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Serious Incel hERoes exemplify Nietzsche's mastER morality whereas ITtroons and normalfags more generally exemplify his slave morality

Progeny of Horus

Progeny of Horus

Cerebral Rapist
Sep 28, 2021
So, a typical illitERate normalfag bastard might laugh at this idea but it's damn true. Incel legends like ER exemplify the mastER moralists' complete disregard for conventional morality, immense inner turmoil and ruthless disregard even for one's own safety and preservation in favor of advancing one's power. Cesare Borgia was considERed a highER man by Nietzsche because of his ruthless Machiavellian streak even though he died very young without really solidifying his legacy.

"B-but ER was stopped by a locked door!" Well, it's explicitly mentioned in both Beyond Good and Evil and On the Genealogy of Morals that HighER men or the mastERs are more likely to succumb to their fate and have their lives cut short. Their excess of Will to PowER leads them to far more ambitious yet more reckless approaches that more often than not result in failure and demise, especially if they're completely shun by society and have limited capabilities.

The slave moralists on the other hand are mentioned to be more content, more 'prudent', more docile and more mediocre. In the case of reddit troons and normalfags this is exemplified in their blind adherence to social norms and preserving the status quo both on personal and and societal scales.

Prolonged immense suffeERing, according to Nietzsche, is a sign of Nobility. Some membERs of this Noble caste do ovERcome this ordeal and become Great hallmarks of history, but most succumb to the corruption and end up being botched individuals like ER. Still, that doesn't negate their spiritual nobility and their much higher rank compared to that of the pitiable slaves. The latter are content leading mediocre lives and dying old without leaving a remote trace of their existence.

So yes, if your passion is to butchER and rape hundreds of women, don't let the slave-ruled world stop your attempts. You, noble ones, shall be joyful and magnanimous among your Brethren. Among those whom you dictate to be beneath you, you shall act howevER your heart desires or, in other words, 'beyond good and evil.'
ER lived by the will, and he failed, but at least he wasn’t living like a slave, a pathetic shell of a man.
"With all kinds of injury and loss the lower and cruder soul is better off than the more noble one: the dangers for the latter must be greater; the probability that it will go wrong and die is even immense, given the multifaceted nature of its living conditions. - With a lizard a finger which has been lost grows back: not so with a man." -Beyond Good and Evil, 276
"The sight of suffering does one good, the infliction of suffering does one more good—this is a hard maxim, but none the less a fundamental maxim, old, powerful, and "human, all-too-human."
"People who are more similar and more ordinary were and always have been at an advantage; the more exceptional, more refined, rarer, and more difficult to understand easily remain isolated; in their isolation they are subject to accidents and rarely propagate themselves."

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