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Venting I’m so goddamn scared that I’m going to be all alone my entire life

Deleted member 101

Deleted member 101

I just wanna be loved, but don’t think I’m worthy
Nov 7, 2017
Once my parents die, I’ll have no one on this earth who gives a shit about me.
Don’t have friends, have a hard time making them and I’ve had terrible endings to the few friendships I’ve had.
Girls are out of question for obvious reasons.
Even if I had a girl, going to her for emotional support, as fucked up as it is, is a terrible idea.
Don’t have anything in my life to rely on.
This is going to be my entire life. And I don’t know what to do other than kill myself.
I don’t want to die but I don’t want to feel this pain anymore.
It hurts so bad.
I wish I could cry but I can’t. Even if I feel like it. And besides, no one gives a shit when a man cries. Especially an unattractive one.
I’m 23 so technically I’m young but 23 is a very questionable age for a man to have never even kissed a girl. Shit, I only got my driver’s license last week and still live with my parents. I have only worked minimum wageslave jobs and I might be getting fired from my current one (I’m suspended). I am a fucking loser. Someone put a bullet in my head.
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That’s probably how it’s gonna end up. That’s what happened with all the oldcels here
@FrustratedWhiteMale @Bangkok or bust @Emba @Red Pill Rage @VirginAutistManlet give us the full rundown of living like an oldcel is like. I'm only 32, but all of you are 40+ so you might be able to shed some light on what's it like, and what possible copes we can use to mitigate the pain of being a lonely old timer.
if it makes you feel any better your parents probably don't love you either and just tolerate you enough because rejecting you means facing themselves that they failed as parents so they must love you to keep their sanity

no parent wants a loser incel son. deep down they hate what you are or what you are becoming but keep smiling throughout.

so in reality you are already alone. and there is a certain peace that comes with understanding and recognizing that
if it makes you feel any better your parents probably don't love you either and just tolerate you enough because rejecting you means facing themselves that they failed as parents so they must love you to keep their sanity

no parent wants a loser incel son. deep down they hate what you are or what you are becoming but keep smiling throughout.

so in reality you are already alone. and there is a certain peace that comes with understanding and recognizing that
That doesn’t make me feel better at all, if that is true then I would kill myself now. In fact I would kill myself in front of them.
That doesn’t make me feel better at all, if that is true then I would kill myself now. In fact I would kill myself in front of them.
How old are you by the way?
How old are you by the way?
23. In January I’ll be halfway to 24. The age where a lot of my peers from high school graduated college, got nice jobs, and are getting married.
OP, my only advice to you is to looksmax as much as you can and if you still fail you're a truecel and you should NEETmaxx, drink alcohol and play video games on your computer until you die/rope
The idea of my parents dying is very scary to me, and my dad is in his early 70s now. I have no clue what would happen if he died, how I could handle that. If they both died I would be absolutely alone.
OP, my only advice to you is to looksmax as much as you can and if you still fail you're a truecel and you should NEETmaxx, drink alcohol and play video games on your computer until you die/rope
Other than getting ripped I don’t have the money for surgeries and time is ticking, I’m only getting older and the amount of time looksmaxxing is more of my youth being wasted away fuck fuck fuck fuck
The idea of my parents dying is very scary to me, and my dad is in his early 70s now. I have no clue what would happen if he died, how I could handle that. If they both died I would be absolutely alone.
My folks are in their mid 60s. It’s gonna happen one day and I’m not looking forward to it. Everyone goes through their folks dying, but most people aren’t so utterly alone that it makes things worse.
Other than getting ripped I don’t have the money for surgeries and time is ticking, I’m only getting older and the amount of time looksmaxxing is more of my youth being wasted away fuck fuck fuck fuck

what are your current issues that you need to looksmax specifically?
We all die alone in this hell bro, you aint gonna die with me in the same coffin and even if u fucking did it wouldn't matter. In fact it wouldn't matter if all of us here died together body to body because the sum of our consciousness will be 0. So let me tell you this, there is no mommy or daddy coming to save you. You gotta bite the bullet and figure shit out by your self, make your own money survive and thrive somehow. At the end when u die make sure its without regrets
what are your current issues that you need to looksmax specifically?
Still have some more weight to lose but it doesn’t help that I have undesirable height and shit frame
My confidence is fucking zero and I have never had a girl be interested in me ever
There is no way out unfortunately
Still have some more weight to lose but it doesn’t help that I have undesirable height and shit frame
My confidence is fucking zero and I have never had a girl be interested in me ever

you sound like a volcel. whats your height
shit. it's over dude. just NEETmax and play vidya
Yeah I thought I was 5’10 until a few years ago when my folks needed to measure me for a coat I wanted for Christmas
Turns out I was 5’7 ;_;
Or was it 5’8
Doesn’t matter they’re both awful heights
This is the fate of all incels. A lonely death after a lifetime of isolation and pain.
@FrustratedWhiteMale @Bangkok or bust @Emba @Red Pill Rage @VirginAutistManlet give us the full rundown of living like an oldcel is like. I'm only 32, but all of you are 40+ so you might be able to shed some light on what's it like, and what possible copes we can use to mitigate the pain of being a lonely old timer.

Im 32 lol
U should cry. You'll feel slightly better and a weight lifted off your shoulders. I don't get why some men try to cope by not crying.
Once my parents die, I’ll have no one on this earth who gives a shit about me.
Don’t have friends, have a hard time making them and I’ve had terrible endings to the few friendships I’ve had.
Girls are out of question for obvious reasons.
Even if I had a girl, going to her for emotional support, as fucked up as it is, is a terrible idea.
Don’t have anything in my life to rely on.
This is going to be my entire life. And I don’t know what to do other than kill myself.
I don’t want to die but I don’t want to feel this pain anymore.
It hurts so bad.
I wish I could cry but I can’t. Even if I feel like it. And besides, no one gives a shit when a man cries. Especially an unattractive one.
I’m 23 so technically I’m young but 23 is a very questionable age for a man to have never even kissed a girl. Shit, I only got my driver’s license last week and still live with my parents. I have only worked minimum wageslave jobs and I might be getting fired from my current one (I’m suspended). I am a fucking loser. Someone put a bullet in my head.
Its over , you are gonna spend the rest of your life alone. Cope or rope
This is the fate of all incels. A lonely death after a lifetime of isolation and pain.
this ngl
also 23 i can relate to a lot of this
You'll have us OP.
I am a fucking loser.
So am I. So what ? Stop having such high expectations about yourself.
I’m 23 so technically I’m young but 23 is a very questionable age for a man to have never even kissed a girl.
Where is it written that you're supposed to have kissed a girl at 23 ?

Don't be a NPC. Don't expect your life to follow scripts.
You better accept it soon or you're gonna rope.
I've accepted the fact that I'll always be alone, ain't much to be done.
We are all losers here. some will ascend, and some won’t. Not much any of us can do, if it’s over it’s over
@FrustratedWhiteMale @Bangkok or bust @Emba @Red Pill Rage @VirginAutistManlet give us the full rundown of living like an oldcel is like. I'm only 32, but all of you are 40+ so you might be able to shed some light on what's it like, and what possible copes we can use to mitigate the pain of being a lonely old timer.
It's fucking horrible!

My only Thanksgiving message was from my local incel "buddy." (Frenemy- based on my purchases of firewood)

It doesn't get any better. No copes are effective long-term. Nothing you can do makes any difference. Self improvement is a farce. If you consider things only from your own viewpoint you will fail - like me.


Or... Get a dog. Only a stinky fleabag will ever love you! Even If only for your betabuxx food biscuits!

Social credit maxx!

DO WHATEVER IT TAKES TO JOIN (or create) SOME KIND OF LOCAL COMMUNITY! Do it before you get old - like me. This is your safety net! Weave it together BEFORE YOU NEED IT!

If you try to Do it too late - like me - you will fail! (Like me) Building social credit takes TIME. Often decades. Start NOW!

FIND A WAY TO BE USEFUL TO YOUR COMMUNITY! The longer you wait the harder it becomes.
Once my parents die, I’ll have no one on this earth who gives a shit about me.
Don’t have friends, have a hard time making them and I’ve had terrible endings to the few friendships I’ve had.
Girls are out of question for obvious reasons.
Even if I had a girl, going to her for emotional support, as fucked up as it is, is a terrible idea.
Don’t have anything in my life to rely on.
This is going to be my entire life. And I don’t know what to do other than kill myself.
I don’t want to die but I don’t want to feel this pain anymore.
It hurts so bad.
I wish I could cry but I can’t. Even if I feel like it. And besides, no one gives a shit when a man cries. Especially an unattractive one.
I’m 23 so technically I’m young but 23 is a very questionable age for a man to have never even kissed a girl. Shit, I only got my driver’s license last week and still live with my parents. I have only worked minimum wageslave jobs and I might be getting fired from my current one (I’m suspended). I am a fucking loser. Someone put a bullet in my head.

I think about this atleast once a day.
It spikes my anxiety to astronomical levels
We all die alone in this hell bro, you aint gonna die with me in the same coffin and even if u fucking did it wouldn't matter. In fact it wouldn't matter if all of us here died together body to body because the sum of our consciousness will be 0. So let me tell you this, there is no mommy or daddy coming to save you. You gotta bite the bullet and figure shit out by your self, make your own money survive and thrive somehow. At the end when u die make sure its without regrets

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