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Blackpill If you're not a militant atheist by now, you aren't truly black-pilled

  • Thread starter BringBackPatriarchy
  • Start date


May 11, 2018
Still cling to your magical Jew or pedophile prophet as a security blanket? Then you aren't truly black-pilled.

At this stage, I regard all religious people as small-brained, low-IQ subhumans. They embrace beliefs founded on emotions rather than logic and empirical evidence. Religions like Christianity and Islam are anti-civilizational because they reject the application of reason to the natural world. This is the fundamental basis of science and technology, which means that all religion, especially Christianity and Islam, are the enemies of secular knowledge.

Once one recognizes that religion is a threat to civilization and freedom, the only thing left is to eradicate it.

If you're not ready to take a sledgehammer to all forms of theism, you're not truly black-pilled.
Still cling to your magical Jew or pedophile prophet as a security blanket? Then you aren't truly black-pilled.

At this stage, I regard all religious people as small-brained, low-IQ subhumans. They embrace beliefs founded on emotions rather than logic and empirical evidence. Religions like Christianity and Islam are anti-civilizational because they reject the application of reason to the natural world. This is the fundamental basis of science and technology, which means that all religion, especially Christianity and Islam, are the enemies of secular knowledge.

Once one recognizes that religion is a threat to civilization and freedom, the only thing left is to eradicate it.

If you're not ready to take a sledgehammer to all forms of theism, you're not truly black-pilled.
Christopher Hitchens is my god ;)
religion is a technology to grow civilizations. it keeps the foids in check. tradition is the natural order.
I'm an atheist myself, but I would contend that religion is useful for compelling women to not be whores. Run that opiate of the masses game.
i agree. i was shocked by how many people on this site believed in a god.
i agree. i was shocked by how many people on this site believed in a god.

If you're incel and believe in god, then your god is a cunt for allowing you to be incel.
"Pedophile" - Cuck detected
But arguing about religion is a cuck thing to do. No one has ever changed anyone else's mind.
But arguing about religion is a cuck thing to do. No one has ever changed anyone else's mind.

I don't see religion as a primarily logical problem, to be conquered by rational persuasion alone, but as a eugenic one. Because of religion's negative correlation with IQ and brain size, the best way to deal with it is to weed out the subhumans from the gene pool through good breeding practices.

Nevertheless, some rational demonstration is possible.

Religion has traditionally functioned as a means of explaining natural phenomena. When modern science encroached on religion, Christianity went into decline. We can thank Copernicanism and Darwinian evolution, which totally undermined the religion, for making atheism and agnosticism more widespread than ever before. Religious influence diminishes, but is not entirely eliminated, when people can see that science works, but religion doesn't.
I don't see religion as a primarily logical problem, to be conquered by rational persuasion alone, but as a eugenic one. Because of religion's negative correlation with IQ and brain size, the best way to deal with it is to weed out the subhumans from the gene pool through good breeding practices.

Nevertheless, some rational demonstration is possible.

Religion has traditionally functioned as a means of explaining natural phenomena. When modern science encroached on religion, Christianity went into decline. We can thank Copernicanism and Darwinian evolution, which totally undermined the religion, for making atheism and agnosticism more widespread than ever before. Religious influence diminishes, but is not entirely eliminated, when people can see that science works, but religion doesn't.
Yeah, lemme know how many minds you change.
i was once a nigger catholic until i decided god aint real cuz he wouldnt make me have a deformity if he was
Honestly religion is a cope for most.
Look at all the people who go to church every Sunday... All of them are either fat, or balding, or old, or toothless, or covered in acne or missing limbs. There's so many ugly people, so many circus freaks. These people are at a level of subhumanity where they actually need those silly Jewish fairytales to survive, otherwise they would hang or shoot themselves if they were forced to confront the dark reality of their worthless existence.
Bro, we're living in a post-christian "age of enlightenment" liberal existentialist utopia and it's going to collapse very fucking soon because at its very core it's actually lucifarianism repackaged as liberation and "secular knowledge". Reap the rewards cuck
Still cling to your magical Jew or pedophile prophet as a security blanket? Then you aren't truly black-pilled.

At this stage, I regard all religious people as small-brained, low-IQ subhumans. They embrace beliefs founded on emotions rather than logic and empirical evidence. Religions like Christianity and Islam are anti-civilizational because they reject the application of reason to the natural world. This is the fundamental basis of science and technology, which means that all religion, especially Christianity and Islam, are the enemies of secular knowledge.

Once one recognizes that religion is a threat to civilization and freedom, the only thing left is to eradicate it.

If you're not ready to take a sledgehammer to all forms of theism, you're not truly black-pilled.
You're a stupid faggot, take your quasi Marxist bullshit and fuck off along with Feminism, Woman's suffrage and sexual liberation
Jfl at religiouscels.

"Everything happens for a reason!"
"Idk why I'm ugly, short, and autistic. God works in mysterious ways..."

Relicucks when will they learn.

They are literally cucking themselves to God lol. But but but I have to exist for a reason right I can't just be ugly for no reason right :d.

Religion is the ultimate cope.
If you're incel and believe in god, then your god is a cunt for allowing you to be incel.

I actually believe in God, I just believe he's also an evil fuck, and isn't "good" by default of his title as "God".
You're a stupid faggot, take your quasi Marxist bullshit and fuck off along with Feminism, Woman's suffrage and sexual liberation

What has the big Jew in the sky done for you lately? You're still ugly as fuck and post on this site. Btw marxism and feminism are Christian heresies.

Now kindly go fuck yourself and your magical kike.
Yeah, lemme know how many minds you change.

You haven't lived until you've told a bible-believing asshole where to shove it. I know people who literally stomp on religious freaks whenever they start pushing the magical Jew or goat-fucking prophet.
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Lol religion is actually 1 thing keeping whores and degeneracy in check, OP you got it twisted it is you and other atheists which are the cucks
I'm not religious but atheist neckbeards are fucking morons (not to mention usually left-wing cucks). And considering that entire societies were practically built around Christianity and Islam this is fucking retarded.
athiests are the fuckiest cucks around. enjoy fucking trannies and twinks while all your feemales are sexually liberated cunts and only have eyes for chad cawk, you retarded neckbeard.
Part of the reason we are in this mess is because of the secularisation of western society
athiests are the fuckiest cucks around. enjoy fucking trannies and twinks while all your feemales are sexually liberated cunts and only have eyes for chad cawk, you retarded neckbeard.

You Christians are retarded.

Christianity was always at the forefront of spreading degeneracy, raping, torturing and murdering for the gospel of Christ. Christianity and Islam are genocidal religions. They destroyed entire civilizations and cultures and even nearly destroyed western civilization.

Christians are the ultimate cucks, getting on their knees before a fucking Jew and elevating a woman to the status of "queen of the universe" or "mother of god." And you call me a cuck? Have fun worshiping your magical Jew while (((they))) destroy your society from within.
You Christians are retarded.

Christianity was always at the forefront of spreading degeneracy, raping, torturing and murdering for the gospel of Christ. Christianity and Islam are genocidal religions. They destroyed entire civilizations and cultures and even nearly destroyed western civilization.

Christians are the ultimate cucks, getting on their knees before a fucking Jew and elevating a woman to the status of "queen of the universe" or "mother of god." And you call me a cuck? Have fun worshiping your magical Jew while (((they))) destroy your society from within.

What, christianity stopped all that shit, or at least slowed it down. Do you know how degenerate societies were before Christianity? Literally no one gave a fuck about rape in patriarchal societies. If a woman got raped and complained the answer was basically "Welp, should've been around a man that would help you."
Part of the reason we are in this mess is because of the secularisation of western society

You'd be better off looking for the origins of liberalism in the Protestant Reformation.

It's because of your stupid religion we can't implement eugenic and economic policies that weed out subhumans from the gene pool.
Religion is a lie any truly blackpilled person should accept this
You Christians are retarded.

Christianity was always at the forefront of spreading degeneracy, raping, torturing and murdering for the gospel of Christ. Christianity and Islam are genocidal religions. They destroyed entire civilizations and cultures and even nearly destroyed western civilization.

Christians are the ultimate cucks, getting on their knees before a fucking Jew and elevating a woman to the status of "queen of the universe" or "mother of god." And you call me a cuck? Have fun worshiping your magical Jew while (((they))) destroy your society from within.
No you fucking idiot. Religions have allowed the civilizations to reach a certain level of development and without their advents, the world would have had never been what it currently is.

Religions have also allowed the societies to remain functionnal, healthy and moral. In other words, humans would have been animals devoid of any morality if the religions had never came up.

As we're now living under secularism/atheism, you can fully embrace the fact that there is no longer any spiritual force to keep the females in check and therefore, more cucked and incels would be produced as a result.
What, christianity stopped all that shit, or at least slowed it down. Do you know how degenerate societies were before Christianity? Literally no one gave a fuck about rape in patriarchal societies. If a woman got raped and complained the answer was basically "Welp, should've been around a man that would help you."

That's a total myth.

The Greeks and Romans had a way higher standard of morality than Christians. They were totally anti-degeneracy, practicing eugenics to maintain racial hygiene, promoting strong families and love of the fatherland. Respectable women were rarely victims of rape because they were segregated in the home and veiled in public, especially by the Greeks. Whores were a different matter and rightly so.

It was only when Christianity was forced on Europe that degeneracy increased dramatically, allowing genetic defectives to increase and multiply. It was the Christians who started hacking off limbs and blinding people. Christianity also demonized sexuality and taught that perpetual virginity was some kind of noble, godly ideal. This lead to a massive increase in fornication, bastardy and rape.
That's a total myth.

The Greeks and Romans had a way higher standard of morality than Christians. They were totally anti-degeneracy, practicing eugenics to maintain racial hygiene, promoting strong families and love of the fatherland. Respectable women were rarely victims of rape because they were segregated in the home and veiled in public, especially by the Greeks. Whores were a different matter and rightly so.

It was only when Christianity was forced on Europe that degeneracy increased dramatically, allowing genetic defectives to increase and multiply. It was the Christians who started hacking off limbs and blinding people. Christianity also demonized sexuality and taught that perpetual virginity was some kind of noble, godly ideal. This lead to a massive increase in fornication, bastardy and rape.

[citation needed]
Militant atheists are numale cucks siding with libtards, feminists and degeneracy while they get nothing. Keep cucking yourself.
Pretty much. To believe in some omnipotent being who cares about your best interests is to be at least partially bluepilled. It could also just be an advanced coli my mechanism to deal with the futility of everything.
Religion is a lie any truly blackpilled person should accept this
No you fucking idiot. Religions have allowed the civilizations to reach a certain level of development and without their advents, the world would have had never been what it currently is.

Religions have also allowed the societies to remain functionnal, healthy and moral. In other words, humans would have been animals devoid of any morality if the religions had never came up.

As we're now living under secularism/atheism, you can fully embrace the fact that there is no longer any spiritual force to keep the females in check and therefore, more cucked and incels would be produced as a result.

The world would have been more scientifically and technologically advanced without religion, especially those Jewish fairy tales you believe in.

Religion is for stupid people. The more we evolve, the less we need religion. What we need to do now is create better human beings through eugenics. This will help us weed out subhumans like feminists and incels.
Hahahhahahahahhshahahahshwhahshshshshshahahhshshshahahajajahshaha...Secular faggots are the ones pushing for feminism and displacement of men by women. The soviet union, cuba and north korea are examples of secularism, but none of those countries are better off than the west.
But arguing about religion is a cuck thing to do. No one has ever changed anyone else's mind.

I have, trough logic, made more than one person go from firm theist believer change to a "there is something in the universe" non specific mild belief.
What has the big Jew in the sky done for you lately? You're still ugly as fuck and post on this site. Btw marxism and feminism are Christian heresies.

Now kindly go fuck yourself and your magical kike.

You haven't lived until you've told a bible-believing asshole where to shove it. I know people who literally stomp on religious freaks whenever they start pushing the magical Jew or goat-fucking prophet.
religion is what has been preventing degeneracy for millenia.
I'm not religious but atheist neckbeards are fucking morons (not to mention usually left-wing cucks). And considering that entire societies were practically built around Christianity and Islam this is fucking retarded.
You're a stupid faggot, take your quasi Marxist bullshit and fuck off along with Feminism, Woman's suffrage and sexual liberation
I don't see religion as a primarily logical problem, to be conquered by rational persuasion alone, but as a eugenic one. Because of religion's negative correlation with IQ and brain size, the best way to deal with it is to weed out the subhumans from the gene pool through good breeding practices.

Nevertheless, some rational demonstration is possible.

Religion has traditionally functioned as a means of explaining natural phenomena. When modern science encroached on religion, Christianity went into decline. We can thank Copernicanism and Darwinian evolution, which totally undermined the religion, for making atheism and agnosticism more widespread than ever before. Religious influence diminishes, but is not entirely eliminated, when people can see that science works, but religion doesn't.

Very true OP, but the problem with debating religious people is that they don't operate or argue in a rational framework. They have their preconceived notions ingrained into their low cranial-capacity skulls from an early age.

The problem isn't so much religion per se, but rather low average IQ of non-White/non-North East Asian populations. The "Sweet spot" for criminality is around an IQ of 85, and societies below IQ levels of 90 cannot achieve/maintain democratic forms of governance.

Eugenics is the only answer really, but (((Jewish))) academics and "intellectuals" have so thoroughly maligned and misconstrued the humane ideals of Eugenics throughout the 20th century that I'm afraid it's too late.
At this stage, I regard all religious people as small-brained, low-IQ subhumans. They embrace beliefs founded on emotions rather than logic and empirical evidence.

The older you get, the more respect for emotions you acquire. Emotions are not mere sentimental fluff; a lot of them are very useful heuristic pathways, helping us to make very quick judgments that are usually accurate in hopelessly complex situations. Of course, a lot of them are also clearly outdated, such as fear; I am personally in favor of an "upgrade" of our brains and body through neural implants and artificial prosthesis. I would buy in a heartbeat an implant that makes me fear medical malpractice or falling O² levels more than spiders and snakes.

Religions like Christianity and Islam are anti-civilizational because they reject the application of reason to the natural world.
Nothing in these religions is explicitly against science and technology, and popes, caliphs, emperors and kings are known to have been patrons of science and technology. Arch-futurists Ray Kurzweil or Elon Musk have been received with much praise and hospitality in the United Arab Emirates.

Stop posting on forums and open a book. Thank you.

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