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Blackpill If you have to fuck a non virgin, then it's over.



Nov 21, 2017
Imagine putting your cock inside a woman that had been dicked hundreds of times before by multiple Chads and Tyrones. Imagine having to kiss the mouth of a woman that has sucked thousands of miles of cock. It's absolutely suicidefuel to even considering having sex with a girl that has been fucked by a man previously. Moving on to the mental level as well, engaging with a virgin is much more ideal since not only will she be tight and enjoy your dick (no the matter size), but she will also not have thoughts about the previous 8+ male she slept with, making it more possible for both of you to sustain a true loving relationship. A non-virgin femoid will only treat you as a partner for some period before dumping you for the next Chad, unlike a virgin woman who has not realized her true value as much as the used up whore.

Simply pick and choose tbh. If you're a sub8, I would predict that it will be near impossible for you to maintain a relationship with a woman that is proud of being a slut to other men.

That's why the West is absolute ragefuel for incels. Time to move to a foreign nation (not necessarily an Asian one) and marry a girl that will be only a whore to you.
That's why sluts deserve nothing.

How you think, there's some left in the west?
That's why we whitecels especially need to leave this degenerate shithole.
I hear what you're saying, but like, I mean, eventually if you want to meet and be with someone, esp. given a certain age, what can you do? What if you are or have been so lonely or w/o love/affection/sex for so long?
That's why we whitecels especially need to leave this degenerate shithole.
I just want a faithful wife, who knows how the world becoming more and more crazy and fucked up, but she is ready to preserve traditional values and be proud wife of proud man, support and follow me, as all true wives must do.
Moving on to the mental level as well, engaging with a virgin is much more ideal since not only will she be tight and enjoy your dick (no the matter size)

Y'all gotta stop with this "sex makes the vagina looser" bullshit. It doesn't.
Some things can have that effect, like childbirth and hormone problems. But fucking? Nah.
The current state of CUCKEDSOCIETY is that a girl will ridicule YOU for wanting a virgin..FUCKIN TOPKEK.

In traditional sane societies there luckily are plenty of well behaved properly raised girls.who.save their virginity for their husband to be.
Y'all gotta stop with this "sex makes the vagina looser" bullshit. It doesn't.
Some things can have that effect, like childbirth and hormone problems. But fucking? Nah.
Back to inceltears :)
I don’t really care. Nothing we can do, society has changed man. Just accept you won’t get any non virgins
I don’t really care. Nothing we can do, society has changed man. Just accept you won’t get any non virgins
This lies at the root of all cuckoldry. Man the fuck up.
This lies at the root of all cuckoldry. Man the fuck up.
If she’s not MY woman I don’t give a fuck. You think as an ugly as FUCK male I’m going to go around demanding a virgin? Fuck no, I just want to put my dick in a bitch. One man and one woman for life doesn’t exist anymore in the west and their isn’t a damn thing any of you can do about it
The current state of CUCKEDSOCIETY is that a girl will ridicule YOU for wanting a virgin..FUCKIN TOPKEK.

In traditional sane societies there luckily are plenty of well behaved properly raised girls.who.save their virginity for their husband to be.
The problem is that if we return to such a society then virgins will be even more valued and showered with attention, and most chads will now hunt for virgins instead of stacies currently riding the cock carousel.
Sorry if you can't handle reality. It's still there though, whether you want it or not.
Already reported bitch.

Browsing through your post history, it's pretty clear you're a cucktears person ;)
Are Asians usually virgins? This is my biggest issue with degeneracy. After seeing the girl who slept with 25 guys abroad and recounted/rated each I don’t know if I can handle being with a non virgin.

I’m just laughing at my own post rn cause I’m 24 and every girl my age has been rammed by various chads holy shit it’s over. I need to find a younger girl who is untainted inb4 pedo
JFL. No femoids would be willing to fuck us incels whether virgin or non-virgin. Futile thread.
Already reported bitch.

Browsing through your post history, it's pretty clear you're a cucktears person ;)
Only a disgusting female slut would claim a dick doesn’t stretch out a vagina
Only a disgusting female slut would claim a dick doesn’t stretch out a vagina
"Elliot Rodger was creepy"
"It doesn't matter if a woman has slept with multiple guys before, just like people have ex friends!"

Just SOME of her paraphrased posts.

Report report report
Yes virgin is the only way to go, especially if you plan to have kids with her. Too bad wanting a virgin is a big taboo, whiteknights and roasties will become furious if you mention it.
Yes virgin is the only way to go, especially if you plan to have kids with her. Too bad wanting a virgin is a big taboo, whiteknights and roasties will become furious if you mention it.
Imagine having to kiss the mouth of a woman that has sucked thousands of miles of cock. It's absolutely suicidefuel to even considering having sex with a girl that has been fucked by a man previously.

Sounds like something a Volcel would say.

Only reason you are a virgin is cause nobody wanted to suck your dick. Otherwise your dick would have been in dozens of vaginas. What women would want that anymore then vice versa? I dont get these kinds of posts, has nothing to do with being Involuntarily celibate. Makes people be little our issues or makes it seem like we actually have a fucking choice. Its stupid, get out Volcel
Yes virgin is the only way to go, especially if you plan to have kids with her. Too bad wanting a virgin is a big taboo, whiteknights and roasties will become furious if you mention it.
Think about it, back in the day monogamy was the norm and almost every girl was a virgin before marriage. Hypergamous sluts were shamed publicly which deterred other women from going the whore route.

Nowadays women are ENCOURAGED to have as many possible sexual partners as they can in their youth.
Sounds like something a Volcel would say.

Only reason you are a virgin is cause nobody wanted to suck your dick. Otherwise your dick would have been in dozens of vaginas. What women would want that anymore then vice versa? I dont get these kinds of posts, has nothing to do with being Involuntarily celibate. Makes people be little our issues or makes it seem like we actually have a fucking choice. Its stupid, get out Volcel

You can be incel and also want a virgin. IMO inceldom has driven me to this point, along with the blackpill.
I don’t really care. Nothing we can do, society has changed man. Just accept you won’t get any non virgins

Or more like anyone, anyone who has a choice is by deffinition a volcel, but its more likely they are just as incel as the rest but have refused to admit it. Being rejected by women does hurt the ego, absolutely. So instead they turn it around and say "Well there is no one for me! I only want a virgin!" But in Reality they been rejected just like the rest of us
Think about it, back in the day monogamy was the norm and almost every girl was a virgin before marriage. Hypergamous sluts were shamed publicly which deterred other women from going the whore route.

Nowadays women are ENCOURAGED to have as many possible sexual partners as they can in their youth.

You can be incel and also want a virgin. IMO inceldom has driven me to this point, along with the blackpill.
I mean the non-virgin Western women won't consider us at ALL, so why not move to South America for instance and slay all these qt JB virgins there? This will work especially if you're European and not that repulsive.
Sometimes I justify my inceldom by saying to people that I "don't eat leftovers".
It feels awesome to have at least that level of self esteem.
I mean the non-virgin Western women won't consider us at ALL, so why not move to South America for instance and slay all these qt JB virgins there? This will work especially if you're European and not that repulsive.
Daniel Hiers a convicted killer former police officer married a 16 year old jb
3CF65CB1 43E3 4CC5 851A 1DC7DFFC5997
You can be incel and also want a virgin. IMO inceldom has driven me to this point, along with the blackpill.

I would prefer one absolutely, but I dont really get the obsession of wanting a virgin women when we cant even get our dicks wet. It just seems odd, I just want to get my dick wet and be loved. In that case I could easily get over her past.
Are Asians usually virgins? This is my biggest issue with degeneracy. After seeing the girl who slept with 25 guys abroad and recounted/rated each I don’t know if I can handle being with a non virgin.

I’m just laughing at my own post rn cause I’m 24 and every girl my age has been rammed by various chads holy shit it’s over. I need to find a younger girl who is untainted inb4 pedo
No see https://www.adultdvdempire.com/1928152/gangbang-creampie-petite-asians-edition-porn-movies.html
unlike a virgin woman who has not realized her true value as much as the used up whore.
Whores don't have true value, they lose value with every chad they fuck and every year they age.
Whores don't have true value, they lose value with every chad they fuck and every year they age.
By true value I mean

"I deserve much better since Chad gave me an IOI. Why am I going out with a sub8?"
Only a disgusting female slut would claim a dick doesn’t stretch out a vagina
Not only that, they lose the ability to pair bond. Thank goodness that cuck whiteknight for whores got banned. We don't got time for that shit.
only virginal concubines in my hareem, inshallah i use them once and dispose of them
"I deserve much better since Chad gave me an IOI. Why am I going out with a sub8?"
Because he will stay faithful to you and love you more than any chad would.
I would prefer one absolutely, but I dont really get the obsession of wanting a virgin women when we cant even get our dicks wet. It just seems odd, I just want to get my dick wet and be loved. In that case I could easily get over her past.

Yeah, it's totally weird.

Also, this widespread obsession with virginity is nothing I remember from my youth. It appears to be a Millennial thing.
It's absolutely suicidefuel to even considering having sex with a girl that has been fucked by a man previously.

Well, hopefully she's showered and had a bath.
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stop dreamin there aint any virgins my friend
Just fucking a non-virgin foid= acceptable
Engaging in a relationship with a non-virgin foid= cuckoldry

Since most incels' only hope (if any) of ascending is betabux, incels are pressured into becoming cucks.

An incel is nothing but a man who was assigned by modern society to be a cuck but refused and stood up.

You're a creep and a misogynist if you want anything other than a 40yo 2/10 single mom landwhale as an incel. That's your little box, do not get out of it.
This lies at the root of all cuckoldry. Man the fuck up.
Being a HuMAN automatically makes you rulers and representatives of this world, therefore, non virgin femoids do not qualify for true queen status. We need to convince a majority of betas to go MGTOW and attempt to ride the cunt carousal with a bunch of landwhales, after just one pump and dump telling them that they only wanted to use "the utility purpose of their vaginal mechanism", afterwards pump and dump a slightly better looking landwhale just to reflect the force of lookism back at femoids. If a 2/10 post wall femoid wants to "settle down" with a 4-5/10 HuMAN, he should fucking laugh at her face and drop Black Pills all over her and tell her to have fun raising cats. Redpill MGTOW is cope, BlackPill MGTOW is legit.

Just fucking a non-virgin foid= acceptable
Engaging in a relationship with a non-virgin foid= cuckoldry

Since most incels' only hope (if any) of ascending is betabux, incels are pressured into becoming cucks.

An incel is nothing but a man who was assigned by modern society to be a cuck but refused and stood up.

You're a creep and a misogynist if you want anything other than a 40yo 2/10 single mom landwhale as an incel. That's your little box, do not get out of it.

We need to weaponize MGTOW among non Chad men, if enough men go MGTOW for BlackPilled reasons and it becomes mainstream common knowledge why, these egosluts will start to show weakness. They will still only fuck Chad, but there will be too many of them and not enough Chads. If they only want Chad, let's literally make Chad their ONLY OPTION and see how long it takes for the lower end of their hierarchy to get femblackpilled (femoids don't deserve capital letters) and start going ER just because they only got fucked by a Chad four days out of a week, or start hating each other when a 6/10 roastie takes a 4/10 roastie's 6:00 PM Chad appointment. After round two most men would rather just relax than waste jizz, so watch roasties who are third and forth in line for the day complain about being "discriminated against" for being in the back of the Chad cock line. Just lol at having multiple STDs become a norm for femoids (it kind of already is). If you ever get a chance to take a piss in a Stacy's bathroom, just open up that ,mirror cabinet and you will likely find herpes cream (ironic that it is behind the reflection of their face on the other side of the mirror). MGTOW uprising and ECTOGENESIS., Honestly, the artificial wombs scares them more than sex robots because a man just wants a reason to live and having a child that depends on you is what keeps men going, the artificial womb will allow men to fulfill their biological objective and having meaning in their lives WITHOUT ROASTIES...KEK! Not to mention we will have the power to be picky about genetics and non stacys will get femblackpilled when they can't even sell their eggs because MEN WILL ALWAYS HAVE BETTER EGGS TO CHOOSE FROM. The birthrate will decline without artificial wombs, the U.S. government will probably see it as the only way to remain a strong nation and progress from stagnation. We may not be able to make a majority of femoids incel, because their will always be Chads, cucks and traitors, but it's worth a shot and we can put their roastflaps in a great depression at the same time IF WE UNITE AS ONE AND STAY TRUE TO THE GOAL. (Alt plan from my main plan)
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