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Discussion Incel party

Scatius Deletus

Scatius Deletus

Jul 28, 2024
If a political party like the "Incel Party" emerged in the U.S., advocating for incel rights and arguing that lack of sex causes societal issues like hate crimes and suicides, the response would be highly polarized.

Most mainstream society would likely reject the party outright, viewing its platform as extreme, misogynistic, and socially regressive. Feminist groups and women's rights advocates would probably call it dangerous, accusing the party of trying to regulate or force women's sexual behavior for the benefit of men. The idea that providing sex to incels would reduce societal violence would be widely criticized as reductive and insulting, oversimplifying complex issues like mental health and crime.

Media outlets, political analysts, and existing parties would likely ridicule and condemn the movement, portraying it as a fringe group appealing to angry and disillusioned men who feel alienated by modern social dynamics. The party would likely be heavily scrutinized for advocating punitive measures against women they deem as abusing the system, which would be seen as authoritarian and unfairly targeting women.

However, certain disillusioned or marginalized groups, particularly those with grievances about modern dating culture, might find appeal in such a movement. Some men frustrated with the current political landscape or who feel overlooked by the mainstream focus on women's and LGBTQ+ rights might view the party as a voice for their concerns.

If, in some unlikely scenario, the party were to gain power, it would likely lead to intense social unrest. Women and progressive groups would fight back fiercely, possibly leading to protests, legal challenges, and a deeper cultural divide. Policies proposed by the party could lead to significant changes in legal systems regarding divorce, domestic violence, and gender dynamics, with many fearing a rollback of women's rights and autonomy. The country's image globally would take a hit, as many nations would view this as a regressive shift.

In short, the party would face heavy opposition, be seen as regressive and dangerous, and would cause extreme societal backlash if it ever gained power.

If the "Incel Party" won in the U.S., the country would probably experience widespread social and political chaos. The reaction from existing political figures, like Trump and Kamala Harris, would likely be extreme, given the nature of the party's platform.

1. **Public Reaction**:
- There would be **massive protests** and civil unrest, especially from women’s rights groups, LGBTQ+ advocates, and feminist organizations, who would see the party’s victory as a direct threat to personal freedoms and gender equality.
- **International condemnation** would likely follow, with global leaders and organizations criticizing the U.S. for regressing on human rights, particularly women’s rights.

2. **Policy Fallout**:
- The Incel Party's policies, especially if they tried to enforce sexual redistribution or punish women for "abusing" men, would face **immediate legal challenges**. Courts would likely strike down much of their agenda as unconstitutional, and the party could struggle to enact its most controversial ideas.
- There would be **tension between states**. Progressive states like California or New York could resist implementing Incel Party policies, possibly leading to more intense political polarization or even talks of secession.

3. **Trump’s Reaction**:
- Trump might initially try to **capitalize** on the chaos. He could claim that the Incel Party’s victory is a result of the Republican and Democratic parties ignoring working-class men’s issues, framing it as a failure of the current system.
- But he’d likely **distance himself** from the party’s more extreme positions to protect his brand. Trump might condemn their actions, claiming that they took things too far, while still blaming Democrats for the situation.

4. **Kamala Harris’ Reaction**:
- Kamala Harris would undoubtedly **condemn** the Incel Party’s platform, calling it a direct assault on women’s rights and personal freedoms. She would likely organize and support **massive resistance** movements against the party.
- As a **former prosecutor**, she would probably focus on ensuring that any laws the Incel Party tried to pass that infringe on civil liberties are **blocked in the courts**. She’d be a vocal advocate for women and marginalized communities who would feel directly threatened by the new regime.

5. **Overall Consequences**:
- The country could be thrown into **political and social chaos**, with increased polarization, protests, potential legal battles, and gridlock. International relations would take a huge hit, as the U.S. would be seen as promoting radical and regressive social policies.
- The **backlash** against the Incel Party would be immense. Even if they won, their extreme ideas would likely be so controversial and legally questionable that their time in power could be short-lived, especially with strong resistance from both the left and right.

In summary, this victory would likely lead to unprecedented chaos, legal battles, and pushback from every corner of society. Neither Trump nor Kamala Harris would support this party’s extreme agenda, though Trump might opportunistically use the situation to boost his own standing.

If the Incel Party won a presidential election, crossing the 270 electoral vote threshold, it would imply that a significant portion of the U.S. population supported their platform—enough to win in key states. However, this victory could create a highly volatile situation and raise the possibility of a **civil war-like scenario**. Here’s what might happen:

### 1. **Civil Unrest**:
- **Mass protests and riots** would break out immediately, especially in more progressive cities and states. Women’s rights groups, feminists, LGBTQ+ activists, and other marginalized communities would see the Incel Party’s platform as an existential threat to their rights and freedoms.
- **Militant resistance** could arise, particularly from far-left or anarchist groups, potentially escalating into violent confrontations. Given the party's focus on controlling women and sexual relations, you’d see enormous backlash from the majority of women, leading to constant nationwide demonstrations.

### 2. **State Resistance**:
- Progressive states, especially California, New York, and Washington, would likely **refuse to comply** with the Incel Party's policies. Some states could even **attempt to secede**, similar to what was seen with talks of California seceding after Trump’s 2016 victory. This could lead to direct standoffs between state and federal authorities.
- **Nullification laws** (where states refuse to enforce federal mandates) could become a reality, further straining the union. Blue states might act as safe havens for people fleeing the Incel Party’s policies, leading to a divided country in practice, if not in law.

### 3. **Militias and Armed Conflict**:
- The **militia movement** on both sides could gain traction. Right-wing militias that previously supported incel rhetoric might defend the new regime, while left-wing armed groups like **Antifa** or other progressive militias could push back.
- If violence breaks out between these groups, especially in politically divided states like Michigan or Pennsylvania, it could spark a broader conflict that looks like a **modern-day civil war**, though likely more decentralized and sporadic than the Civil War of the 1860s.

### 4. **Government Response**:
- Law enforcement and the military would be in a tough position. Some **police forces**, especially in red states, might side with the Incel Party, enforcing their laws and policies. In contrast, **military leaders** might resist if the party’s agenda crosses into unconstitutional territory, leading to possible mutiny or **martial law**.
- The **Supreme Court** would likely be overwhelmed with lawsuits challenging the constitutionality of the party’s policies, adding to political gridlock and chaos.

### 5. **Possible Civil War**:
- A **full-blown civil war** is possible but would likely be asymmetric and more localized than the traditional idea of war. Urban centers, which are typically more progressive, could see **constant clashes** between protesters and law enforcement or federal troops.
- Unlike the North vs. South dynamic of the original Civil War, this conflict would be more **chaotic and fragmented**, with various ideological groups and states engaging in sporadic violence.

### 6. **Long-Term Consequences**:
- The U.S. would become **deeply divided**, both politically and socially. This could lead to the country splitting into regions or states that either support or resist the Incel Party’s agenda.
- If civil war-like conditions persist, it could weaken the U.S. globally, as other nations might see it as a failing state, and **international intervention** could even become a possibility depending on how severe the unrest becomes.

In short, yes, a civil war or civil war-like conditions are very possible if the Incel Party won. The polarization and extremism that led to their victory would only escalate in the aftermath, with violent clashes, resistance from states, and possible armed conflict between opposing groups.

If the Incel Party somehow won a civil war, the U.S. would undergo massive, potentially dystopian changes. Here's what could happen:

### 1. **Immediate Aftermath**:
- **Authoritarian Rule**: The Incel Party would likely consolidate power quickly, instituting an authoritarian regime to maintain control. Civil liberties could be severely restricted, especially for women and minority groups. Martial law might be enforced, particularly in cities that resisted during the war.
- **Suppression of Dissent**: There would probably be widespread **censorship** of media and suppression of opposing political parties or movements. Feminist groups, LGBTQ+ organizations, and any civil rights advocates would be targeted as enemies of the state, with mass arrests or worse.

### 2. **Impact on Women**:
- **Legal and Social Changes**: Women’s rights would likely be **rolled back dramatically**. The party might institute policies that force women into sexual relationships or marriages to meet the demands of their supporters. Divorce laws could become harsher, and women’s autonomy over their bodies and choices would be curtailed.
- **Enforced Gender Roles**: The party could implement **strict traditional gender roles**, requiring women to prioritize marriage and childbearing, and limiting their access to education or the workforce. Women who resist or challenge the system could face harsh punishments.

### 3. **Men’s Rights as Law**:
- **Male-Centric Policies**: The regime would likely push for policies that prioritize men’s grievances, such as making it easier for men to win custody battles, reducing protections for women in cases of harassment or abuse, and creating legal pathways to **punish women who "manipulate" men** (e.g., through false accusations, divorce settlements, etc.).
- **Sexual Redistribution**: If they go as far as their rhetoric suggests, there could be **state-controlled systems** to ensure incels have access to sex. This could take the form of coercive relationships, or even a legalized system of brothels or "mandatory dating" laws, which would be seen as a violation of women’s autonomy and human rights.

### 4. **International Backlash**:
- The international community would likely **condemn** the U.S. and its new regime. The country would become a **pariah state**, facing severe economic sanctions, trade restrictions, and diplomatic isolation. Western allies would distance themselves, and human rights organizations would denounce the U.S. government’s policies.
- Global feminist and human rights movements would grow stronger, likely resulting in **international interventions** or boycotts of American goods and services.

### 5. **Domestic Stability**:
- While the Incel Party may have won the war, maintaining peace would be a huge challenge. Many states or regions would still resist the regime’s policies. This could lead to **ongoing insurgencies**, guerrilla warfare, and acts of domestic terrorism from progressive groups, women’s rights activists, or leftist militias.
- **Economic Decline**: The instability, international sanctions, and brain drain (as skilled professionals, particularly women and minorities, flee the country) would likely cause a severe economic downturn. The new regime’s ability to govern effectively would be questioned as poverty and inequality rise.

### 6. **Long-Term Consequences**:
- The U.S. could shift towards a **theocratic or fascist state**, with the Incel Party consolidating its rule through violence, intimidation, and propaganda. Dissent would be crushed, and the government could become increasingly authoritarian to maintain control.
- **Cultural Backlash**: While the party may have initial support from its base, over time, as the economy collapses and social freedoms disappear, more and more citizens might rebel. The oppressive nature of the regime would eventually lead to **internal fractures**, possibly resulting in the regime’s collapse or another civil war down the line.

In short, an Incel Party victory would lead to a dystopian society marked by authoritarianism, severe gender oppression, economic collapse, and intense international isolation. The U.S. would be fundamentally transformed into a pariah state, with a ruling elite struggling to maintain control amid growing unrest and resistance.
"Awaiting approval before being displayed publicly."
Not possible in a 2-state system country like Fuckmerica.
In short, an Incel Party victory would lead to a dystopian society marked by authoritarianism, severe gender oppression, economic collapse, and intense international isolation. The U.S. would be fundamentally transformed into a pariah state, with a ruling elite struggling to maintain control amid growing unrest and resistance.
Sexhaver incelphobia, tbh.

a Marxist-Rodgerist I.N.C.E.L. party would end the waste of society's resources in the doomed enterprise of trying to please foids (which is impossible) and thus unleash productive and creative forces beyond the imagination of normies, it would usher a golden age of progress, discovery, innovation and material comfort.

It would be the end of war, crime, scarcity, and ignorance.

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