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Blackpill If you truly believe a bunch of shootings are going to revolutionize the way western society treats Incels, you are bluepilled.



May 20, 2018
Do you really think the Incel community is going to get ANYTHING from a bunch of mentalcels shooting up highschools? If you honestly believe that nonsense revolution shit you’re a bluepilled retard or a sadistic volcel. Society is not going to change, stop raising your low IQ revolution flag.
no, if anything we'll keep getting more hated and mocked. i like incels when it was mostly an underground thing, soon everyone and their mom will know what an incel is (as if they don't already) and i fucking despise that shit.

also nice and avi and name severus snape was my favorite character
Well revolutionize is a strong word, but I believe that it will make some changes, as it helps spread the blackpill by bringing more people to forums like this. ESPECIALLY if the shooter gives a refrence to incels + news articles help us too.
Who cares if we are looked upon as vile? As long as more incels come here I am satisfied.
What we need is an incel society as long as we are seperated we are not strong and if we are strong then we can become whole again.
Normies not being alive is good enough. Not all of us care about revolutionizing anything.
What we need is an incel society as long as we are seperated we are not strong and if we are strong then we can become whole again.
And we won’t be strong together, the view that united Incels can change anything is a bluepilled fever dream.
Well revolutionize is a strong word, but I believe that it will make some changes, as it helps spread the blackpill by bringing more people to forums like this. ESPECIALLY if the shooter gives a refrence to incels + news articles help us too.
Who cares if we are looked upon as vile? As long as more incels come here I am satisfied.
And we won’t be strong together, the view that united Incels can change anything is a bluepilled fever dream.
We don't have to change society, we will create our own society a society where we don't have to hole our virginity against ourselves because we already realize that the game is rigged and all the used up roasties can rot in hell.
Do you really think the Incel community is going to get ANYTHING from a bunch of mentalcels shooting up highschools? If you honestly believe that nonsense revolution shit you’re a bluepilled retard or a sadistic volcel. Society is not going to change, stop raising your low IQ revolution flag.


The same is true for collapse porn.
Collapse porn is ultimate cope, the idea that soon there'll be a happening and WW III and nukes and FINALLY then things will change or at least a time for revenge and judgement will come ............. is ultimate cope. Mad Max is escapism. Fallout is escapism. The world will not end with a bang but a whimper; not "twilight of the Gods" but as slaves in an Amazon warehouse with shitcunts supervising you.
And we won’t be strong together, the view that united Incels can change anything is a bluepilled fever dream.
Going out drinking, making jokes, and maybe hitting on bitches seems like it will help lots of incels.
we should all go ER who cares, society will never change, especially not now. i cannot even visualize it happening.

we are fucking genetic trash non-NT fucked up everything let's just all fuckingggggggggg MASS SUICIDE
Honestly most people on here use shootings as a cope, some last flicker of hope that they’ll get some peace of mind out of this nonsense.
We don't have to change society, we will create our own society a society where we don't have to hole our virginity against ourselves because we already realize that the game is rigged and all the used up roasties can rot in hell.
Nice cope, but this is over before it can even begin.
it gives exposure to us, which exposes blackpill to more guys, which recruits more blackpilled males

I hope society increases it's hate against virgin males, exposes what it really thinks of us, females have been calling for virgin males to be listed as terrorist groups.

the hate is real, people are labeling all males that kill people incels now.

you can't discount an actual uprising on a social level by men

The same is true for collapse porn.
Collapse porn is ultimate cope, the idea that soon there'll be a happening and WW III and nukes and FINALLY then things will change or at least a time for revenge and judgement will come ............. is ultimate cope. Mad Max is escapism. Fallout is escapism. The world will not end with a bang but a whimper; not "twilight of the Gods" but as slaves in an Amazon warehouse with shitcunts supervising you.
Yeah i agree strongly. I see so many tardcels here wishing for end of time..while the reality is that life will just continue and those fortunate enough to have the right cards will become succesful and the rest of us will die of and a means of natural selection. Thats the ultimate blackpill for some incels here...that nobody will care in the end.
High IQ thread.
it gives exposure to us, which exposes blackpill to more guys, which recruits more blackpilled males

I hope society increases it's hate against virgin males, exposes what it really thinks of us, females have been calling for virgin males to be listed as terrorist groups.

the hate is real, people are labeling all males that kill people incels now.

you can't discount an actual uprising on a social level by men
There won’t be an uprising. Even if there was one it wouldn’t get you laid. This entire revolcel cope is a bluepill in disguise. It’s over.
it gives exposure to us, which exposes blackpill to more guys, which recruits more blackpilled males

I hope society increases it's hate against virgin males, exposes what it really thinks of us, females have been calling for virgin males to be listed as terrorist groups.

the hate is real, people are labeling all males that kill people incels now.

you can't discount an actual uprising on a social level by men
What are you on about man? The reality is no one cares...some ppl here talk about ER as if he were god...no sane person gives a shit about ER or even thinks about him.

Uprising? Topkek how the fuck are a bunch of low inhib social outcasts going to organize anything. Most tardcels here jerk off 8 times a day shit eat sleep and you think these people are going to stand up against the powers of the real world. Give me a fucking break.
Slaughters are consistent because, of course, they attract global mass-media and popular attetion.

Incels doings slaughters have the power of spreading the blackpill. So yes, it has some utility.
What are you on about man? The reality is no one cares...some ppl here talk about ER as if he were god...no sane person gives a shit about ER or even thinks about him.

Uprising? Topkek how the fuck are a bunch of low inhib social outcasts going to organize anything. Most tardcels here jerk off 8 times a day shit eat sleep and you think these people are going to stand up against the powers of the real world. Give me a fucking break.
What are you on about man? The reality is no one cares...some ppl here talk about ER as if he were god...no sane person gives a shit about ER or even thinks about him.

Uprising? Topkek how the fuck are a bunch of low inhib social outcasts going to organize anything. Most tardcels here jerk off 8 times a day shit eat sleep and you think these people are going to stand up against the powers of the real world. Give me a fucking break.
Steve jobs and other low inhib people were able to make big changes. We have the internet and blackpills to recruit the lost bluepill souls. It can take a few years, but the revolution will happen gradually, not all at once in a huge war of the alphas vs the betas like you're thinking.
Steve jobs and other low inhib people were able to make big changes. We have the internet and blackpills to recruit the lost bluepill souls. It can take a few years, but the revolution will happen gradually, not all at once in a huge war of the alphas vs the betas like you're thinking.
Your comparing the average incel with Steve Jobs? Top fucking kek. If your serious ITS SO OVER :feelsree::feelsree::feelsree:
Slaughters are consistent because, of course, they attract global mass-media and popular attetion.

Incels doings slaughters have the power of spreading the blackpill. So yes, it has some utility.
Spreading the Blackpill to get normie attention for a feverdream bluepill. Cope.
Your comparing the average incel with Steve Jobs? Top fucking kek. If your serious ITS SO OVER :feelsree::feelsree::feelsree:
We're even better than steve jobs, we have thousands of us and possibly millions in the future. At least some of us will make big changes or change will happen when we work together.
We're even better than steve jobs, we have thousands of us and possibly millions in the future. At least some of us will make big changes or change will happen when we work together.
This kind of shit is a nonsensical low IQ coping mechanism, that pretends to be serving the Blackpill when it’s really supplying false hope to revolcels.
What are you on about man? The reality is no one cares...some ppl here talk about ER as if he were god...no sane person gives a shit about ER or even thinks about him.

Uprising? Topkek how the fuck are a bunch of low inhib social outcasts going to organize anything. Most tardcels here jerk off 8 times a day shit eat sleep and you think these people are going to stand up against the powers of the real world. Give me a fucking break.

no one cared till alex minassian, then we had manstream news channels talking about "chads" and "stacies" and incels.

blackpill is a leaderless ideology, that's the power of it, it can't be contained. I'm not expecting an actual coup with incels rising up to overthrow a govt. but more males exposed to blackpill and educated on female hypergamy can only be a net positive effect.
This kind of shit is a nonsensical low IQ coping mechanism, that pretends to be serving the Blackpill when it’s really supplying false hope to revolcels.
What will serve the blackpill then? How is spreading the blackpill and working with other incels not helping the cause?
If you're not with us, you're against us.

If you're not an ally, you're a mark.

Watch your back OP.
Agreed OP. It will just cause them to crack down on gun laws and ostracize incels further. What we really need to do is drop out of society en masse.
There have been uprisings over less important things. Jfl if you believe not getting laid is not as big of a deal as being poor. Getting laid is literally the most important thing we were evolved to do. Once the number of guys not getting laid reaches a critical mass, changes will happen. I doubt it will be a violent revolution, but more like a cultural shift. Do you think Trump got elected in a vacuum?
That makes no sense, stop trying to appeal to normies. Incels are not like isis so no one needs to worry about anything.
If you're not with us, you're against us.

If you're not an ally, you're a mark.

Watch your back OP.
This is the ridiculous power larping this kind of revolcel thinking creates. What are you going to do? Hang me? Stop living in this idiotic fantasy world where incels are in power, realise it’s over.
This is the ridiculous power larping this kind of revolcel thinking creates. What are you going to do? Hang me? Stop living in this idiotic fantasy world where incels are in power, realise it’s over.
Our knowledge is power. Bluepill cucks better beware.
This is the ridiculous power larping this kind of revolcel thinking creates. What are you going to do? Hang me? Stop living in this idiotic fantasy world where incels are in power, realise it’s over.
Oh we're not in power (yet), but we have power

believe that
Says the revolcel chasing his bluepill ideology to intimidate normies.
What's the harm in trying to make this shitty world better? Might as well think of solutions while LDARing, instead of having defeatist attidudes and willing to give up to the cucks and rosties. Why does it get you mad that incels want to work together to make changes, are you IT?
What's the harm in trying to make this shitty world better? Might as well think of solutions while LDARing, instead of having defeatist attidudes and willing to give up to the cucks and rosties. Why does it get you mad that incels want to work together to make changes, are you IT?
The defeatist attitude is the only realistic one. If you truly understood the Blackpill you would see. On top of that you larping degenerate, I have suffered multiple burns on my body since age four, which has me suffering both physically and mentally. IT because I don’t agree with your low IQ bullshit? Get off your revolutionary high horse.
The defeatist attitude is the only realistic one. If you truly understood the Blackpill you would see. On top of that you larping degenerate, I have suffered multiple burns on my body since age four, which has me suffering both physically and mentally. IT because I don’t agree with your low IQ bullshit? Get off your revolutionary high horse.
If you have burns all over your body no wonder you're a nihilist and willing to accept your cucked role in society. Most of us still have some fight in us. We'll stay on our high horses and you have fun playing in the dirt by yourself.
There isn't going to be an explicit incel uprising as we often meme about, but there is absolutely going to be a huge explosion of violence within the next 20 years. Economic crashes, welfare and public utility access denied, governments lose their ability to project their power through violence and the policemen start looking out for themselves instead of enforcing any law, shit is going to go sideways.
I don't think anyone seriously believes that meme. It's just like everyone fantasizing about suicide even tho they're just gonna LDAR and they know it.
There isn't going to be an explicit incel uprising as we often meme about, but there is absolutely going to be a huge explosion of violence within the next 20 years. Economic crashes, welfare and public utility access denied, governments lose their ability to project their power through violence and the policemen start looking out for themselves instead of enforcing any law, shit is going to go sideways.
How this forum copes.
Just like believing that Chad in the rest of the bullies when they grow up are all going to be working shity jobs or going to prison while you'll be working great jobs. It's all just a cope to get you through life until you realize it's bullshit and look for another cope or you kill yourself.
How this forum copes.
Just like believing that Chad in the rest of the bullies when they grow up are all going to be working shity jobs or going to prison while you'll be working great jobs. It's all just a cope to get you through life until you realize it's bullshit and look for another cope or you kill yourself.
Might as well try to make a difference since we're only here for a short time, and have fun with our bros. I'll be fine either way because I'm planning on leaving the west soon anyway.

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