for good propaganda.
Incel forums are the only plae where we can say whatever we want without anyone telling us what to do, but it's a cult so you have to pay someone 100$ a week so he can brainwash you into becoming a souless taxpayer but it's ok because you're out of the cult now
Make my koolaid a double!

Do you like my new nikes?

I would have got here earlier, but there was a crowd in the road and had to visit the carwash so i could get my deposit back.
Didn't watch
To them, incels MUST be confined entirely to some dark, sinister organization akin to the various, more structured cults of the past. The idea of this being an organic widespread phenomenon that crosses boundaries like race, class, and religion, is too terrifying.
bluepillers like to shame incels by saying things like "it's your terrible personality," "you're just mad you cant get laid" etc. calling incels a cult is just one example of their shaming language. the blackpill is based off facts, unlike religions/cults. when there is data and evidence for something, ofcourse I will believe that something. they call incels 'a cult' yet if challenged they wouldnt be able to debunk any blackpill truths.

in our gynocentric society, people dont want to admit that foids are capable of such evils like hypergamy, manipulation, monkeybranching etc. they are so deluded.
Retarded cucks say this is a suicide cult but i know me and many others here really don't want our bros roping if there's any hope of improving their situation, and it isn't an objective for members to rope but a tragic result of the downward spiral of depression that being born ugly and low status leads to, and in 1 on 1 debates ITcels have NEVER debunked us, not once, they always resort to lynching and circlejerking against us.

And one more thing is that the founders of these sites get NO benefit from keeping them up, they don't and can't do anything physical to members and as far as i know they don't profit either.

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