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It's Over if you get a gf how will you deal with guys trying to steal your girl??



Jan 1, 2018
I saw an escort once and we were just hanging out in the Jacuzzi at her apartment. A subhuman came in and started talking to her. He didn't talk to me at all or even make eye contact with me. He was completely focused on my escort. They chatted for 15 minutes and he made her laugh and said typical normie things and I just sat there awkwardly not saying anything waiting for him to leave. After they finished talking he invited her to a barbecue. She politely declined and he left but it just made me realize that if I had a real gf I'd be fucked. Men are savage. They will try to steal your girl. Lucky for me it was another subhuman (although he NT mogged me to oblivion). WTF do you do in this situation?
It should be a compliment you have a booty gf
Just wear a suit. She'll be wet 24/7 around you. Works for you.
That's an absolutely shitty situation, especially if the guy mogs you hard.

In an optimal society such things wouldn't take place, women would only leave the house accompanied by husband/father and other guys would be forbidden from talking to them directly.
id tell him to go get fucked, not stealing my foid (property)
I'd avoid that situation all together. I plan to statusmax my life and then crawl into a church which still believes in patriarchy. Recently I've been using Google Translate to talk to a woman (age 30) in Russia and she's a real tough bitch. I imagine myself shoving her across the bed one day, and territorymaxxing on the mattress to show dominance. If I learn Russian and marry a stubborn bitch who appeals to me in an odd way, then I'm convinced I can have a bond with such a woman, a bond that no-one else could have because of its uniqueness.

imbored21: the problem with the escort is that she's a whore. If you got a JW or SDA cutie from an uber strict family then you'd massively reduce the chances of your woman engaging in some sort of secret fuckery behind you back.
Shit like that is why I don't even want a girlfriend in this day and age. Social media turns every woman into a validation seeking whore. I might be coping but I really am glad I don't participate in the rat race. Shit is just not worth it.
That's an absolutely shitty situation, especially if the guy mogs you hard.

In an optimal society such things wouldn't take place, women would only leave the house accompanied by husband/father and other guys would be forbidden from talking to them directly.
Humans aren't biologically meant to be in relationships for a long duration.

If anything, they are only meant to meet, copulate and continue on their way.

We are fighting a losing battle.
I would have to channel my inner alpha. If I waited THAT LONG to get a legitimate gf, I would fight hand and tooth to not get cucked. I EARNED that. My low inhib ass would go alpha as fuck to protect what was mine.
should have told him to fuck off
A problem I'll never have
She's gonna wear the pants, so who knows, honestly.
You have only two options, to indicate that you are armed and low key threaten him, or to be head of the mafia and to make your henchmen give a moderate beating on him, and then give him a gift like a bottle of wine or the company of a prostitute , making him respect you and have a little loyalty for the way you handle your problems
I cannot imagine dealing with this situation
I saw an escort once and we were just hanging out in the Jacuzzi at her apartment. A subhuman came in and started talking to her. He didn't talk to me at all or even make eye contact with me. He was completely focused on my escort. They chatted for 15 minutes and he made her laugh and said typical normie things and I just sat there awkwardly not saying anything waiting for him to leave. After they finished talking he invited her to a barbecue. She politely declined and he left but it just made me realize that if I had a real gf I'd be fucked. Men are savage. They will try to steal your girl. Lucky for me it was another subhuman (although he NT mogged me to oblivion). WTF do you do in this situation?

There is no point in LTR. Women will cheat on you. It's a given, it's only a matter of time. If you think you can get a gf and also *keep* her loyal for any significant amount of time, you're out of your mind.

You need to be Chad to get an attractive gf; you need to be uber-Chad to keep her loyal for a couple years at best. After a few years, she will start cheating regardless, doesn't matter whether you're Chad or not.
They should just make adultery illegal and punishable by death again. It's the only way for sub8s to hold onto a girl.
Yeah you're fucked. Even the ugly normal fags know it.
LTR is not worth.
Also keep in mind, she is not your girlfriend, only your turn.
You wasn't the first, you won't be the last.
I mean this situation will never occur with me, but honestly I don’t know. Maybe I’d tell him to fuck off or something, but it just wouldn’t end well for me.
Same as when you get a car and you dont want ppl to steal it.
In the Era of social media there's nothing you can do, LTR's are history now, even chads struggle with it.
You wasn't the first, you won't be the last.

There might be *one* way to be the last. You know, dead women can't sleep around anymore...
I doubt I will ever get a gf or wife, but I have thought about this before and it gives me a lot of anxiety. Imagine some low inhib NT guy comes and flirts with your GF or even smacks her ass. LOL. what is an incel going to do in this situation? Not only is it hard to get a gf when you are ugly and high inhib, but that's only the start of the battle. U also have to keep her from other men.
They only do that if they know they're stronger than you, in my case I would say "hey buddy why don't you fuck off, can't you see I'm trying to enjoy an evening with ......." if he still doesn't fuck off then I'd get up and walk towards him like I'm ready to fight and if he still doesn't fuck off then he's getting it. It's one thing for you girl to cheat on you behind your back without you realizing and entirely different when some dude tries to steal your girl right in front of you.
I doubt I will ever get a gf or wife, but I have thought about this before and it gives me a lot of anxiety. Imagine some low inhib NT guy comes and flirts with your GF or even smacks her ass. LOL. what is an incel going to do in this situation? Not only is it hard to get a gf when you are ugly and high inhib, but that's only the start of the battle. U also have to keep her from other men.
It depends on how thet do it. You think Chad gives a shit men are constantly hitting on whatever chick he is with? He probably likes the fact so many other guys are doing the work of entertaining her until he takes her home to fuck. Even if she left him, he would just get another. Even if you're not Chad, this is the only option you have. You have to literally take a relationship one day at a time. Is she into you today? Yes? Good, enjoy it, because tomorrow the answer might be no. Be prepared to emotionally break up with a bitch at the slightest sign of trouble.
My .38 and my Tac-Force pocket knife will teach them to stay away.
this is why being tall actually matters for protection. if you're tall and just get built you can beat the shit out of most guys who try to go for your girl right in front of you
Shit like that is why I don't even want a girlfriend in this day and age. Social media turns every woman into a validation seeking whore. I might be coping but I really am glad I don't participate in the rat race. Shit is just not worth it.
There is no loyalty.
My girl can only be "stolen" if she allows herself to be. The girl I'm with must be a whore if she was able to be stolen so easy in the first place, so the guy actually helped me by exposing that my gf is a whore. But if he was hitting on her and she was telling him to stop, then I'd also tell him to stop.
My girl can only be "stolen" if she allows herself to be. The girl I'm with must be a whore if she was able to be stolen so easy in the first place, so the guy actually helped me by exposing that my gf is a whore. But if he was hitting on her and she was telling him to stop, then I'd also tell him to stop.

LOL. femoids are not loyal to sub-8 males
LOL. femoids are not loyal to sub-8 males
Then fuck those whores. I don't want a relationship with one, I'll just try to fuck them or escortcel.
In an optimal society such things wouldn't take place, women would only leave the house accompanied by husband/father and other guys would be forbidden from talking to them directly.
That's an absolutely shitty situation, especially if the guy mogs you hard.

In an optimal society such things wouldn't take place, women would only leave the house accompanied by husband/father and other guys would be forbidden from talking to them directly.
why dont you move to india or the middle east where such things happen
why dont you move to india or the middle east where such things happen
not trying to be an ass just legit curious since you keep posting this
Be aggressive and 'own' the woman like property. Some girls are into that.
I'd just beat them up or try to. I'm not just going to let some neek steal my property.
I'd beat the shit out of him and punch her face.
Shit like that is why I don't even want a girlfriend in this day and age. Social media turns every woman into a validation seeking whore. I might be coping but I really am glad I don't participate in the rat race. Shit is just not worth it.
Thats the idea natural selection is trying to drive into our subhuman minds that our genes arent worthy and its OVER
It depends on how thet do it. You think Chad gives a shit men are constantly hitting on whatever chick he is with? He probably likes the fact so many other guys are doing the work of entertaining her until he takes her home to fuck. Even if she left him, he would just get another. Even if you're not Chad, this is the only option you have. You have to literally take a relationship one day at a time. Is she into you today? Yes? Good, enjoy it, because tomorrow the answer might be no. Be prepared to emotionally break up with a bitch at the slightest sign of trouble.
Who the fuck let Chad in here lol
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I used to worry about this but today I read three different threads about thug game and I've taken the blackpill.

so now in order to keep my gf if another guy even says "hi" to her I'm just gonna fucking kill him right there and then. Just fucking go up in him with a fucking machine gun while I'm spitting gangster rap.

this will make my gf love me so much she'll invite all her friends round to fuck me too

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