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I'm literally going crazy



OG failure
Oct 1, 2019
I'm keep having weird delusions about reality itself. I'm pretty sure at this point that I'm either completely insane and imagine most of the things I expierence or I'm living in a dream (so basically a simulation on a bio-computer). Everything that happens to me is in fractals. I'm an actor in a movie and whoever is watching is clearly wanting to tell me something. I just finished watching a tv series about a drug dealer and the ending confirmed my delusions. He was imagining a lot of stuff and they were even talking about being actors but at the same time real people. And then one of the characters who was telling it looked straight into the camera. Wtf. I want to believe it's all a big coincidence but what are the odds of so many weird things happening to me?
I'm keep seeing myself from the future (in real life not in dreams or whatever). I'm fucking scared I try not to think about it but everytime I forget about it another clue appears.
And it all started when I took LSD few months ago. It showed me unflitered reality, without my emotions or bias. Idk if I'm special or signs of simulation also appear in other people lives and they just don't see it/choose to not see it. Or maybe I'm the only person alive and everything is imagined by me. Maybe I'm really in a dream.
I don't know what to think about it. I want it to just be schizophrenia because other explanations are scary as hell.
Crazy shit man
When I have thoughts like that I literally have to conciously suppress them to stop me going insane and feeling like this is a fake world n I'm the only real person n all dat
now i dont wana take lsd tbh
Mind altering drugs: not even once.
this is why i would never take psychedelics. i would fucking lose my mind and panic
I had a dream last night where I quite vividly was stabbed in the throat. Then I woke up and felt like demons held me in their clasp. So I went back to sleep.
I'm keep having weird delusions about reality itself. I'm pretty sure at this point that I'm either completely insane and imagine most of the things I expierence or I'm living in a dream (so basically a simulation on a bio-computer). Everything that happens to me is in fractals. I'm an actor in a movie and whoever is watching is clearly wanting to tell me something. I just finished watching a tv series about a drug dealer and the ending confirmed my delusions. He was imagining a lot of stuff and they were even talking about being actors but at the same time real people. And then one of the characters who was telling it looked straight into the camera. Wtf. I want to believe it's all a big coincidence but what are the odds of so many weird things happening to me?
I'm keep seeing myself from the future (in real life not in dreams or whatever). I'm fucking scared I try not to think about it but everytime I forget about it another clue appears.
And it all started when I took LSD few months ago. It showed me unflitered reality, without my emotions or bias. Idk if I'm special or signs of simulation also appear in other people lives and they just don't see it/choose to not see it. Or maybe I'm the only person alive and everything is imagined by me. Maybe I'm really in a dream.
I don't know what to think about it. I want it to just be schizophrenia because other explanations are scary as hell.
I know how you feel
I'm 6 months away from being a 30 khhv.

Getting recognized and ultimately "chosen" by a female of your own relative age and status and having an intimate relationship with her is a NECESSARY psychological developmental milestone that a young man needs to achieve, in order so that he could progress into next stage of development, which would be adulthood.This important event of being "recognized" and "chosen" is suppose to take place at around the ages of 15-17, the longer this event is postponed from ones life, the more violent the clash will be between the maturing body and the stunted psyche. The "stunted psychological growth" and the "ever maturing physical body" will always be at odds with one another. The "contradiction" between the "psyche for which the time has stopped" and for the "body for whom the continuous passage of time has never ceased", will manifest itself in various types of complexes, disorders in the life of the individual.

If you miss this marker, you will be frozen in time and unable to move on the the next stage of psychological development. Even if you have a "successful" career, a house, a car, hobbies("all" of the things you "need" to be a well adjusted adult) you will still "be" and feel like that 15-17 young man. Something will be missing, and that something will slowly seep and permeate into all layers of your life, ultimately consuming and overtaking all of your thoughts and actions. Your whole life will feel fake, pointless, empty and ultimately robbed of any meaning. All of your actions will feel like you are acting , or rehearsing for a play, rather than living your actual life.


I use to think it was kind of juvenile or "crude" when in my earlier years I use to overhear other young guys talk about getting laid and having their friends comment something along the lines, " You are the man now."

Affirming the notion that getting laid is what makes you a man, or is what's needed to transition into manhood. It's not the getting laid part entirely, its the act of being "recognized" and "accepted" by a member of the opposite sex what's important. The genuine recognition and acceptance(by acceptance I mean being granted access to a woman's body by her and being given the ability to participate in the act of procreation with her) is the catalyst needed to trigger the psychological development, the departure from boyhood into manhood. If that bridge is never crossed, you will not move on.
just trip balls theory
I'm 6 months away from being a 30 khhv.

Getting recognized and ultimately "chosen" by a female of your own relative age and status and having an intimate relationship with her is a NECESSARY psychological developmental milestone that a young man needs to achieve, in order so that he could progress into next stage of development, which would be adulthood.This important event of being "recognized" and "chosen" is suppose to take place at around the ages of 15-17, the longer this event is postponed from ones life, the more violent the clash will be between the maturing body and the stunted psyche. The "stunted psychological growth" and the "ever maturing physical body" will always be at odds with one another. The "contradiction" between the "psyche for which the time has stopped" and for the "body for whom the continuous passage of time has never ceased", will manifest itself in various types of complexes, disorders in the life of the individual.

If you miss this marker, you will be frozen in time and unable to move on the the next stage of psychological development. Even if you have a "successful" career, a house, a car, hobbies("all" of the things you "need" to be a well adjusted adult) you will still "be" and feel like that 15-17 young man. Something will be missing, and that something will slowly seep and permeate into all layers of your life, ultimately consuming and overtaking all of your thoughts and actions. Your whole life will feel fake, pointless, empty and ultimately robbed of any meaning. All of your actions will feel like you are acting , or rehearsing for a play, rather than living your actual life.


I use to think it was kind of juvenile or "crude" when in my earlier years I use to overhear other young guys talk about getting laid and having their friends comment something along the lines, " You are the man now."

Affirming the notion that getting laid is what makes you a man, or is what's needed to transition into manhood. It's not the getting laid part entirely, its the act of being "recognized" and "accepted" by a member of the opposite sex what's important. The genuine recognition and acceptance(by acceptance I mean being granted access to a woman's body by her and being given the ability to participate in the act of procreation with her) is the catalyst needed to trigger the psychological development, the departure from boyhood into manhood. If that bridge is never crossed, you will not move on.
This is so fucking true and brutal. It's exactly how I feel in comparison to my sex-having friends. They act so natural all the time while I try so hard to fit in. There is no chance at living a normal life as incel.
I'm 6 months away from being a 30 khhv.

Getting recognized and ultimately "chosen" by a female of your own relative age and status and having an intimate relationship with her is a NECESSARY psychological developmental milestone that a young man needs to achieve, in order so that he could progress into next stage of development, which would be adulthood.This important event of being "recognized" and "chosen" is suppose to take place at around the ages of 15-17, the longer this event is postponed from ones life, the more violent the clash will be between the maturing body and the stunted psyche. The "stunted psychological growth" and the "ever maturing physical body" will always be at odds with one another. The "contradiction" between the "psyche for which the time has stopped" and for the "body for whom the continuous passage of time has never ceased", will manifest itself in various types of complexes, disorders in the life of the individual.

If you miss this marker, you will be frozen in time and unable to move on the the next stage of psychological development. Even if you have a "successful" career, a house, a car, hobbies("all" of the things you "need" to be a well adjusted adult) you will still "be" and feel like that 15-17 young man. Something will be missing, and that something will slowly seep and permeate into all layers of your life, ultimately consuming and overtaking all of your thoughts and actions. Your whole life will feel fake, pointless, empty and ultimately robbed of any meaning. All of your actions will feel like you are acting , or rehearsing for a play, rather than living your actual life.


I use to think it was kind of juvenile or "crude" when in my earlier years I use to overhear other young guys talk about getting laid and having their friends comment something along the lines, " You are the man now."

Affirming the notion that getting laid is what makes you a man, or is what's needed to transition into manhood. It's not the getting laid part entirely, its the act of being "recognized" and "accepted" by a member of the opposite sex what's important. The genuine recognition and acceptance(by acceptance I mean being granted access to a woman's body by her and being given the ability to participate in the act of procreation with her) is the catalyst needed to trigger the psychological development, the departure from boyhood into manhood. If that bridge is never crossed, you will not move on.
This hurt to read because it's so fucking true!
absolutely brutal stuff, man
thanks for taking the time to write this..
most incels go insane or abandon the blackpill it seems tbh
Did someone say fractals?
You are completely correct. They’re not delusions. You are just realizing the truth. Good luck
Brutal ngl maybe u can take jewpills

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