I'm sick and tired of trying to prove myself to others that I'm more than my height. I find myself constantly trying to prove that I have more things to offer and that I'm worth being judged beyond my height. I've had no success with women, especially when I had to over-compensate. I really had to try hard to make girls to look beyond my shortness, whatever 'trying hard' means. I work out. I read books. I study hard. I am into philosophy. I am retarded. I am not able to hold deep conversations about any serious topic. I do stupid stuff. I do them all. But I'm tired. There is this sickening feeling that I need to be 'better' in other areas of my life if I want to compensate for my lack of physical attraction due to my short height, otherwise, girls won't even notice me or treat me the same as other guys. I'm so done with trying to compensate.