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Blackpill Incel trait: You are only attracted to girls way above your league



Feb 4, 2025
If you somehow end up in relationships with girl equal to you (for example 3/10 or 4/10) you will never love her because of her appearance and she will never love you for the same reason.
More like volcel trait,

JoinedFeb 4, 2025
Honestly? No.



Joined Feb 4, 2025 Posts 15
I see I'm alone in my opinion and I didn't mean to offend you. As I said before no ugly chick ever hit on me before but if she did I would reject her.
I would date a femcel.
Joined Feb 4, 2025 Posts18
are you ethnic
The 'make incels look like they deserve their treatment' brigade.
If you somehow end up in relationships with girl equal to you (for example 3/10 or 4/10) you will never love her because of her appearance and she will never love you for the same reason.
Stop projecting you retarded fakecel nigger. its only foids that are hypergamous. its why foids are never content with their looksmatch. Shes 4/10? she will want a 6 or 7/10 not her looksmatch and with how the standards are rising everyday she will probably want a 8/10
Nope, My physical standards are literally
  • Be Alive
  • Be at least 18
  • Don't be overweight
I literally meet all of these very simple standards, If anything I'm attracted to several women below my looksmatch and yet STILL I'm destined to die alone. If you wouldn't date your looksmatch, you are a fakecel and don't belong here.
You are right I'm going to look for volcels.is
Maybe for 2/10 foids cuz theyre the lowest of the low and probably smelly, full of acne and extremely assymetric face, or overweight but not all at once.

Im fine with 3/10 i even had a crush an autistic one but she rejected me and gave me the cold treatment when i approached
No I hate how Stacy whore looks
Dude thats a volcel trait.
As a 3/10 manlet skinshit almost all foids are above my league.
The ones who are not above me are crippled, retarded and ugly fat old 50+ years old whores
Nope, I prefer around my looksmatch.
I am attracted even to 40 year old foids
I would date a 4/10 girl even 3/10 the problem is they wouldn’t even want me. as long as their clean no problem
No. I'm attracted to foids of my looksmatch (4/10) and upwards. :panties:
I am attracted even to 40 year old foids
Eyes of hate photo by Alfred Eisenstaedt showing Joseph Goebbels
every girls is above ouer league. Even fat women in wheelchairs with blue hair. Chad only
My standards aren't high but at the same time I don't want to mix races, the way I see it everyone looses, the children barely resemble me genetically, they end up out of place their entire life and become a new generation of incels and the foid satisfies her likely goal of whitening her blood line(and as I think we can all agree a woman getting what she wants is always a negative)
IDC what people say, I agree. You would date 3/10s because you're desparate, if you ever got with one you would lose interest within a year. Our bar being low doesn't change nature, ugly women are undesirable for both chad and chud. The same way ugly men are undesirable for all women no matter what the woman looks like, it goes both ways. If you think you could actually fall in love with a 3/10 your hormones are playing tricks on you.
ugly chicks get creeped out of me the most, so yea gotta hate them as well
All foids are same, so ugly foids have no redeeming, because they're only good as sex toys and all of them lust after chad. Looksmatch theory is gynocentric trash. Man's value isn't his looks, but merit. In normal society, you would get fresh, attractive pussy by contributing to society.
Based. Hot girls only.
Only hot cute short latina jb

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