Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.

Serious If you are any of these, you are NOT an incel



Aug 14, 2024
If you fuck with escorts you are not an incel. You have social skills, money and you arent so disgusting escorts reject you. Yes even escorts reject you if you are truly an incel. An autist low iq neet sub 5 could never fuck with a escort, maybe with a homeless desperate drug addict. If you can fuck with escorts, you arent autist, you arent disgusting sub 5 and you have a job, therefore high iq (+85) and high social skills.

If you are planning to seamax, you are not an incel. A true incel is a neet that has no money, an autist/schizophrenic extremely socially awkward and truly sub 5. Seamaxers literally have sex with foids FOR FREE. "muh they not incel cause it cost money to go asia!" and so cost money to buy food pay your apartment, light etc. You are not an incel.

If you have friends in general and specially normie or even foid friends, you are not an incel. You are a NT short normie, you have good social skills and you probably can get pussy unless you are extremely ugly or short.

The only NTs that can be incels are those who are extremely ugly (sub3) and short (below 160cm). We should ban all the fakecels, its full of delusional NTs that could get pussy so easily always mogging with their social skills and i want to fucking shoot them in the forehead with a water gun mossberg:reeeeee:
this so much this
this site is really nerds.is or nearcels.is rather than incels.is
Joined:Aug 14, 2024
Escortcels are still incels because they have to PAY a rodiculous amount for what should happen for free. Besides, escortmaxxing cannot fill the void from lack of love. This isn't even because of personal bias, as I never fucked an escort yet
I'm an incel, man. You can't persuade me otherwise. It's over.:blackpill:
Very true. Also asians can't SEAmaxx. You can only do that when you're white cus everyone there equates white with having money. If you're asian the nyou're just another chump
Seamaxxing doesn't work anymore, they all have smartphones and follow the same social media accounts and celebs same as every other place in the world and know the standards.

Disagree entirely with NT non NT that shit doesn't matter unless you are an objective 5 or 6 and 5'10+, women do not care about autism they only care about height and face but woman do care about autism when it's an ugly guy / manlet or sub5 that's extra "creep factor" / failo, NT non NT is just ugly sub5 cope at this point.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=efUA6W5HEv4

100% on friends, truecels are in severe power imbalance socially, it is possible to have friends as a sub5 but then you are probably the one that gives free rides, buys stuff and acts as a punching bag to make normie and HTN look good, incel and incel friendships are very much possible and will happen naturally if you are moderately extroverted.

Escortcels, anyone can save money and get an escort for 150 tp 250 euro, but I do agree on the rejection part, I was rejected by the only local whore, she said I was "too young" at age 24 (what she means was too ugly and wrong ethnicity) when she was mid 30s and overweight, I guess for her it was a way to fuck HTNs and get paid as a hobby but then again if you have money you can also make a ridiculous offer that they cannot refuse so disagree partially.
Joined:Aug 14, 2024
Escortcels are still incels because they have to PAY a rodiculous amount for what should happen for free. Besides, escortmaxxing cannot fill the void from lack of love. This isn't even because of personal bias, as I never fucked an escort yet
Having money to travel has nothing to do with being incel GrAY.
this so much this
25126   SoyBooru
Ban all the fakecels from fakecels.is
Only allow sub4 or sub3 ugly men on this site
Only face determines inceldom rest of u can fuck off
There are legit 5/10s and 6/10s on this site
stop coping
A truecel is a guy who will never ascend because of SMV and that's it. Nobody is making you neet. You don't need social skills to get a prostitute that is the entire point you retard. Stop living in fantasy world. Fucking sick of seeing copers.
If you take the word neet out of your claim 'an autist low iq neet sub 5 could never fuck an escort', not only are you wrong, not only are there users who prove you wrong, you are also making a claim with zero stats or evidence on a blackpill forum, and the blackpill is about reality, not coping and making shit up like a foid.

If you wanted to fuck an escort you could. You don't want to go through the things to do it so shut the fuck up about it. Stop tryna cope that makes you more truecel for internet points
I will test this theory
The only NTs that can be incels are those who are extremely ugly (sub3) and short (below 160cm). We should ban all the fakecels, its full of delusional NTs that could get pussy so easily always mogging with their social skills and i want to fucking shoot them in the forehead with a water gun mossberg:reeeeee:

imagine thinking 3/10 NTs can get laid in 2024
imagine being anti-blackpill on incels.is fuck off idiot
i am a redditor, and? i fiddle my wyboi clitty to princess peach on my nintendo in the corner while tyrone dicks down my wife with his bbc. so? you're not like.. racist or something are you?
Wtf :lul::lul:
i am a redditor, and? i fiddle my wyboi clitty to princess peach on my nintendo in the corner while tyrone dicks down my wife with his bbc. so? you're not like.. racist or something are you?
Happy Leonardo Dicaprio GIF by Jordan Belfort
I'm also skeptical of 'escortcels,' and when they weren't reined in they used to spam these incel forums with a ton of threads about their latest experience of... having sex

very celibate

but at the same time is the OP seriously claiming that a truecel will be 100% rejected by all whores? and that being an escortcel means that someone has 'social skills'? because neither of those are true, whores don't fuck people bc they want to and might not even know exactly what the client looks like before agreeing to it. I doubt most people who claim to be 'too ugly for a whore' actually are

this thread seems a bit larp-y
is the OP seriously claiming that a truecel will be 100% rejected by all whores?
hookers literally fuck disabled wheelchair one armed deformed fully retarded niggas , nobody is getting rejected by all hookers for being sub5 and short that shit is larp
being an escortcel means that someone has 'social skills'?
literally requires zero social skills at all
hookers literally fuck disabled wheelchair one armed deformed fully retarded niggas , nobody is getting rejected by all hookers for being sub5 and short that shit is larp
Joined:Aug 14, 2024
Escortcels are still incels because they have to PAY a rodiculous amount for what should happen for free. Besides, escortmaxxing cannot fill the void from lack of love. This isn't even because of personal bias, as I never fucked an escort yet
If you fuck with escorts you are not an incel. You have social skills, money and you arent so disgusting escorts reject you. Yes even escorts reject you if you are truly an incel. An autist low iq neet sub 5 could never fuck with a escort, maybe with a homeless desperate drug addict. If you can fuck with escorts, you arent autist, you arent disgusting sub 5 and you have a job, therefore high iq (+85) and high social skills.

If you are planning to seamax, you are not an incel. A true incel is a neet that has no money, an autist/schizophrenic extremely socially awkward and truly sub 5. Seamaxers literally have sex with foids FOR FREE. "muh they not incel cause it cost money to go asia!" and so cost money to buy food pay your apartment, light etc. You are not an incel.

If you have friends in general and specially normie or even foid friends, you are not an incel. You are a NT short normie, you have good social skills and you probably can get pussy unless you are extremely ugly or short.

The only NTs that can be incels are those who are extremely ugly (sub3) and short (below 160cm). We should ban all the fakecels, its full of delusional NTs that could get pussy so easily always mogging with their social skills and i want to fucking shoot them in the forehead with a water gun mossberg:reeeeee:
You get no pussy or love = incel
It is not rocket science
Scortcels are low inhib so most probably a low tier normie or a fallen normie. Scorts are so entitled nowadays that they will reject me anyways, so yes scortcels are fakecels or mentalcels.
If you are planning to seamax, you are not an incel. A true incel is a neet that has no money, an autist/schizophrenic extremely socially awkward and truly sub 5. Seamaxers literally have sex with foids FOR FREE. "muh they not incel cause it cost money to go asia!" and so cost money to buy food pay your apartment, light etc. You are not an incel
Exactly. A LTN or fallen normie like a guy from this forum (I dont remember his name) who slayed a lot in SEA.
Joined: Aug 14, 2024
Posts: 355
Seamaxxing doesn't work anymore, they all have smartphones and follow the same social media accounts and celebs same as every other place in the world and know the standards.

Disagree entirely with NT non NT that shit doesn't matter unless you are an objective 5 or 6 and 5'10+, women do not care about autism they only care about height and face but woman do care about autism when it's an ugly guy / manlet or sub5 that's extra "creep factor" / failo, NT non NT is just ugly sub5 cope at this point.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=efUA6W5HEv4

100% on friends, truecels are in severe power imbalance socially, it is possible to have friends as a sub5 but then you are probably the one that gives free rides, buys stuff and acts as a punching bag to make normie and HTN look good, incel and incel friendships are very much possible and will happen naturally if you are moderately extroverted.

Escortcels, anyone can save money and get an escort for 150 tp 250 euro, but I do agree on the rejection part, I was rejected by the only local whore, she said I was "too young" at age 24 (what she means was too ugly and wrong ethnicity) when she was mid 30s and overweight, I guess for her it was a way to fuck HTNs and get paid as a hobby but then again if you have money you can also make a ridiculous offer that they cannot refuse so disagree partially.

Lmao, you retards keep reposting the same 2 videos to "disprove" that autism destroys yours SMV, when it doesnt disprove shit. You are no different than IT cucks who claim that they know a 5"1ft guy who slays Stacies everyday
Lmao, you retards keep reposting the same 2 videos to "disprove" that autism destroys yours SMV, when it doesnt disprove shit. You are no different than IT cucks who claim that they know a 5"1ft guy who slays Stacies everyday
Autism is the biggest cope on this site, no one cares about it only in conjunction with sub5 looks is it ever a problem, just browser r/aspergers or r/autism and you see there is no problem dating for the so called non NT normies.

A 7/10 with autism is just a 7/10 with autism it doesn't lower his SMV unless he is vegetable level or stimming at a real high level in public, FOIDS DO NOT CARE, they fuck dogs and horses and serial killers and rape children autism is just an insult for sub5 men at this point.
Autism is the biggest cope on this site, no one cares about it only in conjunction with sub5 looks is it ever a problem, just browser r/aspergers or r/autism and you see there is no problem dating for the so called non NT normies.

A 7/10 with autism is just a 7/10 with autism it doesn't lower his SMV unless he is vegetable level or stimming at a real high level in public, FOIDS DO NOT CARE, they fuck dogs and horses and serial killers and rape children autism is just an insult for sub5 men at this point.

Autism is the biggest cope on this site, no one cares about it only in conjunction with sub5 looks is it ever a problem, just browser r/aspergers or r/autism and you see there is no problem dating for the so called non NT normies.

A 7/10 with autism is just a 7/10 with autism it doesn't lower his SMV unless he is vegetable level or stimming at a real high level in public, FOIDS DO NOT CARE, they fuck dogs and horses and serial killers and rape children autism is just an insult for sub5 men at this point.
Watch out for the ntpillers they hate being told its their shit face thats responsible for their inceldom

Just confirms the 80/20 rule if anything since it doesn't take looks into account, i'm sure that stats are correct FOR AVERAGE MEN, which wouldn't exactly be getting much romance even as NT in the first place., as I said face and height and race are the only important factors
Just confirms the 80/20 rule if anything since it doesn't take looks into account, i'm sure that stats are correct FOR AVERAGE MEN, which wouldn't exactly be getting much romance even as NT in the first place., as I said face and height and race are the only important factors
Yeah so true bro. I know a 5"2 balding janitor who slays prime Aryan girls everyday just because of his charisma bro, Blackpill deboonked bro
Yeah so true bro. I know a 5"2 balding janitor who slays prime Aryan girls everyday just because of his charisma bro, Blackpill deboonked bro
Yeah but he was NT
Lmao, you retards keep reposting the same 2 videos to "disprove" that autism destroys yours SMV, when it doesnt disprove shit. You are no different than IT cucks who claim that they know a 5"1ft guy who slays Stacies everyday
NTpill should never be underestimated. Half of us probably wouldn't even be here if NT. At the very least we'd have a good friend group IRL of guy friends to hang out with. If you are such an autist you struggle to even make friends with normie men, imagine how much that kills your chances with women
niggers on here consider an escortcel who fucked hundreds of whores incel
Joined:Aug 14, 2024
Escortcels are still incels because they have to PAY a rodiculous amount for what should happen for free. Besides, escortmaxxing cannot fill the void from lack of love. This isn't even because of personal bias, as I never fucked an escort yet
muh low posts muh joined recently. Fucking shut up, if a escort isnt SCARED of you or extremely disgusted to the point she rejects you then you are not an incel, you probably can get some ugly, but some pussy out there.

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