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Blackpill If you take off looks and sex, what is left of a modern foid? Real question. They are parisites leeching off of us since the dawn of time



Jun 20, 2022
Have you seen that bear grills show where there was a tribe of men vs a tribe of foids, and the tribe of men ABSOLUTELY THRIVED, and the tribe of foids had to be rescued SEVERAL FUCKING TIMES OVER?!

They even gave them foids a literal PIG TO SLAUGHTER (cause they were starving, mind you) and they made him "a cute pet"? Truly a tee hee moment.

Im seriously pondering (thats not even my raging incel side, just my rational side) of foids evolved to be useless parasites that leech off of hard working, honest man and just try to sit there and look pretty while they do it?!

If you take all the feminist propaganda and just switch the word "man" for "woman", it all starts to make sense.

Even the hygiene part. I heard most foids bathroom are dirtier and more sickly than most men's bathrooms. You might think its a stretch, but i wouldnt doubt it...
The only purpose for foids is reproduction and nurturing.
Foids are mentally and physically inferior to us, that has always been the case
The only purpose for foids is reproduction and nurturing.
And they suck at it too. If you take two men vs two woman and make them take care of a baby, im pretty sure the men will be better at that shit too... :feelsgah: :feelshmm:
The only purpose for foids is reproduction and nurturing.

Funny is, they are not even doing that. They are killing their offspring and they are not nurturing as well.
Funny is, they are not even doing that. They are killing their offspring and they are not nurturing as well.
Indeed, they are pretty much worthless vermins right now.
Funny is, they are not even doing that. They are killing their offspring and they are not nurturing as well.
Because they have been raised by media and society to be "yas slay queen" bitches instead of learning how to do what they were bred since eons to do, which is already the bare fucking minimum.
And yet, men love foids and don't want to live in a world without them, despite the fact that foids are useless leeches who only cause trouble. Because men actually value foids for who they are, they treat them like people. Whereas foids treat men only like a function, an instrument to prop themselves up.
Well companionship and ultimately a more stable life.

A women presents opportunities for social interact but also financial opportunity.

Obviously you would want a women that has some income that she will share with her.

Ultimately physical Touch and sex are why we are here, so "taking it away" makes no sense.

You might as "Why people have all these kinds of pets?" Like cats, dogs, birds or even venomous snakes. When they could just use a plushy instead like a Furby Toy.

But they still prefer the animals. Even if the animals have parasites and diseases and make a mess of the whole house.
They shit and piss everywhere even in cases or litter training.

And yet more and more people have 2 or 3 cats at home. Why? Because search for companionship, for something that they can take care of.

Especially women, thats why women have kids even if it makes nonsense whatsoever. They have kids that turn into us and then they ask themselves why?

Well, its pretty fucking simply, because they had this weird belive of a need that never was there to begin with.

It was all just in their head.
Indeed, they are pretty much worthless vermins right now.

Because they have been raised by media and society to be "yas slay queen" bitches instead of learning how to do what they were bred since eons to do, which is already the bare fucking minimum.

It is even more funny because men still do their part. Men still stick up to their role.
Foids only have holes, they offer nothing else
I've already thought of something like that. Take away a woman's pussy, beauty, and adornments and tell me: what's left? Nothing! She's nothing more than a non-rational animal.
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Women have not only exhausted all opportunities but also have but us in a no win situation. We are fucked.
That's a good question. Women don't have anything to offer other than sex it seems. Nothing they say is interesting to men since we're so much different when it comes to our interests.
Foids are mentally and physically inferior to us, that has always been the case

Yes, and ironically this is part of why they're idealized/pedestalized so much. It mostly comes from men and foids who encourage the delusions not because they don't actually know what they really are, they know better than anyone, but because it works to their material benefit to promote these lies. (feminism, etc.)

The Grandiose sense of self worth is just a cope rooted in deep insecurity. They know they are garbage, they know they are evil, they know they deserve to be punted across the room like a football. Don’t be mistaken on this. Women sometimes even admit this openly. That's why they loose their mind if you insult them. Like, if you tell a woman she has ugly ears, she will not forget that until she dies. I am not joking. They are weak and pathetic.

Which gender constantly has to remind each other that they are queens and awesome and you deserve it all etc.


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