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SuicideFuel Incel trait - you can't speak like a well adjusted adult

I.N.C.E.L.S. Boss

I.N.C.E.L.S. Boss

Kept you waitin, huh
Mar 15, 2020
Whenever i try to engage in smalltalks or any kind of talk in a social situation, I end up stuttering and talking like a 10 yo retard.
For some reason, i become unable to construct sentences and i require a lot of time to find the right word that portrays what i want to communicate. I end up receiving this kind of looks :dafuckfeels:.
I hate non written communication.

It's like i am braindamaged or something. :feelstastyman:
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everyone i talk to is retarded :feelsohh: so i only talk to adults who understand
can't relate tbh.

not that i'm some social expert but i don't stutter tbh
I can tell that my anxiety causes my throat to tighten up and mouth to be dry which leads to difficultly having a clear voice.
can't relate tbh.

not that i'm some social expert but i don't stutter tbh
Same. It's easy enough to pull off for the sheer sake of avoiding humiliation if nothing else.
Can relate. I run out of words to speak quiet often, especially when I'm talking to holes.
I had that for a period of time but I got over it not sure how tho
you don't experience repetitive blanks due to your brain not sending you the word to be used ? :feelsUgh:
sometimes that would happen when i tried PUA.

but it wasn't stuttering
Social anxiety im guessing, i had it for a time too unfortunately. It happened to me at the worst time possible like talking to a female classmate or a female teacher. Thankfully it just kinda vanished on it's own now..im guessing i just stopped carring and yea, here i am.
No idea what to say to holes
I have social anxiety + autism

You're better off dead with these traits.
Written communication is better when you’re someone who puts thought into what you want to say. It allows time for you to think and an opportunity to make your message clear. If you’re a Chad/Stacy/normie this has no appeal to you. You’re content with not really thinking when communicating and just following a predetermined flow of conversation.

And, well, you never broach subjects that require that level of thought anyway jfl. :feelskek:
Yeah I'm a stuttercel too, I was very delayed in learning how to speak. And its not just from being scared, I stutter when I talk to my family.
Are you good with written communication or struggle with that too?
Stutter no, but I talk exactly like I did when I was a teenager. I have no understanding on how "adults speak".
Written communication is alright, thankfully.

delayed mental development :feelsmage:
Do you find the issue is losing train of thought when having eye contact, is it feeling rushed or that you just require more time than most to put your thoughts into words due to struggling to fit the right word to what you want to communicate but normies expect you to be snappy.
I stutter too sometimes but only because my mind processes things too fast and I wanna say multiple things at once. JFL.
Do you find the issue is losing train of thought when having eye contact, is it feeling rushed or that you just require more time than most to put your thoughts into words due to struggling to fit the right word to what you want to communicate but normies expect you to be snappy.
The latter.
I experience brain blanks often. Like I want to communicate a statement or an idea that's clear in my mind, but when I try to phrase it orally my brain goes blank as if there is no language unit in my brain.

Are you a medic ? :feelswhere:
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The latter.
I experience brain blanks often. Like I want to communicate a statement or an idea that's clear in my mind, but when I try to phrase it orally my brain goes blank as if there is no language unit in my brain.

Are you a medic ? :feelswhere:
What? No I'm just trying to figure out if you're on the spectrum or one of those ppl that has a disconnect in the pathways of the brain working together fluidly with speed, most ppl are able to grab what they need instantly from their memory banks but some can't connect the necessary parts of the brain quickly, in this case recollection of a word combined with necessity then hooking up to the verbal part, this makes you come across as stupid to ppl but behind a pc, smartphone or typewriter you'd appear absolutely fine or even potentially with a better assortment of word variety & understanding due to having a slower processing speed but bigger memory bank than the average person.

Bigger HDD, slower access time but more storage.
What? No I'm just trying to figure out if you're on the spectrum or one of those ppl that has a disconnect in the pathways of the brain working together fluidly with speed, most ppl are able to grab what they need instantly from their memory banks but some can't connect the necessary parts of the brain quickly, in this case recollection of a word combined with necessity then hooking up to the verbal part, this makes you come across as stupid to ppl but behind a pc, smartphone or typewriter you'd appear absolutely fine or even potentially with a better assortment of word variety & understanding due to having a slower processing speed but bigger memory bank than the average person.

Bigger HDD, slower access time but more storage.
I have bad recall indeed, very bad recall. Basically, if internet ever shuts down, i'll never be able to communicate effectively with other humans.
So am i on the spectrum or just brain damaged doctor ? :whatfeels:
I'm trying to overcome this problem too, OP. It gets worse when I'm pressured or when people disagree with me and force the situation into a very embarrassing one. I have faith it's possible to overcome.
I have bad recall indeed, very bad recall. Basically, if internet ever shuts down, i'll never be able to communicate effectively with other humans.
So am i on the spectrum or just brain damaged doctor ? :whatfeels:
Yeah well right see what is is yeah, is basically that you is brainfucked mate 'cos like being on the spectrum means yer fucked up innit, that thing about autists being smart is pointless as some are real smart but others is thick yeah, but it's what you decide to get invested in & stuff so wots point of 'aving big brain box if you ugly or got no natural charisma. Fuck it bruv, practice in the mirror or talking to a cat, it's free so 'ave some of that.
I relate a lot. Been like this since I was a kid. I have no clue what to saying and the right words don't come to mind quick enough.
Yeah well right see what is is yeah, is basically that you is brainfucked mate 'cos like being on the spectrum means yer fucked up innit, that thing about autists being smart is pointless as some are real smart but others is thick yeah, but it's what you decide to get invested in & stuff so wots point of 'aving big brain box if you ugly or got no natural charisma. Fuck it bruv, practice in the mirror or talking to a cat, it's free so 'ave some of that.
Spoken like a true lad, mate. I ain't gon'talk with a cat bruv, i don 'ave any anyway.
Rather talk with miself.
I relate a lot. Been like this since I was a kid. I have no clue what to saying and the right words don't come to mind quick enough.
Many cels seem to have brain areas that don't communicate efficiently between each other.
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Spoken like a true lad, mate. I ain't gon'talk with a cat bruv, i don 'ave any anyway.
Rather talk with miself.
How's 'bout a dakimakura of a pussycat for some of the ol' 'pillowtalk", wink wink say no more.
How's 'bout a dakimakura of a pussycat for some of the ol' 'pillowtalk", wink wink say no more.
Damaged in the header, aren't you bruv ? Yer sushi pillow is a load of shite mate, foockin' degens.
Damaged in the header, aren't you bruv ? Yer sushi pillow is a load of shite mate, foockin' degens.
Don't make me coom down there an' lay waste to yer sheets wiv me manonaise and ruin yer teams dreams of makin' it ta cup final, keepers gonna get blasted.

Norf FC is better 'cos we got wogabe, right up the ARSEnal.
I was one of the finalists for a public speaking competition at my high school (there were 5 other finalists, 36 semi finalists and about ~130 participants) but when it comes to basic small talk with another person or starting conversations I just blank and have no idea what to say
If I was a Chad I wouldn't stutter, because people would actually want to talk to me so I would figure out social skills

This trait is just an extension of the incel trait of having no one who talks to you
If I was a Chad I wouldn't stutter, because people would actually want to talk to me so I would figure out social skills

This trait is just an extension of the incel trait of having no one who talks to you


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