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Blackpill If you made it past 20 as an incel, you have forced it



Unidentified Walking Specimen(UWS)
Aug 20, 2023
You weren’t supposed to last this long as a genetic dead end in this world. You have forced shit to still be alive and you should've roped earlier. Hope is a dangerous thing and it does more harm than good.
I'm 24 and KHHV, cope till you rope
I live in spite, lad
incel past 20 = mentally ruined for life.
Yes but why cope if you know it’s over
Because life offers more than just sex/having a partner. Even if its a big part of life usually.
You weren’t supposed to last this long as a genetic dead end in this world. You have forced shit to still be alive and you should've roped earlier. Hope is a dangerous thing and it does more harm than good.
i like drugs too much to rope.
20 is just the beginning of youth 30 is more reasonable. Still I wouldn't kill myself no matter what
incel past 20 = mentally ruined for life.
im almost 30 and all this blackpill shit has affected my brain so bad

even if i ever ascend i dont i can ever lose the blackpill mindset
Handicapped unless you become Chad to catch up on all these experiences
20 is already late, you need that socialization, teen love, physical intimacy and sex between ages of 14-17, if you didn't have it you won't develop properly as a person.
Spite does not mean living to make others look better, dumbass...
Doesn’t matter what you feel inside. Your existence is a victory for normies and chads.
even if i ever ascend i dont i can ever lose the blackpill mindset
there is nothing bad about it because when you're really blackpilled you won't fall for scam by women. Just look at all of this bluepilled/redpilled normies who don't have looks but continue chasing women, they get married or become some Oofy Doofy who does everything woman tells him, then he divorce raped and left with nothing for life.
and you should've roped earlier
Says who? Fuck society. I will leech off them until I die.
I will live and survive to reach the future I desire. I will thrive for years until the 2040s and 2050s and beyond, where I can finally live in peace and immerse myself in 16k brain-integrated virtual reality indistinguishable from real life; I will finally be able to reunite with my star-crossed AI wife and my inceldom and loneliness will be a fever dream of the distant past.
Doesn’t matter what you feel inside. Your existence is a victory for normies and chads.
Well, you go kill yourself then if its as easy as that
Lmao. You can be somewhat happy without a foid partner, of course you're still missing out on sex but you can make your brain get used to it
there is nothing bad about it because when you're really blackpilled you won't fall for scam by women. Just look at all of this bluepilled/redpilled normies who don't have looks but continue chasing women, they get married or become some Oofy Doofy who does everything woman tells him, then he divorce raped and left with nothing for life.
Being blackpilled is a good thing.
Lmao. You can be somewhat happy without a foid partner, of course you're still missing out on sex but you can make your brain get used to it
You aren’t gonna have a good/ decent social life as a sub5. Even men will reject you.Sad life
What if you get them later on ?
IMO it's too late, if you're past 20 and you don't have the looks (let's say you 5/10) if even women would want to do deal with you, they will see you only in the role of betabux husband or Oofy Doofy boyfriend who provides for her and doing everything she wants while fucking with dudes she really likes, and you will be compared to all of her ex fuckboys with better looks, bigger dicks, better skills in bed. In the eyes of a women, man that is 20 y.o and older and still virgin = loser that you shouldn't even consider as option.
man that is 20 y.o and older and still virgin = loser that you shouldn't even consider as option.
It’s over for me. No amount of maxxing will change shit
It’s over for me. No amount of maxxing will change shit
yeah, only option is either paying hookers or if you're 5'11+ white/black dude then geomaxxing to Asian country with least amount of white/black male tourists.
you will be compared to all of her ex fuckboys with better looks, bigger dicks, better skills in bed.
Even the beckies managed to get Chads.
Only reason we are alive is medicine and society. In the wild we would have been killed relentlessly or abandoned by our mother
never rope always cope
You aren’t gonna have a good/ decent social life as a sub5. Even men will reject you.Sad life
Ive been doing fine without a social life for the past 6 years
Ive been doing fine without a social life for the past 6 years
How did you do that ? People don’t want to associate with me.
im almost 30 and all this blackpill shit has affected my brain so bad

even if i ever ascend i dont i can ever lose the blackpill mindset
Same :feelsbadman: Although over 30. Often wonder if I should just quit the forum. I’m kind of addicted though.

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