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Discussion Incel trait: Joining Mathematics Competitions?



Sep 11, 2022
Would joining math competitions be an incel trait. Most of the kids that join it are low PSL ricecels. Not trying to put down my own race, but just making an observation.
I suck at math tbh I'm better at socialising
I suck at math tbh I'm better at socialising
I'm alright at socializing, to the NT extent that I can hold an alright conversation. I thought about the possibility that I was on the spectrum, but I was too aware and had no sensory issues and problems following social norms. My math skills is alright to the point where my PSAT Math score was around the 95th percentile. I do think there is some correlation between mathematics nerds and inceldom because of the demographic that joins and academics being the only validation for some incels brutal.
More like ricecel trait
you can make good money if you are good at math
I suck at math tbh I'm better at socialising
you are from Pakistan, I don't even think they have any high IQ jobs their
. Not trying to put down my own race

You are uplifting your race by mentioning sentient activity.

Re: Any mature girls?

Join Date: 2013-06-23
Post Count: 6332
#148054339Thursday, October 16, 2014 1:29 PM CDT
"Ask me anything..just as long as it's not to do with Math! " Why not? "Mathematics" is a core for a wide array of crucial subjects and is an excellent source for recreation.

Join Date: 2013-06-23
Post Count: 6332
#157667133Wednesday, March 11, 2015 10:31 PM CDT
"um my uncle is an architect and he hasnt used math since he was in high school" This is rather questionable. Nonetheless, the examples I provided are the bare minimum, you'll be able to do a wide array of scientific/mathematical things with just basic knowledge of Trigonometry. It can be very fulfilling to utilize algorithms for things such as three-dimensional calculations utilizing trigonometry.


Re: business or economics...

Join Date: 2016-01-12
Post Count: 563
#184098352Sunday, February 21, 2016 3:11 PM CST
"economics is the most important science" Nonsensical statement. Economics is greatly enslaved by Game-Theory. And Game-Theory is merely a subordinate to discrete mathematics.

Join Date: 2016-01-25
Post Count: 182
#183484734Friday, February 12, 2016 11:01 PM CST
Well then, I suppose that a computational example will garner interest. Computers utilize binary sequences to store data. Each bit represents a specific instruction to be manipulated by components of the CPU. This is accomplished by utilizing "0" and "1" to represent separate voltage states of a given segment of the hardware. "0" refers to low-voltage, and "1" refers to high-voltage. Thus, imagine a sequence such as "01010101" as merely representing the computer sequentially reversing the voltage states of various signals within hardware gates. Each gate represents the basic logical operations of AND, OR, NOT, XOR. Perhaps this will interest fellow users?

Join Date: 2016-01-25
Post Count: 182
#183519765Saturday, February 13, 2016 12:37 PM CST
I have developed another explanation for the users on the sub-section. Suppose that we a machine containing six buttons. Each button can be successively activated/deactivated using a sequence of instructions. Each "button press" will reverse the button's current state. We can express this as a binary sequence of six bits. This will be our representation: 000111 In the above sequence for our machine, the first three buttons are deactivated. The last remaining three buttons are active. Naturally, since we are working directly with base-two, we can utilize logical operations to modify the behavior of the individual bits. Let us define a function "P", which will represent each unique button press. Imagine that function "P" accepts an input "positional value", and signals a state change to the bit of that position. This would be our notation to use the sequence(Assuming that lowercase "p" refers to the position within the address and uppercase "B" refers to the actual memory address itself): P(p) = ~B[p] The "~"(Or logical NOT) operator merely reverses the numerical value of the bit found. In non base-two context, this would reverse "true" to false, and "false" to true. Since base-two has only two valid digits, 0 and/or 1, this operator will likewise reverse 0 to 1 and 1 to 0. Since our machine has six button, the function will need to be executed exactly six times to affect every digit. Given that our original sequence was "000111", this is how it would be altered: P(1) = 1 P(2) = 1 P(3) = 1 P(4) = 0 P(5) = 0 P(6) = 0 Altogether, the new button sequence would be "111000." Notice how the values of both sets of halves of the button sequence was swapped. Consequently, the first three buttons are activated. The last remaining three buttons are not.

Join Date: 2016-02-24
Post Count: 361
#185501144Wednesday, March 16, 2016 11:07 PM CDT
Greetings, Off-Topic. On this particular occasion, I have decided to have an entertaining discussion with all of you by composing a simple game based on logical-reasoning. Firstly, while utilizing mathematics, we have objective statements such as "x = 5" Those particular type of statements are properly known as "predicates", given that they equate to either the Boolean values of true and/or false. within the above premise, it merely defines the quantity that variable 'x' represents. Therefore, it is "true" predicate. Although I used "x = 5", we could use symbolic notation such as this: E(x) = 5 Where uppercase "E" refers to the word "Equal", and the input variable 'x' receives the quantity described on the opposite side of the "=" operand. --------------------------------------- Recognizing the above objective explanation, the goal of the game is rather basic: to derive logical expressions to be interpreted by other users. I have devised a minimal list of logical symbols below: "-->" - The logical "if-then" operator. "If certain cookies are delicious, then some grapes are bluish"(Note that the premise predicate and the conclusion predicate do not necessarily need to be related. They merely need to have an obtainable Boolean value. '~' - The logical "NOT" operator. It merely negates "true"/"false" Boolean predicates into the opposite Boolean value. ~"I decided to traverse the area" becomes "I decided not to traverse the area." "^" - The logical AND operator. "(1+1 = 2) ^ (2 + 2 = 4) --> (5 + 5) == 10", which is true, given that "1 + 1 = 2 ^ 2 + 2 = 4" are both (true ^ true) respectively. Disregarding all of the other logical operators for the current moment, this is a sample expression that I have devised below: Suppose that we have variables 'a' and 'b': a = 100 b = 50 Firstly, let us define a predicate to determine whether the first value is a factor of the second value: R(a,b) = (a % b) This will retrieve the remainder of the division operation "a/b", using the difference between 'a' and 'b' as a referent. Likewise, R(b,a) would also retrieve the remainder of the division operation "b/a", using the difference between 'b' and 'a' as a referent. If I had an expression such as this: (R(a,b) = 0) ^ (R(b,a) = 0) It would be an expected case of a true/false pair. This is due to the mere fact that the (100 % 50) does not have a remainder, whereas (50/100) does indeed have a remainder of fifty itself. Hopefully the above descriptions provides a rather wholesome and otherwise precise discussion involving mathematical logic.

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