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SuicideFuel Im getting weaker and fatter



May 12, 2019
When I was 25 I could Squat 110kg for 10+ reps easily comfortably.

Now I'm in my early 30s and today I did Squats with 60kg and I could barely get 5, it feels so fucking heavy, and Im straining 10x harder than when I could Squat 110kg for 10+ and it felt light. It feels so heavy that the path of the barbell feels like its swaying forward and backward, my back is hurting from it, I just dont understand.

My joints hurt, I am easily irritable, and I just seem to be getting weaker every year that goes by, zero progress in the gym for many years now, its just all 100% reverse progress, and constant joint pain.

Its fucking over.

I have tried reseting the weight dozens of times now, it just doesn't work, I'm getting weaker and weaker and weaker and weaker. I didn't expect this to be happening when I'm about to hit 32, I thought these issues happen later in life when your in your late 40s, 50s, not early 30s. Fucking hell.
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I'm in my early 20's and I already have joint pain BC I fucked up during running. Just end me now :feelscry: But ~~just wOrK oUT bRO~~
When I was 25 I could Squat 110kg for 10+ reps easily comfortably.

Now I'm in my early 30s and today I did Squats with 60kg and I could barely get 5, it feels so fucking heavy, and Im straining 10x harder than when I could Squat 110kg for 10+ and it felt light. It feels so heavy that the path of the barbell feels like its swaying forward and backward, my back is hurting from it, I just dont understand.

My joints hurt, I am easily irritable, and I just seem to be getting weaker every year that goes by, zero progress in the gym for many years now, its just all 100% reverse progress, and constant joint pain.

Its fucking over.

I have tried reseting the weight dozens of times now, it just doesn't work, I'm getting weaker and weaker and weaker and weaker. I didn't expect this to be happening when I'm about to hit 32, I thought these issues happen later in life when your in your late 40s, 50s, not early 30s. Fucking hell.
looks like it's time for STEROIDS
most should be stronger in their early 30s, that old man strength
looks like it's time for STEROIDS

I use to Squat 110kg for 10+ easily when i was 25 naturally, this isn't a steroid issue. A steroid issues would be if I wanted to go from a 160kg squat for reps to a 200kg squat for reps.

I have just got progressively weaker year by year since 25 and now squat with a single plate on the barbell for squats with just 60kg feels like 140kg use to feel for me.

Also, my left arms joints hurts now as well, so struggling with Bench Press, Chin-Ups, and Presses because of it.

So basically my body is fully cucking me, can't even lift weights and enjoy it anymore because of how badly it sucks for me now. Lifting was once enjoyable when I could progress with it week after week ,month after month, and actually get better and see progress, but now lifting Im getting weaker and hurting more and more and im losing motivation to continue, why continue lifting if im just going to get weaker and weaker and be in joint pain all the time?

I also use to rep out 100kg incline bench, and rep out weighted-chinups with 20kg+ strapped to me, now I can barely flat bench 90kg for 5, and can barely do 6-8 bodyweight chin-ups.
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I use to Squat 110kg for 10+ easily when i was 25 naturally, this isn't a steroid issue. A steroid issues would be if I wanted to go from a 160kg squat for reps to a 200kg squat for reps.

I have just got progressively weaker year by year since 25 and now squat with a single plate on the barbell for squats with just 60kg feels like 140kg use to feel for me.

Also, my left arms joints hurts now as well, so struggling with Bench Press, Chin-Ups, and Presses because of it.

So basically my body is fully cucking me, can't even lift weights and enjoy it anymore because of how badly it sucks for me now. Lifting was once enjoyable when I could progress with it week after week ,month after month, and actually get better and see progress, but now lifting Im getting weaker and hurting more and more and im losing motivation to continue, why continue lifting if im just going to get weaker and weaker and be in joint pain all the time?

I also use to rep out 100kg incline bench, and rep out weighted-chinups with 20kg+ strapped to me, now I can barely flat bench 90kg for 5, and can barely do 6-8 bodyweight chin-ups.
Do you think it’s just age? Or do you think you accidentally pushed yourself too hard over time? Early 30s seems a bit too soon for your body to start failing like this
Do you think it’s just age? Or do you think you accidentally pushed yourself too hard over time? Early 30s seems a bit too soon for your body to start failing like this

I said it squatting 110kg for 10+ reps at 25 wasn't even a effort for me, it was easy work, now 60kg feels like I'm straining every ounce of energy I can into it and it still feels absolutely terrible and I feel all fucked up after it. It shouldn't be like this, I don't fucking get it.

It wasn't that I went from 110kg easy work to 60kg hard mode, it was a slow regression over the last 5-6 years, probably losing 10kg off my squat every year.

I have lost about 10-15kg off bench, 5-10kg off press, and 20kg+ off weighted chin-ups.

I was literally stronger in my first 6 months lifting, than I am now after 7+ years
I said it squatting 110kg for 10+ reps at 25 wasn't even a effort for me, it was easy work, now 60kg feels like I'm straining every ounce of energy I can into it and it still feels absolutely terrible and I feel all fucked up after it. It shouldn't be like this, I don't fucking get it.

It wasn't that I went from 110kg easy work to 60kg hard mode, it was a slow regression over the last 5-6 years.
It’s over
I just dont understand how I can be weaker after 7+ years lifting than I was in the first 6 months of noob strength gains. I literally had 100kg bench, 110kg squat, 140kg deadlifts, 70kg presses, 20kg+ weighted chinups, within the first 6 months of lifting, just all easy noob gains on a full body program, these were all for reps, and it was all comfortable reps. Now I am nowhere near those numbers after 7 years and they all seem completely out of reach :feelswhat:

I just want to give up now tbh, its been 7 years now lifting weights and I have nothing to show for it because piss poor lifts, and joint pains, Its the last activity I have in life, the rest of my life is LDAR, so once lifting goes, I'm 100% LDAR mode. How much more can I bang my head against the fucking wall doing this? Lifting has turned out like everything else in life, completely pointless, hopeless and worthless.
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