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It's Over im fucked



Nov 3, 2021
i put all of my self worth into getting a girlfriend so that someday i can achieve my only dream in life to have a family and kids. all of my self worth is gone now because i am failing to find a partner. ive tried multiple times and always end up getting ghosted or blocked. as a little kid i had so many more dreams than just starting a family, in fact i didnt really think much about a wife and kids, i just wanted a cool job someday and to be rich af, but now all i care about is yearning to be loved and i probably will never experience my only dream. lesson of my story is dont put all your self worth into finding love cus when you dont find it youll be empty
I want to get a hooker so I can coom on her feet
i put all of my self worth into getting a girlfriend so that someday i can achieve my only dream in life to have a family and kids. all of my self worth is gone now because i am failing to find a partner. ive tried multiple times and always end up getting ghosted or blocked. as a little kid i had so many more dreams than just starting a family, in fact i didnt really think much about a wife and kids, i just wanted a cool job someday and to be rich af, but now all i care about is yearning to be loved and i probably will never experience my only dream. lesson of my story is dont put all your self worth into finding love cus when you dont find it youll be empty
:cryfeels::feelsrope:can relate,we should base our self worth on something thats actually significant and useful ,not foids,but we are a slave to our biology.Only when we let go of these urges can we be truly peaceful,but our hormones make it impossible:cryfeels::feelscry:
:cryfeels::feelsrope:can relate,we should base our self worth on something thats actually significant and useful ,not foids,but we are a slave to our biology
. as a little kid i had so many more dreams than just starting a family, in fact i didnt really think much about a wife and kids

You remind me...of myself. When I was a young child, I became deeply invested in STEM. I started to like Microbiology, HIV, cancer, and scripting languages.

I have a brain lesion, resulting in Dyscalculia and NLD. When I was a young child, I also received academic excellence certificates. However, Mother chose to home-school me due to my ASD symptoms and domestic violence experiences. I ended up spending my time reading dictionaries, medical books, digital encyclopedias and searching for medical information online since Mother was often too busy violently arguing with her husband to help me.


Kid, you're 15, shouldn't you be playing roblox? :lul:
if you think 15 year olds these days are playing roblox you have a very narrow minded view of the average teenage zoomer in 2022 :feelskek:
You're 15 years old. You're at the age where you should start looksmaxxing. If you embrace the ldar mentality without having looksmaxxed and tried you're a fakecel idiot.

I've seen elsewhere you mentioning that you're a scrawny kid with glasses, I'd suggest you get contact lenses, start mewing, and start lifting weights.

When I was your age I was also skinny and wore glasses (I was born with visibly deformed eyes that make me almost blind). I also have a lifelong skin condition that's untreatable and that I was born with and that makes me look like I have some sort of plague.

I got contact lenses, started lifting weights, did everything to improve my appearance.

Guess what? It didn't fucking work. I was still ugly, and no amount of looksmaxxing helped my severe autism that makes me incapable of even speaking or basic interaction, or my hallucinations and homocidal thoughts.

And here I am, a 26 year old hideous mute autist. I've stopped trying because I've realized all my attempts were futile. Only when you've tried can you give up.

From your posts, you seem like an average kid with a social life. When I was your age I was an extreme loner with mutism, no friends and no contact with anybody at all, schizophrenia, I was bullied so hard I was on the brink of taking a knife with me and stabbing everyone at my school, and I spent most of my days locked in my room fantasizing about killing people, listening to black metal, and reading about philosophy and the occult, and getting yelled at by my deranged mentally ill parents.

You seem like a somewhat normal kid with friends, I don't know if you're neurotypical or not but it seems like you are, I assume you aren't hideous and deformed, you will most likely be able to ascend.

Get off this site, you're too young for the blackpill ldar mentality. Maybe come back in a few years if you haven't ascended.
You're 15 years old. You're at the age where you should start looksmaxxing. If you embrace the ldar mentality without having looksmaxxed and tried you're a fakecel idiot.

I've seen elsewhere you mentioning that you're a scrawny kid with glasses, I'd suggest you get contact lenses, start mewing, and start lifting weights.

When I was your age I was also skinny and wore glasses (I was born with visibly deformed eyes that make me almost blind). I also have a lifelong skin condition that's untreatable and that I was born with and that makes me look like I have some sort of plague.

I got contact lenses, started lifting weights, did everything to improve my appearance.

Guess what? It didn't fucking work. I was still ugly, and no amount of looksmaxxing helped my severe autism that makes me incapable of even speaking or basic interaction, or my hallucinations and homocidal thoughts.

And here I am, a 26 year old hideous mute autist. I've stopped trying because I've realized all my attempts were futile. Only when you've tried can you give up.

From your posts, you seem like an average kid with a social life. When I was your age I was an extreme loner with mutism, no friends and no contact with anybody at all, schizophrenia, I was bullied so hard I was on the brink of taking a knife with me and stabbing everyone at my school, and I spent most of my days locked in my room fantasizing about killing people, listening to black metal, and reading about philosophy and the occult, and getting yelled at by my deranged mentally ill parents.

You seem like a somewhat normal kid with friends, I don't know if you're neurotypical or not but it seems like you are, I assume you aren't hideous and deformed, you will most likely be able to ascend.

Get off this site, you're too young for the blackpill ldar mentality. Maybe come back in a few years if you haven't ascended.
i dont ldar i still try. i try my best to still talk to girls. i only use this forum to record my thoughts as my girlfren quest goes on. i also use the blackpill to educate myself on foid behaviors so i know what to expect and watch out for. also what conveys to you that i have a normal social life? i attend an alternative school and lay in bed the rest of the day. theres only 4 ppl in my class jfl
@Lycan is always saying sus shut :feelsEhh:
Nigga really be thinking about starting a family at 15yo :feelskek:

This is what I mean when I say the roles are inverted now, women now only dream about living their life and riding the cc while "men" want to be housewives :feelsseriously:

Fucking over for you, even if you ascend you're gonna get cucked for being such a beta
Nigga really be thinking about starting a family at 15yo :feelskek:

This is what I mean when I say the roles are inverted now, women now only dream about living their life and riding the cc while "men" want to be housewives :feelsseriously:

Fucking over for you, even if you ascend you're gonna get cucked for being such a beta
all i wanted since i started high school is a long term relationship that will later be turned into a marriage
over before it even began
if you think 15 year olds these days are playing roblox you have a very narrow minded view of the average teenage zoomer in 2022 :feelskek:
Being a 15 year old zoomer is the very definition of narrow minded. NGL.

You should delete you're .is account, continue your education or find a job, experience the pain of what it's like to work in the harsh world, go through the hell that's life, then (if you survive till 21) come back and then ask questions.

Honestly, for us oldcels there was no such option as NEET (even if there was in reality family support) in America we all craved the things you mentioned so we tried and tried at normie-life for YEARS. Until 35 in some cases.
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only 4 ppl in my class jfl
That's such a great thing. Use the fact that you're at this alternative school for rejects to Ace everything and get into a decent trade school or whatever...
That's such a great thing. Use the fact that you're at this alternative school for rejects to Ace everything and get into a decent trade school or whatever...
im already top of my class lol every other kid in my class just sleeps all day and barely does work. a foid in my class has a 1.4 GPA and shes a sophomore
im already top of my class lol every other kid in my class just sleeps all day and barely does work. a foid in my class has a 1.4 GPA and shes a sophomore
Sounds like every alternative school.
this is true for ours. sounds like you been to one
Nope. But I know the Education system in America very well.
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