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RageFuel Incel trait: You can't use your phone in public, foids think you're taking pictures of them



Incel lives matter
Jul 22, 2019
It's happened to me a couple of times. Some months ago before it all started, I was at the mall with my mom, she was in the bathroom and I was sitting on a bench looking at some memes. In front of me, some young foids were laughing and I just look at them one second, one caught me and I looked down quickly. Couple of mins later, one of them came closer and tried to oversee what I was watching on my phone. I looked up and she looked at me, her disgust was more than evident and she said "you didn't take a pic of us, did you?" I said no, fuck I even showed her the memes I was watching. The other girls said "Just leave it like that, let's go" She went away, she looked at me as if she'd seen the most disgusting worm of the world.

For real, if you're ugly you're always the creepy guy, one of this days I'm gonna be put in jail just for looking at a foid for more than one second.
I don't have a phone to use in public
THATS SO TRUE. Someday these cunts will demand the police confiscate our phones for looking ugly. I bet the fact your phone was android did not help.
Bit weird, never experienced this. But I'm just oblivious, so I guess thats it.
Fuck once i leaned slightly to the side to pull my wedgie out and a foid thought i wanted to see her retarded texts and moved her phone away and gave me this look. Stupid whore no one gives a shit about your retard convo
Yep, happened to #MeToo. My mom dragged me along when she was buying a new car. She was talking with the saleswoman while I was just bored and reading shit on my phone and suddenly the saleswoman says, "Are you videoing me?"

@LastGerman for mention of female driving
Never happened to me tbh,
but people always look at me for "some reason", I only noticed it recently, but tbh at this point
idrc, I just cope with that
I don't go out in public
You really should have that anime girl pfp that you had back, this pfp gives you a horn effect while the anime girl gave you a halo effect
Being ugly will be a criminal offence soon
Next time say yes.
Yep, happened to #MeToo. My mom dragged me along when she was buying a new car. She was talking with the saleswoman while I was just bored and reading shit on my phone and suddenly the saleswoman says, "Are you videoing me?"

@LastGerman for mention of female driving

Ban female driving.
dont care what they think
hasn't happened to me. I think this happens to talk uglycels. I probably look like a middleschooler due to my height so maybe that's why idk
Say they are too skanky for you to waste yur time taking pix or videoing.
Lol funny story about this.

Probably the proudest moment of my life happened once when I was in my Sixth Form library. For non UKcels, Sixth Form is (was? might've changed, this was 2014) kind of like the last two years of high school (16-18), but you aren't legally obliged to go, so it's a lot more laid back. Pretty based system tbh.

So, for some reason I had my phone balanced on its side (didn't put any thought into it). Anyway, this fat, grotesquely ugly library assistant bitch had the nerve to come up to me, pick up my phone, and look at it. I asked her what she was doing, and she said she thought I was taking photos, then she put my phone back down and waltzed back like a fucking hippo, no apology or anything.

I was so pissed off that I stopped what I was doing, got up, went over to her and said (loudly enough so at least 20+ people could hear) "why the fuck would ANYONE take creep photos of YOU?" and walked out without waiting for a response, which of course never came lmao. Was kinda worried that I'd get in trouble for it but I just stayed out of the library for a while and nothing ever happened lol. Felt good to put that fucking beanbag in her place. Nothing worse than ugly bitches thinking they're the shit. Sadly, she still probably has 7/10 Chadlites messaging her.
Jokes on them. I don't have a phone.
Should've said what, & break my phone, nah I don't need that horror show.
huh? are you holding your phone perpendicular to the ground or something
Should have said “yes, and I’m going to jerk off to them as soon as I get home!”
Taking pictures of other individuals in public with a mobile phone is an amateur move anyway -- get a miniature camera disguised as a pen or tucked on top of a briefcase.
I was so pissed off that I stopped what I was doing, got up, went over to her and said (loudly enough so at least 20+ people could hear) "why the fuck would ANYONE take creep photos of YOU?" and walked out without waiting for a response, which of course never came lmao. Was kinda worried that I'd get in trouble for it but I just stayed out of the library for a while and nothing ever happened lol. Felt good to put that fucking beanbag in her place. Nothing worse than ugly bitches thinking they're the shit. Sadly, she still probably has 7/10 Chadlites messaging her.
One of the best IRL storys I read.

Low inhib, fast-thinking, quick-acting- Hero.

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