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im not even sure if i hate women, i just want a friend

  • Thread starter Mongolianwizard
  • Start date


Think about it rationally.
Jul 4, 2018
but everytime i try to talk to women they fuck me over
one girl set herself offline 24/7 and then got mad when i never messaged her
another few got triggered by me being a lolicon
one just never sends me messages and depends on me to talk to her but she's like a wooden board
what i've learned from trying to talk about women is that they always expect someone to come to them, they'll never come to you.
everytime i play a game if there's a woman she's either awful or a cunt
everytime im in a guild if there are women in it, they cause fuckloads of drama and ruin it
every women who played eve was a blue-haired skank
whenever i play a game where gear is a focus the women i meet never work for it. i was playing bdo last night and there was a women in guild with a 500gs who didn't know how to do mob rotations or even how to fucking grind

i dont want to hate women, and i didnt start out hating women, it's these experiences that lead me here. i dont want to hate anyone, that's not in my nature. women forced me to hate them because they are assholes. its not that they won't date me; i physically cannot date anyone has i live in a very small town and cannot drive. i want to be friends with everyone but women don't want friendship from people like me so i hate them.

i hate people who wont be my friend.



Don’t we all boyo
but everytime i try to talk to women they fuck me over
one girl set herself offline 24/7 and then got mad when i never messaged her
another few got triggered by me being a lolicon
one just never sends me messages and depends on me to talk to her but she's like a wooden board
what i've learned from trying to talk about women is that they always expect someone to come to them, they'll never come to you.
everytime i play a game if there's a woman she's either awful or a cunt
everytime im in a guild if there are women in it, they cause fuckloads of drama and ruin it
every women who played eve was a blue-haired skank
whenever i play a game where gear is a focus the women i meet never work for it. i was playing bdo last night and there was a women in guild with a 500gs who didn't know how to do mob rotations or even how to fucking grind

i dont want to hate women, and i didnt start out hating women, it's these experiences that lead me here. i dont want to hate anyone, that's not in my nature. women forced me to hate them because they are assholes. its not that they won't date me; i physically cannot date anyone has i live in a very small town and cannot drive. i want to be friends with everyone but women don't want friendship from people like me so i hate them.

i hate people who wont be my friend.

View attachment 49971
Man fucking hate em if you want, you already got multiple reasons too
Man fucking hate em if you want, you already got multiple reasons too
like mosley did not inherently hate the jews, but hated many jews because of their actions, i too do not hate women on the basis of their gender but on the basis of their actions
All foids are cunts.
The woman is immunized against all dangers: one may call her a cunt, whore, parasite, stacy, it all runs off her like water off a raincoat. But call her a Woman and you will be astonished at how she recoils, how injured she is, how she suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”
cringe and bluepilled
like mosley did not inherently hate the jews, but hated many jews because of their actions, i too do not hate women on the basis of their gender but on the basis of their actions

some actually did. one thing about Euro fascists is that prime movers in the states got memory-holed somehow, like Pelley, Bellamy, Yockey, Long.
some actually did. one thing about Euro fascists is that prime movers in the states got memory-holed somehow, like Pelley, Bellamy, Yockey, Long.
i know that, i'm saying what mosley himself said. there were obviously members of the british fascist party that disliked jews.
i mean you try to interact with women post-blackpill, that's not exactly the womb :)
i tried interacting because i got tired of wallowing in my hate
my attempts were met with the cold shoulder and outright aggression
fuck women
i tried interacting because i got tired of wallowing in my hate
my attempts were met with the cold shoulder and outright aggression
fuck women

serves you right for trying interactions, hope youngling learned his lesson
If they hate you, you should hate them, thats how it works for me
Why would you tell foids about liking lolis if you didn't want them to hate you??? Foids hate lolicons
pay a girl to be friends with you
Why would you tell foids about liking lolis if you didn't want them to hate you??? Foids hate lolicons
how many times do i have to say that i was doxed
a lot since I don't personally know you and I'm sure others don't either
niggers grabbed a lot of shit and linked it together and found out i posted loli online
If you see a woman online or in any place on the internet you fucking ignore her and delete her from your friend list on sight. There's no fucking point in listening to her or even caring about her, same IRL. I hate cunts who talk to them or are nice to them expecting some kind of approval or attention from them. Just ignore her boyo. Treat her like a fucking dog because that's how they think of you in their heads
but everytime i try to talk to women they fuck me over
one girl set herself offline 24/7 and then got mad when i never messaged her
another few got triggered by me being a lolicon
one just never sends me messages and depends on me to talk to her but she's like a wooden board
what i've learned from trying to talk about women is that they always expect someone to come to them, they'll never come to you.
everytime i play a game if there's a woman she's either awful or a cunt
everytime im in a guild if there are women in it, they cause fuckloads of drama and ruin it
every women who played eve was a blue-haired skank
whenever i play a game where gear is a focus the women i meet never work for it. i was playing bdo last night and there was a women in guild with a 500gs who didn't know how to do mob rotations or even how to fucking grind

i dont want to hate women, and i didnt start out hating women, it's these experiences that lead me here. i dont want to hate anyone, that's not in my nature. women forced me to hate them because they are assholes. its not that they won't date me; i physically cannot date anyone has i live in a very small town and cannot drive. i want to be friends with everyone but women don't want friendship from people like me so i hate them.

i hate people who wont be my friend.

View attachment 49971
then you know that females are garbage and that you should hate them. they certainly hate you, so it is irrational NOT to. it is only natural.

you should also know better than orbiting online females.
No one here actually does. If we did, we wouldn’t care for them.

It’s the dice roll that is life that people hate.

Connection and love is something that is desired and we cannot experience such pleasures due to things beyond our control.
No one here actually does. If we did, we wouldn’t care for them.

It’s the dice roll that is life that people hate.

Connection and love is something that is desired and we cannot experience such pleasures due to things beyond our control.
Well at least you managed to get few female friends In social media, no female had ever messaged to me besides very few occasions where they need something from me such as school projects and shit
Hating people for not wanting you is a cope in itself. You won’t be happy forcing yourself on to someone

I simply accepted that it’s over. Farthest thing from coping
Daily reminder that you're a cuck if you don't hate women
Women in videos games are cancer and oh my god I hate those cucks who give a lot of loot/money to any women in game, I really agree with you in all of your point, they ruins everything

(ps : if you want to add me on bdo pm me, i'm lvl 56 and I don't have play for a long moment but it's can be fun to play again, i'm on american server)
then you know that females are garbage and that you should hate them. they certainly hate you, so it is irrational NOT to. it is only natural.

you should also know better than orbiting online females.
i kind of just broke off from the blackpill lately and tried to see if everything was actually true, that's why i decided to try talking to women online
everytime someone tries to disprove the blackpill, it just becomes more apparent that it's true
Yeah, it must be great to have a female friend of approximatively the same age as me to do perverted sex shit with.
Daily reminder that you're a cuck if you don't hate women
Me tbh

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