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Based Incel Pride!



Neo Luddite • Unknown
Oct 25, 2023

@Animecel2D @based_meme @Based_Catcel @SupremeAutist @DarkStar @WorthlessSlavicShit @psyop @ordinaryotaku
Incel Pride Worldwide
Never underestimate male desperation
I’m dangerous
Joining the military is the modern version of this.
I used to say that back in the day lol

Got in trouble on dah ‘ube lol

well mainly since it's cucked, supports matriarchy, all the benefits are stripped due to modernity and it's a participation for a country that doesn't care for you and an attack on others for deluded western values also it's supporting jews
it's a globalist, capitalist system that capitalizes and supresses incels

well mainly since it's cucked, supports matriarchy, all the benefits are stripped due to modernity and it's a participation for a country that doesn't care for you and an attack on others for deluded western values also it's supporting jews
I understand and agree with this, but I'm talking about the average bluepilled truecel who doesn't even know what incel means. Of course a self aware and tapped in incel would be against joining. But the bluepillercel is sold a lie of brotherhood and masculinity by joining the military, same as the guy in the video said about giving the incels purpose so they don't lash out.
no way im killing innocent people for womens freedom and feminism
I understand and agree with this, but I'm talking about the average bluepilled truecel who doesn't even know what incel means. Of course a self aware and tapped in incel would be against joining. But the bluepillercel is sold a lie of brotherhood and masculinity by joining the military, same as the guy in the video said about giving the incels purpose so they don't lash out.
he clearly made the distinction between the reason behind it when he talked about hunter gatherers and back then it was a significant mark in history exploring new lands . Also men are conscripted, i don't support incel violence you can get brotherhood in other areas the people who join the military are normies, bluepilled is akin to leftism and they certainly don't support the military nor does the modern right.
holy shit that mystery meat pajeeta looking creature's hideous face disgusts me
So Hitler and the Nazis were the histories supreme Incels?
What the fuuuck :feelswhat:

I wouldn't hurt a fly I'm the biggest pussy ever.

JFL i cry when I accidentally kill a moth
this is so fucking rage inducing that soyciety percieves lonely sexually frustrated men as ballast to throw away so they don't cause any problem to the "good" people, by which all these faggots - normies, foids, richfag betabuxxers conveniently mean themselves. They really treat you as an "excess male" to throw under the bus.
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this is so fucking rage inducing that soyciety percieves lonely sexually frustrated men as ballast to throw away so they don't cause any problem to the "good" people, by which all these faggots - normies, foids, richfag betabuxxers conveniently mean themselves. They really treat you as an "excess male" to throw under the bus.
yeah but at least we were a part of history and pretty cool
Normies and foids really act in league, they don't view incels as one of them. To them incels are a ticking bomb that should be dealt with better sooner than later. I hate this clown social darvinist world so much.
We're here! We're ugly! Get used to it!
proud victim of young male syndrome reporting for being sent off to south america to steal gold from mexicans :feelshmm:
this is stupid i will not watch it
Uncomfortably cringe watch considering the guy's own research has found that incels are absolutely not more violent than average population and in fact may have lower rape acceptance. Also, just blanketly labeling young unmarried men recruited for military missions overseas as "incels being sent off to not cause trouble", legit seems just like an attempt to make his area of study more important than it is. We have records going back hundreds of years showing that in WE at least, most men married in their mid-twenties, being unmarried up to like 25 absolutely wouldn't have been weird and wouldn't have been a sign of inceldom or anything, those were just normies recruited into their militaries.

this is stupid i will not watch it
Good choice.
Uncomfortably cringe watch considering the guy's own research has found that incels are absolutely not more violent than average population and in fact may have lower rape acceptance. Also, just blanketly labeling young unmarried men recruited for military missions overseas as "incels being sent off to not cause trouble", legit seems just like an attempt to make his area of study more important than it is. We have records going back hundreds of years showing that in WE at least, most men married in their mid-twenties, being unmarried up to like 25 absolutely wouldn't have been weird and wouldn't have been a sign of inceldom or anything, those were just normies recruited into their militaries.

Good choice.
Basically, the guy seems to just equate unmaried young men in general with incels, which is a very questionable position.

We know what type of people grow up to be incels:

And we know what type of people are behind the "young man syndrome" and cause problems in their adolescence and youth:

And just from those threads it's clear that there isn't much of an overlap between those two groups. Just because most people causing trouble are young men doesn't mean all young men have the capability to cause trouble, and just because they don't have a sexual/romantic partner while doing so doesn't mean they are in any way incels who will likely never find a partner:feelshaha::feelsseriously:.
We're like Shrodginer's Cat to bluepillers. On one hand, we're hopeless, pathetic men who cannot get a girl because of how weak we are. On the other, we're dangerous terrorists.

We're Schrodinger's Incels.
Sex is the body's natural drug, sex offers both physical pleasure and positivity and self-affirmation.
Sex and other experiences are necessary to deal with the existential void that human beings have otherwise life can start to become quite unbearable

Obviously, it must necessarily be consensual sex and with a person who wants to do it with you, otherwise there is no process of self-affirmation.

Incels are forced to deal with the cruel reality, with the indifference of the world because they are directly affected by it, incels do not have something that makes them ignore this.
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