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News Incel Tear is dead

Lunatic Cupcake

Lunatic Cupcake

Feb 18, 2023
We have 999 active members and hundreds of posts a day on this forum while IT only has 200 members online currently and has under 10 posts a day. Most major subreddits receive far more than 100 posts a day. IT has fallen from its previous glory into an obscure niche subreddit for radical feminists. None of the posts ever reach front page. The top up voted post this year only has 3k upvotes which is a miniscule amount on Reddit. I could make a sexist post on 4chan, screenshot it, post it to r/4chan and get well over 4k upvotes.

Outside the blatant lack of activity most posts don't even focus on incels anymore. Most are just slightly sexist remarks from men who aren't even incels, sexist jokes, or men judging women for looks. At this point it's anything that triggers insecure women. "OMG A GUY TOLD ME MY NOSE LOOKED FUNNY AT A GAS STATION! HE MUST BE AN INCEL!" The subreddit is a comfort safe space for insecure ugly and obese women. Being the supreme cree— I mean gentleman I am I did some digging on some of the foids on there and found out they're all incredibly ugly or fat. Some I couldn't even tell if they were women or not.

So all in all IT is dead. It's just a niche subreddit now for radfems and obese women. Funnily enough it's more of a comfort space and echo chamber for them than even this forum is for us!
Didn't reddit purge the jannies recently? Is it getting fucked too?
God I fucking hate that place
inceltear should be banned on reddit for harassment to minorities, but soydit only ban r/braincels because lonely men are always the ones to blame
God I fucking hate that place
Honestly I'd stop wasting your time getting angry at IT. It isn't the same Incel Tears that blew up a few years ago. It's a radical feminist circle jerk comprising of ugly fat women. Nothing to be upset about.

The real subreddit you should be upset about is just neck beard things where normies and subhuman nigger foids mock ugly men for their looks and worship the fattest landwhale.
the Virgin subreddit is even worse, they have a mod there called RopeorDope that everyone hates, legit all his comments are given negative soyvotes, some other retard mod gave him janny power and the soyboy thinks he is morally superior to everyone else now.
the Virgin subreddit is even worse, they have a mod there called RopeorDope that everyone hates, legit all his comments are given negative soyvotes, some other retard mod gave him janny power and the soyboy thinks he is morally superior to everyone else now.
Hopefully he ropes along with all the other retarded reddit jannies after their failed protest :feelskek:
RIP inceltear, the mouthpiece of American beliefs and culture, without it the west will fall.
Hopefully he ropes
for real, i hate those smug bastards on reddit that are given virtual powers over lonely virgin men to ban and ridicule them and not just up and rope themselves when they realize everyone in that subreddit hates their fucking guts.
for real, i hate those smug bastards on reddit that are given virtual powers over lonely virgin men to ban and ridicule them and not just up and rope themselves when they realize everyone in that subreddit hates their fucking guts.
The retards literally do it for free and just enjoy the power trip since it's the only thing in their miserable lives
inceltear should be banned on reddit for harassment to minorities, but soydit only ban r/braincels because lonely men are always the ones to blame
explain your profile name
The retards literally do it for free and just enjoy the power trip since it's the only thing in their miserable lives
fun fact: i was able to be a mod for the first time ever on the inkwell subreddit called BeholdTheChads before it got banned a few months ago, and man was it comical how legit every single post and comment made by a fellow inkwell got a report flag in my inbox to review, these toilets and cucks seethed at our presence :feelskek::feelsdevil: we was dropping based memes and blackpills left and right and it was kekfuel to ban these cucks from there and getting a message in the modmail calling us losers :feelshaha:
fun fact: i was able to be a mod for the first time ever on the inkwell subreddit called BeholdTheChads before it got banned a few months ago, and man was it comical how legit every single post and comment made by a fellow inkwell got a report flag in my inbox to review, these toilets and cucks seethed at our presence :feelskek::feelsdevil: we was dropping based memes and blackpills left and right and it was kekfuel to ban these cucks from there and getting a message in the modmail calling us losers :feelshaha:
Ah yes I remember that and r/personalitydetector
fun times
Ah yes I remember that and r/personalitydetector
fun times
i like to cope by thinking the mods of reddit itself ban these fortresses because they get nuclear blackpilled and shit and piss in their chairs seeing Missawgiknees occurring by based ugly virgins like us
I've known a few it people many of them are legit feds
[IMG alt="Lunatic Cupcake"]https://incels.is/data/avatars/l/50/50309.jpg?1677779657[/IMG]

Lunatic Cupcake


JoinedFeb 18, 2023Posts28

free him!

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