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"I'm also a mentalcel" = admitting that one's looks aren't the problem



I Should KMS
Nov 8, 2017
When you push an undercover fakecel into a corner, they will admit that they are a "also a mentalcel". The focus momentarily comes off their face and is swung around to their brain: the real issue. When a fakecel says "I'm also a mentalcel", what they actually mean is that:

- they are attractive enough to get a gf if they had a normal brain (looks aren't the problem)
- the girls that they would be able to get if they had a normal brain would be sub6 which isn't good enough for them (standardscel)
- they want girls to approach them: they think "inceldom" means "not being approached by Miranda Kerr as you walk down the street or go to class (no appreciation for sexual dimorphism and how we act differently)
- they haven't tried to approach a woman before because Lachowski and Sean O'Pry doesn't have to, so why should they? (borderline hypergamy and social retardedness)

Adhominem away but the truth is the truth.
I've noticed a lot of former fatcels are a big category of mentalcels: they were fat and gross, they got in shape and actually look passable as even a 7 or 8, but they're still utterly demoralized and neurotic around women because all of those years as a rejected fatcel who was unfuckable, still causes him to think he's unfuckable.

So the little things that make female interest in him initially completely go to shit: the little idiosyncrasies like eye contact, visible discomfort when in proximity with a woman, etc. It turns into a scenario where a woman would literally have to pin him down and rape him, because the mental PTSD won't let him engage. 

Not sure what to tell that guy, but I've seen that case a lot, especially in places like /fit/ and bbmisc. Maybe method acting classes would help.
Unfortunately I'm both a mentalcel and a facecel.
FACEandLMS said:
- they want girls to approach them: they think "inceldom" means "not being approached by Miranda Kerr as you walk down the street or go to class (no appreciation for sexual dimorphism and how we act differently)

hate these faggots, I thought they were mostly on lookism but quite a few of them here too
you are wrong on many levels
I'm mentalcel, kinda ugly too though. My issue is social retardation and anxiety. Never approached a girl cus I have no idea what to say or do, and I act like a dick to hot girls so they leave me alone and they don't see how socially inept I am.
QuantumDummy said:
Unfortunately I'm both a mentalcel and a facecel.
yep, noting redeemable about me
Mentalcel is still incel, albeit not at the same level and they can realistically escape it
However if you're incel (facecel) AND mentalcel you are completely fucked, social autism is a death sentence
But standardcels aren't mentalcels, they're just fakecel volcel faggots
People with shit looks think they're fucking mental perfection, although they don't realize they're mentalcels themselves too.

Every fucking incel is a mentalcel, stop coping. People who are ugly are not mentally well.
A lot of it is that they'd potentially be able to get a woman with their looks if not mentally ill or autistic but they aren't good looking enough to be able to coast on that alone. NT theory is legit.
FACEandLMS said:
- they want girls to approach them: they think "inceldom" means "not being approached by Miranda Kerr as you walk down the street or go to class (no appreciation for sexual dimorphism and how we act differently)
- they haven't tried to approach a woman before because Lachowski and Sean O'Pry doesn't have to, so why should they? (borderline hypergamy and social retardedness)

nausea said:
can you open a thread explaining your situation?

Why should he? You'll just respond with more faggotry or religious coping shit
NekoStance said:
Why should he? You'll just respond with more faggotry or religious coping shit

you did not read my threads if you make such statements

it would be very interesting to hear from a self proclaimed mentalcel
im a good looking dude but very average sized cock, which makes it hard to be a chad, is pretty much what it is
Meh. Your crusade against so called memtalcels is getting annoying. They belong here just as much as the truly hideous guys. Your brain is even harder (impossible) to fix than your looks. It actually makes more sense to focus on looksmaxing if youre average but aspie.
mentalcel doesn't exist, if u are good-looking you can have stage 15 autism and you would still get laid
Berdea said:
what constitutes a mentalcel?

Someone that is a virgin/lack success with women not because of looks but because is a social retarded aspie.

Aka a fakecel.
Enigmatic93 said:
Meh. Your crusade against so called memtalcels is getting annoying. They belong here just as much as the truly hideous guys. Your brain is even harder (impossible) to fix than your looks. It actually makes more sense to focus on looksmaxing if youre average but aspie.

t r i g g e r e d 


It's not as if I referred to you or even had you in mind when I made the op.
FACEandLMS said:
t r i g g e r e d 


It's not as if I referred to you or even had you in mind when I made the op.

Who did you have in mind?

You should make a list of fakecels, lol.
Unbearable2woman said:
Someone that is a virgin/lack success with women not because of looks but because is a social retarded aspie.

Aka a fakecel.

I think I'm that, but I'm also unattractive to boot.
Mentalceldom occurs when you're so severely fucked in the head that your looks don't compensate for it.
I think every incel has a bit of mentalcel in them, me included.
Sparky said:
Mentalcel doesn’t matter once you reach Chad status but could still cause normie looking or even Chadlite looking guys to be incel.
whogivesafucc said:
Mentalceldom occurs when you're so severely fucked in the head that your looks don't compensate for it.

lmao, you just described me

but anyways this site won't help ANYONE get out of mentalceldom and will just push you further down the hole to where you are unrecoverable, u guys are better off leaving here and saving for surgery and developing a non aspie personality, thats the only way you will escape inceldom, heed my advice boyos
FACEandLMS said:
When you push an undercover fakecel into a corner, they will admit that they are a "also a mentalcel". The focus momentarily comes off their face and is swung around to their brain: the real issue. When a fakecel says "I'm also a mentalcel", what they actually mean is that:

- they are attractive enough to get a gf if they had a normal brain (looks aren't the problem)
- the girls that they would be able to get if they had a normal brain would be sub6 which isn't good enough for them (standardscel)
- they want girls to approach them: they think "inceldom" means "not being approached by Miranda Kerr as you walk down the street or go to class (no appreciation for sexual dimorphism and how we act differently)
- they haven't tried to approach a woman before because Lachowski and Sean O'Pry doesn't have to, so why should they? (borderline hypergamy and social retardedness)

Adhominem away but the truth is the truth.

I agree with you with my nigga, we need to start banning these retards, specially the white mentalcel.
FACEandLMS said:
- the girls that they would be able to get if they had a normal brain would be sub6 which isn't good enough for them (standardscel)

LOL is this post about me? Being an incel to sub-6 women is basically the same thing as being a truecel.
Framecel222 said:
LOL is this post about me? Being an incel to sub-6 women is basically the same thing as being a truecel.

Nah apparently there are some chadlites hiding among us. We need to expose them.
Bushladen008 said:
Nah apparently there are some chadlites hiding among us. We need to expose them.

I know who they are, but I'll never give them up, just like people hid the jews during the holocaust.
CopingGymcel said:
I know who they are, but I'll never give them up, just like people hid the jews during the holocaust.

You Jew lover, we will send you and your chadlites pals to the gas chamber.

Sparky said:
OP already did expose them in his signature.

A mentalcel Chadlite can still be fucked IF he lives in a very hypergamous country. However, he can still go EE or Asia to slay.

You are describing yourself mate, I saw that tinder experiment and the Korean cuties you pulled you fakecel.
im a mentalcel. ive been with girls before but i always ghost them early on due to insecurity. its a legit problem i have. self isolation is a serious issue some people have, even some hott girls do this. you cant get laid if your brain forces you to isolate. the 3 times i forced myself to get a tinder date they all went successful then i ended up ghosting them even though im still madly crushing on one of them. she literally took a polaroid photo of us and hung it on her car mirror. i seriously hate myself for being like this.
weservenomsg said:
ive been with girls before but i always ghost them early on due to insecurity.

You must be so insecure when you're actually getting female attention and women lmao
weservenomsg said:
im a mentalcel. ive been with girls before but i always ghost them early on due to insecurity. its a legit problem i have. self isolation is a serious issue some people have, even some hott girls do this. you cant get laid if your brain forces you to isolate. the 3 times i forced myself to get a tinder date they all went successful then i ended up ghosting them even though im still madly crushing on one of them. she literally took a polaroid photo of us and hung it on her car mirror. i seriously hate myself for being like this.

Lol wtf you deserve a ban you retard, go get therapy fucker you ain't gonna get better by spending time here, another white boy exposed
A lot of mentalcels are so full of shit it's unbelievable. They know it too. It's not even that they're a legitimate mentalcel. They're just fucking dickheaded narcissistic arrogant cocksuckers who KNOW they look good, which is why they post their pic in the first place, but know they still pale into comparison to the better looking men they idolize.

I hate those mother fuckers.

Bushladen008 said:
Lol wtf you deserve a ban you retard, go get therapy fucker you ain't gonna get better by spending time here, another white boy exposed

Can someone knife that mother fucker?
anincelforlifelol said:
A lot of mentalcels are so full of shit it's unbelievable. They know it too. It's not even that they're a legitimate mentalcel. They're just fucking dickheaded narcissistic arrogant cocksuckers who KNOW they look good, which is why they post their pic in the first place, but know they still pale into comparison to the better looking men they idolize.

I hate those mother fuckers.

Can someone knife that mother fucker?

Why you mad bro?
anincelforlifelol said:
I was talking about the retard you responded to.

oh my bad though you were speaking to me.

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