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RageFuel I'm already looksmaxxed



Life sucks and I hate everything
Jan 10, 2018
The money I spent on cosmetic products alone would be enough for two vacations. I was one of the few teens who had a clean face without pimples. And I'm the one who will never have a girlfriend in the future. Now I'm 26, close to 27. I still buy a lot of care products for the face and for the hair. I go to the hairdresser 3 times a month. I buy expensive brands of clothes and drive a Mercedes. I go to the gym 3-4 times a week and I don't see any results since a year. I'm already clothesmaxxed, hairmaxxed, facemaxxed, sophisticatedmaxxed, carmaxxed. Only frame is something I can still work on, even though I don't see any improvements for a whole year.
According to .co I look like an effeminate faggot who is fucked by Tyrone in the ass on the regular. All because I have no masculine face. And here's true Blackpill: According to local dating app, a 5/10 Chubby man with a masculine face and a beautiful eye area is enough for some 3.5-4.5/10 decent looking Foids. I am well-groomed and yet far below the average of men? It's clearly because of my face that I never have a girlfriend in my life. It's very frustrating.
Didn't u mean looksmaxxed.
same lol, I've had countless surgeries and gymcel a few times a week. Still a solid 3/10
What surgeries did you get?
Just deny genetics theory, all you did only help if you have the genetics first.
Otherwise it's just redpill BS. Sorry bro.
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Just deny genetics theory, all you did only help if you have the genetics first.
Otherwise it's juste redpill BS. Sorry bro.
I notice that in Training. I work harder than all posing Chads who flirt with Foids and yet I'm weak af. An average man with average weight, who doesn't Gymcel is stronger than me. Not because he eats more, it is because of genetics.
I notice that in Training. I work harder than all posing Chads who flirt with Foids and yet I'm weak af. An average man with average weight, who doesn't Gymcel is stronger than me. Not because he eats more, it is because of genetics.
Yeah it's a brutal suifuel. It's really crazy. ThERe's only one way out it seems.
Be a wageslave who lives with his parents Theory.
Yeah man because being able to wear nothing but Gucci and drive a Merc is easily achievable
I guess imma pleb with my $2000 Ford Fusion with no horsepower and a terrible radio
no looksmaxx for your autism
The money I spent on cosmetic products alone would be enough for two vacations. I was one of the few teens who had a clean face without pimples. And I'm the one who will never have a girlfriend in the future. Now I'm 26, close to 27. I still buy a lot of care products for the face and for the hair. I go to the hairdresser 3 times a month. I buy expensive brands of clothes and drive a Mercedes. I go to the gym 3-4 times a week and I don't see any results since a year. I'm already clothesmaxxed, hairmaxxed, facemaxxed, sophisticatedmaxxed, carmaxxed. Only frame is something I can still work on, even though I don't see any improvements for a whole year.
According to .co I look like an effeminate faggot who is fucked by Tyrone in the ass on the regular. All because I have no masculine face. And here's true Blackpill: According to local dating app, a 5/10 Chubby man with a masculine face and a beautiful eye area is enough for some 3.5-4.5/10 decent looking Foids. I am well-groomed and yet far below the average of men? It's clearly because of my face that I never have a girlfriend in my life. It's very frustrating.
This sounds like ER, are you autisti. Mentalcel maybe?
I notice that in Training. I work harder than all posing Chads who flirt with Foids and yet I'm weak af. An average man with average weight, who doesn't Gymcel is stronger than me. Not because he eats more, it is because of genetics.
This sounds like a larp, I see loads of ricecels who I agree can't put on weight or frame, so will always looks much less masculine than me, but if they are the ones who train hard and eat right they should be able to gain strength and if that's your goal I don't think genetics hold you back bro, unless you are looking for really REALLY elite strength
This sounds like ER, are you autisti. Mentalcel maybe?
Aspiecel, just like Elliot himself. I'm so close to him that it hurts. Calm down FBIcels, I don't have a gun so I cannot go ER.
This sounds like ER, are you autisti. Mentalcel maybe?

This sounds like a larp, I see loads of ricecels who I agree can't put on weight or frame, so will always looks much less masculine than me, but if they are the ones who train hard and eat right they should be able to gain strength and if that's your goal I don't think genetics hold you back bro, unless you are looking for really REALLY elite strength
I should be able to Squat my weight at least. Can't even Squat with half of my weight which is 70 KG.
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Brutal.Im still not tbh.
Brutal.Im still not tbh.
Don’t feel bad, if this isn’t a larp just remember that looksmaxing is way easier for incels who have tons of money
Sell the Mercedes and buy a wraparound jaw implant+ browridge
Europe? In which contry do you live?
In Denmark. And everyone is face and height mogging me to Hyades Sector DB-X D1-112.
In Denmark. And everyone is face and height mogging me to Hyades Sector DB-X D1-112.
Holy fuck this is a well distilled suifuel. I know this feeling. Getting constantly mogged in every aspect is even worse than being merely ugly.

I do. Sorry if I came of as bragging lol
It's fine, as long as you don't keep reminding us about it constantly I guess.
Holy fuck this is a well distilled suifuel. I know this feeling. Getting constantly mogged in every aspect is even worse than being merely ugly.

It's fine, as long as you don't keep reminding us about it constantly I guess.
It’s all good. I’m still kinda happy about getting my license even though I feel embarrassed about getting it at 23 instead of 16 like a normal person
Even better: send me the Mercedes. I fucking hate my car.
Car is cope
Its full of incels in denial who took loans to buy a nice car just to look less pathetic
Chad without a deiving licence can fuck without problems
Aspiecel, just like Elliot himself. I'm so close to him that it hurts. Calm down FBIcels, I don't have a gun so I cannot go ER.
It's over for Supreme Gentlemen
Car is cope
Its full of incels in denial who took loans to buy a nice car just to look less pathetic
Chad without a deiving licence can fuck without problems
@LastGerman He has a point.
It’s all good. I’m still kinda happy about getting my license even though I feel embarrassed about getting it at 23 instead of 16 like a normal person
Do people really get that licence that early?

Car is cope
Its full of incels in denial who took loans to buy a nice car just to look less pathetic
Chad without a deiving licence can fuck without problems
You don't get it, it seems.
It's not about that. When you don't have a car, it feels super emasculating, like being a manlet (in fact being a manlet is even worse but anyways). For others:
Ugly + no car = useless trash
Attractive + no car = it's fine bro getting a car is not the most important at all ya know!
You don't get it, it seems.
It's not about that. When you don't have a car, it feels super emasculating, like being a manlet (in fact being a manlet is even worse but anyways). For others:
Ugly + no car = useless trash
Attractive + no car = it's fine bro getting a car is not the most important at all ya know!
A car is useful , but many here seems to think that having a car will fix your life
Do people really get that licence that early?

You don't get it, it seems.
It's not about that. When you don't have a car, it feels super emasculating, like being a manlet (in fact being a manlet is even worse but anyways). For others:
Ugly + no car = useless trash
Attractive + no car = it's fine bro getting a car is not the most important at all ya know!
Yeah you can get your first license once you turn 16 and finish drivers ed and have a certain amount of time spent with a driving instructor. Nearly everyone I graduated with had their license and drove by the time I graduated starting in sophomore year when students began turning 16. It got to the point where I ended up being driven home by my dad after school everyday because after a certain point the bus that took me home had little to no juniors or seniors on it, almost everyone was a freshman. So yeah I ain’t dealing with that embarrassing shit.
Idk why but it took me 7 extra pointless years to get a license. Failed my first test after running a red light on a right turn but passed it the second time. Still felt embarrassed that I was taking a driver’s test at my age.
I guess imma pleb with my $2000 Ford Fusion with no horsepower and a terrible radio

Nice brag.

At least you have a car.


It’s all good. I’m still kinda happy about getting my license even though I feel embarrassed about getting it at 23 instead of 16 like a normal person

And that is the driver licence pill. You have been brutally emasculated by female driving.

@LastGerman He has a point.

Seriously, where are all those people here coming from who are in contact with allegedly Chads who are unable to drive and yet are still slaying? If you cannot drive you are limited in all options. This is just a fact. If you cannot drive as a grown up man regardless of looks, you have been destroyed by female driving.

You don't get it, it seems.
It's not about that. When you don't have a car, it feels super emasculating, like being a manlet (in fact being a manlet is even worse but anyways). For others:
Ugly + no car = useless trash
Attractive + no car = it's fine bro getting a car is not the most important at all ya know!

Indeed. It is all about that. Imagine being 25 and still unable to drive while every teenage female goes to their car.
A car is useful , but many here seems to think that having a car will fix your life
Thinking that only one thing is causing your inceldom is indeed one of the biggest copes ever, you are right. Although a car still is essential I think.
Exactly as JBW. "JUST be white". Being white helps but it's not everything if your inner genetics are trash.
Nice brag.


And that is the driver licence pill. You have been brutally emasculated by female driving.

Seriously, where are all those people here coming from who are in contact with allegedly Chads who are unable to drive and yet are still slaying? If you cannot drive you are limited in all options. This is just a fact. If you cannot drive as a grown up man regardless of looks, you have been destroyed by female driving.

Indeed. It is all about that. Imagine being 25 and still unable to drive while every teenage female goes to their car.
I mean if you live in a city with public transportation it’s probably way less embarrassing to not have a license when you can just take the train or bus everywhere.
And yeah, I definitely haven’t become a ladies man ever since getting my license.
I don’t even really have anywhere to drive now. I have zero social life, I’ve been suspended from work for a month now, and I’m not in school at the moment. I don’t feel much more “free” than before when I didn’t have the legal right to drive by myself.
Hell I still don’t feel totally comfortable driving without my dad in the car to occasionally guide me or alert me. Also it’s pretty lonely driving alone. Way more lonelier than being stuck in my room.
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I mean if you live in a city with public transportation it’s probably way less embarrassing to not have a license when you can just take the train or bus everywhere

Huge cope. It is absolutely emasculating. Just lol at taking public transportation as a grown up man.

A car is useful , but many here seems to think that having a car will fix your life

And many people here underestimate the ability to drive. Of course it will not fix your life magically. Nobody claimed that to begin with. The ability to drive and a driver licence gives you a better prospect in life such as:
- Being a functional adult
- Most jobs want to see a driver licence
- You can also do jobs like deliveryman or work in customer service - which is paid somewhat decent and you do not have to suffer in absolute low-level jobs
- You are independent
- You do not rely on public transportation
- You can drive whenever you want
- You are not longer emasculated by female driving

Idk why but it took me 7 extra pointless years to get a license. Failed my first test after running a red light on a right turn but passed it the second time. Still felt embarrassed that I was taking a driver’s test at my age.

The driver licence pill gives me suicidal thoughts.
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Huge cope. It is absolutely emasculating. Just lol at taking public transportation as a grown up man.
Nigga if you live in a big city or some shit then why would it be emasculating. Hell in Chicago there are many people who don’t have cars because public transportation is way cheaper than paying $20 or $50 to park in some overcrowded garage or drive in circles in a tight area looking for a spot by a meter. Also gas is not cheap. I mean if you’re in the suburbs or in a rural area then you should get your license but I don’t see how it’s a big deal. If I lived in the city and not in the suburbs I probably wouldn’t even bother driving.
And yeah, I definitely haven’t become a ladies man ever since getting my license.

Nobody claimed that in the first place that you will become a ''ladies man'' with a driver licence. Even if this would work you are 7 years too late for this unfortunately. By the way, I am even more late.

I don’t even really have anywhere to drive now. I have zero social life, I’ve been suspended from work for a month now, and I’m not in school at the moment. I don’t feel much more “free” than before when I didn’t have the legal right to drive by myself.
Hell I still don’t feel totally comfortable driving without my dad in the car to occasionally guide me or alert me. Also it’s pretty lonely driving alone. Way more lonelier than being stuck in my room.

Nice humblebrag here.
Yeah you can get your first license once you turn 16 and finish drivers ed and have a certain amount of time spent with a driving instructor. Nearly everyone I graduated with had their license and drove by the time I graduated starting in sophomore year when students began turning 16. It got to the point where I ended up being driven home by my dad after school everyday because after a certain point the bus that took me home had little to no juniors or seniors on it, almost everyone was a freshman. So yeah I ain’t dealing with that embarrassing shit.
Idk why but it took me 7 extra pointless years to get a license. Failed my first test after running a red light on a right turn but passed it the second time. Still felt embarrassed that I was taking a driver’s test at my age.
Horrible. As of now I'm 19 and I have no car yet.

Indeed. It is all about that. Imagine being 25 and still unable to drive while every teenage female goes to their car.
You probably describe my future. How old are you?
Nigga if you live in a big city or some shit then why would it be emasculating.

Because taking public transportation as a grown up man is emasculating or do you want to tell me that this is a good thing?

Hell in Chicago there are many people who don’t have cars because public transportation is way cheaper than paying $20 or $50 to park in some overcrowded garage or drive in circles in a tight area looking for a spot by a meter. Also gas is not cheap.

Typical statements I have seen on this side all over the place. That does not change the fact that this is absolutely cucked. More and more men do not have a car anymore nor a driver licence. I am the one who pointed it out.

The urbanization in general created weak and irresponsible men. Men who do not have anything anymore.
Horrible. As of now I'm 19 and I have no car yet.

You probably describe my future. How old are you?
Ehh don’t rush it. Keep practicing if you have the opportunity. Also different DMVs do their driving tests differently. I got lucky that my test only involved some driving on the street, stopping, turning at red lights, and displaying how to park uphill and downhill. If I went to a DMV that required me successfully parallel parking, I would have been fucked. Because I have zero need to know how to parallel park in the suburbs because parking is free and everywhere.
Because taking public transportation as a grown up man is emasculating or do you want to tell me that this is a good thing?

Typical statements I have seen on this side all over the place. That does not change the fact that this is absolutely cucked. More and more men do not have a car anymore nor a driver licence. I am the one who pointed it out.

The urbanization in general created weak and irresponsible men. Men who do not have anything anymore.
There is nothing emasculating about public transportation. You go on the subway and you see tons of men on there. Many rely on public transport to get to work or to meet up with friends.
Now this is different in the suburbs.
Actually my cousin and I talked about the differences between European cities like Paris and American cities like Chicago when I flew to Paris to visit him. He said that they do it way better in Europe because public transport is excellent. You don’t have to walk nearly as far to get from station to station. There’s actually less traffic and cars in Paris than in Chicago. Here you sometimes gotta walk several blocks just to get to a bus stop or a train.
Again there is literally nothing emasculating about public transport especially if you are in a metro area, but it’ll make you feel better then do whatever you must do to get that license.
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You probably describe my future. How old are you?

25 which is way too old for making a driver licence. I have witnessed it myself at driving school. Everyone was 16 1/2 - 18. There was only one man older than me. He was 28. The teacher asked him how old he is and he was embarrassed because of his age, so he tried to dodge the question. Good thing that you are still in your teenage years. It will become more and more emasculatingover time.
25 which is way too old for making a driver licence. I have witnessed it myself at driving school. Everyone was 16 1/2 - 18. There was only one man older than me. He was 28. The teacher asked him how old he is and he was embarrassed because of his age, so he tried to dodge the question. Good thing that you are still in your teenage years. It will become more and more emasculatingover time.
25 which is way too old for making a driver licence. I have witnessed it myself at driving school. Everyone was 16 1/2 - 18. There was only one man older than me. He was 28. The teacher asked him how old he is and he was embarrassed because of his age, so he tried to dodge the question. Good thing that you are still in your teenage years. It will become more and more emasculatingover time.
Its a bit embarassing, but if you want it you shouldnt give a fuck ,and of you pay they cant tell you anything
A 50yo guy told us he had to get lessons because he didnt drive for 20 years, because his mother drove him to work
There is nothing emasculating about public transportation.

First you say:
Yeah you can get your first license once you turn 16 and finish drivers ed and have a certain amount of time spent with a driving instructor. Nearly everyone I graduated with had their license and drove by the time I graduated starting in sophomore year when students began turning 16. It got to the point where I ended up being driven home by my dad after school everyday because after a certain point the bus that took me home had little to no juniors or seniors on it, almost everyone was a freshman. So yeah I ain’t dealing with that embarrassing shit.

And now you want to convince me that this is not emasculating? Why did you make your driver licence in the first place? Why did not you take the bus further on because you said it is not emasculating. That does not make any sense.

You go on the subway and you see tons of men on there. Many rely on public transport to get to work or to meet up with friends.

Which is not a good thing as I have already stated. Urbanization leads to irresponsible men who are dependent and have to rely on something as public transportation.

He said that they do it way better in Europe because public transport is excellent.

Cope and not even true.

You don’t have to walk nearly as far to get from station to station.

Cope and not even true.

Here you sometimes gotta walk several blocks just to get to a bus stop or a train.

Same in Germany here.

Again there is literally nothing emasculating about public transport especially if you are in a metro area, but it’ll make you feel better then do whatever you must do to get that license.

If public transportation is not emasculating then why did you avoid to take the bus to school? You have already contradicted yourself.
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I notice that in Training. I work harder than all posing Chads who flirt with Foids and yet I'm weak af. An average man with average weight, who doesn't Gymcel is stronger than me. Not because he eats more, it is because of genetics.
Moments like these really highlight the blackpill.

one can train hard, strict meal plans, workout regime and all then somehow this chad who plays basketball for fun and doesn't go to the gym at all jus shows and mogs one to oblivion lmao. Oh ya how do you kno he wasn't working hard too?! :soy:
He says he was already this way naturally(muscular strong frame etc), then he shows u some pics when he was 13-14. And then you :feelsrope:

People like to downplay genetics too much, some chad or tyrone can jump in and pwn u in a sport/activity(that they r playin for the first time in their lives) you have been religiously playing and training for years.
First you say:

And now you want to convince me that this is not emasculating? Why did you make your driver licence in the first place? Why did not you take the bus further on because you said it is not emasculating. That does not make any sense.

Which is not a good thing as I have already stated. Urbanization leads to irrespnsible men who are dependent and have to rely on something as public transportation.

Cope and not even true.

Cope and not even true.

Same in Germany here.

If public transportation is not emasculating then why did not avoid to take the bus to school? You have already contradicted yourself.
I got my license because I wanted the freedom to drive anywhere whenever I want. I also live in the suburbs where we don’t have nearly the level of public transport as the city has. So you kinda need a car.
If I lived directly in Chicago getting a license wouldn’t be as important.
Its a bit embarassing

Why do people here trivialise this issue here? @rightfulcel Also @Barnacle and @Damo the incel
It is not a bit embarrassing, it is straight up embarrassing if you cannot drive as a grown up man. It is just that simple.

A 50yo guy told us he had to get lessons because he didnt drive for 20 years, because his mother drived him to work

I do not get those kind of statements to be honest. What is your point here? This shit is absolutely emasculating.
25 which is way too old for making a driver licence. I have witnessed it myself at driving school. Everyone was 16 1/2 - 18. There was only one man older than me. He was 28. The teacher asked him how old he is and he was embarrassed because of his age, so he tried to dodge the question. Good thing that you are still in your teenage years. It will become more and more emasculatingover time.
25, wow. Emasculation is really one of the worst things that a man could have to endure.
Although 28 is super old, I don't consider 19 a teen age. Not really because the legal limit for it is 18, but because of what I have witnessed in my life. I'm sort of a young adult in that regard.
Why do people here trivialise this issue here? @rightfulcel Also @Barnacle and @Damo the incel
It is not a bit embarrassing, it is straight up embarrassing if you cannot drive as a grown up man. It is just that simple.

I do not get those kind of statements to be honest. What is your point here? This shit is absolutely emasculating.
Literally what is stopping you from getting it.
I don’t care about how old I was when I got it anymore. I’m just happy that I got this shit done. Go out and get that shit. No excuses.

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