Man managers are even more worthless than the lower clogs as we actually do the fucking work.
This old bitch at a dollar general up the street got fired because she was cutting time off of people's schedules to look good to corporate, got found out and they canned her ass because they didn't want that liability around so much for having their companies back(And I'm pretty sure corporate had her doing it).
Managers are like a cup on a thawing ice table and one little thing gets them fired, screwed over(get another manager who is younger and cheaper to pay) and replaced so fast that they never see it coming.
Jfl at managers having any sort of security.
Normies always work these stressful pain in the ass jobs with long titles like they mean something when we all die and nothing they or we accomplished mattered as we are just cogs in a wheel on the pimple of some guy's ass. I know its a cope but it shows how delusional the average normalfag is. Yeah your busting your ass at your meaningless office job meanwhile somebody else works two jobs to get by and both of you nobody cares about or knows and women still don't even respect you or care about you.
Even funnier if their a forever aloner trying to justify working hard in life.
Now hey that's not fair they worked hard to lobby laws to their favor and pay congress and the rest of them their share to fuck off and leave them alone. Maybe you should work hard like they do and be competitive. Still the Wealth should just trickle down.. Someday.