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Blackpill If your a friendless INCEL there is no point in owning a house. Also its impossible to have a normal Wedding.



Jun 24, 2018
I'm an oldcel at 31yo and i've been thinking about this shit a lot lately. I don't know if i'm the only one but here goes:

The concept of a traditional Wedding is impossible for me as I have literally 0 friends. And my family is dysfunctional also so really only my dad is guaranteed to show up. Think about that shit: your such a fuck up how would that look to everyone? IF you somehow by a miracle get a girl. You can never truly ASCEND as she would have a ton of friends to show up to the wedding. Her parents, siblings, cousins, grandparents, uncles/aunts, all of her friends from HS, College, Coworkers. Literally 100+ people would be there for HER. You wouldn't have any groomsmen, not even 1 best man. Just you and a few family members IF THAT. It would luck so bad, so sad, to everyone else and they would think in their minds "How can she marry this fucking loser."

As for the house. Think about it like this. You have NO friends who are going to come over and hang out. NO family who will come over and hang out. And you will have no kids to pass on your possessions/house to. You would literally work your entire life to buy a bunch of stupid fucking shit to fill the house up with and then die and the state will have to come in and auction your shit off. A nice ass house with great furniture that NOBODY but you will ever see.

Incels best chance at happiness is to live in apartments with roommates. Or live out of a fucking van and just travel around the country. Or live out of a trailer so you can retire early and focus on your hobbies/LDAR,NEET lifestyle.
Just be homeless theory
I have my own house because I didn't pay for it. It's comfy being alone.

This is a valid point for friendless losers like us, though. Stop falling into the shame society puts on people refusing to move out at 18 years, 0 seconds of age. There's no point for us to do that and make our lives significantly harder.
Or live out of a trailer so you can retire early and focus on your hobbies/LDAR,NEET lifestyle.
I may have enough to buy a second hand shitty trailer, but then I guess I'll just die of starvation.
I’ve thought of this as well. There are just so many obstacles. I cringe at the idea of any traditional wedding because of my lack of social connections. It is so over. Fuck me.
Friendlesscel checking in.

Agree on the wedding thing -- thought about this a long time ago. How my best man would have to be my Dad even though we just have an okay / somewhat distant relationship. Would be pretty awkward and embarrassing.

The house thing I don't agree with. The point of owning a house is to have a large piece of capital that can't be taken from you (without some kind of complete social breakdown in which you're fucked anyway) and that provides you with the most basic human need (shelter) without costing you anything once the mortgage is paid off. It has nothing to do with having a place to meet your friends.
Friendlesscel checking in.

Agree on the wedding thing -- thought about this a long time ago. How my best man would have to be my Dad even though we just have an okay / somewhat distant relationship. Would be pretty awkward and embarrassing.

The house thing I don't agree with. The point of owning a house is to have a large piece of capital that can't be taken from you (without some kind of complete social breakdown in which you're fucked anyway) and that provides you with the most basic human need (shelter) without costing you anything once the mortgage is paid off. It has nothing to do with having a place to meet your friends.

Houses aren't really a good investment unless you know you're going to be living there for 10+ years.
Friendlesscel checking in.

Agree on the wedding thing -- thought about this a long time ago. How my best man would have to be my Dad even though we just have an okay / somewhat distant relationship. Would be pretty awkward and embarrassing.

The house thing I don't agree with. The point of owning a house is to have a large piece of capital that can't be taken from you (without some kind of complete social breakdown in which you're fucked anyway) and that provides you with the most basic human need (shelter) without costing you anything once the mortgage is paid off. It has nothing to do with having a place to meet your friends.

Makes sense. If you buy a smaller house that's ok. I really don't see the point of living in a normal sized house as a single man. I would live in a trailer/smallest house possible and then If I had additional money I would buy other houses and rent them out.

You have to factor in insurance, maintenance, and property taxes.

And you would have to work a stressful job. Work more hours to pay your mortgage.

Minimalism is the better option. Work an easy ass job like security guard, pizza delivery and live with other Incel roommates.
As for the house. Think about it like this. You have NO friends who are going to come over and hang out. NO family who will come over and hang out. And you will have no kids to pass on your possessions/house to. You would literally work your entire life to buy a bunch of stupid fucking shit to fill the house up with and then die and the state will have to come in and auction your shit off. A nice ass house with great furniture that NOBODY but you will ever see.

That hits me hard as building my own house is my only life goal now. It's really fucking sad that building / buying a house is easier than getting into a relationship...
Nah. I want my own house and land. Don't tell me what to do, old man.
The point of buying a house is not to have friends over but to build equity and own something real: property. Renting is pissing money away.
The point of buying a house is not to have friends over but to build equity and own something real: property. Renting is pissing money away.
I live the LDAR NEET lifestyle in a old 1970s trailer on a small plot of land in a low property tax district. It’s funny
seeing some of these normies married to a landwhale stressed while paying mortgage for a McMansion.
Wageslaving on the plantation while voting for the next Jew’d politician hoping things will get better. lulz
I'm an oldcel at 31yo and i've been thinking about this shit a lot lately. I don't know if i'm the only one but here goes:

The concept of a traditional Wedding is impossible for me as I have literally 0 friends. And my family is dysfunctional also so really only my dad is guaranteed to show up. Think about that shit: your such a fuck up how would that look to everyone? IF you somehow by a miracle get a girl. You can never truly ASCEND as she would have a ton of friends to show up to the wedding. Her parents, siblings, cousins, grandparents, uncles/aunts, all of her friends from HS, College, Coworkers. Literally 100+ people would be there for HER. You wouldn't have any groomsmen, not even 1 best man. Just you and a few family members IF THAT. It would luck so bad, so sad, to everyone else and they would think in their minds "How can she marry this fucking loser."

As for the house. Think about it like this. You have NO friends who are going to come over and hang out. NO family who will come over and hang out. And you will have no kids to pass on your possessions/house to. You would literally work your entire life to buy a bunch of stupid fucking shit to fill the house up with and then die and the state will have to come in and auction your shit off. A nice ass house with great furniture that NOBODY but you will ever see.

Incels best chance at happiness is to live in apartments with roommates. Or live out of a fucking van and just travel around the country. Or live out of a trailer so you can retire early and focus on your hobbies/LDAR,NEET lifestyle.

Vanlife is actually a pretty good cope.
We should all pull together, buy some land, and found an independent, off-the-grid, self-reliant incel commune. Like a monestary or something. Where all incels can neet together.
this is a brutal blackpill :feelsrope:, just LDAR or get rich and own a house for your own, for your copes
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Traditional weddings, notably Church weddings, are indeed completely out of the question for someone friendless. Even the priest will be embarrassed by your loser ass. Your only possibility is doing an "instant marriage" with no witnesses (save for a govt official). If you encounter a woman who is as friendless and asocial as you, or is afraid of a traditional wedding for some reason, she may accept.

I guess you could invite incels to your wedding, but just lol.
Weddings are meaningless now, the woman doesn’t need support and being recognized as a union under a God has been exposed as the farce that it is. Better to own than to rent, some couples don’t have friends, rare but true.
Weddings are meaningless now, the woman doesn’t need support and being recognized as a union under a God has been exposed as the farce that it is. Better to own than to rent, some couples don’t have friends, rare but true.
fuark this hit me hard. I have absolutely zero friends not because I don´t have the social skills, but because I hate all people because they have brought me nothing but pain and suffering my entire life. This is one aspect I never even thought about. Her finding out you have no people to bring to the wedding would be a massive humiliation on your part.
The house thing I don't agree with. The point of owning a house is to have a large piece of capital that can't be taken from you (without some kind of complete social breakdown in which you're fucked anyway)

Oh my poor bluepilled friend.... If the government wants your land they will get it one way or another. Through condemnation, insanely high property taxes, lawsuit, false allegations.... There are plenty of ways to force you out of your home, and those are just the legal ways.

Don't get me wrong, renting long term is just another name for being cucked. Owning is better. But don't pretend for a second that you can't be forcibly removed should the whim strike someone in power.
listen there are 2 types of incels

those whose lives are together but can't get laid

and those whose entire lives are a disaster in addition to not being about to get laid
listen there are 2 types of incels

those whose lives are together but can't get laid

and those whose entire lives are a disaster in addition to not being about to get laid

The former are mostly ethnicels. While the latter are whitecels complaining they can "only" get ethnic women.
I'm an oldcel at 31yo and i've been thinking about this shit a lot lately. I don't know if i'm the only one but here goes:

The concept of a traditional Wedding is impossible for me as I have literally 0 friends. And my family is dysfunctional also so really only my dad is guaranteed to show up. Think about that shit: your such a fuck up how would that look to everyone? IF you somehow by a miracle get a girl. You can never truly ASCEND as she would have a ton of friends to show up to the wedding. Her parents, siblings, cousins, grandparents, uncles/aunts, all of her friends from HS, College, Coworkers. Literally 100+ people would be there for HER. You wouldn't have any groomsmen, not even 1 best man. Just you and a few family members IF THAT. It would luck so bad, so sad, to everyone else and they would think in their minds "How can she marry this fucking loser."

As for the house. Think about it like this. You have NO friends who are going to come over and hang out. NO family who will come over and hang out. And you will have no kids to pass on your possessions/house to. You would literally work your entire life to buy a bunch of stupid fucking shit to fill the house up with and then die and the state will have to come in and auction your shit off. A nice ass house with great furniture that NOBODY but you will ever see.

Incels best chance at happiness is to live in apartments with roommates. Or live out of a fucking van and just travel around the country. Or live out of a trailer so you can retire early and focus on your hobbies/LDAR,NEET lifestyle.

Another legit point by OP.

A lot of feeemayles look down on you if you don't have "your boys" to go hang out with. i don't hang around many people any more, but when i used to it was largely just a bunch of guys LYING to each other. So much bluepill normie bullshit just casually thrown back and forth "i'm the best at work, my gf is hot, etc." All fucking rubbish. And that is on a superficial level, no thoughtful conversations were to be had at all. I'd hang out with them out of loneliness but then realized that this caused me to feel even more lonely (and self-loathing "i can't believe I hang out with a bunch of morons!"

It sucks being alone but hangin around idiots is worse. And to hang out with them in the HOPES that you will have a wedding party to not come across as a loser (which you will if they are a bunch of losers anyway) is strong COPE. Better to just be alone.

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