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Incel trait: always the same clothes

No I dress different today but I don’t care what I dress up as
I finally joined the stinking man club after realized no one gave a shit so why bother
ur not gonna stink unless u shower like once a month or some shit OR if ur curry
I don't own many clothes, like 3 shirts and 3 pairs of pants.
No amount of 'fashion' can change my ugly fucked up face.
There's no point in wasting my money.
I stopped washing my clothes long time ago.

They all smell now, I wash them like once every 3 months or so when I visit my family.

Also I wear the same shit over and over.

I used to put in effort into it, and did washing every week, but what is the point of this? The same reason I stopped showering. What is the point? At least personal hygiene has some health benefits I concede to that, so I do wash now more regularly because I used to take a shower once every 3 months or so now I do it 3-4 times a week, but as far as clothes are concerned why should I give a fuck about how my clothes look, smell, etc...

There is no point for a truecel to care about any of this shit. It's just a waste of time.
I stopped washing my clothes long time ago.

They all smell now, I wash them like once every 3 months or so when I visit my family.

Also I wear the same shit over and over.

I used to put in effort into it, and did washing every week, but what is the point of this? The same reason I stopped showering. What is the point? At least personal hygiene has some health benefits I concede to that, so I do wash now more regularly because I used to take a shower once every 3 months or so now I do it 3-4 times a week, but as far as clothes are concerned why should I give a fuck about how my clothes look, smell, etc...

There is no point for a truecel to care about any of this shit. It's just a waste of time.
How do you „cope“ that you’ll never have a gf? Or will you, is that still your goal? Do you feel sad most of the time?
How do you „cope“ that you’ll never have a gf? Or will you, is that still your goal? Do you feel sad most of the time?
I do want one, that is why I am trying to go SEAmaxx, after I visit Thailand to lose my virginity there I'm gonna go to Japan for a month or two or maybe elsewhere too, till I run out of money I guess. Though I don't wanna betabuxx, not like I can anyway since I'm going to quit my job so I won't have any income.

I don't feel sad anymore. When I was younger, around 20-23 I felt super fucking depressed about everything, I would cry every day and just be sad as fuck, clown myself at work for Foids so they would notice me at least, but honestly being a work clown was even worse for my mental health because the foids would notice me but just make fun of me and shit, I remember one time they started making fun of my hairline and that I was balding (I started balding at 18 btw, thanks genes) and one of the prettier looking ones actually came to my defense and said that it's not my fault I'm balding it's genetic, but that enraged me even more because if there is anything I hate more than being abused is having people take pity on me.

After a while of being in this state, I just got used to it and just stopped feeling anything, I just entered JUST ROT mode. When I would work, come home, play some vidya, watch some useless videos, post here, etc, etc, just rot pretty much. Rot week after week and the weeks turn into months and the month turn into years and I ended up rotting here in this shitty tiny room for almost 6 years straight accomplishing nothing. I only gotten fat here and look even worse than I already did it's brutal.

Few months ago I had a mental breakdown and I think a part of me died, the coping part probably. Now I just want to lose weight, get my surgeries and gtfo out of this hellhole of a country and go SEA for a while, probably a year. I also want to get in good shape but that's more of a long-term goal.

I'm tired of feeling sad, I'm fucking of bored of it. I was feeling sad and depressed for years, I am just so over it now, I can't be bothered to be living my life like this. The only conclusion is either I go kill myself or I go do something about it or at least try. One does not exclude the other though, if I try and fail I might as well call it a day and end it.
same, who cares at the end, only my mother xD
I have terrible fashion sense and wore pretty fake ass clothing and I don't care
I matchs my pink jacket with my grey shirt and green shoes nothing really good
Foid keep looking at my clothes saying I'm retarded for wearing them
Fucking Foids
Yea i don't have money for clothes
if I try and fail I might as well call it a day and end it.
Respect boyo. I'll also try everything I can before I end it, but I know it won't last long. I'll end it the moment I fail to achieve my goals.
I do want one, that is why I am trying to go SEAmaxx, after I visit Thailand to lose my virginity there I'm gonna go to Japan for a month or two or maybe elsewhere too, till I run out of money I guess. Though I don't wanna betabuxx, not like I can anyway since I'm going to quit my job so I won't have any income.

I don't feel sad anymore. When I was younger, around 20-23 I felt super fucking depressed about everything, I would cry every day and just be sad as fuck, clown myself at work for Foids so they would notice me at least, but honestly being a work clown was even worse for my mental health because the foids would notice me but just make fun of me and shit, I remember one time they started making fun of my hairline and that I was balding (I started balding at 18 btw, thanks genes) and one of the prettier looking ones actually came to my defense and said that it's not my fault I'm balding it's genetic, but that enraged me even more because if there is anything I hate more than being abused is having people take pity on me.

After a while of being in this state, I just got used to it and just stopped feeling anything, I just entered JUST ROT mode. When I would work, come home, play some vidya, watch some useless videos, post here, etc, etc, just rot pretty much. Rot week after week and the weeks turn into months and the month turn into years and I ended up rotting here in this shitty tiny room for almost 6 years straight accomplishing nothing. I only gotten fat here and look even worse than I already did it's brutal.

Few months ago I had a mental breakdown and I think a part of me died, the coping part probably. Now I just want to lose weight, get my surgeries and gtfo out of this hellhole of a country and go SEA for a while, probably a year. I also want to get in good shape but that's more of a long-term goal.

I'm tired of feeling sad, I'm fucking of bored of it. I was feeling sad and depressed for years, I am just so over it now, I can't be bothered to be living my life like this. The only conclusion is either I go kill myself or I go do something about it or at least try. One does not exclude the other though, if I try and fail I might as well call it a day and end it.
:feelsbadman: That is brutal dude. But it’s good you say you don’t feel sad anymore and that you’ll try to „escape“. All I can say is i understand you and I can empathize. I know how it all feels.

Could I ask where you’re from?

I myself am 27 soon, I am German and I will be where you are soon and forever. I don’t even want to go to SEA, I’m so tired all the time mentally and physically. I‘ve coped every now and then that I can get fillers and a good body and then get a gf but I always reminded myself that’s just a lie. It’s over for me. Worse than me being 5‘4“ is that I’m an actual 1/10, not just ugly, but deformed (face and skull, also missing facial bones and proportions are way off). Have overheard „ugliest person I’ve ever seen“ many times from strangers (not said to me but about me). I look so strange I get stared at by everyone or people talk about me or they joke.
:feelsbadman: That is brutal dude. But it’s good you say you don’t feel sad anymore and that you’ll try to „escape“. All I can say is i understand you and I can empathize. I know how it all feels.

Could I ask where you’re from?

I myself am 27 soon, I am German and I will be where you are soon and forever. I don’t even want to go to SEA, I’m so tired all the time mentally and physically. I‘ve coped every now and then that I can get fillers and a good body and then get a gf but I always reminded myself that’s just a lie. It’s over for me. Worse than me being 5‘4“ is that I’m an actual 1/10, not just ugly, but deformed (face and skull, also missing facial bones and proportions are way off). Have overheard „ugliest person I’ve ever seen“ many times from strangers (not said to me but about me). I look so strange I get stared at by everyone or people talk about me or they joke.
We already talked about it in Private Message remember :feelsLightsaber:

I am also very tired mentally and physically, doesn't even matter how much I sleep or rest I feel like shit anyway. The only person who outright called me ugly was one of the employees I worked with and my Uncle. Every time my Uncle sees me he tells me I'm very ugly, but I respect him for this, he is telling me the truth and he told me to SEAmaxx as well, gave me good advice. I am not mad about it at all, in fact I respect him more than all of my other family members especially my retarded mother who keeps saying I'm good looking, nice fucking cope JFL BALDING, FAT DEFORMED TRUECEL GOOD LOOKING HAHA :lul::lul: I cringe every time she says that, I respect my uncle x1000 more.

Anyway, I'm bored of rotting my life away. I am going to die anyway and If I decide it's not worth continuing then I will end it, but being stuck in this limbo has destroyed me. I want to move past this already, I want to get something done, anything. I don't even know where the last 10 years of my life went, I haven't done anything just daydream 24/7 and rot, no accomplishments outside of getting a job in IT, if you can call that an accomplishment... Well it beats working in McDonalds that I used to do, that was truly hell on earth for me because I was surrounded by a bunch of 18+ teenangers who constantly talked about sex and shit and made fun of me. At least now I am surrounded by a bunch of other autists.

I have goals and things I want to do anyway that have nothing to do with women or even with this world much, being virgin is fucking blocking me from moving on and doing anything. I want to go into esotericism and mind studies, maybe even learn to dreammaxx with lucid dreaming but I can't do any of this because being a virgin is destroying my mind I must change this.

That is why I am getting a surgery soon, quitting my job and going SEAmaxxing. One final adventure for me, my first and last probably. I have decided to finally do something about my life, I was coping about it for so long hoping it will just magically resolve itself, but after 28 years on this planet I see now there is no hope anymore for me. Without any action, everything will remain as is, in this constant state of limbo where I do nothing but rot my life away in this tiny gay ass room alone for the rest of my days.

Fuck that shit man, I'm going to give it my all that way if I die at least I'll go out on my own terms. It's the best I can do, to rebel against this cruel nature and my genetics.

Though looks is only part of my issue, I am also fucking autistic as fuck and can't talk to people properly, I can use text-format well but my speech is incoherent at times and utterly fucked, maybe I need to go to a speech therapist JFL, idk.
I usually wear the same clothes for even up to a month if I dont have to go talk to someone irl
I have 3 pairs of pants and they are all the same type of black jeans. Anything else would be way too adventurous and scary.

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