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incel trait:you hate fags just because they're fags



Oct 30, 2021
normies hate fags because they're promoting their lgbtqxyz bullshit on media for children, they don't want their children to be exposed to faggotry.

chads/chadlites hate fags because they spread their nasty stds, they don't want to get stds when they're fucking staceys

but we hate them just for being fags thats it
Same I hate fags, no reason I just think they're annoying sometimes and I hate annoying people
Imagine having to live next to them.
I don’t hate gays but I find the LBQT community or whatever it’s called, to be cringy.
I hate them because I find it repulsive and immoral because poopholes and stds and shit....Just plain disgusting m'kay?

They don’t affect me. Privileged scum like femoids and male normies affect me though so hope they die.
I hate them for no reason and at the same time i got millions of reasons :lul::lul::lul:
They promote degeneracy which empowers whores as well and their cute little lgbt groups support feminism and the list goes on... how is that not enough to not like them?
The ones that support feminism can shove it.
Tbh I couldn't care less about fags. At least they don't bully incels or think we should be dead. Trannies are way worse specially those that were incel-tier before transitioning (indeed that was their main reason to transition kek). Also why are most trannies so distanced from reality and schizoid? Just look at their shitty memes, how they think they're cute anime girls
Yeah, I hate them on an emotional level. On the pragmatic level, though, I understand that male homosexuals are alleviating the incel problem. That's the theory, at least, cause they're not competing for females.
Hating people for no reason is retarded. I have a reason - the way twinks act is a disgrace to masculinity. I don't mind gays who act like men and don't hang out with foids though.
yes i hate @incelerated and @Broly just because they're fags
cope you love fags like @Pixycel :feelswhat:

@Idotms and @curryfool can back me up:feelswhat:

but you banned them and now are saying "free them":feelswhat:
Why you projecting so hard bro? you're about as straight as a circle, just like @incelerated (your side hoe).
massive larp from 2 homos:feelswhat:
Olivia Newton-John 80S GIF
Bro why you posting @brolylover69 and @Diocel going into your cum dungeon and pretending it's us?
Everyone on this site knows you like men bro:feelsjuice:
Massive larp, everyone is on my side and knows you and @FamilyGuy1999 are in a homosexual relationship:feelswhat:
false, look at my siggy :feelsdevil:
lol @ you imagining me and @Pixycel as the gay men u jerk off to:feelsdevil:

You have silenced @curryfool and @Idotms for speaking up about the truth and @brolylover69 has disappeared:feelswhat:
u sucked the mods' cocks to make them ban those based users

@brolylover69 is actually @incelerated

kind of sus:feelswhat:
you are sus
Massive larp, everyone is on my side and knows you and @[UWSL] /data/avatars/s/30/30265.jpg?1637459517 [/UWSL]@FamilyGuy1999 are in a homosexual relationship:feelswhat:
no one but your boyfriends and your schizo delusions are on your side gay boi. :feelsjuice:
You have silenced @[UWSL] /data/avatars/s/32/32662.jpg?1630843161 [/UWSL]@curryfool and @[UWSL] /data/avatars/s/22/22604.jpg?1637170905 [/UWSL]@Idotms for speaking up
hard cope, they where trying to expose YOUR homosexual actions and the mods banned them because you provided them fellatio while dressed as a French maid every night.
u sucked the mods' cocks to make them ban those based users

@ [UWSL]B[/UWSL] @brolylover69 is actually @[UWSL] /data/avatars/s/31/31214.jpg?1627654448 [/UWSL]@incelerated
Oldcels will remember when fag was actually an insult normies used everyday. Nowadays making fun of fags is off limits and will get you socially ostracized. But of course normies still have to make fun of someone, so they just redirected their bullying at the only target that's still socially acceptable: ugly men. One more reason to hate fags.
Hating people for no reason is retarded. I have a reason - the way twinks act is a disgrace to masculinity. I don't mind gays who act like men and don't hang out with foids though.
I hate faggy gay people, the ones who need to make a point to be gay constantly and turn it into their personality are so fucking bad

Men who act normal but are sexually attracted to men, those are at least tolerable
I have no reason to hate then anymore than anyone else. Actually I support them. Poisoning soyciety? Good. Less competition? Good. more STDsfor sexhavers? Good. Being ostracized? I can relate to that on some level. Sure a lot are annoying but I fell that way towards everyone
normies hate fags because they're promoting their lgbtqxyz bullshit on media for children, they don't want their children to be exposed to faggotry.
chads/chadlites hate fags because they spread their nasty stds, they don't want to get stds when they're fucking staceys
but we hate them just for being fags thats it
Why would fags be spreading STDs to Stacies? That'd only be with bisexual fags I guess?

Also I don't hate fags tbh by default, just the behavior a lot of them do. I similarly hate a lot of heterosexual people.
My default reaction has always been to find fags to be profoundly funny.:feelshaha::feelsthink::feelskek::feelsclown::ahegao:

I mean the utter notion of two guys that want to get together in secret and pound eachother in the butt is utterly hilarious on its face. :ahegao::feelshaha::feelskek::feelsclown::feelsthink:

Yet I’ve come to hate them over time for always trying to infiltrate our communities not truly so they can belong but so they can seek out boyfriends and stir up other trouble as well which usually takes the form of posting fag porn of various types and suggesting users try out their sick lifestyle choice.

I also hate how idiotic normie NPC’s regularly confuse our kind to be fags because we can’t get any women. :feelsree:

Well what are we supposed to do you boomer fuck? Your laws don’t allow us to clobber some dumb bitch over her air head so we can then toss her over our shoulder or drag her ass home caveman style and force her to be our wife so again what are we supposed to do? :feelsseriously:

Oh yeah and also in closing I hate how fags much like niggers received all the undeserved love and attention much like niggers from libtard females and school staff during my formative high school years while myself and people like me didn’t receive any.

Fuck you normal fag NPC libtards for that btw, I hope the coons and queers continue burning down your cities and breaking your shit during more of their antifa marches to come to show you dumbfucks that your love and loyalty was missplaced.

Now having said that we also I’m sure all hate fags massive contribution towards making this a shittier over sensitive soysociety than it already was. :feelsugh:
hating fags is extremely low IQ. fags literally mean less competition for you in the dating market
Good job, you triggered some mentally ill faggot subhumans on IT. It's probably difficult to admit that you are mentally ill and that fucking men in the shithole is not normal. Yes, normies do hate you, they just don't say it to your face, you stupid scum. Keep living in your fairy tale.
:feelspuke: Imagine sticking your penis in the hole where your partner shits out of :feelspuke:

I will never not be disgusted by normfags and regular fags.

Tbh I couldn't care less about fags. At least they don't bully incels or think we should be dead. Trannies are way worse specially those that were incel-tier before transitioning (indeed that was their main reason to transition kek). Also why are most trannies so distanced from reality and schizoid? Just look at their shitty memes, how they think they're cute anime girls
Especially the ones on reddit. I can't even enjoy lesbian romance anymore because one of the main characters might be revealed to be a tranny halfway through. They are literally pushing their agenda everywhere possible and participating in every single circlejerk to convince themselves they are real women.
The trannies I met irl were chill tho. I'm happy as long as they keep a relatively low profile and don't steer every conversation into something related to their transition.

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