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imagine being 40 and incel. no one here is going to rope. how will you cope at that age?



Dec 28, 2017
i've never seen any men happy after age 35 or so
Tbh I dont even know and Im too scared to think. I hope I pass away before 30 somehow.

what will you do?

do you have any plans to rope?
NEET out if my parents are alive, collect inheritance and still NEET out if they aren't
I hope I die in an accident or get murdered before that.
LOL only on this website is it appropriate to ask people when are they gonna rope

no one on this claims they'll even live past 30 but I doubt anyone here will even rope since even being here means you can accept reality
I am 3 years till 40.

My Test. levels have tanked I think so I really don't care much about women, I think i am borderline asexual at this point. I don't plan on roping, I am mainly doing it out of spite to all the normies that rejoice when incels kill themselves, I will not give those bastards the satisfaction of me dying early, they will have to tolerate my presence in society till I die in whatever natural fate befalls me. I hate normies more than I do my face.

I just focus on moneyceling, you can save alot with no kids/wife/mortgage
I actually look forward to my STEM career because I thibk I have the potential to be elite and egomaxx
i've never seen any men happy after age 35 or so

Im almost 28 and can't see myself living past 35. The worst is that im not high iq or smart. So i can't study something like stem and make a career, im doomed for wageslavery.
Im almost 28 and can't see myself living past 35. The worst is that im not high iq or smart. So i can't study something like stem and make a career, im doomed for wageslavery.
You can always try the NEET life if uou can't handle the work anymore
You can always try the NEET life if uou can't handle the work anymore

I tried for a year but i can't get neetbux and need money so i went back to being a wageslave. Also NEET life gets pretty boring after a while.
by then i would either be MGTOW or in a healthy, non-betabux relationship
I'm 36 and incel and it's not so bad as in my mid 20s. You kind of accept whatever shit life serves you. I'm lucky in that I have money and I don't have to work (for now) so I don't have many of the problems normies usually have.
I'm 36 and incel and it's not so bad as in my mid 20s. You kind of accept whatever shit life serves you. I'm lucky in that I have money and I don't have to work (for now) so I don't have many of the problems normies usually have.
You should write a book and sell it,
Make money off your life experiences
It'll come around sooner than you think, if you're incel in your teens and still into your mid 20s then it's really quite easy to end up a male virgin at 30.
Then things don't get any better despite the bullshit said like "women lower their standards later because they're desperate to settle down/have babies". No they still want an experienced guy, one they find attractive and if not he has to be exceptionally rich or successful.
You gotta hope for cancer or something...
lol at the thought of 40. I'm scared to be around in the next 2 years when I'm 25, let alone fucking 30.
One thing I won't be doing if I become a 40 year-old incel is wageslaving. Can't rule anything else out if I don't break out of my lifelong slump by then.
Hoping to die of a stress related heart attack before that.
Make money and escortcel. If I could not do that, I would have roped ages ago.
We will all die before 45 from all the stress & anxiety anyway
im 22 and life is hell i don't even wanna think about being 40
I'm 33 and have thankfully reached acceptance. Coping ok. Don't think I'll kms ever unless my chronic pain comes back as bad as it was before.
i hope i die tomorrow i could not give a fuck one way or the other
I'm 33 and have thankfully reached acceptance. Coping ok. Don't think I'll kms ever unless my chronic pain comes back as bad as it was before.

I was coping better than usual when I was 33 and 34. Now, at age 35, I am falling apart psychologically. 35 is what I expected 30 to be.
Make money and escortcel. If I could not do that, I would have roped ages ago.

But don't you still feel really depressed and empty knowing none of its real? Escorts for those moments in time will make you forget, but once you really observe the reality of your situation you'll realise they have no feelings for you, but what's inside your wallet. Some women will happily settle if they know they will love a comfortable life, even if it may be with someone they have no real feelings towards.
If you are an incel and over 30 you are mentally super strong and you will just accept it

Or the opposite, too weak to kill yourself.
Please explain

A bunch of realizations suddenly hit me like a ton of bricks:
  • I'm now halfway to 70 and only a few short years away from being 40
  • My dad, who reproduced so late in life, had me when he was my age
  • People half my age (and under) are having more sex than I have ever had
  • Some of my peers' children are now having more sex than I have ever had
  • I no longer feel "young" when I notice how different the younger generation is
I would call it a midlife crisis, but don't plan on living until I'm 70. But I am panicking nevertheless. I guess I'm delusionally refusing to accept that I will be a genetic failure when the writing is obviously on the wall.
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If I don’t find anime/manga/video games fun at that age I’m definitely going to kill myself
But don't you still feel really depressed and empty knowing none of its real? Escorts for those moments in time will make you forget, but once you really observe the reality of your situation you'll realise they have no feelings for you, but what's inside your wallet. Some women will happily settle if they know they will love a comfortable life, even if it may be with someone they have no real feelings towards.

All the time bro. All the fucking time. It's a void without a bottom, but I regularly throw whores and nice things into it, and it gets me from one day to the next.

Still better than rope or just straight up LDAR, IMO.
A bunch of realizations suddenly hit me like a ton of bricks:
  • I'm now halfway to 70 and only a few short years away from being 40
  • My dad, who reproduced so late in life, had me when he was my age
  • People half my age (and under) are having more sex than I have ever had
  • Some of my peers' children are now having more sex than I have ever had
  • I no longer feel "young" when I notice how different the younger generation is
I would call it a midlife crisis, but don't plan on living until I'm 70. But I am panicking nevertheless. I guess I'm delusionally refusing to accept that I will be a genetic failure when the writing is obviously on the wall.

almost all of our dads would be incel as fuck AND poor n this day and age
they got lucky and grew up in easier times
i probably won't make it to 40, sounds like hell

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