Extremely based culture. But I wouldn't be able to bear the shame if she turned out to be a non virgin. Might as well slit my throat to get the blood
At least out place isn't that degenerate
jfl the clubbing scene is huge here in the capital, its pretty degenerate
and I heard its worse in Bandung...the divorce rate is climbing there and sex outside of marriage is starting to get normalized
all my cousins that live there practically live their live partying til 30 and only then they settle down and have kids..very similar to westerners already
I even have 1 manwhore cousin who used to be chadlite and probs got access to plenty of pussy and now he refuse to marry and settle down despite his looks already fading away a long time ago...hes staying a perpetual manchild
its only going to get worse man...I can tell
My parents marriage is shit, my aunts marriage is shittier..
with my aunts nagging and picking a fight constantly
few of them just blew up and turn obese, after a few kids..and never slimmed back, plenty are very foul mouthed and have no respect for their husband despite them being stay at home mom who does nothing
100% sure their marriage is sexless too..not sure its worth marrying anymore these days...even here, where women rarely cheats
and they married as virgins 30 years ago, imagine the foids now...its too risky to marry, but not sure wat else to do
sorry it end up being a rant