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Incel Tears facebook group users pics (as sub human as us)



Nov 7, 2017
All the users are either landwhale trannies or incels in denial (some even uglier then us, I mog half of the guys there), the rest didn't even have profile pics or any pics on their accounts, most likely because they're too insecure to do that. They bully us, and they seem to think for some reason we're rapist pedophiles just because a few users mention it, their entire sub consists of "ah one incel said something suuuuper cringy and mean, so that means all of them are like that right?", so I will also apply their tactics and assume all inceltears users are ugly; to be fair I have yet to find an attractive or average inceltears user, so I'm 100% sure they're all ugly and coping hard.




LOL @ the last "non binary" mentally ill faggot, just lol @ thinking there are more then two genders, THE PEOPLE WHO MAKE FUN OF US BELIEVE IN MORE THEN TWO GENDERS HHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA FUCKING KEK

Taken from here: https://www.facebook.com/inceltears 

Also notice how on the sidebar it says "users also liked" and then a bunch of alt left radical feminist pages? If we are pissing off SJWs then we're doing something right :)
Their existence is one big cope for them. They probably cant live up to the fact that they are below even us.
/pol/cel said:
Their existence is one big cope for them. They probably cant live up to the fact that they are below even us.

Yep lmao, their facebook group is pure lifefuel, never forget the people who bash us, are just as ugly as us, and just lol @ thinking anyone who actually uses reddit everyday is good looking, reddit is where all the losers and unpopular kids from school went to hide, the normal ones stayed on fb, twitter, snap and instagram, 4chan and reddit is for failed normies aka basement dwellers with HEAVY insecurities who project it elsewhere, and for inceltears making fun of us is their prefect cope.
why would you post this shit on facebook?
incellooksmaxer said:
why would you post this shit on facebook?

i didn't post this on facebook, you mean on here? I have no sympathy for them, call my a psychopath idc, fuck inceltears
Lmao its known cucktears are a bunch of exposed salty landehales and their flock of orbiters
hehe xd said:
Lmao its known cucktears are a bunch of exposed salty landehales and their flock of orbiters

iiiTeMpeR said:
i didn't post this on facebook, you mean on here? I have no sympathy for them, call my a psychopath idc, fuck inceltears

nah I mean, dont they have friends and shit? Isnt facebook where you are suppose to act like a normie?

I suppose women can get away with anything, and well beta males it doesnt matter girls arent going to fuck them anyway no matter how much of a normie they are or arent

I only join fb groups for used/sell dont even buy anything just wanted to look like a normie because all the normies are in those groups lol.

incellooksmaxer said:
nah I mean, dont they have friends and shit? Isnt facebook where you are suppose to act like a normie?

I suppose women can get away with anything, and well beta males it doesnt matter girls arent going to fuck them anyway no matter how much of a normie they are or arent

I only join fb groups for used/sell dont even buy anything just wanted to look like a normie because all the normies are in those groups lol.


they white knight, they think that will get them laid, so they want to make it clear that they're male feminists and are active in cuck communities, my best guess tbh.

That and also they have almost no friends, remember halo effect applies to them, there is a reason slayers and hot people have massive social circles, positive halo attracts people of all (2) genders, the only other friends they have that aren't on reddit (lol at reddit "friends") are their other failed normies/incels in denial.
who cares what they look like, they are morally bankrupt anyway
mental_out said:
lol someone on my facebook friendslist likes that page, hes notoriously a fat ugly weirdo who nobody actually likes.

really puts into perspective the kind of people who post on inceltears

Fucking beautiful, does he know you're incel?
TheIncelPill said:
Failed Normies


Jfl when an incel posts on inceltears
Facade said:


Jfl when an incel posts on inceltears

its over, 25 and virgin? 

iiiTeMpeR said:
they white knight, they think that will get them laid, so they want to make it clear that they're male feminists and are active in cuck communities, my best guess tbh.

That and also they have almost no friends, remember halo effect applies to them, there is a reason slayers and hot people have massive social circles, positive halo attracts people of all (2) genders, the only other friends they have that aren't on reddit (lol at reddit "friends") are their other failed normies/incels in denial.

Yeah, the women have like 3 likes on facebook lol. And most have them have random foreign people commenting on it, they are just as fucked as we are.

Anyway, dont most these girls admit they are into BDSM and want to get pushed around, tied up and treated like a slut. But yet all the guys commenting on this are skinny nerds that probably just watch youtube lets plays all day. Im going to go to the gym now. Lol, these girls are admitting they HATE feminmine guys in their own safe space because trust me these weak nerds arent going to dominate any girl.
iiiTeMpeR said:
its over, 25 and virgin? 


B A L D & UGLy

They will bluepill him into oblivion
mental_out said:
lol someone on my facebook friendslist likes that page, hes notoriously a fat ugly weirdo who nobody actually likes.

really puts into perspective the kind of people who post on inceltears

giga life fuel, haha this is so funny, pm his facebook, I won't dox him :)
They're all just coping, by ridiculing us for being ugly when they are probably even worse.
oilonthe-Rose said:
They're all just coping, by ridiculing us for being ugly when they are probably even worse.

bashing incels is how incels in denial cope
iiiTeMpeR said:
its over, 25 and virgin? 


No idiot it's not over,did u not read the comments,he just has to stop hanging out with incels and stop thinking about it and then he will get a gf.
Richard spencer said:
No idiot it's not over,did u not read the comments,he just has to stop hanging out with incels and stop thinking about it and then he will get a gf.

then why are you here boyo

mental_out said:
This is honestly probably why they keep saying that the incels they see posted aren't ugly and that it must be their personality. It's not that those incels aren't unattractive, it's that the average IT/bluepill posters are just even uglier in comparison and cope by telling themselves incels aren't ugly.

I've never thought of this, wow this is so true, gg
Ironic that most incels here are more self-aware and more Chad like than reddit users.
mylifeistrash said:
Ironic that most incels here are more self-aware and more Chad like than reddit users.

Incels > reddit users
lmao, i find it hilarious that the majority of incels users are better looking than cucktears. these are the types of pics i was expecting when i came here but all i got was zyros, gambler, framecel, and sparky/twisted, who all mog these guys to death
lostcel said:
lmao, i find it hilarious that the majority of incels users are better looking than cucktears. these are the types of pics i was expecting when i came here but all i got was zyros, gambler, framecel, and sparky/twisted, who all mog these guys to death

I've never seen sparky and framcel, post there pics here
just lol at these people. most females who use reddit are fat gross pieces of shit aside from the whores on the porn subs. and if a man is on there, it's unlikely he's a chad at all.
mental_out said:
lol someone on my facebook friendslist likes that page, hes notoriously a fat ugly weirdo who nobody actually likes.
really puts into perspective the kind of people who post on inceltears


Send him a link to this place.
I actually pity those beta-orbiters. they are incels who can't face the truth.

undeadcel said:
This is a ultrafakecel

yeah. he's just inceltears fuel
mikepence said:
just lol at these people. most females who use reddit are fat gross pieces of shit aside from the whores on the porn subs. and if a man is on there, it's unlikely he's a chad at all.

the whores who use reddit porn subs only do it as a way to get noticed by big porn companies or whatever so they can become pornstars, reddit is full of thirsty white knights so it's the best place to start
>You all need better personalities
>Find joy in bullying poor virgin losers on an internet fourm

The guys wouldn’t look bad if they just lost weight. The first guy is still attractive even though he’s chubby.

But I guess it’s hard to excercise when you spend time bullying people on the internet. Fking cucks
>You all need better personalities
>Find joy in bullying poor virgin losers on an internet fourm



They are assholes, it's funny cuz they probably have worse personalities then us
Landwhales, as far as the eye can see.
They're the biggest incels of all.
iiiTeMpeR said:
We Mog them

Of course. That's the biggest joke of all. 

They got lucky once and either managed to kiss a girl or had sex with some 300 lbs landwhale, and now they think they're hot stuff.

The ugly girls there only get sex because they have a vagina and men are desperate. Their female friends and beta orbiters always tell them how pretty they are, so now they think they're 7-8/10 beauties.


  • zyris daddy johnyyy.jpg
    zyris daddy johnyyy.jpg
    4.8 KB · Views: 149
I have a better personality than the average IncelTears user.

I'm an abhorrent bullying bigot. But, at least I admit it.
Lol. Bunch of losers they are.
The first guy does not look bad, he has some potential if he can get jacked.
Top guy looks good looking.

Why are they all fat.
Fuck me I look a little like this guy
Yeah, I spent a long time on their FB groups looking at all their pictures a while ago and I didn't expect them to deviate anywhere above below-average to average.
UglyHikikomori said:
Yeah, I spent a long time on their FB groups looking at all their pictures a while ago and I didn't expect them to deviate anywhere above below-average to average.

very few are average, less then 5%, kek

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