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Inceldom is changing my personality more and more over time. Plus rant about my mother's rotten dog



May 6, 2024
As I rot more and more over time, I just get more and more depressed, jaded, and bitter overall. My own mother literally told me that I'm an asshole anymore. I don't even do anything nasty to her, but I guess it's just so obvious how much disdain I have towards life in general at time and that I'm just sick of it all.

She told me I have no empathy or compassion. I find this quite ironic because I used to be OVERLY nice and empathetic as a kid, and got treated like shit because of it. I know I'm not a pushover now like I used to be, but not sure what exactly she thinks makes me a jerk. She told me flat out yesterday that she sees more and more of my father in me, and it bothers her

One thing we always fight about is the rotten mean beagle dog she has. She treats it like a baby despite all it does. It gives no affection, pees on her bed, rips up the garbage, sits by you grunting in a nasty manner while you eat, and is mean. That dog has done me so much wrong, and made me dislike the thing a lot. I used to cope with night walks around town enjoying the peace and darkness, and took the dog for protection. Started out fine, and over time, the dog decided everything he sees is his, and would bark at any other dog that he would occasionally see. Almost got me attacked for picking fights with German Shepherds and pitbulls. One time, it barked at a quiet German shepherd across the street for no reason, and then that other dog got aggressive in self defense, causing it to pull and the owner barely held it back. My mother's dog almost provoked fights many times like that. I was very patient and tried to train it out of this for almost a year.

Dog never wised up, and I had to give up the walks 2 years ago since it's too rough of a neighborhood to go out myself. He ruined one of my best copes on me. Peak ragefuel, and she acts like it doesn't matter.

Because of all this, I often poke fun at the dog saying what a retarded bastard he is, and that makes my mother mad. The dog occasionally has seizures due to it's epilepsy, and I don't care much at all. Why would I? The dog is so rotten, even biting my hand hard at one point when holding it back from attacking my dad's friend. I admit my overall attitude is more bitter than it used to be, but it's not my fault the dog is bad, and she needs to shut up about it.

Dogpill strikes again I guess. She takes the side of a dog she KNOWS is terrible over me. Brutal af
Inceldom is also changing me mentally, I dont know how long I can take it before I rope.
Inceldom is also changing me mentally, I dont know how long I can take it before I rope.
Same. It's fucking up my brain so bad. I'm feeling more and more messed up. I was straight up laughing yesterday about that dog. Also, despite how rotten and mean this dog is, it gets scared shitless over mild thunder sounds :feelshaha:! My mother tells me I'm a psychopath for not caring about it when it shakes in fear, but why the fuck would I care? If he is so rotten and mean he think he'd win against a pitbull, what's so scary about thunder to him? No sympathy at all to that dog. It had a seizure once and before it could even walk again, it was immediately barking viciously at an innocent dog nearby.
Just be lower than a dog bro.
Brutal. It's so ridiculous that that dog is so much lower of a life form than me, yet gets favoritism over me often. Like, how the fuck is that possible?
inceldom is changing me too, for the worse. you couldn't make me smile if you paid me. I've become jaded. I can't trust people anymore.

The only pet I had was a cockatiel. He randomly showed up in the balcony one day. He is an ACTUAL misogynist. only became friends with men. never became friends with any woman, just men. he was based. He was very fun and affectionate too, would literally come to you when you were asleep and sleep beside you. the only issue was it would shit all over the place and most of the times me and my father weren't around so he wouldn't get along with my mother or sister. now he lives with someone who has a whole room dedicated to taking care of birds. I hope he's happy.
inceldom is changing me too, for the worse. you couldn't make me smile if you paid me. I've become jaded. I can't trust people anymore.
Brutal and relatable. A few things make me smile, but I'm generally miserable and not happy
The only pet I had was a cockatiel. He randomly showed up in the balcony one day. He is an ACTUAL misogynist. only became friends with men. never became friends with any woman, just men. he was based. He was very fun and affectionate too, would literally come to you when you were asleep and sleep beside you. the only issue was it would shit all over the place and most of the times me and my father weren't around so he wouldn't get along with my mother or sister. now he lives with someone who has a whole room dedicated to taking care of birds. I hope he's happy.
That's really cool, seriously.
Sounds like a truecel dog through and through
Sounds like a truecel dog through and through
It literally sleeps pressed against my mother in bed. It's a neutered dog, but it gets all the platonic unconditional love from my mother imaginable.
My mind is going to be completely gone by the time i am 30
Life is just getting worse and worse as the days go by and by
Bad sleep is another underrated incel trait. The loneliness, touch starvation, and lack of sex keeps you awake and makes your sleep worse. I take ages to fall asleep and wake up 1-3 times every sleep. Woke up after 3.5 hours sleep yesterday and took 2 hours to fall asleep again. Only slept for 2 hours after that too. Leaves me feeling so drained.
Yeah, I think I deserve more than this. I am deserving of love, despite what others may say.
Same. I deserve love, loving cuddles, and sex. I don't give a fuck what anyone else says. If a subhuman foid who is so deformed she looks like a horror movie prop can get love, I absolutely should be able to as well. It shouldn't be this hard for men to get a looksmatched gf
Bad sleep is another underrated incel trait. The loneliness, touch starvation, and lack of sex keeps you awake and makes your sleep worse. I take ages to fall asleep and wake up 1-3 times every sleep. Woke up after 3.5 hours sleep yesterday and took 2 hours to fall asleep again. Only slept for 2 hours after that too. Leaves me feeling so drained.
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Holy shit it's actually so over. Loneliness literally causes us to rot. This is probably why my sleep is so shit. It never even began. I feel like if I felt the warmth of a woman's love, I could fall asleep much better.
Same. I deserve love, loving cuddles, and sex. I don't give a fuck what anyone else says. If a subhuman foid who is so deformed she looks like a horror movie prop can get love, I absolutely should be able to as well. It shouldn't be this hard for men to get a looksmatched gf
I agree man. Despite the fact that others shame me for this, I do deserve love.
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Holy shit it's actually so over. Loneliness literally causes us to rot. This is probably why my sleep is so shit. It never even began. I feel like if I felt the warmth of a woman's love, I could fall asleep much better.
I've know this for years. My sleep has been shit for a long time and I only slept straight through without waking up one or more times on two occasions in almost 3 years. I could sleep so much easier and get into deep rest if I felt warm love from a woman. Not just sex, but an actual loving relationship with cuddling and companionship
I've know this for years. My sleep has been shit for a long time and I only slept straight through without waking up one or more times on two occasions in almost 3 years. I could sleep so much easier and get into deep rest if I felt warm love from a woman. Not just sex, but an actual loving relationship with cuddling and companionship
Yeah knowing that a woman loves you and is loyal to you will boost your mental health and stuff. Just imagining a woman being happy with me just fills me with a nice feeling

Never lose that bit of self respect. We deserve it, and fuck anyone that says otherwise.
Yeah fuck what anyone else says
Yeah knowing that a woman loves you and is loyal to you will boost your mental health and stuff. Just imagining a woman being happy with me just fills me with a nice feeling
Yep, now imagine if it was real how good it would feel. That's what gives you the motivation to actually do worthwhile stuff in life. Without it, you're naturally gonna do the bare minimum
Yeah fuck what anyone else says
Based no fucks given cel
my mum was the worst
Barely ever showed me affection and would viciously beat me up when I play fighted with my brother
I Moved away in 2019, haven't seen her since
It's been lifefuel for my mental health
my mum was the worst
Barely ever showed me affection and would viciously beat me up when I play fighted with my brother
I Moved away in 2019, haven't seen her since
It's been lifefuel for my mental health
Holy shit that's brutal. My mom is good to me usually, even though we have our share of fights
Highly relatable. My mom sometimes tells me how I used to be such a sweet kid and she hardly recognizes me anymore since I'm so bitter, negative, and miserable all the time. I don't act like an asshole in public but at home I don't try as much so she sees just how jaded I've become.

My mom kinda understands why I'm like this tho it's still surface level. She knows that my kindness and empathy was taken advantage of so many times that I just gave up on it. She's one of those "you aren't owed love or sex" types and that's annoying, but I think she genuinely empathizes with other shitty aspects of my life like bullying during school.

I can't relate on the dog thing tho, I love my dog and she always gets super excited to see me. She was a major pain in the ass as a puppy (and still is to an extent) but I don't think she's ever done anything mean
Highly relatable. My mom sometimes tells me how I used to be such a sweet kid and she hardly recognizes me anymore since I'm so bitter, negative, and miserable all the time. I don't act like an asshole in public but at home I don't try as much so she sees just how jaded I've become.
Damn, that’s relatable as fuck. She also tells me how she hates I don’t clean the house much and wait days in between doing the dishes. I don’t outright act like an asshole either, but she can sense how jaded and bitter I am too and also that I’m giving up more about caring about stuff. I haven’t even taken a shower in 2 months and that bothers her. I only went in the pool a couple times like a couple weeks ago and called it a shower
My mom kinda understands why I'm like this tho it's still surface level. She knows that my kindness and empathy was taken advantage of so many times that I just gave up on it. She's one of those "you aren't owed love or sex" types and that's annoying, but I think she genuinely empathizes with other shitty aspects of my life like bullying during school.
Same. She knows I had a shit social life and that’s why I’m so messed up. Also probably why she lets me stay here and puts up with me
I can't relate on the dog thing tho, I love my dog and she always gets super excited to see me. She was a major pain in the ass as a puppy (and still is to an extent) but I don't think she's ever done anything mean
Dogmogs me to oblivion
Damn, that’s relatable as fuck. She also tells me how she hates I don’t clean the house much and wait days in between doing the dishes. I don’t outright act like an asshole either, but she can sense how jaded and bitter I am too and also that I’m giving up more about caring about stuff. I haven’t even taken a shower in 2 months and that bothers her. I only went in the pool a couple times like a couple weeks ago and called it a shower

Same. She knows I had a shit social life and that’s why I’m so messed up. Also probably why she lets me stay here and puts up with me

Dogmogs me to oblivion
Yeah tbh I wish I was a little more helpful around the house but it's so difficult to find the motivation to do it. I mean, I have the time to do it but I just feel tired all the time.
My mother started to hate me after she found out I had eczema at the age of 3, nothing special.
Yeah tbh I wish I was a little more helpful around the house but it's so difficult to find the motivation to do it. I mean, I have the time to do it but I just feel tired all the time.
Same. I feel low energy a lot too. My sleep is shit. I can't fall asleep easily and wake up 1-3 times every night and struggle to fall asleep again
I just remember my former gigastacy aunt called me drunk a while back and told me "She thinks I am a bad person" as in I am hiding some bad personality at my core or some esoteric BS, this is a 50 year old winehoe that married rich and got coddled all her life and is flirting with young chads behind her husbands back on snapchat I learned from my mother.

I didn't go to her 50th birthday party and my family spazzed out over it so I turned the phone off for a week, fuck them, all they did was look down on me for being the only sub5 in a family of mainly moggers and try to "paint me black" so to speak just for having a bad face and quiet non sociable personality, family is overrated guise.
Same. I feel low energy a lot too. My sleep is shit. I can't fall asleep easily and wake up 1-3 times every night and struggle to fall asleep again
brutal, I sleep either way too much or nowhere close to enough. It alternates
brutal, I sleep either way too much or nowhere close to enough. It alternates
That’s brutal. It’s like the struggle keeps you awake and then you burn out. Happens to me sometimes
Dogpill strikes again I guess. She takes the side of a dog she KNOWS is terrible over me. Brutal af
B R U T A L indeed!!!!!

To me it feels both funny and quite sad about the fact your own mother values the dog more than her own son LMAO
She cares more about the dog than you. My father did something similar with his dog. It means she never loved you much at all
B R U T A L indeed!!!!!

To me it feels both funny and quite sad about the fact your own mother values the dog more than her own son LMAO
I know. She really does value me more, but at times she really does favor that dog unjustly

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