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If you could make someone from here escape inceldom - who would it be?



Nov 22, 2017
Let's say you can make any user of this forum except for yourself escape inceldom and find eternal hapinness in life. Who do you choose?

I'd choose @Octopusgun2 . He's probably the worst looking guy on this forum right now and pretty high up the ladder when it comes to forum activity. He deserves some happiness :).
lol this is an insult.> He's probably the worst looking guy on this forum right now
Allblueeeee said:
lol this is an insult.> He's probably the worst looking guy on this forum right now

not really. it's objective reality. every other person who has shown their pictures here mogs him. i don't insult other incels for no reason.
Just anyone who is a good person according to my moral standards.

@nausea @Kointo .@indari @Ryo_Hazuki @idkwattodowithlife @Themisterpepsi @Octopusgun2 @torujo all deserve it equally
The guy who deserved it the most was probably @Harvey_weinstein_hero
The guy who suffers the most right now is probably @Indari this is why I take him ( I mean look at his profile picture and gif)
nausea said:

The funny thing is that I say the same thing about myself as well. I think you are someone who was fucked ( not literally) mutiple times in his lifetime by your environment. Every innocent person here deserves peace
@nausea or some other oldcels who lost hope completely
Facade said:
nausea said:
The funny thing is that I say the same thing about myself as well. I think you are someone who was fucked ( not literally) mutiple times in his lifetime by your environment. Every innocent person here deserves peace
environment doesn't fuck anyone, people does
nausea said:
environment doesn't fuck anyone, people does

I mean social environments (Social circles made out of individuals)
Akarin said:
@nausea or some other oldcels who lost hope completely
enlightement gave me hope to avoid being cucked though
Facade said:
Just anyone who is a good person according to my moral standards.

@nausea  @Kointo .@indari @Ryo_Hazuki @idkwattodowithlife @Themisterpepsi @Octopusgun2 @torujo all deserve it equally
The guy who deserved it the most was probably @Harvey_weinstein_hero
The guy who suffers the most right now is probably @Indari this is why I take him ( I mean look at his profile picture and gif)

thank you  :love:
nausea said:

Same here. I wouldn't even pick myself if I could (well, I would but I wouldn't deserve it).

Tough call, but I'd have to choose @blickpall off the top of my head because he seems like a sentientcel who suffers anxiety and just upstanding overall.

Allblueeeee said:
lol this is an insult.> He's probably the worst looking guy on this forum right now

There's no sugar coating here.

Facade said:
Just anyone who is a good person according to my moral standards.

@nausea  @Kointo .@indari @Ryo_Hazuki @idkwattodowithlife @Themisterpepsi @Octopusgun2 @torujo all deserve it equally
The guy who deserved it the most was probably @Harvey_weinstein_hero
The guy who suffers the most right now is probably @Indari this is why I take him ( I mean look at his profile picture and gif)

I'm not a good person. I'm selfish and gluttonous.
Either @Octopusgun2 or @Kointo

I also agree with the assessment that Octopusgun2 is the worst off on this forum. Having a midface like that should instantly qualify them for disability benefits.
Kointo said:

There's no sugar coating here.

I'm not a good person. I'm selfish and gluttonous.

Good and Evil are just different parts of the same coin. I can tell that you wanted to find happiness and therefore you deserve it
Facade said:
The guy who suffers the most right now is probably @Indari this is why I take him ( I mean look at his profile picture and gif)

idk I might just complain the most
Facade said:
Good and Evil are just different parts of the same coin. I can tell that you wanted to find happiness and therefore you deserve it

I have found happiness through hedonism for the most part.

Have a cute video.

Ryo_Hazuki said:
Either @Octopusgun2  or @Kointo

Have you seen this thread? I could use all the advice I can get.
@Blickpall or @nausea, the under30cels can still looksmax.
Sparrows Song said:
@Blickpall or @nausea, the under30cels can still looksmax.
blicky is under30
Kointo said:
Have you seen this thread? I could use all the advice I can get.

Not only does your friend sound blue pilled, but he sounds like a complete asshole. You should get new friends.

I would NEVER tolerate someone slapping me in the face. This isn't some Vietnamese powerpoint presentation where the tsundere girl slaps the clueless protagonist and it's cute/funny.
Ryo_Hazuki said:
Vietnamese powerpoint presentation

It's actually a Burmese Google Slide, thank you very much.
Kointo said:
I have found happiness through hedonism for the most part.

Have a cute video.

Have you seen this thread? I could use all the advice I can get.

there is no hedonism without friends, drugs, sex, "degenerate" stuff. only cope supplying you with just enough dopamine not to rope urself
Ryo_Hazuki said:
You should get new friends.  

That's what I'm doing.

Indari said:
there is no hedonism without friends, drugs, sex, "degenerate" stuff. only cope supplying you with just enough dopamine not to rope urself

*sigh of sadness*

*sigh of realization*

Lol are you fucking stupid, only a handful of users have posted their pic and naturally they aren't the truecels.
The oldest. @nausea ?
Facade said:
Just anyone who is a good person according to my moral standards.

@nausea  @Kointo .@indari @Ryo_Hazuki @idkwattodowithlife @Themisterpepsi @Octopusgun2 @torujo all deserve it equally
The guy who deserved it the most was probably @Harvey_weinstein_hero
The guy who suffers the most right now is probably @Indari this is why I take him ( I mean look at his profile picture and gif)

Edit : Fuck Harvey
Myself, fuck all of you
SeifEsteem said:
Myself, fuck all of you

Have to say this.

Sorry guys, but I can't take the loneliness and isolation anymore.
SeifEsteem said:
Myself, fuck all of you

That's the spirit!

VLÖ said:
Have to say this.

Sorry guys, but I can't take the loneliness and isolation anymore.

American Chop Suey(Sui)? *wink* *wink*

what does octopus look like
in all honesty I do not deserve it
ICanOnlyFapToBDSM said:
what does octopus look like

He looks really ugly and he needs surgery
ICanOnlyFapToBDSM said:
postem pics

He has a thread where he shows his side profile.Look it up
honestly @grotesque
so he will stop being on that retarded shit. and so he may find happiness.

it always hurts to see a person sit there and breed negativity as much as he does
cyborgglory said:
honestly @grotesque
so he will stop being on that retarded shit. and so he may find happiness.

it always hurts to see a person sit there and breed negativity as much as he does

He's already escaped Inceldom. He has a "girlfriend".
Kointo said:
He has a "girlfriend".
oh no shit? I haven't been keeping up with the lore
honestly he might even be too fucked at this point. nobody who harbors that much hate every makes it out intact
cyborgglory said:
oh no shit? I haven't been keeping up with the lore
honestly he might even be too fucked at this point. nobody who harbors that much hate every makes it out intact

You don't understand his hate? We are incel.
Kointo said:
You don't understand his hate? We are incel.
I understand his hate but surely even you get kinda sick reading that man rant about disfiguring pretty people? about him being a cunt to his therapist (who was trying to help him)?
I have hate, but nowhere near that much.
Whoever bids the highest.
cyborgglory said:
I understand his hate but surely even you get kinda sick reading that man rant about disfiguring pretty people?

No. Why are you against it?

cyborgglory said:
about him being a cunt to his therapist (who was trying to help him)?
I have hate, but nowhere near that much.


You haven't watched his videos, have you? His therapist treated him and her patients like shit behind their backs.

cyborgglory said:
I have hate, but nowhere near that much.

This is nothing.
Kointo said:
No. Why are you against it?
none of them chose to be pretty. and such, none of them can comprehend what we feel. why would we WANT to create more sad people? I thought the goal was to LEAVE inceldom, not widen the base..
cyborgglory said:
none of them chose to be pretty. and such, none of them can comprehend what we feel. why would we WANT to create more sad people? I thought the goal was to LEAVE inceldom, not widen the base..

I'm indifferent. It doesn't matter.
cyborgglory said:
I understand his hate but surely even you get kinda sick reading that man rant about disfiguring pretty people? about him being a cunt to his therapist (who was trying to help him)?
I have hate, but nowhere near that much.
Debra has never tried to help anyone.

I have no issue with all the other counselors I've dealt with, besides hating their snake oil job.

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