They would literally go after everything I did. One time after I bought a new pair of Nike airforces, they asked me how much they cost. I said $80 and they started acting like i was a retard: "oh my goddd, why would you do that, what a waste", "hahaha ____ is so dumb" etc. I literally googled the average price of shoes in front of them to show it was higher, and after that, one of those faggots put his hand on my shoulder patronizingly and said: "it's okayyy ____, we aren't upset at the price, we're just upset that they're white".
When you look like a retard, people will go out of their way to collectively try and make you out to be one, despite the fact that these faggots were getting D's in English class, their native language, while I had a 4.3 gpa.