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JFL If you’re ever in any doubt that men truly are evil, just ask yourself:



Aug 25, 2020
Source: https://pinkpillfeminism.com/t/which-sex/174

if you’re ever in any doubt that men truly are evil, just ask yourself:

  1. which sex commits the most crime?
  2. which sex commits the most rape?
  3. which sex commits the most pedophilic rape?
  4. which sex commits the most necrophilia?
  5. which sex commits the most mass shootings?
  6. which sex is more likely to have destructive personality disorders such as npd and aspd? women with these disorders typically sow emotional chaos and manipulation, whilst men with these disorders kill their family members, rape their family members, kill the family pet, become serial killers.
  7. which sex underperforms in school, despite given equal or even more attention?
  8. which sex calls itself the provider of the family, yet abuses those who love it and its children with stunning frequency?
  9. which sex watches and demands the creation of extreme hardcore pornography where actors must be drugged to comply? [5]
  10. which sex demands pornography, seemingly acting like they consider it a human right to watch people get raped on the screen?
  11. which sex demands pornography where living bugs are shoved into women’s orifices?
  12. which sex demands pornography where living, real women have their clits cut off?
  13. which sex demands pornography where living, real women have their vaginas and anuses prolapsed from too much sex or many dicks inside of them where there should be none? (rosebudding)
  14. which sex demands pornography based on coprophilia, where literally participants have to eat shit for some loser somewhere to get hard and blow his pathetic load at a computer screen?
  15. which sex demands pornography with the fictional storyline of fucking a stepdaughter, with the obvious implication of fucking one’s own daughter? why?
  16. which sex masterminded the holocaust?
  17. which sex invented the companies that manufactured the machines and systems used in the holocaust?
  18. which sex invented the political systems that led to the holocaust?
  19. which sex calls the other morally corrupt, the most evil being to ever wonder the earth, a corrupter of men, in philosopher’s writings and religious scripture?
  20. which sex mandates mutilation of genitals both male and female, with the female enduring horrific pain and ensuring no sexual pleasure in adult life?
  21. which sex was the marquis de sade? jeffrey dahmer? ted bundy? ed gein? the majority of child porn producers, watchers?
  22. which sex can you find overwhelmingly committing the most gravely inhuman crimes, whilst you would be hard pressed to find just as many of the other sex that commit crimes of the same severity?
  23. which sex correctively rapes?
  24. which sex mocks the other for having daddy issues, not being intelligent enough to realise this is the fault of the father and not the child?
  25. which sex invented bdsm, abuse for sexual pleasure carried out by sadistic perverts on the traumatised?
  26. which sex calls itself the creators of everything, whilst merely shooting their pathetic spunk into those that then birth the next generation?
  27. which sex writes movies that never or hardly pass the bechdel test?
  28. which sex created the current global system that is bringing us all to ruin?
  29. which sex invented and carries out neoliberal capitalism?
  30. which sex created the marriage structure? what are the origins of the marriage structure?
  31. which sex wrote the holy books?
  32. which sex runs cartels?
  33. which sex believes in penis envy, incapable of understanding the oppressive structures they created, whilst unabashedly leaking of womb envy?
  34. which sex created and demands the beauty standards that led to the invention and neccessity of cosmetic plastic surgery?
  35. which sex wrote the laws that treated the other sex as legal property for thousands of years?
  36. which sex overwhelmingly owns and runs the makeup industry?
  37. which sex coopted and redefined feminism to mean “sexy” and “fun” is equal to empowerment and “smashing the patriarchy”?
  38. which sex created the societal culture that led to people believing that?
  39. which sex belives it is entitled to decide the other sex is on the level of an owned object?
  40. which sex considers the “fall of mankind” to be the fault of the other sex, based on a silly story from the bible?
  41. which sex calls itself more intelligent than the other, but gets addicted to jacking off to videos of torture and rape until they can’t get hard with a real women anymore, then gets mad when this is pointed out?
  42. which sex is just now realising that pornography is bad, just because they can’t get hard anymore, not giving a single shit about the actors?
  43. which sex frequents brothels and therefore provides the demand for sex trafficking?
  44. which sex runs the companies that use child labour and slavery in developing countries?
  45. which sex threatens to rape you, imagining it and enjoying it for certain in their mind, when they get mad?
  46. which sex calls the other “overemotional”, whilst comitting the most crimes out of anger, the most irrational emotion?
  47. which sex demands the biological of the other must be secret and shameful, whilst drawing their genitals all over public spaces?
  48. which sex decided that giving rights to the other sex in society was political and not just obvious?
  49. which sex invented and legalised slavery?
  50. which sex is overwhelmingly common in corporate boardrooms over the other sex?
  51. which sex grumbles about gold diggers, whilst having demanded and still demanding today its partners to work as domestic slaves with a smile?
  52. which sex overwhelmingly rapes its mothers compared to the other sex?
  53. which sex overwhelmingly rapes its sons compared to the other sex?
  54. which sex overwhelmingly rapes its daughters compared to the other sex?
  55. which sex overwhelmingly rapes its grandmothers compared to the other sex?
  56. which sex has the majority of serial killers, who mostly target the other sex for sexual pleasure?
  57. which sex creates the porno that has skyrocketed the amount of girls looking for labiaplasties from a desire to be attractive, a non necessary surgery that slices off the lips of the vagina in order to mimic the featureless genitals featured in porn?
  58. which sex watches the most teen porn, which cannot be verified to have actors over 18?
  59. which sex made teen porn the most popular porno category?
  60. which sex says that shaving in the other sex is a requirement due to hygeine, yet sweats with higher pungence and rate but does not shave?
  61. which sex demeans the other’s sex typical interests and considers them to be inferior?
  62. which sex pushes for a lowering of the age of consent? why?
  63. which sex is mostly attracted to those of the other sex that are underage or slightly older, yet the other sex’s age of attraction stays at roughly the same age that they are themselves? [6]
  64. which sex lays on unwanted sexual attention to the other, that the other sex notices at very, very young ages?
  65. which sex created the social system that leads to the other sex sexualising themselves at the ages of 10, 11, 13, 14?
  66. which sex claims victimhood by way of a higher completed suicide rate than the other, ignoring the higher attempted suicide rate of the other sex, because they use more violent methods to commit suicide?
  67. which sex is so self repressed due to systems that it built itself that emotional expression is considered a sign of same sex sexual attraction, then turns around and blames the other sex for this for some incomprehensible reason?
  68. which sex is more likely to be victimised by itself? that is: sex x is often killed by murderers of sex x.
  69. which sex runs gangs?
  70. which sex states that in a world where the sexes are equal, there would be wide spread suffering?
  71. which sex insists that enjoying being raped, submissive, abused, controlled is inherent to the other sex?
  72. which sex invented islam?
  73. which sex blames lack of attention from the other on its criminality, yet the same pattern is not true in the other sex?
  74. which sex invented incels that commit mass shootings?
  75. which sex says that jacking off and blowing a load is the only thing worth existing for?
  76. which sex is afraid to walk alone at night?
  77. which sex is most likely to be date raped?
  78. which sex commits gangrape? [1]
  79. which sex is most likely to be a victim of homicide overall, not at the hands of the other sex but due to the violence and anger of their own?
  80. which sex is most likely to be a victim of homicide due to the other sex?
  81. which sex runs the technology industry, which will bring us to our rotten end if it is not controlled in a nightmare of raping nature and transhumanism (men talk about replacing women with intelligent robot sex dolls. LOL)?
  82. which sex associates the sexuality of the other sex with dirty, slutty, whore, but finds it fine to commit date rape?
  83. which sex could impregnate 100 women in 100 days, yet calls for birth control of the sex that can only get pregnant once every 9 months?
  84. which sex talks about the fertility of the younger ages of the other sex, whilst ignoring the science on the correlation between younger age and death from pregnancy?
  85. which sex blames the other for everything political, complaining it got the vote, despite being the majority of politicians?
  86. which sex has checmicals in their sperm with effects akin to mind control? [2]
  87. which sex calls the bad members of itself bad apples, yet ignores the sexual and violent behaviour of animals of the same sex?
  88. which sex whines about abortion being a major evil, yet overwhelmingly is more likely to have tortured animals as a child for fun?
  89. which sex finds “stealthing” (fucking a girl after pretending to put a condom on) fun and sexy?
  90. which sex is so fucking mad that everybody of the other sex won’t be sexually available to them and sucking their fucking smeasy cocks, that they invented the concept of the cotton ceiling?
  91. which sex invented sex robots and sex dolls to replace the other sex, calling these things with no free will or humanity in them superior, despite only having sexual function?
  92. which sex brags about how unnecessary the other sex will be after the invention of artifical wombs, dreaming of their replacement extinction, yet has not thought about the opposite scenario of their own replacement?
  93. which sex claims to be superior solely based on physical strength and ability to rape?
  94. which sex committed the rape of nanking?
  95. which sex creates the standards of what is attractive in the other sex, then sexually assualts them with the excuse that they must have been asking for it for conforming to the standards?
  96. which sex mocks the other for being “overemotional” but sows and enjoys war?
  97. which sex ensures that the rates of domestic abuse rise when a team on the world cup is losing? [4] how’s that for “overemotional” women?
  98. which sex primarily comprises the pedophilic elite?
  99. which sex crows about the other sex never contributing to science, mathematics, and engineering, considering these subjects their domain, but doesn’t realise that this belief is why they never hear stories about the many of the other sex who have contributed? (einstein may have been a genius, but so was the wife he abused and treated as a domestic slave.)
  100. which sex oppresses the other for centuries, declining its any chance of contributing to the world except in secret or crossdress, then turns around and mocks that sex for never “contributing” to society?
  101. which sex primarily comprises the owners of the companies that are causing the ecological collapse of the earth?
  102. which sex mocks the other for being a single parent, blaming them for the absent partners of the other sex, ignoring how the responsibility for leaving is on the shoulders of the leaving partner?
  103. which sex mocks the other for being abused, sexually and emotionally, for not finding a good partner of the other sex, with not a single drop of awareness that the one doing the abusing is themselves?
  104. which sex mocks the other for being “moody” and “angry” and “emotional” whilst on their period, ignorant of the fact that the other sex has the most testosterone during their period?
  105. which sex ignores medical bias against the other sex? what are the typical symptoms of a heart attack? did you know the “stereotypical” symptoms are actually just the male symptoms?
  106. which sex does not mock single fathers, calling him a hero with infinite praise, then turning around and mocking single mothers?
  107. which sex states the other is only attractive when wearing makeup on their face, then demeans them for wearing it?
  108. which sex complains about being legally discriminated against when they are the victims of domestic abuse, rape, pedophilic rape due to being statistically unlikely to face these things, despite the fact that all victims of these things rarely get any justice, due to the political and legal system this sex created itself?
  109. which sex recast itself as god, the creator?
  110. which sex blames its violence on being inherent to the other “inferior” races, too stupid to recognise it’s inherent to their sex? [7] (often both black and white supremacists blaming rape on the other sex, a black man’s thing, a white man’s thing, without realising the common factor of “man”, too snuggled up in hating women to realise this simple fact? laughable)
  111. which sex gets so offended when called out on their propensity to these things that they invent the concept of an attack on masculinity?
  112. which sex is a mutation, a choromosomal mistake, that will eventually cease to exist, just through nature? [3]
  113. which sex calls the other inferior?
It's over for men.
Men are truly evil

@Tenshi thoughts?
>Pink Pill Feminism

Didn't read.
Read just a couple of words
I can pull a list out of my ass stating the reasons why women are evil and all of the shitty things they do too.
Men are truly evil

@Tenshi thoughts?

guess they got us now boyos

Humans are evil.

Women are evil too.
its so fucking easy to not be the "bad guy" when you are not in charge of anything and your biology makes you like this
The same could be said about non-white.
then chad shows up
  1. which sex masterminded the holocaust?
  2. which sex invented the companies that manufactured the machines and systems used in the holocaust?
  3. which sex invented the political systems that led to the holocaust?
Why do they say those like they are bad things?
jfl at the obligatory "sudden hitler" trope:
which sex masterminded the holocaust?
which sex invented the companies that manufactured the machines and systems used in the holocaust?
which sex invented the political systems that led to the holocaust?

I must admit that most of the complaints are not far from the truth, if you leave out that "muh pornography bad" thing. Being born as a man = lose if you are not chad. Also this is based:
which sex demands pornography where living bugs are shoved into women’s orifices?
  1. Which sex commits the most crime? Women.
  2. which sex commits the most rape? Equal. Men rape just reported more.
  3. which sex commits the most pedophilic rape? Women? How is this hard of a question?
  4. which sex commits the most necrophilia? Men.
  5. which sex commits the most mass shootings? How about which one caused the most mass shootings? Women.
  6. which sex is more likely to have destructive personality disorders such as npd and aspd? women with these disorders typically sow emotional chaos and manipulation, whilst men with these disorders kill their family members, rape their family members, kill the family pet, become serial killers. Oh really? How many of those men kill their husbands and their children in the most horrific ways like cutting their heads off or drowning them to death? It's women.
  7. which sex underperforms in school, despite given equal or even more attention? Depends on which classes you're talking about. Equal.
  8. which sex calls itself the provider of the family, yet abuses those who love it and its children with stunning frequency? From where I grew up? Women.
  9. which sex watches and demands the creation of extreme hardcore pornography where actors must be drugged to comply? I can't answer as I would have to look at gay and female oriented porn to know this. I only look at one form of porn so I can't answer this.
  10. which sex demands pornography, seemingly acting like they consider it a human right to watch people get raped on the screen? Let's see... Onlyfans, Twitch, Chaturbate, and most of those Live channels that trying to say it's a real form of work and gets mad if you say anything about what they're doing. I guess women.
  11. which sex demands pornography where living bugs are shoved into women’s orifices? This one sounds too specific and biased. What about those where men are demanded to do things?
  12. which sex demands pornography where living, real women have their clits cut off? Which sex demands pornography where living real men have their balls mutilated?
  13. which sex demands pornography where living, real women have their vaginas and anuses prolapsed from too much sex or many dicks inside of them where there should be none? (rosebudding) Which sex demands pornography where living, real men have their assholes prolapsed from too much sex or many dicks inside of them, strap-on or otherwise, where there should be none? I would say equal without ever watching that stuff.
  14. which sex demands pornography based on coprophilia, where literally participants have to eat shit for some loser somewhere to get hard and blow his pathetic load at a computer screen? Equal. I've been exposed to both unfortunately against my will.
  15. which sex demands pornography with the fictional storyline of fucking a stepdaughter, with the obvious implication of fucking one’s own daughter? why? There's fictional storylines of stepsons, stepmothers, stepfathers, aunts, uncles, and more. Biased. Equal.
  16. which sex masterminded the holocaust? Men.
  17. which sex invented the companies that manufactured the machines and systems used in the holocaust? Men.
  18. which sex invented the political systems that led to the holocaust? This I'm putting the blame on women for reasons.
  19. which sex calls the other morally corrupt, the most evil being to ever wonder the earth, a corrupter of men, in philosopher’s writings and religious scripture? Women. Don't play stupid with this one. Women always putting men down for everything and blaming him for everything.
  20. which sex mandates mutilation of genitals both male and female, with the female enduring horrific pain and ensuring no sexual pleasure in adult life? Men.
  21. which sex was the marquis de sade? jeffrey dahmer? ted bundy? ed gein? the majority of child porn producers, watchers? Seeing you have to say majority and not all means you know it's not one sided. I'm not looking up that shit but I will say it is equal here.
  22. which sex can you find overwhelmingly committing the most gravely inhuman crimes, whilst you would be hard pressed to find just as many of the other sex that commit crimes of the same severity? Women. Abortion anyone?
  23. which sex correctively rapes? Equal.
  24. which sex mocks the other for having daddy issues, not being intelligent enough to realise this is the fault of the father and not the child? Which sex mocks the other for having no social life, not being intelligent enough to realize this is the fault of society, mainly females, and not the one that's antisocial? Which sex mocks the other for having no money, not a worthy business, the height, their dick size, how much sex he has? You want to go there? Equal.
  25. which sex invented bdsm, abuse for sexual pleasure carried out by sadistic perverts on the traumatised? Equal.
  26. which sex calls itself the creators of everything, whilst merely shooting their pathetic spunk into those that then birth the next generation? Yes. I remember hearing about Father Nature.
  27. which sex writes movies that never or hardly pass the Bechdel test? You don't need a test to write a story. Some stories will be women only. Some stories will be men only. Some stories will have a mixture. To make this one sided and egotistically about women shows that you see yourself as more superior. You asked this above and thought the answer was men. I guess you just proved yourself wrong?
  28. which sex created the current global system that is bringing us all to ruin? Forget created. Which ones are pushing it? AOC and Kamala Harris are examples and they're not men.
  29. which sex invented and carries out neoliberal capitalism? Capitalism isn't bad. Men.
  30. which sex created the marriage structure? what are the origins of the marriage structure? It's meant to be equal.
  31. which sex wrote the holy books? Not all of the scriptures are in the holy books. Equal.
  32. which sex runs cartels? You can run a cartel if you want. You just don't want to. Men.
  33. which sex believes in penis envy, incapable of understanding the oppressive structures they created, whilst unabashedly leaking of womb envy? There is no such thing as boob envy, everyone. Equal.
  34. which sex created and demands the beauty standards that led to the invention and neccessity of cosmetic plastic surgery? WOMEN! They can stop the beauty standard at any time but they continue it. The ones still developing and creating these new techniques are WOMEN. WOMEN! WOMEN! WOMEN! WOMEN! IT IS WOMEN!
  35. which sex wrote the laws that treated the other sex as legal property for thousands of years? Men.
  36. which sex overwhelmingly owns and runs the makeup industry? Women. You know this is true.
  37. which sex coopted and redefined feminism to mean “sexy” and “fun” is equal to empowerment and “smashing the patriarchy”? Women as they're the ones doing it on their own. The soys that's joining that movement just want sex and not realizing they're orbiters.
  38. which sex created the societal culture that led to people believing that? Men.
  39. which sex belives it is entitled to decide the other sex is on the level of an owned object? Equal.
  40. which sex considers the “fall of mankind” to be the fault of the other sex, based on a silly story from the bible? Forget the bible. How about actual facts? Women.
  41. which sex calls itself more intelligent than the other, but gets addicted to jacking off to videos of torture and rape until they can’t get hard with a real women anymore, then gets mad when this is pointed out? Which sex calls itself more intelligent than the other, but gets addicted to height and muscles to the point they unwillingly get so wet from a fully clothed guy just standing there until they orgasm?
  42. which sex is just now realising that pornography is bad, just because they can’t get hard anymore, not giving a single shit about the actors? None. It's not men pushing for things like Onlyfans.
  43. which sex frequents brothels and therefore provides the demand for sex trafficking? There would be no demand if there was no supply. The fault is women.
  44. which sex runs the companies that use child labour and slavery in developing countries? Equal.
  45. which sex threatens to rape you, imagining it and enjoying it for certain in their mind, when they get mad? Equal.
  46. which sex calls the other “overemotional”, whilst comitting the most crimes out of anger, the most irrational emotion? Women? Which ones does the more demented of those crimes? It's not men.
  47. which sex demands the biological of the other must be secret and shameful, whilst drawing their genitals all over public spaces? Equal.
  48. which sex decided that giving rights to the other sex in society was political and not just obvious? And look where we are now.
  49. which sex invented and legalised slavery? Equal.
  50. which sex is overwhelmingly common in corporate boardrooms over the other sex? That's due to qualifications. Sorry you did not make the cut.
  51. which sex grumbles about gold diggers, whilst having demanded and still demanding today its partners to work as domestic slaves with a smile? Not men. Men don't demand women to work. Almost all men do not want women to work.
  52. which sex overwhelmingly rapes its mothers compared to the other sex? How about the fathers? One sided.
  53. which sex overwhelmingly rapes its sons compared to the other sex? Equal.
  54. which sex overwhelmingly rapes its daughters compared to the other sex? Men.
  55. which sex overwhelmingly rapes its grandmothers compared to the other sex? How about the grandfathers? One sided again.
  56. which sex has the majority of serial killers, who mostly target the other sex for sexual pleasure? Women. I'm bringing up abortion again.
  57. which sex creates the porno that has skyrocketed the amount of girls looking for labiaplasties from a desire to be attractive, a non necessary surgery that slices off the lips of the vagina in order to mimic the featureless genitals featured in porn? No one forces anyone to get a labiaplasties. Most men do not like fake things on girls and rather they look natural. Natural lips, natural breasts of any size, natural hair, natural ass. This is not because of the desire of being attractive but the problem of being too stupid to realize you're chasing after only one type of guy interested in those features. Which are chads. Most on these forums do not want that in a woman. You don't want them because you care about those same attractive perks. The blame is all on the women here.
  58. which sex watches the most teen porn, which cannot be verified to have actors over 18? Equal.
  59. which sex made teen porn the most popular porno category? Equal.
  60. which sex says that shaving in the other sex is a requirement due to hygeine, yet sweats with higher pungence and rate but does not shave? This one is actually equal as many women don't like hairy men.
  61. which sex demeans the other’s sex typical interests and considers them to be inferior? Which one brings up sex to demean the other one more? It's women.
  62. which sex pushes for a lowering of the age of consent? why? BOTH are. Especially from the left. Both are. Equal.
  63. which sex is mostly attracted to those of the other sex that are underage or slightly older, yet the other sex’s age of attraction stays at roughly the same age that they are themselves? [6] Equal. There isn't a vast majority of cougars I guess, huh?
  64. which sex lays on unwanted sexual attention to the other, that the other sex notices at very, very young ages? Equal. It's both sides there. Don't play stupid. How would "the other sex" notice without them doing it themselves and know what's going on? Trying to play dumb now?
  65. which sex created the social system that leads to the other sex sexualising themselves at the ages of 10, 11, 13, 14? Who told the so-called other sex to sexualize themselves at that age? You mention daddy issues before, but ones pushing these things on their daughters at that young of an age are single mothers. So it's women's fault.
  66. which sex claims victimhood by way of a higher completed suicide rate than the other, ignoring the higher attempted suicide rate of the other sex, because they use more violent methods to commit suicide? Oh so attempted is just as bad as those actually dying. I'm sorry but that sounds like claiming victimhood. Women.
  67. which sex is so self repressed due to systems that it built itself that emotional expression is considered a sign of same sex sexual attraction, then turns around and blames the other sex for this for some incomprehensible reason? Look online. Women is causing a lot of this.
  68. which sex is more likely to be victimised by itself? that is: sex x is often killed by murderers of sex x. Men and only because men are stronger. Women are the most violent in their murders though.
  69. which sex runs gangs? Men.
  70. which sex states that in a world where the sexes are equal, there would be wide spread suffering? AOC, Nancy Pelosi, Kamala Harris again, Greta Thunburg. They all are helping wide spread suffering so do you mean which sex is correct? Men.
  71. which sex insists that enjoying being raped, submissive, abused, controlled is inherent to the other sex? Equal as there are a lot on both sides that likes rape and rape fantasies. Just because you're not into it doesn't not mean you can speak for everyone else.
  72. which sex invented Islam? Men.
  73. which sex blames lack of attention from the other on its criminality, yet the same pattern is not true in the other sex? Equal once again.
  74. which sex invented incels that commit mass shootings? INVENTED incels? WOMEN!
  75. which sex says that jacking off and blowing a load is the only thing worth existing for? Which sex say time and time again that they can't do another job other than being a Instagram model or an onlyfans model? Hm?
  76. which sex is afraid to walk alone at night? Equal. You act like only women get jumped at night.
  77. which sex is most likely to be date raped? I like how you say most likely while you know it's both. Equal. Once again only going by which ones might be reported more or which are taken more seriously more over the other. Do I have to bring up the Amber Heard and Johnny Depp situation?
  78. which sex commits gangrape? [1] Men.
  79. which sex is most likely to be a victim of homicide overall, not at the hands of the other sex but due to the violence and anger of their own? Equal.
  80. which sex is most likely to be a victim of homicide due to the other sex? Women,
  81. which sex runs the technology industry, which will bring us to our rotten end if it is not controlled in a nightmare of raping nature and transhumanism (men talk about replacing women with intelligent robot sex dolls. LOL)? Who's the fault for all of this? Oh right. Women. I would not need an intelligent robot if a women would see me as a human and not a disgusting ugly creature to even talk to.
  82. which sex associates the sexuality of the other sex with dirty, slutty, whore, but finds it fine to commit date rape? Equal.
  83. which sex could impregnate 100 women in 100 days, yet calls for birth control of the sex that can only get pregnant once every 9 months? Which sex allows the impregnation when it's not rape? It's biology. Men can't get pregnant.I guess this is women's fault. You know. Mother nature. It's hrt fault we can't get pregnant. So it's women's fault. Thanks, Mother Nature.
  84. which sex talks about the fertility of the younger ages of the other sex, whilst ignoring the science on the correlation between younger age and death from pregnancy? Which sex are having sex at a young age and becoming single 12 year old mothers? Men I guess? Let me guess, it's only men's fault right?
  85. which sex blames the other for everything political, complaining it got the vote, despite being the majority of politicians? Most of the bad politicians are women.
  86. which sex has checmicals in their sperm with effects akin to mind control? [2] We have that? That's awesome. Men.
  87. which sex calls the bad members of itself bad apples, yet ignores the sexual and violent behaviour of animals of the same sex? Equal.
  88. which sex whines about abortion being a major evil, yet overwhelmingly is more likely to have tortured animals as a child for fun? I have not tortured an animal or a child and I don't know anyone that has. I know many that have had abortions making abortions way worst in that example. And I guess torture is worse than death right? One at least can get to live while the other don't even get to breath outside of the womb before being murdered. One somehow is more moral than the other you sick, twisted, demented individual.
  89. which sex finds “stealthing” (fucking a girl after pretending to put a condom on) fun and sexy? Equal as girls like doing that too. You never heard of puncturing holes in the condom before? Are we going to pretend this doesn't happen?
  90. which sex is so fucking mad that everybody of the other sex won’t be sexually available to them and sucking their fucking smeasy cocks, that they invented the concept of the cotton ceiling? Your superiority is showing. You're also sexualizing which you brought up above. I didn't originally bring any of this up. You did.
  91. which sex invented sex robots and sex dolls to replace the other sex, calling these things with no free will or humanity in them superior, despite only having sexual function? And what about sex chairs, dildos, all those beads, tongue devices, sex horses and other things that women have countless versions of. Let's also bring up natural things they would also use to not have to buy these things like bananas and cucumbers. I'm going to go equal here.
  92. which sex brags about how unnecessary the other sex will be after the invention of artifical wombs, dreaming of their replacement extinction, yet has not thought about the opposite scenario of their own replacement? Seeing how they won't give anyone without an absurd goal a chance? Men.
  93. which sex claims to be superior solely based on physical strength and ability to rape? Men biologically will always be physically stronger. Most men don't talk about the ability to rape.
  94. which sex committed the rape of banking? Now we're picking and choosing again to be biased? I'm putting the blame on women here just for you to be this biased.
  95. which sex creates the standards of what is attractive in the other sex, then sexually assualts them with the excuse that they must have been asking for it for conforming to the standards? WOMEN DO! WOMEN! If those same men you're talking about say the other sex would be meaningless if they just had a damn intelligent sex robot means that they have no standards. So obviously it's WOMEN!
  96. which sex mocks the other for being “overemotional” but sows and enjoys war? Which sex mocks the other for being emotional if he shows any signs of sadness, depression or crying? Equal.
  97. which sex ensures that the rates of domestic abuse rise when a team on the world cup is losing? [4] how’s that for “overemotional” women? MEN DO BECAUSE OUR ABUSE IS NOT TAKEN SERIOUSLY!
  98. which sex primarily comprises the pedophilic elite? "Primarily" I'm going to say equal here.
  99. which sex crows about the other sex never contributing to science, mathematics, and engineering, considering these subjects their domain, but doesn’t realise that this belief is why they never hear stories about the many of the other sex who have contributed? (einstein may have been a genius, but so was the wife he abused and treated as a domestic slave.) Most women are not interested in this. They were not forced out of anything. This is the fault of the women.
  100. which sex oppresses the other for centuries, declining its any chance of contributing to the world except in secret or crossdress, then turns around and mocks that sex for never “contributing” to society? There are countless women mentioned over history. Once again this is not the fault of men.
  101. which sex primarily comprises the owners of the companies that are causing the ecological collapse of the earth? Seeing how you don't like capitalism, I'm not even going to answer this one as you're not thinking straight.
  102. which sex mocks the other for being a single parent, blaming them for the absent partners of the other sex, ignoring how the responsibility for leaving is on the shoulders of the leaving partner? Which sex allows themselves to be a single parent and rather marry to the government and not a man because they get to live in an easier mode to be on child support than to be with a man? Okay then.
  103. which sex mocks the other for being abused, sexually and emotionally, for not finding a good partner of the other sex, with not a single drop of awareness that the one doing the abusing is themselves? WOMEN DO THE MOCKING! WOMEN! THIS IS WHY MEN DO NOT COME OUT AS MUCH ABOUT THEIR ABUSE BECAUSE YOU MAKE FUN OF THEM AND LAUGH ABOUT HOW LESS OF A MAN THEY ARE!
  104. which sex mocks the other for being “moody” and “angry” and “emotional” whilst on their period, ignorant of the fact that the other sex has the most testosterone during their period? Equal.
  105. which sex ignores medical bias against the other sex? what are the typical symptoms of a heart attack? did you know the “stereotypical” symptoms are actually just the male symptoms? None as there are men and women doctors. One for each other. Try again.
  106. which sex does not mock single fathers, calling him a hero with infinite praise, then turning around and mocking single mothers? The only reason someone is a single father was because the mother was either dead or did not want to have that child. Once again this is the fault of the woman though.
  107. which sex states the other is only attractive when wearing makeup on their face, then demeans them for wearing it? Which states the other is only attractive when they're a certain height, have a certain dick size, a certain facial structure, and not able to wear makeup as the other sex to try and look better for them and are stuck looking natural and being graded unjustly? WOMEN! You one sided bitch.
  108. which sex complains about being legally discriminated against when they are the victims of domestic abuse, rape, pedophilic rape due to being statistically unlikely to face these things, despite the fact that all victims of these things rarely get any justice, due to the political and legal system this sex created itself? I already brought up in #103. This is the fault of women. I'm not bringing it up again.
  109. which sex recast itself as god, the creator? God could be a woman for all I know.
  110. which sex blames its violence on being inherent to the other “inferior” races, too stupid to recognise it’s inherent to their sex? [7] (often both black and white supremacists blaming rape on the other sex, a black man’s thing, a white man’s thing, without realising the common factor of “man”, too snuggled up in hating women to realise this simple fact? laughable) Going by all these questions? It's women as they're putting all the blame on all men.
  111. which sex gets so offended when called out on their propensity to these things that they invent the concept of an attack on masculinity? Women's fault once again.
  112. which sex is a mutation, a choromosomal mistake, that will eventually cease to exist, just through nature? [3] Once again showing your superiority. Once again women at fault.
  113. which sex calls the other inferior? Throughout this whole thing? You've been doing it this whole time and you just said it in the last question. The very last question you just called men inferior you stupid whore. So once again it's women. WOMEN!

The winner: The blame is almost unanimously put on women.
There's an explanation that logically leads to blaming women in the end for each and every single one of these. Sorry FDS, back to your cats now.
I can pull a list out of my ass stating the reasons why women are evil and all of the shitty things they do too.
I like how they mention that every bad thing that was done in history was orchestrated by men. that’s literally only the case because women’s only major contribution for the vast majority of human history was sex and reproduction
  1. Which sex commits the most crime? Women.
  2. which sex commits the most rape? Equal. Men rape just reported more.
  3. which sex commits the most pedophilic rape? Women? How is this hard of a question?
  4. which sex commits the most necrophilia? Men.
  5. which sex commits the most mass shootings? How about which one caused the most mass shootings? Women.
  6. which sex is more likely to have destructive personality disorders such as npd and aspd? women with these disorders typically sow emotional chaos and manipulation, whilst men with these disorders kill their family members, rape their family members, kill the family pet, become serial killers. Oh really? How many of those men kill their husbands and their children in the most horrific ways like cutting their heads off or drowning them to death? It's women.
  7. which sex underperforms in school, despite given equal or even more attention? Depends on which classes you're talking about. Equal.
  8. which sex calls itself the provider of the family, yet abuses those who love it and its children with stunning frequency? From where I grew up? Women.
  9. which sex watches and demands the creation of extreme hardcore pornography where actors must be drugged to comply? I can't answer as I would have to look at gay and female oriented porn to know this. I only look at one form of porn so I can't answer this.
  10. which sex demands pornography, seemingly acting like they consider it a human right to watch people get raped on the screen? Let's see... Onlyfans, Twitch, Chaturbate, and most of those Live channels that trying to say it's a real form of work and gets mad if you say anything about what they're doing. I guess women.
  11. which sex demands pornography where living bugs are shoved into women’s orifices? This one sounds too specific and biased. What about those where men are demanded to do things?
  12. which sex demands pornography where living, real women have their clits cut off? Which sex demands pornography where living real men have their balls mutilated?
  13. which sex demands pornography where living, real women have their vaginas and anuses prolapsed from too much sex or many dicks inside of them where there should be none? (rosebudding) Which sex demands pornography where living, real men have their assholes prolapsed from too much sex or many dicks inside of them, strap-on or otherwise, where there should be none? I would say equal without ever watching that stuff.
  14. which sex demands pornography based on coprophilia, where literally participants have to eat shit for some loser somewhere to get hard and blow his pathetic load at a computer screen? Equal. I've been exposed to both unfortunately against my will.
  15. which sex demands pornography with the fictional storyline of fucking a stepdaughter, with the obvious implication of fucking one’s own daughter? why? There's fictional storylines of stepsons, stepmothers, stepfathers, aunts, uncles, and more. Biased. Equal.
  16. which sex masterminded the holocaust? Men.
  17. which sex invented the companies that manufactured the machines and systems used in the holocaust? Men.
  18. which sex invented the political systems that led to the holocaust? This I'm putting the blame on women for reasons.
  19. which sex calls the other morally corrupt, the most evil being to ever wonder the earth, a corrupter of men, in philosopher’s writings and religious scripture? Women. Don't play stupid with this one. Women always putting men down for everything and blaming him for everything.
  20. which sex mandates mutilation of genitals both male and female, with the female enduring horrific pain and ensuring no sexual pleasure in adult life? Men.
  21. which sex was the marquis de sade? jeffrey dahmer? ted bundy? ed gein? the majority of child porn producers, watchers? Seeing you have to say majority and not all means you know it's not one sided. I'm not looking up that shit but I will say it is equal here.
  22. which sex can you find overwhelmingly committing the most gravely inhuman crimes, whilst you would be hard pressed to find just as many of the other sex that commit crimes of the same severity? Women. Abortion anyone?
  23. which sex correctively rapes? Equal.
  24. which sex mocks the other for having daddy issues, not being intelligent enough to realise this is the fault of the father and not the child? Which sex mocks the other for having no social life, not being intelligent enough to realize this is the fault of society, mainly females, and not the one that's antisocial? Which sex mocks the other for having no money, not a worthy business, the height, their dick size, how much sex he has? You want to go there? Equal.
  25. which sex invented bdsm, abuse for sexual pleasure carried out by sadistic perverts on the traumatised? Equal.
  26. which sex calls itself the creators of everything, whilst merely shooting their pathetic spunk into those that then birth the next generation? Yes. I remember hearing about Father Nature.
  27. which sex writes movies that never or hardly pass the Bechdel test? You don't need a test to write a story. Some stories will be women only. Some stories will be men only. Some stories will have a mixture. To make this one sided and egotistically about women shows that you see yourself as more superior. You asked this above and thought the answer was men. I guess you just proved yourself wrong?
  28. which sex created the current global system that is bringing us all to ruin? Forget created. Which ones are pushing it? AOC and Kamala Harris are examples and they're not men.
  29. which sex invented and carries out neoliberal capitalism? Capitalism isn't bad. Men.
  30. which sex created the marriage structure? what are the origins of the marriage structure? It's meant to be equal.
  31. which sex wrote the holy books? Not all of the scriptures are in the holy books. Equal.
  32. which sex runs cartels? You can run a cartel if you want. You just don't want to. Men.
  33. which sex believes in penis envy, incapable of understanding the oppressive structures they created, whilst unabashedly leaking of womb envy? There is no such thing as boob envy, everyone. Equal.
  34. which sex created and demands the beauty standards that led to the invention and neccessity of cosmetic plastic surgery? WOMEN! They can stop the beauty standard at any time but they continue it. The ones still developing and creating these new techniques are WOMEN. WOMEN! WOMEN! WOMEN! WOMEN! IT IS WOMEN!
  35. which sex wrote the laws that treated the other sex as legal property for thousands of years? Men.
  36. which sex overwhelmingly owns and runs the makeup industry? Women. You know this is true.
  37. which sex coopted and redefined feminism to mean “sexy” and “fun” is equal to empowerment and “smashing the patriarchy”? Women as they're the ones doing it on their own. The soys that's joining that movement just want sex and not realizing they're orbiters.
  38. which sex created the societal culture that led to people believing that? Men.
  39. which sex belives it is entitled to decide the other sex is on the level of an owned object? Equal.
  40. which sex considers the “fall of mankind” to be the fault of the other sex, based on a silly story from the bible? Forget the bible. How about actual facts? Women.
  41. which sex calls itself more intelligent than the other, but gets addicted to jacking off to videos of torture and rape until they can’t get hard with a real women anymore, then gets mad when this is pointed out? Which sex calls itself more intelligent than the other, but gets addicted to height and muscles to the point they unwillingly get so wet from a fully clothed guy just standing there until they orgasm?
  42. which sex is just now realising that pornography is bad, just because they can’t get hard anymore, not giving a single shit about the actors? None. It's not men pushing for things like Onlyfans.
  43. which sex frequents brothels and therefore provides the demand for sex trafficking? There would be no demand if there was no supply. The fault is women.
  44. which sex runs the companies that use child labour and slavery in developing countries? Equal.
  45. which sex threatens to rape you, imagining it and enjoying it for certain in their mind, when they get mad? Equal.
  46. which sex calls the other “overemotional”, whilst comitting the most crimes out of anger, the most irrational emotion? Women? Which ones does the more demented of those crimes? It's not men.
  47. which sex demands the biological of the other must be secret and shameful, whilst drawing their genitals all over public spaces? Equal.
  48. which sex decided that giving rights to the other sex in society was political and not just obvious? And look where we are now.
  49. which sex invented and legalised slavery? Equal.
  50. which sex is overwhelmingly common in corporate boardrooms over the other sex? That's due to qualifications. Sorry you did not make the cut.
  51. which sex grumbles about gold diggers, whilst having demanded and still demanding today its partners to work as domestic slaves with a smile? Not men. Men don't demand women to work. Almost all men do not want women to work.
  52. which sex overwhelmingly rapes its mothers compared to the other sex? How about the fathers? One sided.
  53. which sex overwhelmingly rapes its sons compared to the other sex? Equal.
  54. which sex overwhelmingly rapes its daughters compared to the other sex? Men.
  55. which sex overwhelmingly rapes its grandmothers compared to the other sex? How about the grandfathers? One sided again.
  56. which sex has the majority of serial killers, who mostly target the other sex for sexual pleasure? Women. I'm bringing up abortion again.
  57. which sex creates the porno that has skyrocketed the amount of girls looking for labiaplasties from a desire to be attractive, a non necessary surgery that slices off the lips of the vagina in order to mimic the featureless genitals featured in porn? No one forces anyone to get a labiaplasties. Most men do not like fake things on girls and rather they look natural. Natural lips, natural breasts of any size, natural hair, natural ass. This is not because of the desire of being attractive but the problem of being too stupid to realize you're chasing after only one type of guy interested in those features. Which are chads. Most on these forums do not want that in a woman. You don't want them because you care about those same attractive perks. The blame is all on the women here.
  58. which sex watches the most teen porn, which cannot be verified to have actors over 18? Equal.
  59. which sex made teen porn the most popular porno category? Equal.
  60. which sex says that shaving in the other sex is a requirement due to hygeine, yet sweats with higher pungence and rate but does not shave? This one is actually equal as many women don't like hairy men.
  61. which sex demeans the other’s sex typical interests and considers them to be inferior? Which one brings up sex to demean the other one more? It's women.
  62. which sex pushes for a lowering of the age of consent? why? BOTH are. Especially from the left. Both are. Equal.
  63. which sex is mostly attracted to those of the other sex that are underage or slightly older, yet the other sex’s age of attraction stays at roughly the same age that they are themselves? [6] Equal. There isn't a vast majority of cougars I guess, huh?
  64. which sex lays on unwanted sexual attention to the other, that the other sex notices at very, very young ages? Equal. It's both sides there. Don't play stupid. How would "the other sex" notice without them doing it themselves and know what's going on? Trying to play dumb now?
  65. which sex created the social system that leads to the other sex sexualising themselves at the ages of 10, 11, 13, 14? Who told the so-called other sex to sexualize themselves at that age? You mention daddy issues before, but ones pushing these things on their daughters at that young of an age are single mothers. So it's women's fault.
  66. which sex claims victimhood by way of a higher completed suicide rate than the other, ignoring the higher attempted suicide rate of the other sex, because they use more violent methods to commit suicide? Oh so attempted is just as bad as those actually dying. I'm sorry but that sounds like claiming victimhood. Women.
  67. which sex is so self repressed due to systems that it built itself that emotional expression is considered a sign of same sex sexual attraction, then turns around and blames the other sex for this for some incomprehensible reason? Look online. Women is causing a lot of this.
  68. which sex is more likely to be victimised by itself? that is: sex x is often killed by murderers of sex x. Men and only because men are stronger. Women are the most violent in their murders though.
  69. which sex runs gangs? Men.
  70. which sex states that in a world where the sexes are equal, there would be wide spread suffering? AOC, Nancy Pelosi, Kamala Harris again, Greta Thunburg. They all are helping wide spread suffering so do you mean which sex is correct? Men.
  71. which sex insists that enjoying being raped, submissive, abused, controlled is inherent to the other sex? Equal as there are a lot on both sides that likes rape and rape fantasies. Just because you're not into it doesn't not mean you can speak for everyone else.
  72. which sex invented Islam? Men.
  73. which sex blames lack of attention from the other on its criminality, yet the same pattern is not true in the other sex? Equal once again.
  74. which sex invented incels that commit mass shootings? INVENTED incels? WOMEN!
  75. which sex says that jacking off and blowing a load is the only thing worth existing for? Which sex say time and time again that they can't do another job other than being a Instagram model or an onlyfans model? Hm?
  76. which sex is afraid to walk alone at night? Equal. You act like only women get jumped at night.
  77. which sex is most likely to be date raped? I like how you say most likely while you know it's both. Equal. Once again only going by which ones might be reported more or which are taken more seriously more over the other. Do I have to bring up the Amber Heard and Johnny Depp situation?
  78. which sex commits gangrape? [1] Men.
  79. which sex is most likely to be a victim of homicide overall, not at the hands of the other sex but due to the violence and anger of their own? Equal.
  80. which sex is most likely to be a victim of homicide due to the other sex? Women,
  81. which sex runs the technology industry, which will bring us to our rotten end if it is not controlled in a nightmare of raping nature and transhumanism (men talk about replacing women with intelligent robot sex dolls. LOL)? Who's the fault for all of this? Oh right. Women. I would not need an intelligent robot if a women would see me as a human and not a disgusting ugly creature to even talk to.
  82. which sex associates the sexuality of the other sex with dirty, slutty, whore, but finds it fine to commit date rape? Equal.
  83. which sex could impregnate 100 women in 100 days, yet calls for birth control of the sex that can only get pregnant once every 9 months? Which sex allows the impregnation when it's not rape? It's biology. Men can't get pregnant.I guess this is women's fault. You know. Mother nature. It's hrt fault we can't get pregnant. So it's women's fault. Thanks, Mother Nature.
  84. which sex talks about the fertility of the younger ages of the other sex, whilst ignoring the science on the correlation between younger age and death from pregnancy? Which sex are having sex at a young age and becoming single 12 year old mothers? Men I guess? Let me guess, it's only men's fault right?
  85. which sex blames the other for everything political, complaining it got the vote, despite being the majority of politicians? Most of the bad politicians are women.
  86. which sex has checmicals in their sperm with effects akin to mind control? [2] We have that? That's awesome. Men.
  87. which sex calls the bad members of itself bad apples, yet ignores the sexual and violent behaviour of animals of the same sex? Equal.
  88. which sex whines about abortion being a major evil, yet overwhelmingly is more likely to have tortured animals as a child for fun? I have not tortured an animal or a child and I don't know anyone that has. I know many that have had abortions making abortions way worst in that example. And I guess torture is worse than death right? One at least can get to live while the other don't even get to breath outside of the womb before being murdered. One somehow is more moral than the other you sick, twisted, demented individual.
  89. which sex finds “stealthing” (fucking a girl after pretending to put a condom on) fun and sexy? Equal as girls like doing that too. You never heard of puncturing holes in the condom before? Are we going to pretend this doesn't happen?
  90. which sex is so fucking mad that everybody of the other sex won’t be sexually available to them and sucking their fucking smeasy cocks, that they invented the concept of the cotton ceiling? Your superiority is showing. You're also sexualizing which you brought up above. I didn't originally bring any of this up. You did.
  91. which sex invented sex robots and sex dolls to replace the other sex, calling these things with no free will or humanity in them superior, despite only having sexual function? And what about sex chairs, dildos, all those beads, tongue devices, sex horses and other things that women have countless versions of. Let's also bring up natural things they would also use to not have to buy these things like bananas and cucumbers. I'm going to go equal here.
  92. which sex brags about how unnecessary the other sex will be after the invention of artifical wombs, dreaming of their replacement extinction, yet has not thought about the opposite scenario of their own replacement? Seeing how they won't give anyone without an absurd goal a chance? Men.
  93. which sex claims to be superior solely based on physical strength and ability to rape? Men biologically will always be physically stronger. Most men don't talk about the ability to rape.
  94. which sex committed the rape of banking? Now we're picking and choosing again to be biased? I'm putting the blame on women here just for you to be this biased.
  95. which sex creates the standards of what is attractive in the other sex, then sexually assualts them with the excuse that they must have been asking for it for conforming to the standards? WOMEN DO! WOMEN! If those same men you're talking about say the other sex would be meaningless if they just had a damn intelligent sex robot means that they have no standards. So obviously it's WOMEN!
  96. which sex mocks the other for being “overemotional” but sows and enjoys war? Which sex mocks the other for being emotional if he shows any signs of sadness, depression or crying? Equal.
  97. which sex ensures that the rates of domestic abuse rise when a team on the world cup is losing? [4] how’s that for “overemotional” women? MEN DO BECAUSE OUR ABUSE IS NOT TAKEN SERIOUSLY!
  98. which sex primarily comprises the pedophilic elite? "Primarily" I'm going to say equal here.
  99. which sex crows about the other sex never contributing to science, mathematics, and engineering, considering these subjects their domain, but doesn’t realise that this belief is why they never hear stories about the many of the other sex who have contributed? (einstein may have been a genius, but so was the wife he abused and treated as a domestic slave.) Most women are not interested in this. They were not forced out of anything. This is the fault of the women.
  100. which sex oppresses the other for centuries, declining its any chance of contributing to the world except in secret or crossdress, then turns around and mocks that sex for never “contributing” to society? There are countless women mentioned over history. Once again this is not the fault of men.
  101. which sex primarily comprises the owners of the companies that are causing the ecological collapse of the earth? Seeing how you don't like capitalism, I'm not even going to answer this one as you're not thinking straight.
  102. which sex mocks the other for being a single parent, blaming them for the absent partners of the other sex, ignoring how the responsibility for leaving is on the shoulders of the leaving partner? Which sex allows themselves to be a single parent and rather marry to the government and not a man because they get to live in an easier mode to be on child support than to be with a man? Okay then.
  103. which sex mocks the other for being abused, sexually and emotionally, for not finding a good partner of the other sex, with not a single drop of awareness that the one doing the abusing is themselves? WOMEN DO THE MOCKING! WOMEN! THIS IS WHY MEN DO NOT COME OUT AS MUCH ABOUT THEIR ABUSE BECAUSE YOU MAKE FUN OF THEM AND LAUGH ABOUT HOW LESS OF A MAN THEY ARE!
  104. which sex mocks the other for being “moody” and “angry” and “emotional” whilst on their period, ignorant of the fact that the other sex has the most testosterone during their period? Equal.
  105. which sex ignores medical bias against the other sex? what are the typical symptoms of a heart attack? did you know the “stereotypical” symptoms are actually just the male symptoms? None as there are men and women doctors. One for each other. Try again.
  106. which sex does not mock single fathers, calling him a hero with infinite praise, then turning around and mocking single mothers? The only reason someone is a single father was because the mother was either dead or did not want to have that child. Once again this is the fault of the woman though.
  107. which sex states the other is only attractive when wearing makeup on their face, then demeans them for wearing it? Which states the other is only attractive when they're a certain height, have a certain dick size, a certain facial structure, and not able to wear makeup as the other sex to try and look better for them and are stuck looking natural and being graded unjustly? WOMEN! You one sided bitch.
  108. which sex complains about being legally discriminated against when they are the victims of domestic abuse, rape, pedophilic rape due to being statistically unlikely to face these things, despite the fact that all victims of these things rarely get any justice, due to the political and legal system this sex created itself? I already brought up in #103. This is the fault of women. I'm not bringing it up again.
  109. which sex recast itself as god, the creator? God could be a woman for all I know.
  110. which sex blames its violence on being inherent to the other “inferior” races, too stupid to recognise it’s inherent to their sex? [7] (often both black and white supremacists blaming rape on the other sex, a black man’s thing, a white man’s thing, without realising the common factor of “man”, too snuggled up in hating women to realise this simple fact? laughable) Going by all these questions? It's women as they're putting all the blame on all men.
  111. which sex gets so offended when called out on their propensity to these things that they invent the concept of an attack on masculinity? Women's fault once again.
  112. which sex is a mutation, a choromosomal mistake, that will eventually cease to exist, just through nature? [3] Once again showing your superiority. Once again women at fault.
  113. which sex calls the other inferior? Throughout this whole thing? You've been doing it this whole time and you just said it in the last question. The very last question you just called men inferior you stupid whore. So once again it's women. WOMEN!

The winner: The blame is almost unanimously put on women.
Holy crap bro, just make an account on that website and post the answer there LMAO
I never did claim that i was a Young Repubican WASP boy scout.
Source: https://pinkpillfeminism.com/t/which-sex/174

if you’re ever in any doubt that men truly are evil, just ask yourself:

  1. which sex commits the most crime?
  2. which sex commits the most rape?
  3. which sex commits the most pedophilic rape?
  4. which sex commits the most necrophilia?
  5. which sex commits the most mass shootings?
  6. which sex is more likely to have destructive personality disorders such as npd and aspd? women with these disorders typically sow emotional chaos and manipulation, whilst men with these disorders kill their family members, rape their family members, kill the family pet, become serial killers.
  7. which sex underperforms in school, despite given equal or even more attention?
  8. which sex calls itself the provider of the family, yet abuses those who love it and its children with stunning frequency?
  9. which sex watches and demands the creation of extreme hardcore pornography where actors must be drugged to comply? [5]
  10. which sex demands pornography, seemingly acting like they consider it a human right to watch people get raped on the screen?
  11. which sex demands pornography where living bugs are shoved into women’s orifices?
  12. which sex demands pornography where living, real women have their clits cut off?
  13. which sex demands pornography where living, real women have their vaginas and anuses prolapsed from too much sex or many dicks inside of them where there should be none? (rosebudding)
  14. which sex demands pornography based on coprophilia, where literally participants have to eat shit for some loser somewhere to get hard and blow his pathetic load at a computer screen?
  15. which sex demands pornography with the fictional storyline of fucking a stepdaughter, with the obvious implication of fucking one’s own daughter? why?
  16. which sex masterminded the holocaust?
  17. which sex invented the companies that manufactured the machines and systems used in the holocaust?
  18. which sex invented the political systems that led to the holocaust?
  19. which sex calls the other morally corrupt, the most evil being to ever wonder the earth, a corrupter of men, in philosopher’s writings and religious scripture?
  20. which sex mandates mutilation of genitals both male and female, with the female enduring horrific pain and ensuring no sexual pleasure in adult life?
  21. which sex was the marquis de sade? jeffrey dahmer? ted bundy? ed gein? the majority of child porn producers, watchers?
  22. which sex can you find overwhelmingly committing the most gravely inhuman crimes, whilst you would be hard pressed to find just as many of the other sex that commit crimes of the same severity?
  23. which sex correctively rapes?
  24. which sex mocks the other for having daddy issues, not being intelligent enough to realise this is the fault of the father and not the child?
  25. which sex invented bdsm, abuse for sexual pleasure carried out by sadistic perverts on the traumatised?
  26. which sex calls itself the creators of everything, whilst merely shooting their pathetic spunk into those that then birth the next generation?
  27. which sex writes movies that never or hardly pass the bechdel test?
  28. which sex created the current global system that is bringing us all to ruin?
  29. which sex invented and carries out neoliberal capitalism?
  30. which sex created the marriage structure? what are the origins of the marriage structure?
  31. which sex wrote the holy books?
  32. which sex runs cartels?
  33. which sex believes in penis envy, incapable of understanding the oppressive structures they created, whilst unabashedly leaking of womb envy?
  34. which sex created and demands the beauty standards that led to the invention and neccessity of cosmetic plastic surgery?
  35. which sex wrote the laws that treated the other sex as legal property for thousands of years?
  36. which sex overwhelmingly owns and runs the makeup industry?
  37. which sex coopted and redefined feminism to mean “sexy” and “fun” is equal to empowerment and “smashing the patriarchy”?
  38. which sex created the societal culture that led to people believing that?
  39. which sex belives it is entitled to decide the other sex is on the level of an owned object?
  40. which sex considers the “fall of mankind” to be the fault of the other sex, based on a silly story from the bible?
  41. which sex calls itself more intelligent than the other, but gets addicted to jacking off to videos of torture and rape until they can’t get hard with a real women anymore, then gets mad when this is pointed out?
  42. which sex is just now realising that pornography is bad, just because they can’t get hard anymore, not giving a single shit about the actors?
  43. which sex frequents brothels and therefore provides the demand for sex trafficking?
  44. which sex runs the companies that use child labour and slavery in developing countries?
  45. which sex threatens to rape you, imagining it and enjoying it for certain in their mind, when they get mad?
  46. which sex calls the other “overemotional”, whilst comitting the most crimes out of anger, the most irrational emotion?
  47. which sex demands the biological of the other must be secret and shameful, whilst drawing their genitals all over public spaces?
  48. which sex decided that giving rights to the other sex in society was political and not just obvious?
  49. which sex invented and legalised slavery?
  50. which sex is overwhelmingly common in corporate boardrooms over the other sex?
  51. which sex grumbles about gold diggers, whilst having demanded and still demanding today its partners to work as domestic slaves with a smile?
  52. which sex overwhelmingly rapes its mothers compared to the other sex?
  53. which sex overwhelmingly rapes its sons compared to the other sex?
  54. which sex overwhelmingly rapes its daughters compared to the other sex?
  55. which sex overwhelmingly rapes its grandmothers compared to the other sex?
  56. which sex has the majority of serial killers, who mostly target the other sex for sexual pleasure?
  57. which sex creates the porno that has skyrocketed the amount of girls looking for labiaplasties from a desire to be attractive, a non necessary surgery that slices off the lips of the vagina in order to mimic the featureless genitals featured in porn?
  58. which sex watches the most teen porn, which cannot be verified to have actors over 18?
  59. which sex made teen porn the most popular porno category?
  60. which sex says that shaving in the other sex is a requirement due to hygeine, yet sweats with higher pungence and rate but does not shave?
  61. which sex demeans the other’s sex typical interests and considers them to be inferior?
  62. which sex pushes for a lowering of the age of consent? why?
  63. which sex is mostly attracted to those of the other sex that are underage or slightly older, yet the other sex’s age of attraction stays at roughly the same age that they are themselves? [6]
  64. which sex lays on unwanted sexual attention to the other, that the other sex notices at very, very young ages?
  65. which sex created the social system that leads to the other sex sexualising themselves at the ages of 10, 11, 13, 14?
  66. which sex claims victimhood by way of a higher completed suicide rate than the other, ignoring the higher attempted suicide rate of the other sex, because they use more violent methods to commit suicide?
  67. which sex is so self repressed due to systems that it built itself that emotional expression is considered a sign of same sex sexual attraction, then turns around and blames the other sex for this for some incomprehensible reason?
  68. which sex is more likely to be victimised by itself? that is: sex x is often killed by murderers of sex x.
  69. which sex runs gangs?
  70. which sex states that in a world where the sexes are equal, there would be wide spread suffering?
  71. which sex insists that enjoying being raped, submissive, abused, controlled is inherent to the other sex?
  72. which sex invented islam?
  73. which sex blames lack of attention from the other on its criminality, yet the same pattern is not true in the other sex?
  74. which sex invented incels that commit mass shootings?
  75. which sex says that jacking off and blowing a load is the only thing worth existing for?
  76. which sex is afraid to walk alone at night?
  77. which sex is most likely to be date raped?
  78. which sex commits gangrape? [1]
  79. which sex is most likely to be a victim of homicide overall, not at the hands of the other sex but due to the violence and anger of their own?
  80. which sex is most likely to be a victim of homicide due to the other sex?
  81. which sex runs the technology industry, which will bring us to our rotten end if it is not controlled in a nightmare of raping nature and transhumanism (men talk about replacing women with intelligent robot sex dolls. LOL)?
  82. which sex associates the sexuality of the other sex with dirty, slutty, whore, but finds it fine to commit date rape?
  83. which sex could impregnate 100 women in 100 days, yet calls for birth control of the sex that can only get pregnant once every 9 months?
  84. which sex talks about the fertility of the younger ages of the other sex, whilst ignoring the science on the correlation between younger age and death from pregnancy?
  85. which sex blames the other for everything political, complaining it got the vote, despite being the majority of politicians?
  86. which sex has checmicals in their sperm with effects akin to mind control? [2]
  87. which sex calls the bad members of itself bad apples, yet ignores the sexual and violent behaviour of animals of the same sex?
  88. which sex whines about abortion being a major evil, yet overwhelmingly is more likely to have tortured animals as a child for fun?
  89. which sex finds “stealthing” (fucking a girl after pretending to put a condom on) fun and sexy?
  90. which sex is so fucking mad that everybody of the other sex won’t be sexually available to them and sucking their fucking smeasy cocks, that they invented the concept of the cotton ceiling?
  91. which sex invented sex robots and sex dolls to replace the other sex, calling these things with no free will or humanity in them superior, despite only having sexual function?
  92. which sex brags about how unnecessary the other sex will be after the invention of artifical wombs, dreaming of their replacement extinction, yet has not thought about the opposite scenario of their own replacement?
  93. which sex claims to be superior solely based on physical strength and ability to rape?
  94. which sex committed the rape of nanking?
  95. which sex creates the standards of what is attractive in the other sex, then sexually assualts them with the excuse that they must have been asking for it for conforming to the standards?
  96. which sex mocks the other for being “overemotional” but sows and enjoys war?
  97. which sex ensures that the rates of domestic abuse rise when a team on the world cup is losing? [4] how’s that for “overemotional” women?
  98. which sex primarily comprises the pedophilic elite?
  99. which sex crows about the other sex never contributing to science, mathematics, and engineering, considering these subjects their domain, but doesn’t realise that this belief is why they never hear stories about the many of the other sex who have contributed? (einstein may have been a genius, but so was the wife he abused and treated as a domestic slave.)
  100. which sex oppresses the other for centuries, declining its any chance of contributing to the world except in secret or crossdress, then turns around and mocks that sex for never “contributing” to society?
  101. which sex primarily comprises the owners of the companies that are causing the ecological collapse of the earth?
  102. which sex mocks the other for being a single parent, blaming them for the absent partners of the other sex, ignoring how the responsibility for leaving is on the shoulders of the leaving partner?
  103. which sex mocks the other for being abused, sexually and emotionally, for not finding a good partner of the other sex, with not a single drop of awareness that the one doing the abusing is themselves?
  104. which sex mocks the other for being “moody” and “angry” and “emotional” whilst on their period, ignorant of the fact that the other sex has the most testosterone during their period?
  105. which sex ignores medical bias against the other sex? what are the typical symptoms of a heart attack? did you know the “stereotypical” symptoms are actually just the male symptoms?
  106. which sex does not mock single fathers, calling him a hero with infinite praise, then turning around and mocking single mothers?
  107. which sex states the other is only attractive when wearing makeup on their face, then demeans them for wearing it?
  108. which sex complains about being legally discriminated against when they are the victims of domestic abuse, rape, pedophilic rape due to being statistically unlikely to face these things, despite the fact that all victims of these things rarely get any justice, due to the political and legal system this sex created itself?
  109. which sex recast itself as god, the creator?
  110. which sex blames its violence on being inherent to the other “inferior” races, too stupid to recognise it’s inherent to their sex? [7] (often both black and white supremacists blaming rape on the other sex, a black man’s thing, a white man’s thing, without realising the common factor of “man”, too snuggled up in hating women to realise this simple fact? laughable)
  111. which sex gets so offended when called out on their propensity to these things that they invent the concept of an attack on masculinity?
  112. which sex is a mutation, a choromosomal mistake, that will eventually cease to exist, just through nature? [3]
  113. which sex calls the other inferior?
It's over for men.
No sex does any of this, people do.

All a sex does is being stimulated and reaching orgasm.
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I hate men too, but for different reasons than these radical feminists. Mainly because men are fucking simps and attack other men if it means they can get a crumb of pussy.
Room temperature iq let me refute your whole post: if u see only the top 1% of most evil men obviously it will look like men are evil more so than woman. But now look at the top 1% least evil of men: it turns out the least evil men are less evil than the least evil women.

Men have higher trait variability in EVERYTHING look at the iq distribution of men and women. Obviously the same includes being evil watever that might be.
Women made them evil.
Couldnt make it past point 2 as i have very low attention span.
didn't read, buch of bullshit
Which sex causes all of the above?
Which sex build western civilization and give you cunts rights? Maybe they are evil after all because of the last part.
Oops wrongthreadpostpill
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Another retarded graycel thread. Ban gray graycels from making threads when?
Half the things are bloody nonsense when believe in anything that foids tell u
These bitches get too emotional about everything
Bitches get paid to do stuff in porn that's not rape by any legal defination of the word
And which sex prefers all of those bad traits in men than the good ones?
Chads are evil. And women fuck chads. Incels are pure
Women need to go back to the jungle where they belong, civilizations are inventions of man.
I'm not reading all that shit but jfl at the preoccupation of porn by that whore yet....onlyfans haha.
Source: https://pinkpillfeminism.com/t/which-sex/174

if you’re ever in any doubt that men truly are evil, just ask yourself:

  1. which sex commits the most crime?
  2. which sex commits the most rape?
  3. which sex commits the most pedophilic rape?
  4. which sex commits the most necrophilia?
  5. which sex commits the most mass shootings?
  6. which sex is more likely to have destructive personality disorders such as npd and aspd? women with these disorders typically sow emotional chaos and manipulation, whilst men with these disorders kill their family members, rape their family members, kill the family pet, become serial killers.
  7. which sex underperforms in school, despite given equal or even more attention?
  8. which sex calls itself the provider of the family, yet abuses those who love it and its children with stunning frequency?
  9. which sex watches and demands the creation of extreme hardcore pornography where actors must be drugged to comply? [5]
  10. which sex demands pornography, seemingly acting like they consider it a human right to watch people get raped on the screen?
  11. which sex demands pornography where living bugs are shoved into women’s orifices?
  12. which sex demands pornography where living, real women have their clits cut off?
  13. which sex demands pornography where living, real women have their vaginas and anuses prolapsed from too much sex or many dicks inside of them where there should be none? (rosebudding)
  14. which sex demands pornography based on coprophilia, where literally participants have to eat shit for some loser somewhere to get hard and blow his pathetic load at a computer screen?
  15. which sex demands pornography with the fictional storyline of fucking a stepdaughter, with the obvious implication of fucking one’s own daughter? why?
  16. which sex masterminded the holocaust?
  17. which sex invented the companies that manufactured the machines and systems used in the holocaust?
  18. which sex invented the political systems that led to the holocaust?
  19. which sex calls the other morally corrupt, the most evil being to ever wonder the earth, a corrupter of men, in philosopher’s writings and religious scripture?
  20. which sex mandates mutilation of genitals both male and female, with the female enduring horrific pain and ensuring no sexual pleasure in adult life?
  21. which sex was the marquis de sade? jeffrey dahmer? ted bundy? ed gein? the majority of child porn producers, watchers?
  22. which sex can you find overwhelmingly committing the most gravely inhuman crimes, whilst you would be hard pressed to find just as many of the other sex that commit crimes of the same severity?
  23. which sex correctively rapes?
  24. which sex mocks the other for having daddy issues, not being intelligent enough to realise this is the fault of the father and not the child?
  25. which sex invented bdsm, abuse for sexual pleasure carried out by sadistic perverts on the traumatised?
  26. which sex calls itself the creators of everything, whilst merely shooting their pathetic spunk into those that then birth the next generation?
  27. which sex writes movies that never or hardly pass the bechdel test?
  28. which sex created the current global system that is bringing us all to ruin?
  29. which sex invented and carries out neoliberal capitalism?
  30. which sex created the marriage structure? what are the origins of the marriage structure?
  31. which sex wrote the holy books?
  32. which sex runs cartels?
  33. which sex believes in penis envy, incapable of understanding the oppressive structures they created, whilst unabashedly leaking of womb envy?
  34. which sex created and demands the beauty standards that led to the invention and neccessity of cosmetic plastic surgery?
  35. which sex wrote the laws that treated the other sex as legal property for thousands of years?
  36. which sex overwhelmingly owns and runs the makeup industry?
  37. which sex coopted and redefined feminism to mean “sexy” and “fun” is equal to empowerment and “smashing the patriarchy”?
  38. which sex created the societal culture that led to people believing that?
  39. which sex belives it is entitled to decide the other sex is on the level of an owned object?
  40. which sex considers the “fall of mankind” to be the fault of the other sex, based on a silly story from the bible?
  41. which sex calls itself more intelligent than the other, but gets addicted to jacking off to videos of torture and rape until they can’t get hard with a real women anymore, then gets mad when this is pointed out?
  42. which sex is just now realising that pornography is bad, just because they can’t get hard anymore, not giving a single shit about the actors?
  43. which sex frequents brothels and therefore provides the demand for sex trafficking?
  44. which sex runs the companies that use child labour and slavery in developing countries?
  45. which sex threatens to rape you, imagining it and enjoying it for certain in their mind, when they get mad?
  46. which sex calls the other “overemotional”, whilst comitting the most crimes out of anger, the most irrational emotion?
  47. which sex demands the biological of the other must be secret and shameful, whilst drawing their genitals all over public spaces?
  48. which sex decided that giving rights to the other sex in society was political and not just obvious?
  49. which sex invented and legalised slavery?
  50. which sex is overwhelmingly common in corporate boardrooms over the other sex?
  51. which sex grumbles about gold diggers, whilst having demanded and still demanding today its partners to work as domestic slaves with a smile?
  52. which sex overwhelmingly rapes its mothers compared to the other sex?
  53. which sex overwhelmingly rapes its sons compared to the other sex?
  54. which sex overwhelmingly rapes its daughters compared to the other sex?
  55. which sex overwhelmingly rapes its grandmothers compared to the other sex?
  56. which sex has the majority of serial killers, who mostly target the other sex for sexual pleasure?
  57. which sex creates the porno that has skyrocketed the amount of girls looking for labiaplasties from a desire to be attractive, a non necessary surgery that slices off the lips of the vagina in order to mimic the featureless genitals featured in porn?
  58. which sex watches the most teen porn, which cannot be verified to have actors over 18?
  59. which sex made teen porn the most popular porno category?
  60. which sex says that shaving in the other sex is a requirement due to hygeine, yet sweats with higher pungence and rate but does not shave?
  61. which sex demeans the other’s sex typical interests and considers them to be inferior?
  62. which sex pushes for a lowering of the age of consent? why?
  63. which sex is mostly attracted to those of the other sex that are underage or slightly older, yet the other sex’s age of attraction stays at roughly the same age that they are themselves? [6]
  64. which sex lays on unwanted sexual attention to the other, that the other sex notices at very, very young ages?
  65. which sex created the social system that leads to the other sex sexualising themselves at the ages of 10, 11, 13, 14?
  66. which sex claims victimhood by way of a higher completed suicide rate than the other, ignoring the higher attempted suicide rate of the other sex, because they use more violent methods to commit suicide?
  67. which sex is so self repressed due to systems that it built itself that emotional expression is considered a sign of same sex sexual attraction, then turns around and blames the other sex for this for some incomprehensible reason?
  68. which sex is more likely to be victimised by itself? that is: sex x is often killed by murderers of sex x.
  69. which sex runs gangs?
  70. which sex states that in a world where the sexes are equal, there would be wide spread suffering?
  71. which sex insists that enjoying being raped, submissive, abused, controlled is inherent to the other sex?
  72. which sex invented islam?
  73. which sex blames lack of attention from the other on its criminality, yet the same pattern is not true in the other sex?
  74. which sex invented incels that commit mass shootings?
  75. which sex says that jacking off and blowing a load is the only thing worth existing for?
  76. which sex is afraid to walk alone at night?
  77. which sex is most likely to be date raped?
  78. which sex commits gangrape? [1]
  79. which sex is most likely to be a victim of homicide overall, not at the hands of the other sex but due to the violence and anger of their own?
  80. which sex is most likely to be a victim of homicide due to the other sex?
  81. which sex runs the technology industry, which will bring us to our rotten end if it is not controlled in a nightmare of raping nature and transhumanism (men talk about replacing women with intelligent robot sex dolls. LOL)?
  82. which sex associates the sexuality of the other sex with dirty, slutty, whore, but finds it fine to commit date rape?
  83. which sex could impregnate 100 women in 100 days, yet calls for birth control of the sex that can only get pregnant once every 9 months?
  84. which sex talks about the fertility of the younger ages of the other sex, whilst ignoring the science on the correlation between younger age and death from pregnancy?
  85. which sex blames the other for everything political, complaining it got the vote, despite being the majority of politicians?
  86. which sex has checmicals in their sperm with effects akin to mind control? [2]
  87. which sex calls the bad members of itself bad apples, yet ignores the sexual and violent behaviour of animals of the same sex?
  88. which sex whines about abortion being a major evil, yet overwhelmingly is more likely to have tortured animals as a child for fun?
  89. which sex finds “stealthing” (fucking a girl after pretending to put a condom on) fun and sexy?
  90. which sex is so fucking mad that everybody of the other sex won’t be sexually available to them and sucking their fucking smeasy cocks, that they invented the concept of the cotton ceiling?
  91. which sex invented sex robots and sex dolls to replace the other sex, calling these things with no free will or humanity in them superior, despite only having sexual function?
  92. which sex brags about how unnecessary the other sex will be after the invention of artifical wombs, dreaming of their replacement extinction, yet has not thought about the opposite scenario of their own replacement?
  93. which sex claims to be superior solely based on physical strength and ability to rape?
  94. which sex committed the rape of nanking?
  95. which sex creates the standards of what is attractive in the other sex, then sexually assualts them with the excuse that they must have been asking for it for conforming to the standards?
  96. which sex mocks the other for being “overemotional” but sows and enjoys war?
  97. which sex ensures that the rates of domestic abuse rise when a team on the world cup is losing? [4] how’s that for “overemotional” women?
  98. which sex primarily comprises the pedophilic elite?
  99. which sex crows about the other sex never contributing to science, mathematics, and engineering, considering these subjects their domain, but doesn’t realise that this belief is why they never hear stories about the many of the other sex who have contributed? (einstein may have been a genius, but so was the wife he abused and treated as a domestic slave.)
  100. which sex oppresses the other for centuries, declining its any chance of contributing to the world except in secret or crossdress, then turns around and mocks that sex for never “contributing” to society?
  101. which sex primarily comprises the owners of the companies that are causing the ecological collapse of the earth?
  102. which sex mocks the other for being a single parent, blaming them for the absent partners of the other sex, ignoring how the responsibility for leaving is on the shoulders of the leaving partner?
  103. which sex mocks the other for being abused, sexually and emotionally, for not finding a good partner of the other sex, with not a single drop of awareness that the one doing the abusing is themselves?
  104. which sex mocks the other for being “moody” and “angry” and “emotional” whilst on their period, ignorant of the fact that the other sex has the most testosterone during their period?
  105. which sex ignores medical bias against the other sex? what are the typical symptoms of a heart attack? did you know the “stereotypical” symptoms are actually just the male symptoms?
  106. which sex does not mock single fathers, calling him a hero with infinite praise, then turning around and mocking single mothers?
  107. which sex states the other is only attractive when wearing makeup on their face, then demeans them for wearing it?
  108. which sex complains about being legally discriminated against when they are the victims of domestic abuse, rape, pedophilic rape due to being statistically unlikely to face these things, despite the fact that all victims of these things rarely get any justice, due to the political and legal system this sex created itself?
  109. which sex recast itself as god, the creator?
  110. which sex blames its violence on being inherent to the other “inferior” races, too stupid to recognise it’s inherent to their sex? [7] (often both black and white supremacists blaming rape on the other sex, a black man’s thing, a white man’s thing, without realising the common factor of “man”, too snuggled up in hating women to realise this simple fact? laughable)
  111. which sex gets so offended when called out on their propensity to these things that they invent the concept of an attack on masculinity?
  112. which sex is a mutation, a choromosomal mistake, that will eventually cease to exist, just through nature? [3]
  113. which sex calls the other inferior?
It's over for men.
The vast majority of men don’t do any of these things — why do these people insist on making the apex fallacy in every aspect of life?

They take a small minor fraction of men then claim men are evil in general because of it. It’s all so tiresome.

The other end of it is, many things on this list aren’t actually as bad as their made out to be seems to me and these people care disproportionately about anything that is critical of or takes way from them (while claiming their for “”””equality”””””). Trust me, women ain’t all peachy neither and men can and have made their own lists bitching about women too, but to these women those complaints are irrelevant since they’re only considering their own narrow view and what’s best for them.

Man, I really don’t need this level of retardation in my life lol. Gotta love how nobody bats an eye at blatant misandry that’s not even accurate in western society while shitting all over even the valid criticisms men have towards women as “””””misogyny”””””. It’s the double standard that grinds my gears.
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The concept of evil is a social construction. Everything is permissible and only consequences determine if something is perceived as moral or unmoral.
Which sex literally built civilization, invented, designed, extracted the resources for, built the factories, assembled, created the logistics for, transported, installed, and maintained the technology that allowed women to call men worthless on the internet?
Oh right those millions of men don't exist, modern life is a product of literal magic.
Meanwhile you can hardly say that women gave birth because without civilization women aren't even good at that. Infant morality was astounding, and that's WITH men protecting and looking after pregnant women with children in tow.
What a meme gender.
High IQ post. Men mog women in both malevolence and benevolence. Most malevolent humans are men. Same with most benevolent. Foids can't compete

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