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Venting Incel trait: During your childhood you would cry very easily



Oct 17, 2020
Did anyone else cry very easily?
At the age of 10 (4th grade) it made me seriously think what the fuck is wrong with me. I think it is because of being constantly put down, ignored, bullying, teasing, rough environment both school & outdoors, when you go outside to play with the kids from your commie block.
I know for a fact that boys that grow up with single mothers it is fucking over for them, they are the biggest pushovers. She knew what was happening with me but would not fucking help. All she would do is go to police station and write a zayavleniya (that is a statement which sends to your bullies' parents' statement to control your child, basically police interrupts). Lol she did not want me to defend myself, she wanted me to suffer and believe me they stopped with the physical shit, then it started with psychological and moral bullying. You can't fucking win being born poor, isolated with single mother.
I also propose: during your childhood, you almost didn't cry at all. Even as a baby. That was my case.
yeah I was very self conscious about it as well, even if someone called me out or just talked to me in a different tone was enough to trigger tears in my eyes, even when I didn't feel like crying or sad
I know for a fact that boys that grow up with single mothers it is fucking over for them, they are the biggest pushovers. She knew what was happening with me but would not fucking help. All she would do is go to police station and write a zayavleniya (that is a statement which sends to your bullies' parents' statement to control your child, basically police interrupts). Lol she did not want me to defend myself, she wanted me to suffer and believe me they stopped with the physical shit, then it started with psychological and moral bullying. You can't fucking win being born poor, isolated with single mother.
Total opposite for me. Overprotective parenting causes sensitive children in my case.
yeah I was very self conscious about it as well, even if someone called me out or just talked to me in a different tone was enough to trigger tears in my eyes, even when I didn't feel like crying or sad
This. I remember my first math test, I didn't understand the task she raised her voice = I cried. Also she would humiliate me in front of the class while i had to stand up, just because we were boys and playing a little rougher or annoying other bigger kids'. That bitch would always try to humiliate me.
I also propose: during your childhood, you almost didn't cry at all. Even as a baby. That was my case.
yeah, the only times I’ve really cried were during severely traumatic events that still haunt me to this day. I just don’t feel any urge to do so. even when I’m extremely distressed my body just doesn’t react to it by crying
If nobody cares when you cry, you learn even as a baby to stop doing it, I feel like nobody gave a shit about me as a child so I never cried and if I did cry it would be just for myself
I remember getting pushed around in 1st grade. When I went into the classroom everyone looked at me in a mocking tone, and then I broke down crying. And they started to laugh at me.
If nobody cares when you cry, you learn even as a baby to stop doing it, I feel like nobody gave a shit about me as a child so I never cried and if I did cry it would be just for myself
I wanted my mother to care, but crying would never work and would not get her attention even though she was very protective of me. When i had to cry i would hide and do my thing.
If nobody cares when you cry, you learn even as a baby to stop doing it, I feel like nobody gave a shit about me as a child so I never cried and if I did cry it would be just for myself
this is my theory as well. if crying doesn’t invoke any kind of sympathetic response from other people, and just causes people to think you’re an over sensitive pussy, your brain recognizes that and kills your natural urge to cry.

women are more likely to cry in public because they receive sympathy and care instead of judging looks and “wow that guy is a faggot”
Nah I hardly cried at all
Yes my mother was very overprotective.
Yes I can 100% relate. For example, my mother never let me walk down the street by my self even though we lived in the neighborhood for years, while my dad was chill, and let me go whenever as long as I asked for permission. (My mom and dad live in different neighborhoods)
Can’t relate. Although I did cry in the principals office once I never cried due to another classmate doing something. I’d fight with a kid in elementary school all the time and it’d get pretty nasty (biting, hitting, for some reason we were at the same pool once and he almost drowned me) and I don’t recall ever crying. I think it was because the education system hyped up the power of authority so I always got really scared when an authority figure tried talking to me. That stopped after 6th grade though when I realized principals were retarded
Can’t relate. Although I did cry in the principals office once I never cried due to another classmate doing something. I’d fight with a kid in elementary school all the time and it’d get pretty nasty (biting, hitting, for some reason we were at the same pool once and he almost drowned me) and I don’t recall ever crying. I think it was because the education system hyped up the power of authority so I always got really scared when an authority figure tried talking to me. That stopped after 6th grade though
I would have tried to fight back but when i did all i would get was shamed in front of every1 so yeah the primary school conditioned me to be a good boy and not to fight back nor standup for yourself.
Also good for you man, i would fantasize 24/7 to stand up for myself.
yeah I was very self conscious about it as well, even if someone called me out or just talked to me in a different tone was enough to trigger tears in my eyes, even when I didn't feel like crying or sad
And then you would be mocked for having watery eyes
Kids are so fucking evil, I want to blow up a primary school(in Need for Speed Underground)
Yeah i was a pussy when i was a kid and i got bullied all the time
I was the opposite. I didn't cry often. Was brought up that boys didn't cry or show pain unless it was something hardcore (like your brother dying in war)
kinda funny how now a lot of people say i dont show emotion or arent that expressive. gee i wonder why
I don’t really cry anymore. It’s frustrating cause I’d like to, I’m exploding inside.
i have been emotionally blunt my whole life but i remember a moment in middle school when i broke down and starting screaming and crying in the middle of class because i got in trouble by basically every teacher and scolded for forgetting my homework
During childhood I would run out of the classroom and try to escape. I think I was destined to be a truecel.
I also propose: during your childhood, you almost didn't cry at all. Even as a baby. That was my case.
me too, people Always said "hey this kid never cries did you know that?" i'm glad i never cried i would've been bullied even more if i did
yeah I was very self conscious about it as well, even if someone called me out or just talked to me in a different tone was enough to trigger tears in my eyes, even when I didn't feel like crying or sad
Same. I was always labeled "sensitive" and that I cried too much. My family would always say "awww look he's crying" in a mocking kind of tone and I hated it. I've become numb to it now and cannot emote anymore. I can only express anger and irritation now. Can't even remember the last time I seriously cried about something. I physically can't cry anymore
Yes. My friends used to tell me to stand up for myself and stop being a sensitive bitch.

Now in my late teenage years, I've started overcompensating for my lack of emotional stability by lashing out at any suggestion of disrespect, before it goes too far.. Now, people say I can't take a joke.

Damned if you do, damned if you don't.
for some reason i started crying a lot once i turned 11 up until i was about 15
I cried easily as a kid. It was literally beat out of me though
Reading your post reminded me of a bullying episode I got through. So much rage that I cried.

I did cry a lot in childhood, but always due to rage.
During my childhood, I had an alpha male personality despite being ugly. Literally had more balls than I ever had in my life. I was low-inhib, a leader in my friends' group...
I would be the tough guy who would defend people in class, say to adults what was wrong or that they were doing something that was unpleasant to me, even disrespecting them sometimes.
But unfortunately, it got destroyed in high school where people start being mean due to your looks, and in less than 2 years I did go from alpha male to beta male as my ego was being crushed every hour I was living. During puberty, being ugly and being told you are is a death penalty.
no, I was pretty stoic for the most part.
Can't remember crying in school at any time in my life though there where some times I felt like it.
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Total opposite for me. Overprotective parenting causes sensitive children in my case.
Same. Helicopter parenting contributed to my social immaturity and high inhibition tbh. They tried so hard to shelter me from the outside world instead of laying the truth out for what it is. I hate the fact that I was raised with blinders on for the majority of my childhood up until 18 or 19 when I went off to college. Parents who continue to do this also raise naive, high inhib, pushovers who try to get everyone to like them even at the expense of their own happiness. I've also noticed helicopter parenting tends to blue-pill children faster (it takes longer for them to be exposed to the actual world and they just sit inside all day consuming jew-pilled media)
I cried frequently all the way up to 5/6th grade. My parents were very protective and I'd get a stomache when I was away from home.
I know for a fact that boys that grow up with single mothers it is fucking over for them, they are the biggest pushovers.
Single mothers are trash. They only follow their primitive nurturing instincts and don't ever teach anything or know what matters in life. To them their children are little more than tools.
yeah I was very self conscious about it as well, even if someone called me out or just talked to me in a different tone was enough to trigger tears in my eyes, even when I didn't feel like crying or sad
Fuck, even today when someone raises his voice to me, I feel an urge to cry.
Of course I can suppress the tears in my eyes, but this also shows that I'm a mentally weak person.
For awhile yeah, but then I began to suppress my emotions
Fuck, even today when someone raises his voice to me, I feel an urge to cry.
Of course I can suppress the tears in my eyes, but this also shows that I'm a mentally weak person.
years of constant traumatic experiences destroy your mind...
No dignity for your tears

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