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Blackpill If you graduate college as a virgin, it's over



Mar 28, 2018
College is the time when women are at their sluttiest. Girls will fuck around with multiple guys and try to have the time of their lives. Most men do in fact get laid in college. If you don't lose your virginity as a college student you are a confirmed wizard.

After college, peope have already shaped their social circles and shit. They have met their SOs at college and they don't give a shit about a virgin loser. You, as a graduate student will be going for postgraduates and then try to get a job so you won't be meeting any girls at all and you will slowly get integrated in the wageslave lifestyle.

I went to uni for 4.5 years. I met hundreds of girls and not a single one of them wanted my cock. I approached, tried to socialize, none of that shit worked. By the time I was in the 2nd year every girl was taken, usually dating HS dropouts or older guys outside classes, and they absolutely didn't give a shit about me. I was going back and forth to classes for 4.5 years hoping that something would change and nothing did.

By the time I was in my last year, I was truly invisible to girls. Last time I talked to a femoid was one day before the graduation and the convo ended with her meeting her fat, yet chad tier, older bf. In my graduation ceremony I felt nothing but sadness because I knew that I failed as a man, my genes failed me and my life is over.

TL;DR 4.5 years in college, lay count=0, graduated as a virgin, it's over
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its down to your genetics i cant be over if it never began
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Stfu if you never even tried as a guy and even if you rejected some girls its definitly not over. Unless in youre situation then ITS OVER
Stfu if you never even tried as a guy and even if you rejected some girls its definitly not over. Unless in youre situation then ITS OVER
I tried. I approached, lifted, showered, socialized. Never got anywhere.
It's over for most Incels during high school
some hope:
I did graduate college a virgin
it got better eventually :)
Its well over by highschool.
Cope, you're done if you don't have high school teen sex.Its so important for teaching you about the world and social interaction. You can't recover if you missed it
Freshman year of college is the end. It's the last chance in your life to meet a large amount of people actively searching for carefree relationships.
Cope, you're done if you don't have high school teen sex.Its so important for teaching you about the world and social interaction. You can't recover if you missed it
I fully agree on this but college is technically the cuttig point
Freshman year of college is the end. It's the last chance in your life to meet a large amount of people actively searching for carefree relationships.
Amen brother
I fully agree on this but college is technically the cuttig point
Sure, you might get a bang or two from some party slut if you missed high school sex, but you'll never have a fufilling career, budding social life, and satisfying relationship. Theres just too much that you've missed.
Sure, you might get a bang or two from some party slut if you missed high school sex, but you'll never have a fufilling career, budding social life, and satisfying relationship. Theres just too much that you've missed.
Imagine missing the party sluts as well
Imagine missing the party sluts as well
I mean, lets be honest, how many late blooming low T weirdos from high school suddenly become slayers in college anyway?

Remember: The more sexually free women are, the fewer men have sex.
I mean, lets be honest, how many late blooming low T weirdos from high school suddenly become slayers in college anyway?

Remember: The more sexually free women are, the fewer men have sex.
The normies who didnt fuck in HS get laid in college evnetually. Incels just rot
I went to uni for 4.5 years. I met hundreds of girls and not a single one of them wanted my cock. I approached, tried to socialize, none of that shit worked.

TFW I never even tried or approached. Never went to bars and flirted, never tried hitting on girls in hallways or in class. FML.

I'm not Chad by any means but maybe if I tried my luck a few times on low-level normie girls I could have found success once....FUCK...FUCK...
College is for normalfag richkids
TFW I never even tried or approached. Never went to bars and flirted, never tried hitting on girls in hallways or in class. FML.

I'm not Chad by any means but maybe if I tried my luck a few times on low-level normie girls I could have found success once....FUCK...FUCK...
No point in truing, just LDAR
As someone who graduated college and is now working a job...let me explain just how OVER it is.

In college:
  • everyone is carefree
  • girls don't care whether or not you have your own place or a good job
  • everyone is relaxed and young and just trying to enjoy what youth they have left
  • there are parties and bars and nightclubs every fucking week, prime socializing hotspots
  • you can party literally everyday, you can be drunk and LDAR in class or hang out in the library, you have no obligations and are a free bird
after college:
  • gotta be a big man now
  • gotta get a good job
  • girls are looking for guys with a good career path who are making something of their degree
  • you are working 9-5...you can't get drunk or crazy on weekdays because you have to be at work the next morning.
  • There's never any time to go to any sort of social events where you might meet young girls because everything is all "serious" now

Missing out on a good college life will probably be the biggest regret in my life, forever. How I just wish I could relive my undergrad years but instead get good grades, establish a good career, and actively looksmax and have a girlfriend.

I can't tell you how painful it is to graduate and be at the ceremony. Every other guy is taking pics with his friends and getting a congratulatory kiss from his girlfriend. And I'm just LDARing there...looking around at alien faces. No one is here that I can celebrate with. No one that I began my journey with is ending my journey with me. I have no memories of my first kiss underneath the bleachers or fucking some girl in a dirty dorm room. Nothing.
I went to one party. You're not missing out (or missed out) on anything. If you're incel, you'll be miserable.
As someone who graduated college and is now working a job...let me explain just how OVER it is.

In college:
  • everyone is carefree
  • girls don't care whether or not you have your own place or a good job
  • everyone is relaxed and young and just trying to enjoy what youth they have left
  • there are parties and bars and nightclubs every fucking week, prime socializing hotspots
  • you can party literally everyday, you can be drunk and LDAR in class or hang out in the library, you have no obligations and are a free bird
after college:
  • gotta be a big man now
  • gotta get a good job
  • girls are looking for guys with a good career path who are making something of their degree
  • you are working 9-5...you can't get drunk or crazy on weekdays because you have to be at work the next morning.
  • There's never any time to go to any sort of social events where you might meet young girls because everything is all "serious" now

Missing out on a good college life will probably be the biggest regret in my life, forever. How I just wish I could relive my undergrad years but instead get good grades, establish a good career, and actively looksmax and have a girlfriend.

I can't tell you how painful it is to graduate and be at the ceremony. Every other guy is taking pics with his friends and getting a congratulatory kiss from his girlfriend. And I'm just LDARing there...looking around at alien faces. No one is here that I can celebrate with. No one that I began my journey with is ending my journey with me. I have no memories of my first kiss underneath the bleachers or fucking some girl in a dirty dorm room. Nothing.
I never had a shot at college life to begin with. I should have roped or never gone to college in the first place
Statistically 20% of men lose their virginity after college and before 30. It’s over when you are 28 cause at that point only 1% of men are virgins
Statistically 20% of men lose their virginity after college and before 30. It’s over when you are 28 cause at that point only 1% of men are virgins

You're right.
Statistically 20% of men lose their virginity after college and before 30. It’s over when you are 28 cause at that point only 1% of men are virgins
These cucked statistics again
cope you already admitted you rejected a girl
cope you already admitted you rejected a girl
It's not like she came to me beggining for sex. I asked her out and then decided to she wasn't good enough for me
>meet people

I'm already a year through college and I haven't even spoke to a single person
Yes, its over for you jusrt LDAR

Im getting fakecel vibes from you, meet hundred of women? Just fucking lol, if you were truly ugly they would call police on you in 0.3 seconds, stop larping here faggot
Im getting fakecel vibes from you, meet hundred of women? Just fucking lol, if you were truly ugly they would call police on you in 0.3 seconds, stop larping here faggot
By meet I mean just talk a bit with them

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