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Incel Tribes!



Jarjar Sphinx
May 19, 2019
Incel tribalism...

About the need to defend each other in real life! - By learning how others do it.

(I almost think it's futile to post this but it might help someone so that's why I'm going to do it.)

Here are a few short articles about how tribalism keeps the American people fighting each other instead of "the elite." (And why they fight each other) It's from a frugal survivalist/prepper point-of-view so be warned, it's not for "safe space" sissies!

My guess is "the promotion" of violence - via ignoring it, and increased gun permits and registration, are simply tools for an eventual gun grab and so that even worse mayhem ensues! (IE, those lists will get passed out to "state-approved" criminal gangs that raid places and do mayhem - just like Venezuela!)

Besides Incels being "red flagged" just by being "angry lonely ugly dudes" and being prevented from having guns for self defense I predict violence against Incels will rise as the likelihood of Incels being armed goes down.

My bet is in the near future (<15 years) only the gov and protected criminals will be armed - just like in Venezuela - and everyone else will be like feudal serfs armed only with knives and swords! (Except the English) - hence understand why you should, LEARN SWORD FENCING NOW! (Study "the book of five rings" by Miyamoto Musashi!) Don't worry. You should also learn how to use firearms just in case you acquire one! Just beware about owning them... (Death drones and all that : (

Miyamoto says, "learn ALL weapons! And don't have a favorite weapon!" Learn about "the Tueller(sp?) Drill" and "the 21 foot rule." (bringing a knife to a gunfight is utile! Sometimes...)

Sometimes I'm glad to be a ugly old cripple! From watching the trends I know that it's gonna suck. And if any nihilists think its gonna be "fun & bon temps" then they (perhaps you) are in for a rude awakening!)

It's a really interesting take on racism not being so much about skin colour as it is about tribal affiliation.

It makes mob/group psychology easy to understand!

For example, Incels are (obviously) tribe-less irl so that's why we are hated so much! Or, the Incel tribe APPEARS WEAK, so its a easy target. (While this isn't considered in the article, it can be deduced.)

This is why the (((media))) portrays us to be A WELL ORGANIZED GROUP OF HATERS, instead of the tiny online clump of sad men that we really are! Tribe against tribe.

Basically, groups form against us for a few reasons... It's easy to pick on individuals. And it helps the normie scum feel closer to their tribe. They form a closer bond from our discomfort! (Tee hee : (

For Blackcels, this is a good set of articles to understand why "your" people act so poorly as a minority group! (It's not because of any inherent badness! It's just a subconscious tribal reaction to a potential threat against the larger group!!!)

For Whitecels it explains why more white people aren't criminals! (Fear of jailed black people!!!)

Once again, it's about TRIBAL AFFILIATIONS, look beyond the dermal (w)rapper! (lol)

A easy read. (Trigger warning! This cracker is funny as hell)

Part 1 =

Part 2 =

Part 3 =

While the ideas and humour of the article(s) is primarily for frugal survivalists, it can be adapted to Incels.

TL;DR, If the normie fuckers don't want you around, then stay the fuck away from them! And defend your buddies!

As Jello Biafra sang, "fight each other the police-state wins!" (from, "nazi punks fuck off.")

As the "Squirrel Nut Zippers" sang, "Find other people, equally strange!" (from, "pine box derby.")

Don't get me wrong. The normies hate us, but they wouldn't hate us at all, if we were part of their tribe... Find a way to be useful! Or at least try to not be an outcast.

So when you see a Brother Incel being harshly treated HELP HIM! For he is of your tribe! (Even if he doesn't know it yet!)
we must sacrifice normies and foids to please or gods
Thanks for this information, friend.
Yes incels are my brothers even when they say they aren't. We must help each other because we are a biological group, so our bonds are stronger than normie bonds (nation, skin color, or other retarded concepts)
Yes incels are my brothers even when they say they aren't. We must help each other because we are a biological group, so our bonds are stronger than normie bonds (nation, skin color, or other retarded concepts)
Exactly! We share the same ordeals!
Same trauma.
Thanks for this information, friend.
Your welcome! It really helped me understand tribalism and territorialism.
high IQ

mods should pin this

otherwise they are CIAniggers
does the tribe involve this.

I already do things like this in real life. If someone has a girlfriend i dont help him or give him anything if he asks. If someone is an ugly male like me he gets every universityscript and i help him where i can. But if he is orbiting a foid he is dead to me. If we all live like this soon ugly people will start buisnisses and only hire fellow uglycells.
Very good. Many problems can be reduced to tribalism and domination. I like to think of incels as an UberOrganism. Nobody knows exactly who we are, and we can cut the snake into a thousand pieces.
does the tribe involve this.

I doubt it. (I guess you would rather fuck a fleshlight, and wash your own dishes?)

My thinking is more mutual aid and defense.
I already do things like this in real life. If someone has a girlfriend i dont help him or give him anything if he asks. If someone is an ugly male like me he gets every universityscript and i help him where i can. But if he is orbiting a foid he is dead to me. If we all live like this soon ugly people will start buisnisses and only hire fellow uglycells.
I think I've been subconsciously doing that too!
Very good. Many problems can be reduced to tribalism and domination. I like to think of incels as an UberOrganism. Nobody knows exactly who we are, and we can cut the snake into a thousand pieces.
Agreed. Except for the (((media))) and various cuck-groups (it, etc...) portraying ugly lonely men as a cancer on society... We can still sabotage things though...


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