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Incel narratives and the problem of expectations

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Jan 25, 2018
Pretty much everyone who talks about inceldom doesn't know how to contruct a narrative with realistic expectations. No one really has come up with a constructive way forward for the sub-5 male.

You get the left-wing IT narrative where incels just have respect women and suddenly everything will get better. Meanwhile, women get wet at the thought of Chad choking them and calling them a slut. The respect women narrative is so ridiculous it hardly needs mentioning.

Then there's the "why dony incels just play video games and die alone" narrative. Not really anything anyone can get behind. Men are just never going to lower their expectations that much.

Then you get pua with its promise of endless options if only one learns game. The expectations now are through the roof. But they're so unrealistic that one is bound to be disappointed.

Then there's the right-wing ideologues who tell incels that they need to climb some sort of "dominance hierarchy" through hard work and self-mastery. But, again, the expectations are ridiculous. Jordan Peterson probably thinks engineering nerds get laid more than Chad. This narrative also builds unreal expectations.

Then there's the blackpill narrative that you need to be some kind of terrorist or school shooter -- as though girls will be threatened into fucking sub-5s. Again, sky-high delusional expectations. Society is not going to change because of a handful of shootings. No one wants to get shot by cops, and terrorism rarely accomplishes anything but a swift backlash.

There really is no narrative that makes believable realistic promises, and gives people a productive way forward
For me its just to focus on building wealth, starting companies, doing business with specifically other incels, hopefully like minded men I already know on this site, pooling our wealth and resources specifically into projects that attack the gynocracy and female power structures (e.g. male contraceptive pill, sex android technology, etc). That seems reasonable and productive to me, but everytime I bring this shit up I get ragged on my the LDAR types on this site that don't want to do shit, so I'm just going to do all this on my own if I can.

As for sex I'd pretty much just escortcel in "poor countries"
Cope or rope is a pretty good narrative.
Well, a lot of posters have suggested some sort of return to patriarchy which may indeed make life better for sub 5 males(at least sexually) but that may come with its own unintended consequences. Overall I don’t think there’s many good solutions. Humanity is handicapped by its own stupidity and the laws of nature which is why some people have just become nihilists.
Looks are the foundation of everything. If you don't at least pass this threshold, then it's going to fucking suck. Game or whatever the fuck, are for ppl who have the looks foundation, but an abnormal non-NT mental makeup.
For me its just to focus on building wealth, starting companies, doing business with specifically other incels, hopefully like minded men I already know on this site, pooling our wealth and resources specifically into projects that attack the gynocracy and female power structures (e.g. male contraceptive pill, sex android technology, etc). That seems reasonable and productive to me, but everytime I bring this shit up I get ragged on my the LDAR types on this site that don't want to do shit, so I'm just going to do all this on my own if I can.

As for sex I'd pretty much just escortcel in "poor countries"

What's an example of a project you fund?
Well, a lot of posters have suggested some sort of return to patriarchy which may indeed make life better for sub 5 males(at least sexually) but that may come with its own unintended consequences. Overall I don’t think there’s many good solutions. Humanity is handicapped by its own stupidity and the laws of nature which is why some people have just become nihilists.

Patriarchy is built upon the single-income household. That's not economically feasible in a post-industrial economy. Most jobs don't pay enough in 2018 to support a family, so you need women to work in order to just make ends meet. Not to mention taking almost half the workforce out of the economy, would be a catastrophe in terms of GDP and the tax base -- raising the costs of everything. No economist would take this seriously. This is another one of those narratives that's just detached from reality. You can't go back to the 1950's for so many economic reasons -- let alone the cultural and technological reasons. So you can dream up some utopia where men have the upper hand in this way, but you're just fantasizing. It's not a real path to improving anyone's life.
Looks are the foundation of everything. If you don't at least pass this threshold, then it's going to fucking suck. Game or whatever the fuck, are for ppl who have the looks foundation, but an abnormal non-NT mental makeup.

Yeah, being ugly sucks and there's no way around it. But what then? Is suicide or coping through unrealistic fantasies the only options? Is there a possibility of building a more realistic cope that actually holds up.
What's an example of a project you fund?

Kinda said it in the post lol - "male contraceptive pill"

It currently gets little to no funding, not because its hard to make, ironically it would be easier and likely have less side effects than the female one, it gets no funding because all the companies involved stand to make millions more depending on the irresponsibility of women. All of these various things are connected in some way, that's what I mean by the "female power structure" and the "gynocracy"

The pharmecutical and medical related companies benefit heavily from women making bad choices, they basically depend on it

Lets say a man guy gets a woman pregnant because she lies about taking the birth control pill, guess what gets purchased next, another phramecutical item, a pregnancy test, guess what likely happens next, the guy gets a paternity test, after its confirmed the child is his, he now has to buy diapers, baby food, etc and various other industries now start to benefit from said males resources, if he refuses now the courts get their slice of the pie and he gets put on child support.

If she doesn't even want to have the baby she can get an abortion, the aborted fetus can then be donated to companies that specialize in stem cell research and or ironically skin care product development (the dead baby is still used to benefit a woman's existence in some way).

Companies rely on women making bad choices, and spending money like crazy, so they will NEVER really invest in projects that are "male centric" or truly beneficial to men.

A male contraceptive pill gives men too much power and throws a wrench into the system, imagine if that one guy had the pill, no abortion takes place, no diapers are bought, no child support, no pregnancy or paternity test sold, nothing happens, basically all the money stays in that mans pocket.

I'll gladly invest in this venture besides the potential of profit, because my goal isn't really profit, its fucking with women and the power they wield. Fucking with society by proxy.
Kinda said it in the post lol - "male contraceptive pill"

It currently gets little to no funding, not because its hard to make, ironically it would be easier and likely have less side effects than the female one, it gets no funding because all the companies involved stand to make millions more depending on the irresponsibility of women. All of these various things are connected in some way, that's what I mean by the "female power structure" and the "gynocracy"

The pharmecutical and medical related companies benefit heavily from women making bad choices, they basically depend on it

Lets say a man guy gets a woman pregnant because she lies about taking the birth control pill, guess what gets purchased next, another phramecutical item, a pregnancy test, guess what likely happens next, the guy gets a paternity test, after its confirmed the child is his, he now has to buy diapers, baby food, etc and various other industries now start to benefit from said males resources, if he refuses now the courts get their slice of the pie and he gets put on child support.

If she doesn't even want to have the baby she can get an abortion, the aborted fetus can then be donated to companies that specialize in stem cell research and or ironically skin care product development (the dead baby is still used to benefit a woman's existence in some way).

Companies rely on women making bad choices, and spending money like crazy, so they will NEVER really invest in projects that are "male centric" or truly beneficial to men.

A male contraceptive pill gives men too much power and throws a wrench into the system, imagine if that one guy had the pill, no abortion takes place, no diapers are bought, no child support, no pregnancy or paternity test sold, nothing happens, basically all the money stays in that mans pocket.

I'll gladly invest in this venture besides the potential of profit, because my goal isn't really profit, its fucking with women and the power they wield. Fucking with society by proxy.

I wanted you to spell out what you were saying more. It's not clear how male contraception affects you if you're not having sex.
We don't need a strategy, we have the blackpill and it will guide us.

What you need to understand is with money, even a -5/10 truecel can get a stacy and have babies with her.

If you are below 7/10 no girl will ever truly love you like a pet dog does. It's pointless trying, it won't happen because foids are not genetically made that way.

We lost the genetic lottery to ever be desired and loved by girls.
We don't need a strategy, we have the blackpill and it will guide us.

What you need to understand is with money, even a -5/10 truecel can get a stacy and have babies with her.

If you are below 7/10 no girl will ever truly love you like a pet dog does. It's pointless trying, it won't happen because foids are not genetically made that way.

We lost the genetic lottery to ever be desired and loved by girls.

If you think money is going to save you, you're not blackpilled
Pretty much everyone who talks about inceldom doesn't know how to contruct a narrative with realistic expectations. No one really has come up with a constructive way forward for the sub-5 male.

You get the left-wing IT narrative where incels just have respect women and suddenly everything will get better. Meanwhile, women get wet at the thought of Chad choking them and calling them a slut. The respect women narrative is so ridiculous it hardly needs mentioning.

Then there's the "why dony incels just play video games and die alone" narrative. Not really anything anyone can get behind. Men are just never going to lower their expectations that much.

Then you get pua with its promise of endless options if only one learns game. The expectations now are through the roof. But they're so unrealistic that one is bound to be disappointed.

Then there's the right-wing ideologues who tell incels that they need to climb some sort of "dominance hierarchy" through hard work and self-mastery. But, again, the expectations are ridiculous. Jordan Peterson probably thinks engineering nerds get laid more than Chad. This narrative also builds unreal expectations.

Then there's the blackpill narrative that you need to be some kind of terrorist or school shooter -- as though girls will be threatened into fucking sub-5s. Again, sky-high delusional expectations. Society is not going to change because of a handful of shootings. No one wants to get shot by cops, and terrorism rarely accomplishes anything but a swift backlash.

There really is no narrative that makes believable realistic promises, and gives people a productive way forward
That’s because there is no productive way forward. Get surgery or kill yourself is all there is to it.
Good post, but I disagree with this point:

Then there's the blackpill narrative that you need to be some kind of terrorist or school shooter -- as though girls will be threatened into fucking sub-5s. Again, sky-high delusional expectations. Society is not going to change because of a handful of shootings. No one wants to get shot by cops, and terrorism rarely accomplishes anything but a swift backlash.

You misunderstood the premise of blackpill. Blackpill does not mention anything about obligation. It does not say anything like "since because of blackpill you should do X or Y". Nor it does not give any solution to it. Blackpill is a science. It just describes and explains some facts about human mating strategy. All the school shooting and other edgy stuffs that incels mention all the time are nothing but the causality of the realization of blackpill (mainly out of frustration). Shooting or worshipping women them won't fix it. Because there is nothing to fix. You can impose laws and stuffs but you can't make femoids naturally eager to fuck ugly men. Blackpill is nothing but a set of knowledge that help you to understand human nature.
If you think money is going to save you, you're not blackpilled
i didn't say money will save me

I said that money can still get you a stacy and give you the illusion she loves you.
I wanted you to spell out what you were saying more. It's not clear how male contraception affects you if you're not having sex.

Its not really about me, its about punishing women and society, like I said my plan is just to escortcel in a country where it is financially viable, likely where its legal, I don't need anything else, I'm not an egoist, I feel no need to be desired or admired by women, I just want sex, all of the projects i'll be investing in will be just to fuck with women via fucking with the various social and legal powers they wield.

Another pursuit would be more political, trying to get prostitution legalized in various countries, that would more pertain to your question of "a constructive way forward for the sub-5 male.", if prostitution becomes legalized more 5/10 and sub 5 males will have access to sex, competative pricing will take place too so it likely won't be too costly. Of course this one will be more difficult if not just impossible to make happen than a male contraceptive pill, I say its best we start there.

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