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In a national survey,Roughly 1 in 7 men did not have sex



Lost time is never found again.
Nov 8, 2017
Source: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10508-016-0798-z

> Among those aged 20–24, more than twice as many Millennials born in the 1990s (15 %) had no sexual partners since age 18 compared to GenX’ers born in the 1960s (6 %)

And it could be understated
>Contrary to popular media conceptions of a “hookup generation” more likely to engage in frequent casual sex, a higher percentage of Americans in recent cohorts, particularly Millennials and iGen’ers born in the 1990s, had no sexual partners after age 18.

Go to a store, restaurant, concert or bar. If you can spot 50 male millenials, ABOUT 7 OF THEM DID NOT HAVE SEX IN THE PAST YEAR. And this is a generous estimate because it does not take into account escortcelling or beta bux!. We could potentially have 1 in 4 men being incels. 

It's getting worse, lads.
chads get it all
Interesting. Quality post
24 here, had sex once when I was 14. Fuck it, I wish I was a virgin still. Cumming is not worth NT frauding and dealing with modern femoid nature. Female companion robots are better, I'll just hat to keep waiting.
had sex once when I was 14.
it's probably even worse, i'm sure some guys lied abut getting laid out of shame. I have personally never admitted to anyone being a virgin, straight up lied about having had relationships when people ask
Sparrows Song said:
24 here, had sex once when I was 14. Fuck it, I wish I was a virgin still. Cumming is not worth NT frauding and dealing with modern femoid nature. Female companion robots are better, I'll just hat to keep waiting.

Is the title "involuntary celibate" not totally clear in it's description?
Now I'd like to see the people who conducted this survey try to do this with femoids. For women over the age of 18, the percentage of those who have had no sexual relationships would be so close to 0%, guaranteed.
Margodx said:
Sparrows Song said:
24 here, had sex once when I was 14. Fuck it, I wish I was a virgin still. Cumming is not worth NT frauding and dealing with modern femoid nature. Female companion robots are better, I'll just hat to keep waiting.
Is the title "involuntary celibate" not totally clear in it's description?
Incel because I'm ugly and my life is still shitty.
Sparrows Song said:
Margodx said:
Sparrows Song said:
24 here, had sex once when I was 14. Fuck it, I wish I was a virgin still. Cumming is not worth NT frauding and dealing with modern femoid nature. Female companion robots are better, I'll just hat to keep waiting.
Is the title "involuntary celibate" not totally clear in it's description?
Incel because I'm ugly and my life is still shitty.

I doubt you're as ugly as you think if you had sex with a willing female at 14, I agree with you on the robot part though.
Its more than 1 in 7. A lot of guys lie to protect their ego. I'd go with the 1 in 4 figure. Its hard as fuck for a lot of millenial men to get laid.
on a related note, wtf happened to the long-promised scientific studies section of this forum?

asking for a friend
its probs more than 1/7, people would likely lie and say they had sex
24 here, had sex once when I was 14. Fuck it, I wish I was a virgin still. Cumming is not worth NT frauding and dealing with modern femoid nature. Female companion robots are better, I'll just hat to keep waiting.

Time for you to leave boyo.
had sex once when I was 14.[/quote]
Margodx said:
Sparrows Song said:
Margodx said:
Sparrows Song said:
24 here, had sex once when I was 14. Fuck it, I wish I was a virgin still. Cumming is not worth NT frauding and dealing with modern femoid nature. Female companion robots are better, I'll just hat to keep waiting.
Is the title "involuntary celibate" not totally clear in it's description?
Incel because I'm ugly and my life is still shitty.
I doubt you're as ugly as you think if you had sex with a willing female at 14, I agree with you on the robot part though.
Baldcel, hairybackcel, slightly droopy left eyelidcel, 5ft8cel...
its just gonna get worse, fuck....
This is accounting the obvious liars too. I believe it's close to 1 in 4 but some incels are frauding as betas.
Brutal Black Pill. Inceldom will only get worse.

I knew it was a generational problem. With the rise of the internet and hookup apps fuelling modern hypergamy, FHOs find it easier than ever to find Chad (with no stigma), while the rest of men rot.
lol I knew most guys lie about much they have sex. I remember when I went to school and dudes uglier than me were talking about how they "smashed some thots" the day before.
Just have a vagina.
That's probably accurate
Baldcel, hairybackcel, slightly droopy left eyelidcel, 5ft8cel...

ban this cunt!
holy shit thats because the rise of social media, women standards have fucking skyrocketed, what was a 9/10 then is like a 7 now, then with snapchat filters, camera angles and all this fake shit man women are out of control, fat women think they deserve skinny or fit chads, dwarf women want men with basketball player heights, and ugly women or any women want a fucking perfect male model man, mens suicide has went up, feminism bs, all women are beautiful and more of this shit, its really gonna be ovER and i hope i rope before its really too late to where this world is completely cucked and ran by women
TheRealChincel said:
This is accounting the obvious liars too. I believe it's close to 1 in 4 but some incels are frauding as betas.


I recall reading about this study roughly a year ago. The report about it mentioned 15% celibacy and mentioned the percentage of celibate women which was acoording to the study 5%. They didn't mention the percentage of men being incel. If the average is 15% with half of it being 5% (women) than it is easy to calculate the incel men, which is in this case 25%. (5+25=30 30/2=15)

25% of men are incel according to that study. Now you can add the number of liars.

I think the real number is between 1/3 and 2/3 of men being incel. So it's worse than 1 in 4.
Incels need to form an alliance with men who get played and used, and we need a civil uprising.
I find it hard to imagine people actually have sex. The concept seems so disconnected from my reality
_incelinside said:
I find it hard to imagine people actually have sex. The concept seems so disconnected from my reality
No breakdown of gender?

All hookup culture, technology and sexual liberation has done is exacerbate hypergamy. Femoids and Chads having more sex, more men having none. It's like wealth inequality. The rich get richer and tell everyone that the country as a whole is getting rich so it's great for everyone, but those at the bottom are fucked.

tenta said:
ban this cunt!

Half of the guys on here have had sex.
existentialhack said:
No breakdown of gender?

[font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]NO[/font]

[font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]I recall reading about this study roughly a year ago. The report about it mentioned 15% celibacy and mentioned the percentage of celibate women which was acoording to the study 5%. They didn't mention the percentage of men being incel. If the average is 15% with half of it being 5% (women) than it is easy to calculate the incel men, which is in this case 25%. (5+25=30 30/2=15)[/font]

[font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]25% of men are incel according to that study. Now you can add the number of liars.[/font]

[font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]I think the real number is between 1/3 and 2/3 of men being incel. So it's worse than 1 in 4.[/font]

lol classic. Like that time a newspaper reported homelessness and highlighted the fact that 1 in 4 or 5 were women. You can also add the number of women who don't want or care about sex.
_incelinside said:
I find it hard to imagine people actually have sex. The concept seems so disconnected from my reality

You have to hang out around normies. They will tell you all sorts of stories about their sexcapades. Sex for them is like breathing.
Weirdcel said:
You have to hang out around normies. They will tell you all sorts of stories about their sexcapades. Sex for them is like breathing.

Ive had normie friends but they were Muslim volcels. This discourages me from ever hanging out with normies though I'm probably too autistic to do that anyway
If we only take into account males and leave out the females, the number should be even higher. Fuark.

I didn't think incedom was as widespread. Maybe I was wrong?
_incelinside said:
Ive had normie friends but they were Muslim volcels. This discourages me from ever hanging out with normies though I'm probably too autistic to do that anyway

Muslims are a special case. You have to be around normals thouroughly assimilited into american culture. They are degen as fuck
refmd said:
it's probably even worse, i'm sure some guys lied abut getting laid out of shame. I have personally never admitted to anyone being a virgin, straight up lied about having had relationships when people ask

This is so sad... Just don't associate with normans.
_incelinside said:
I find it hard to imagine people actually have sex. The concept seems so disconnected from my reality

i was thinking about the same thing couple hours ago. To me female letting me fuck her is something as crazy as her letting me kill her. Like how and why would she even do that? Same with asking females out, its so crazy to me like asking if i can kill them. I just dont get how its possible that it actually happens irl, theres no way it does

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