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JFL I'm disgusted by men defending Leonardo dicaprio

cope and seethe, post wall roastie
Something tells me these same foids would give anything to bounce on him
No One Landscape GIF

This jealous cunt's ovaries right now
"dating a 18 year old is no different than dating a 17 year old"

Ironic coming from soys
25+ peak foid fertility? That old roastie is coping hard,
25+ peak foid fertility? That old roastie is coping hard,
As far as nature is concerned, you are an elderly citizen at 25+ and should already have several children entering their teens and about to have their own kids. There’s a reason we hit puberty at 12 and not 25, jfl at women
Same foids who eMpOwEr 18yr old foids to make OnlyFans accounts :feelskek:
He's not really any different from women who fuck for fame and marry a guy because of his money, and we know that's way more common. I don't support his dating habits because they're not conducive towards a healthy society, but what foids ought to recognise is that they themselves were for, not against, sexual liberation. How are they going to blame someone for being in a consensual relationship after the feminist sexual revolution? Women were advocating for this for the longest time.

Not to mention the word pedophilia means attraction to prepubescent girls, not attraction towards 18 year olds or 17 year olds.

Also, its not the mens fault that women are attracted to power, status and fame. Its not our fault that women are whores. If a man has the capability to date who he wants, then he's going to do that. Seems like these whores are just seething
This cunt doesn’t even know what fertility means. It’s not about having lower complications it’s about being able to conceive.
soys really want see leo having sex with grannys or some shit
Leo Dicaprio is gay. The young women are beards that are on contract to maintain his straight man image so he can keep getting leading roles in Hollywood. He tried to come out back in the 90s, but went back into the closet while filming Titanic.

These women are getting upset about a non-issue.
She was an underage 23yo child you sick fuck!

Funny how women turn into children when they want to be victims
A lot of Hollywood actors are gay. That shouldn’t be surprising. Think back to who joined the drama club when you were in high school. It wasn’t the straight kids.

Also gay: Tom Cruise, John Travolta, Hugh Jackman, Henry Cavill, George Clooney

These guys get women to be their beards (or sometimes their agents will contract a woman to be their beard), but they are 100% gay.

Hollywood leading men also all do steroids. It’s how they get ripped so quickly for roles.

It’s hilarious to me that foids get so excited for a bunch of faggots with fake physiques that they got doing roids.
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How does he get so many women, then? What about personaliteehee?
The issue I see with him is that he doesn't stay with one woman, he leaves them at age 25 and then dates an 18 year old and has done this like 4 or 5 times. There's a chart illustrating it somewhere. That I think most people, even us, dislike. It's what many chads do and why there's such a scarcity of eligible single women with a low/no body count. I think most of us would be happy with just one girlfriend or our one-itis and possibly staying with her forever if it she turns out to be the one, obviously both parties continue to age in this scenario. (Who knows, maybe I'm wrong? But I doubt we're that greedy here.)

But women are constantly bringing him up as an example of older men (40+) dating younger women. I believe they are intentionally leaving out the fact that he's done this multiple times, and taking the general societal opinion of his practices as bad, and applying that opinion to JUST men dating women who are younger than them in general. Which is absurd but so many people seem to fall for it.
The woman complaining are either:

-Young women afraid to get old, have dated or will date older men, especially rich ones
-Old bitches who are bitter they can't do the same anymore

It's all so tiresome.
The law never accounted for biology. And foids aren't children anymore after 13. This roastie is just bitter he can't get chad.

I'm pretty sure Leo is a blackpilled chad. If I was a chad I'd do the same.

But women are constantly bringing him up as an example of older men (40+) dating younger women. I believe they are intentionally leaving out the fact that he's done this multiple times, and taking the general societal opinion of his practices as bad, and applying that opinion to JUST men dating women who are younger than them in general. Which is absurd but so many people seem to fall for it.
This is just another example of the apex fallacy. Most men are not dating younger women. Most men are not dating any women. They take a rich, famous chad as an example and expand it to all men. People will fall for what they want, there is enough knowledge around for every men to be blackpilled, but they aren't until their experience hits them in the ass.
A lot of Hollywood actors are gay. That shouldn’t be surprising. Think back to who joined the drama club when you were in high school. It wasn’t the straight kids.

Also gay: Tom Cruise, John Travolta, Hugh Jackman, Henry Cavill, George Clooney
I really doubt this. Especially in this today, with all the bullshit surrounding lgbt people. Even Gandalf has come out of the closet, ffs.
I really doubt this. Especially in this today, with all the bullshit surrounding lgbt people. Even Gandalf has come out of the closet, ffs.
You can be openly gay if you're a B,C, or D list actor or you've gotten old. But young Hollywood hunks have to seem straight or they lose their appeal to women. All of the guys I mentioned are gay and keep beards. Also keep in mind that Leo got famous back in the 90s when you couldn’t be openly gay at all and have much of an acting career.

Leo was ready to come out back in the 90s after Basketball Diaries. He even had a story ready to go for a magazine where he was going to come out. His agent buried the story because they were working on Titanic and he needed to be a teen hearththrob for teenage girls.

Leo has had an on again off again gay relationship with Lukas Haas for decades. He’s 100% gay and everyone in Hollywood knows it. The girls are on contract until they turn 25. He helps them with their careers and they help him maintain his straight man image. They’re just beards though. He doesn’t have sex with any of them.

He’s one of the guys Kate Winslet was talking about when she said Hollywood had a bunch of closeted gay men.

Women are getting bent out of shape about a gay man with zero interest in women who has fake beard relationships.

If Leo is straight why doesn’t he have any kids? Why hasn’t he been married? Why does everyone with any involvement in Hollywood say it’s a poorly kept secret that he’s gay? Why are there absolutely no stories about his sexual escapades or any details about any of his relationships? Because they aren’t real relationships. Just beards he uses for publicity purposes.
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I hate Leo but I hate the whores he fucks and the whores that seethe about him doing so more
Why do they care what grown adults (18+) do with their lives.
"She's only 21 years old you sick fuck, she's just a fucking child, you pedophile"

Roastie getting toasty because they squandered their youth and didn't seal the deal with Chad.
Foid brain doesn't develop past 15 so that argument is such bullshit lol
Society only cares about age gaps if the woman is relatively young and attractive. No one would care if a man is 50 and dating a 40 year old. Also people focus too much on the number and not one’s life experience. Just because I’m 10 years older than someone does not necessarily mean I’m at a different stage in life and have all this extra power, social experience, and maturity. As someone that’s never had a gf or much success in other areas of life, I can relate more to younger people than people my age
You can be openly gay if you're a B,C, or D list actor or you've gotten old. But young Hollywood hunks have to seem straight or they lose their appeal to women. All of the guys I mentioned are gay and keep beards. Also keep in mind that Leo got famous back in the 90s when you couldn’t be openly gay at all and have much of an acting career.

Leo was ready to come out back in the 90s after Basketball Diaries. He even had a story ready to go for a magazine where he was going to come out. His agent buried the story because they were working on Titanic and he needed to be a teen hearththrob for teenage girls.

Leo has had an on again off again gay relationship with Lukas Haas for decades. He’s 100% gay and everyone in Hollywood knows it. The girls are on contract until they turn 25. He helps them with their careers and they help him maintain his straight man image. They’re just beards though. He doesn’t have sex with any of them.

He’s one of the guys Kate Winslet was talking about when she said Hollywood had a bunch of closeted gay men.

Women are getting bent out of shape about a gay man with zero interest in women who has fake beard relationships.

If Leo is straight why doesn’t he have any kids? Why hasn’t he been married? Why does everyone with any involvement in Hollywood say it’s a poorly kept secret that he’s gay? Why are there absolutely no stories about his sexual escapades or any details about any of his relationships? Because they aren’t real relationships. Just beards he uses for publicity purposes.
I guess it's possible. It's Hollywood. It's a cesspool of degeneracy.
nothing wrong with dating a 17 yo girl either

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