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Im in class using this site on a school computer



permavirgin failure
Apr 19, 2019
Why am I always the most quiet, weird, and odd out of my entire class?

As I type this, all my normalfag classmates are loudly talking and ignoring my existence.

I want them to see that I'm an incel so I hope they look at my screen
I do this on my phone, granted I sit all the way in the back, but I doubt they care if they saw.
Jfl if a teacher caught you and told your parents
You are 23 and still in school
You have guts, I would not like to be caught.
I will masturbate
It’s mid july why are you in class, what..
Why am I always the most quiet, weird, and odd out of my entire class?

As I type this, all my normalfag classmates are loudly talking and ignoring my existence.

I want them to see that I'm an incel so I hope they look at my screen

This post is Exhibit A of a cliche "I am so edgy guiiiiz!" post

I literally cringed at "Why am I always the most quiet, weird, and odd out of my entire class?", this is some poser shit, you are just a try hard

It sounds as if you are TRYING TO BE WEIRD and then rhetorically asking why you are the weirdest one in your class, are you dense

Guys like you don't learn common sense until something bad happens, until you get caught and ruin your entire life, here's a news flash, shit can always get worse, and you are pushing your luck like you want it to get worse
This post is Exhibit A of a cliche "I am so edgy guiiiiz!" post

I literally cringed at "Why am I always the most quiet, weird, and odd out of my entire class?", this is some poser shit, you are just a try hard

It sounds as if you are TRYING TO BE WEIRD and then rhetorically asking why you are the weirdest one in your class, are you dense

Guys like you don't learn common sense until something bad happens, until you get caught and ruin your entire life, here's a news flash, shit can always get worse, and you are pushing your luck like you want it to get worse
Look, faggot, it's a true observation that I've noticed. I'm not trying to be edgy or "weird". It's a real question. All my class started at the same time and somehow they can all interact with each other and talk to each other as if they've know each other for years and once again I am the one who is seemingly behind. I want them to know I'm an incel so they can destroy me even more. When things are declining despite all my best efforts to make them get better, there's no point in trying anymore. Might as well just let myself be destroyed.

Who would try to be weird? What would they achieve? Life isn't a movie where some guy can act like a Joker-esque lunatic and be considered "cool" (especially if the guy is ugly). I have nothing to gain by purposely being weird
I'm not trying to be edgy or "weird". It's a real question. All my class started at the same time and somehow they can all interact with each other and talk to each other as if they've know each other for years and once again I am the one who is seemingly behind. I want them to know I'm an incel so they can destroy me even more. When things are declining despite all my best efforts to make them get better, there's no point in trying anymore. Might as well just let myself be destroyed.

Who would try to be weird? What would they achieve? Life isn't a movie where some guy can act like a Joker-esque lunatic and be considered "cool" (especially if the guy is ugly). I have nothing to gain by purposely being weird

> I'm not trying to be edgy or "weird"
> Who would try to be weird?

> I want them to know I'm an incel

> What would they achieve?
> so they can destroy me even more

JFL you contradict yourself so easily

You can't have it both ways you fucking retard, you can't say you aren't trying to be weird yet you are doing shit to let them know you are an incel, that is by definition trying to be weird

You also ask what trying to be weird would achieve, you literally answered that question you idiot, you even claimed you wanted said answer to happen, you want them to "destroy you even more"

Try and take some time to think over your arguments before you make them, its full of holes, you contradict yourself in a few paragraphs, its ridiculous
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When I was using university computers browsing the forum I would have the window excessively small, in the corner, fast banana, and have some other page opened much larger
> I'm not trying to be edgy or "weird"
> Who would try to be weird?
it's not like I sit in the back of the class laughing to myself wearing all black like some weirdo. I actively try to interact and make small talk and it's met with phlegmatic indifference. People even avoid getting in elevators if it's just me there with them. Trust me, I don't pay tuition and all these fees just to put on an edgy façade.
When I was using university computers browsing the forum I would have the window excessively small, in the corner, fast banana, and have some other page opened much larger
high iq tactics
JFL who cares. Let us know when you do it on your WORK computer and get a taking to about it like me
JFL who cares. Let us know when you do it on your WORK computer and get a taking to about it like me
can't do it on a work computer if you ain't got no job to go to :feelsthink:
I don't pay tuition and all these fees just to put on an edgy façade.
I want them to know I'm an incel so they can destroy me even more

You are exhibit A of a poser, the kind of person who chases "the struggle", like a black dude born in an upper middle class family in the suburbs who hangs out with hood black kids because he wants to "feel black", only a poser goes out of their way to make things worse for themselves just to be a part of something, if you felt like you were genuinely an incel you would never try to make things worse for yourself, just like how blacks who actually live in hoods really just want to get out and "make it" one day, and posers always confuse them because they made it but they want "be real" and "be gangsta" so badly they bring themselves down, that shit is angering and pathetic
Low inhib mogs me tbh, i couldn't do that. I'm even afraid of browsing this site on my phone, when i'm in public ngl.
You are exhibit A of a poser, the kind of person who chases "the struggle", like a black dude born in an upper middle class family in the suburbs who hangs out with hood black kids because he wants to "feel black", only a poser goes out of their way to make things worse for themselves just to be a part of something, if you felt like you were genuinely an incel you would never try to make things worse for yourself, just like how blacks who actually live in hoods really just want to get out and "make it" one day, and posers always confuse them because they made it but they want "be real" and "be gangsta" so badly they bring themselves down, that shit is angering and pathetic
So, tell me this;

If you were constantly destroyed in every way and every time you tried to get out the cycle of being let down and disappointed, you were thrown back into it with full force, would you keep being positive?

I want to give them a reason to despise me. They are already uneasy with me, so I might as well show them I'm a pathetic incel. How is that edgy? So, you want me to lie to them and pretend to be something I'm not? Why not just let them know who I am? They already hate me anyway.
So, tell me this;

If you were constantly destroyed in every way and every time you tried to get out the cycle of being let down and disappointed, you were thrown back into it with full force, would you keep being positive?

Nice strawman, who said be positive, how about simply not make this worse, what you are trying to do is just some pointless half measure BS, just shoot up your school already or find a quiet little corner and kill yourself, but all this BS of trying to get caught as an incel is just illogical and pointless, stop with the half measures, make up your mind and do something, or stop wasting your time focusing on normies and start focusing on making money or something

I want to give them a reason to despise me.

To quote you:
What would that achieve?

The answer is nothing, stop with the half assed BS, you know you are just being a poser right now - "I want them to hate me", they already do idiot, all you are doing is going to get yourself bullied, to then do what?, a mass shooting?, why not just skip all the BS and get straight to it then, that's my point, you are pointlessly taking 100 steps when you can just take 1, just skip to the end result of your foolish actions, you kill yourself, or you do a mass shooting and then kill yourself, stop wasting time, either get to the point, or focus on actually building a life for yourself
do a mass shooting and then kill yourself, stop wasting time

Pretty high iq response from you ngl. But I don't wanna do a mass shooting or kill myself. I just simply want them to have a reason to hate me. If they realise I'm incel, maybe then they'll go, "oh man! I knew there was a reason I didn't like him, now I know what it is!" It'll be better than being disliked for no reason.
Look, faggot, it's a true observation that I've noticed. I'm not trying to be edgy or "weird". It's a real question. All my class started at the same time and somehow they can all interact with each other and talk to each other as if they've know each other for years and once again I am the one who is seemingly behind. I want them to know I'm an incel so they can destroy me even more. When things are declining despite all my best efforts to make them get better, there's no point in trying anymore. Might as well just let myself be destroyed.

Who would try to be weird? What would they achieve? Life isn't a movie where some guy can act like a Joker-esque lunatic and be considered "cool" (especially if the guy is ugly). I have nothing to gain by purposely being weird
can relate tbh :feelsrope:
It'll be better than being disliked for no reason.

Nobody is disliked for no reason, you are disliked because you are unattractive, you'd think something like this should be obvious for a so called incel
Nobody is disliked for no reason, you are disliked because you are unattractive, you'd think something like this should be obvious for a so called incel
I know I'm ugly but the few guys in my class are also ugly. One is even balding. Everyone loves him for some reason. Maybe it's his personality
Low inhib, make sure you're using incognito. I use incognito just because it looks more aesthetic.
Low inhib, make sure you're using incognito. I use incognito just because it looks more aesthetic.
Same here. But I wouldn't dare browse this site in class.
I know I'm ugly but the few guys in my class are also ugly. One is even balding. Everyone loves him for some reason. Maybe it's his personality
It's status and/or NTs being able to fit in
A truly terrible idea.
Same here. But I wouldn't dare browse this site in class.
Hell no, especially not on a laptop, unless I was sitting in the very back. Even then, they're probably monitoring your browsing.

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