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Serious Incelcrisis



Senior Incel
Mar 7, 2018
I've done some research and found that in the world there are actually lot of male Incels who can't find sex. Like India and Arab world where women have limited access to the outside world.

Or other mostly psychological problems... social skills, poor communication skills, (previous)victim of bullying, not have good logistics. All these things are a major factor to pull a girl. You have to fix your own problems first. But it is like Olympics, not everyone have the right genes to performance at top level. We can't be extravert Chads but we can fix your psychological issues and learn to be social and extravert. I think this makes more attraction, the chances are higher than a NEET.

What do you think? Is the Incelcrisis caused due higher standards of women, or just poor performance of game by men?
It's caused by genetics.
not everyone have the right genes to performance at top level

This is the key.

Both higher standards of women and poor performance are to blame. Higher standards of women due to dating apps, social media, etc. and poor performance due to inadequate genes (looks, intelligence, motivation, etc.).
I think mass media plays a huge role, makes women feel they have endless opportunity, also men in a way.
A second thing. Some people say there are more females than males on the world, but that is not true. Among young adults the gender ratio is different, more men than women. Men must compete with each other to get the girl. It is like the animal world. Where there are 4 men, only one girl, the most dominant gets the girl.
Lol It has NOTHING to do with "shit genes", those shit-genes managed to get thru fucking hundreds and thousands of years for fuck sake. Its the WOMENS STANDARDS which are CRAZY these days cause of social media and in many countries social welfare.

Dont u notice the huge difference before and after social media? Im oldcel so I CLEARLY REMEMBER its a huge fucking difference for guys. A 4-5/10 guy before had zero problems getting some cute pussy, today they get nothing, zero.

We need to nuke social media ,that is the biggest problem, the second biggest problem is social welfare making women not dependant on men for money.
Biggest crisis in the world right now.
Lol It has NOTHING to do with "shit genes", those shit-genes managed to get thru fucking hundreds and thousands of years for fuck sake. Its the WOMENS STANDARDS which are CRAZY these days cause of social media and in many countries social welfare.

Dont u notice the huge difference before and after social media? Im oldcel so I CLEARLY REMEMBER its a huge fucking difference for guys. A 4-5/10 guy before had zero problems getting some cute pussy, today they get nothing, zero.

We need to nuke social media ,that is the biggest problem, the second biggest problem is social welfare making women not dependant on men for money.

The genes u talking bout were good in their own time lol
Lol It has NOTHING to do with "shit genes", those shit-genes managed to get thru fucking hundreds and thousands of years for fuck sake. Its the WOMENS STANDARDS which are CRAZY these days cause of social media and in many countries social welfare.

Dont u notice the huge difference before and after social media? Im oldcel so I CLEARLY REMEMBER its a huge fucking difference for guys. A 4-5/10 guy before had zero problems getting some cute pussy, today they get nothing, zero.

We need to nuke social media ,that is the biggest problem, the second biggest problem is social welfare making women not dependant on men for money.
high quality genes from men ARE women's standards
in bold, only high quality genes pass
does NOT guarantee that our genes are ok or even passable
When people talk problems caused by the internet they talk social media but anyone else wonder how bad of a consequence porn might be having too?

Especially about dicks, the top 10% of dicks are in like half the porns, I wonder how often a guy will send a dick pic and the bitch'll drop him due to dissatisfaction or maybe she sexts him and the same deal. I think internet porn is probably really messing things up too. Raising expectations and causing guys to fail shortly after they pass the first tests.
I think it's over and you are just trying to dellued yourself that by doing something there is a chance
high quality genes from men ARE women's standards
in bold, only high quality genes pass
does NOT guarantee that our genes are ok or even passable

May I ask if u might be somewhat retarded, sir? Do u understand that the very fact our genes managed to survive this long, thruout hundreds of thousands of years, by definition means they are VERY high quality? Our genes are therefor more than likely "ok", LOL.

WOMENS STANDARDS is the problem and their standards is the result of TONS of options, why get good genes when u can get SUPER DUPER AWESOME ones?

We need to limit their options, that is the ONLY way.
May I ask if u might be somewhat retarded, sir? Do u understand that the very fact our genes managed to survive this long, thruout hundreds of thousands of years, by definition means they are VERY high quality? Our genes are therefor more than likely "ok", LOL.

WOMENS STANDARDS is the problem and their standards is the result of TONS of options, why get good genes when u can get SUPER DUPER AWESOME ones?

We need to limit their options, that is the ONLY way.
OH YES SIR, I am very retarded !
I think it's over and you are just trying to dellued yourself that by doing something there is a chance
limiting options, that's against freedom. Do you realize that you want to force women to want you? i'm incel and i hate degeneracy and sexual liberation but at the same time i accept it because women are doing what they always wanted, being sluts ... i don't like this but if they want to be that,just let them be slut, it's their choice they will need to face the consequences like any other human that need to assume their errors. .
Just wow, you are truly blue pilled arent ya? "Force women to want you", LOL Its not about that, how the fuck can some of u still be so blue pilled?

Women WANTING YOU is based on their options, if they have little optims their emotions will drive them to want you, they will FEEL like they want you, as their instincts are telling them they need a man.

If u had a GF who was a 6, u would be happy. Now, put urself in the same situation, u have a girlfriend who is a 6 but now u have 5000000 10/10 porn models blowing up ur phone, suddently u wouldnt care that much about ur girlfriend no more cause u got MORE OPTIONS. That is womens situation today and it makes everyone miserable and it fucks up society.

Jesus, do I really need to explain basic red pill stuff for u lol, u sound like the typical low IQ SJW cuck.
You can't change western hookup-culture.
"Women WANTING YOU is based on their options" nice cope, i disagree. when you limit their options they don't choose you because they want you, it's just because they don't have better options and they don't want to be alone so they choose what she can what is sad. and that's what you want. this happens with betabuxxes, they know chad is not a good option(he doesn't offer a stable relationship) so she chooses the beta.
"u sound like the typical low IQ SJW cuck" wow i hit a nerve, i didn't even insult you. you react like the typical cuck when their copes are attacked. Redpill? wrong forum dude here is the black pill.

HAHAH now this is what happends when low IQ incels try to analyse reality.

Listen, u dont even understand hypergamy it seems, studies clearly state that women ALWAYS wanna climb up, their emotions drive them to, which means that if they get more options they will not even respond emotionally to the males whom they would have responded to if they didnt have any more options.

Why the fuck do u think a 5/10 male was more than enough for TONS of girls in the west just 50 years ago, but is incel today? MORE OPTIONS, my fucking grandpa fucked so many girls in his prime, that was 50 years ago and he was a fucking 4/10 at most, in todays situations he woiuld get NOTHING when young.

You do not understand female psychology, you do not understand hypergamy and you do not have the IQ to analyse it, jesus fucking christ soem of you are just so ignorant about reality yet you claim "red pill", which is hilarious when u dont even understand the very concept of it.

PUT 500 women on an island with 20 men, those men are 3s, 4s and 5s, the 5s will have so many options. Now, put 500 women with 5s,6s and 8s, suddently the 5s will be invisible to the women.


Fucking retarded cuck HAHAH
this is for the better of mankind. this is the cure to baldness. bald freaks dont reprduce and dont spread their disseased genes onwards. same as manlets. and the common height increases
"IQ,IQ,IQ" and then you insult... do you realize the joke you are? there is a big difference between select what you want and select what you can. Obviously you want the second option and then cope with "she elected me because she wanted me". No, she didn't want you. You are not different than the average betabux that use the same cope. So you prefer to escape from your enemies instead of fighting against them. "I can't win please let me fight against the worst competitors so i can get something ". typical child.There is no point to discuss with mr high IQ that use insults in his arguments.fuck off.

Hahah this low IQ. "Didnt want you", LOL you STILL dont understand it, how many times do I have to fucking explain it? Do u have learning difficultues?

Question: There are 500 women 3s on the island, and 500 women 5s, who do u want? Who will u emotionally bond with? THE 5S

Now, there are 500 5s on the island, and 500 10s, WHO DO WANT? The 10s, OFCOURSE

WHY? MORE OPTIONS, it does NOT mean u did NOT want the 5s previously, it ONLY means u now got more OPTIONS.

You are so fucking stupid you dont even understand the simpliest of facts, no wonder women dont want ur cock when u are so fucking retared, did u even finish high-school? Hahaha
this is for the better of mankind. this is the cure to baldness. bald freaks dont reprduce and dont spread their disseased genes onwards. same as manlets. and the common height increases

This is absolutely awful for mankind, this will result in war eventually, and then we will go back to square 1 again AKA patriarchy. Why do u think ZERO materiarchies exist or managed to get thru history?
This is absolutely awful for mankind, this will result in war eventually, and then we will go back to square 1 again AKA patriarchy. Why do u think ZERO materiarchies exist or managed to get thru history?

this aint like before. there will be no ww3. newer generations are bunch of slobs who aint got the phisycal and mental strength that man had in ww2 and before. back in those days boys worked in labor jobs from age 8. the 2000's generation are bunch of unfit slobs. there will be no war. and no. you can say goodbye to pathriachy. it will never return. what you are witnessing right now is the cleansing of the weak of the male species to create a new human race who consist of chads only. the common height will be 6 ft 2.
Wow, I thought this was a red pill forum but Its clear you do not understand female nature at all. EVEN IF only Chads lived, due to hypergamy women would want the TOP of Chads, leaving the majority (80-90%) Of Chads with no women, resulting in war cause of sexual frustration.

You are even more clueless than the reddit idiots LOL
80 percent of women have sex with 20 percent of men. We all know that.

@katzuka In hypergamy it is much worse. That is why much of the male Arabs are seeking rapefugee in Europe.
this is for the better of mankind. this is the cure to baldness. bald freaks dont reprduce and dont spread their disseased genes onwards. same as manlets. and the common height increases
does anybody on this website understand how genetics actually work
80 percent of women have sex with 20 percent of men. We all know that.

@katzuka In hypergamy it is much worse. That is why much of the male Arabs are seeking rapefugee in Europe.
White women are evil jinns,i pity on so called “muslims” which lay with them

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