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I'm very close to killing myself.


Currently Rotting

Nov 19, 2017
I can't really handle this shit anymore. Even if I had an ABLATION of my memories/ego i'd still succumb to the depths of unrelenting depression and anxiety because of my subhuman face.
This song has helped me before.

Tuttle said:
This song has helped me before.


I appreciate the sentiment, but it's truly a wrap for me
And if it's bad
Don't let it get you down, you can take it
And if it hurts
Don't let them see you cry, you can make it
And if they stare
Just let them burn their eyes on you moving
And if they shout
Don't let it change a thing that you're doing

Currently Rotting said:
I appreciate the sentiment, but it's truly a wrap for me

Why?  Don't let something as asinine as women's acceptance or rejection determine your fate.

Just get some sleep.
Currently Rotting said:
I can't really handle this shit anymore. Even if I had an ABLATION of my memories/ego i'd still succumb to the depths of unrelenting depression and anxiety because of my subhuman face.

its the advertising driven society we're part of that created ideas of self worth based on our physical appearance and females being status driven creatures they are now only chose based on status of fame or appearance

the Tibetan Dalai Lama was confused when a [url=http://www.dispatchesfromtheheart.com/blog/2016/2/23/hhdl-self-hatred-story]female tried to explain to him a growing self hatred of people in the west[/url], his culture can't fathom why you'd hate yourself like ours seem to make us hate ourselves for not looking a certain way or owning certain shit

If the Dalai Lama has no awareness of self-hatred, then it is undeniably a conditioned state, and just knowing that it’s a conditioned state opens the possibility that it can be de-conditioned.
Currently Rotting said:
I can't really handle this shit anymore. Even if I had an ABLATION of my memories/ego i'd still succumb to the depths of unrelenting depression and anxiety because of my subhuman face.

got a song to cheer you up 
Don't do anything stupid my man, go buy some hard liquor and listen to some overly cathartic music

Don't do it.

"If there's nothing worth living for, then there sure as hell isn't anything worth dying for. "
I'll be 100% real, I don't see why people post this kind of stuff. If it's really over and nothing anyone here can say to you will help (as you seem to claim above), what is the point of using a public forum as a suicide note? It would only attract the wrong attention to this site if it ever gets connected to you, I think?

Normally I'd be very supportive and try to coax you out of it but when you rebuff a fellow incel above, it just makes me feel like you're making this thread for attention. Not that you aren't entitled to it, I guess, but it just doesn't sit well with me that you opt to martyr like this. Not really my place to judge, though.

I'll end this by saying that I am sure you have parents, and maybe even friends, who would be sad to see you go. Don't do it if there is anything inside you that is telling you that it isn't the best decision. Don't really know what else to say. Best of luck, god speed.
blickpall said:
I'll be 100% real, I don't see why people post this kind of stuff. If it's really over and nothing anyone here can say to you will help (as you seem to claim above), what is the point of using a public forum as a suicide note? It would only attract the wrong attention to this site if it ever gets connected to you, I think?

Normally I'd be very supportive and try to coax you out of it but when you rebuff a fellow incel above, it just makes me feel like you're making this thread for attention. Not that you aren't entitled to it, I guess, but it just doesn't sit well with me that you opt to martyr like this. Not really my place to judge, though.

I'll end this by saying that I am sure you have parents, and maybe even friends, who would be sad to see you go. Don't do it if there is anything inside you that is telling you that it isn't the best decision. Don't really know what else to say. Best of luck, god speed.

venting? OP didn't say he is actually killing himself in any definite time, it's not any different than any other post venting about shitty life. What do you mean it would attract the wrong kind of attention to this site? Let the retards at inceltears and againsthatesubreddits say that posting here caused it. And no shit he wants attention, it's a normal human response. I hate when people say that like it's a bad thing or something to be ashamed of. There is nothing obnoxious about his post that would make me think attentionwhore.
Read my treatise.

The key is to get your mind preoccupied with other things, and that will shift your focus and feelings of anxiety and depression onto something else.

Here are some of the anime I've liked, deep and dark:
https://www.masterani.me/ Here is a good website to watch high-quality anime for free. (Doesn't have dubs for some of the anime, so might want to supplement it with other sites)

Mirrai Nikki(Future Diary)
From the New World
Claymore (also read the whole manga)
Welcome To NHK

Watch something educational:
Hi. I wish I could be of more help dude. All I can say is that it will get a bit easier as you get older. Not by much, but enoug to keep you from killing yourself.

There Is No Hope. Only Pain.
Indari said:
venting? OP didn't say he is actually killing himself in any definite time, it's not any different than any other post venting about shitty life. What do you mean it would attract the wrong kind of attention to this site? Let the retards at inceltears and againsthatesubreddits say that posting here caused it. And no shit he wants attention, it's a normal human response. I hate when people say that like it's a bad thing or something to be ashamed of. There is nothing obnoxious about his post that would make me think attentionwhore.

I guess I inferred it from how he told the poster above "nah don't help me it's a wrap for me," and the title saying "I'm very close to killing myself." Might be just me though.

What I mean by attracting the wrong kind of attention to this site is headlines saying "Incel community monitored by police for potential suicides," "Incel community unable to prevent suicide among their ranks," "Incels.me: where misogynists go to die?" etc.

I didn't say it was abnormal, I just feel that it's stupid to work in contradictions. "I am very close to killing myself." - incels try to make him feel better - "No, it's too late for me, it's a wrap," - while posting on a public forum where other people can see what he is saying while he rejects their attempts at helping him. If you weren't open to help, then why go public with it? I mean, I guess in a community where ER is praised, it makes sense. But even then, this cry for attention while simultaneously rejecting compassion just seems attention-whorey to me. "Woe is me, I iz so sad but no, do not weep for me my brothers, do not give me a hand, for woe is me it is too late for meeee rip." Please. This is not normal adult behavior.
microDongCityUSA said:
its the advertising driven society we're part of that created ideas of self worth based on our physical appearance

Bull crap, you sound like a third-wave feminist. Humans naturally look for mates who have high symmetry / good bones because it used to be a reliable proxy for health in prehistoric environments.

If ugly men have such low status today, it's not because of "advertising" but mostly because of the end of religion and women entering the workforce, thus no longer needing a beta provider. The ideal time for an ugly male was undeniably the Middle Ages. Monogamy was enforced with extreme might by the Church and the State, sex outside marriage was treated the way Muslims treat it today, and any man with a roof and a job was attractive due to economic hardships.
Tuttle said:
This song has helped me before.


pretty sure this racket will just make him more suicidal. i dont understand ppl who share their music w/ complete strangers like this. kinda egocentric.
Suicide is an aggressive act, the psychological profile of "successful" suicide victims seems to be closer to that of murderers than to anxious anime incels. This is probably also why I didn't commit suicide because I was always rather depressed and anxious than aggressive. Only since the last year or so I'm often burning with the most intense hatred, also family-related shit, aggression towards the father and society, etc. "Scientifically" this means that I'm getting closer to suicide, I guess.
I think, speaking from a long experience with suicidal thoughts, that the arguments habitually used to discourage someone from suicide tend to be extremely naive and ineffective.

For instance, the "some people care about you" rarely works because you are usually dealing with a severely alienated person, or a nihilistic/cynical person who only sees life under the angle of natural selection.

Historically, there has only been one effective argument against suicide. It is religion. All religions have not only banned suicide, but also attempted to drive fear into the hearts of suicidal men by threatening them with torture in the afterlife, eternal torture in the case of the monotheistic religions.

This seems cruel, but it was probably effective, at least to restrain impulses. And it is the only thing that could have worked. Suicidal people don't care about anything anymore. But they might care about getting horribly tortured for eternity.

Nowadays, it probably wouldn't work either because few people, least of all suicidal people, truly fear God anymore.
Cenobite Returns said:
All I can say is that it will get a bit easier as you get older.

I'm in my late 30's, i.e., likely quite a bit older than most on this forum, and I must say it hasn't gotten any easier.  Granted, age has somewhat attenuated my sex drive, such that I can now go more than five minutes without thinking about women.  Unfortunately, only apathy and depression greater than I've ever known have filled that void.  I may want less for sex, but my desire for a female companion has only increased.  To be sure, aging is no certain remedy for the pains of in-celibacy.
Fontaine said:
Humans naturally look for mates who have high symmetry / good bones because it used to be a reliable proxy for health in prehistoric environments.

Straw man? I never said looks weren't important, obviously looks are important but its been exaggerated with advertising

The comparison with Tibetan culture is a good one, they have no advertising like modern culture. Advertising relies on making you feel bad for not owning certain products or looking certain ways. Self hatred comes from comparisons usually from outside forces saying you don't measure up so buy this product or this idea so you'll start measuring up. Neighbors have latest car, don't get it you're gonna be left out...that's modern culture.

Being celibate sucks but so does hating yourself for not living up to some standards someone else set, i was suicidal also mostly because i thought not losing my virginity by 20 would be the end or not having a girlfriend or not having friends etc etc...you can be content if you're able to see you're okay if you don't have all the things society says you need to have. It might make you a loser in societies eyes but our modern culture isn't really the bastion of determining healthy mind state with insane divorce rates, suicide rates, depression, anxiety, people stressed out
microDongCityUSA said:
Straw man? I never said looks weren't important, obviously looks are important but its been exaggerated with advertising

The comparison with Tibetan culture is a good one, they have no advertising like modern culture.  Advertising relies on making you feel bad for not owning certain products or looking certain ways.  Self hatred comes from comparisons usually from outside forces saying you don't measure up so buy this product or this idea so you'll start measuring up.   Neighbors have latest car, don't get it you're gonna be left out...that's modern culture.

Being celibate sucks but so does hating yourself for not living up to some standards someone else set, i was suicidal also mostly because i thought not losing my virginity by 20 would be the end or not having a girlfriend or not having friends etc etc...you can be content if you're able to see you're okay if you don't have all the things society says you need to have.  It might make you a loser in societies eyes but our modern culture isn't really the bastion of determining healthy mind state with insane divorce rates, suicide rates, depression, anxiety, people stressed out

Marcuse argues that the "freedom" we have in modern times - the freedom to purchase whatever we want, the freedom to watch porn and masturbate and have sex out of wedlock, the freedom to work wherever and whenever we are sufficiently qualified - are all forms of social control, just like how the Romans were controlled by free bread and entertainment in the Colosseum while the Emperors shat up the empire. It's called oppressive desublimation if you're interested in looking up more, points out a lot of the same points you're making here.
For a truecel anything other than the rope is cope.

Everyone here trying to talk him out of it or help him feel better isn't much different than the femorhoids and bluepillers who act nice to our faces to gain morality points.

Obviously we enjoy each other's company here, otherwise we wouldn't be here, but to act like we actually care about each other is bluepill cope.
Enclave said:
For a truecel anything other than the rope is cope.
Everyone here trying to talk him out of it or help him feel better isn't much different than the femorhoids and bluepillers who act nice to our faces to gain morality points.
Obviously we enjoy each other's company here, otherwise we wouldn't be here, but to act like we actually care about each other is bluepill cope.

femorhoids and bluepillers and tears are bullies

Humans can relate to each other, being ugly or fat or bullied you can relate so its good to support each other

we all hold onto ideas or things we enjoy to keep us going which is a cope, everyone is coping best way they know how
i think its your choice.
but dying alone is a pretty miserable end.
i would kill as many people i could before i go.
Even though you may have missed out one of the biggest things in life, love... Love in the real world is rather more "conditional" than "unconditional." So there's not need to not worry of love, as we could remove exterior selves and others may see you nothing for what you are, and may just see you like all others. Generally, people don't love for who you are (your interior self), but rather they love for what you are (your exterior self).

Yes, people in this world demand more and sometimes it may not be impossible to meet their standards

However, they're still more little things to live than bigger things for live for and that's all I could tell you.
Currently Rotting said:
I can't really handle this shit anymore. Even if I had an ABLATION of my memories/ego i'd still succumb to the depths of unrelenting depression and anxiety because of my subhuman face.

In 100% honesty I accepted Christ as savior and I realize our time here as short. With this new outlook and reborn life I don't even feel pain anymore. I couldn't care less about this life.
bkdreamkb said:
i think its your choice.
but dying alone is a pretty miserable end.
i would kill as many people i could before i go.

Everyone dies alone. How does killing people make any difference? Once you're dead nothing matters. You have no perception of anything. 

I'm very close to killing myself too. I probably would have but for my porn addiction, which eats up months, such that I don't even have time to sort my method out. That and housebound sociophobia. I'd suggest just trying to live day to day. The reason most people don't kill themselves is because living another day is easier. The strain of living usually only becomes heavy enough to offset that when you compound the past and the future and pile it all up in your mind. Having a physical illness is helpful too. I have Crohn's and get some agonising pain every once in a while, yesterday in fact. Man, does physical pain make you appreciate psychological pain. It's child's play in comparison.
IncelInside said:
I'm in my late 30's, i.e., likely quite a bit older than most on this forum, and I must say it hasn't gotten any easier.  Granted, age has somewhat attenuated my sex drive, such that I can now go more than five minutes without thinking about women.  Unfortunately, only apathy and depression greater than I've ever known have filled that void.  I may want less for sex, but my desire for a female companion has only increased.  To be sure, aging is no certain remedy for the pains of in-celibacy.


I'm not currently suicidal but wish my previous attempts would have been successful.

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