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Soy "If ugly men are excluded from the dating pool, that means in a few generations, there would be only Chads"



Oct 3, 2019
No, you fucking cuck. Because females who are genetic trash will still pass on their genes. Goblin foids having kids with 6'4 men will result in a 5'7-5'8 kid. Kids get a lot of the important genes from the mother. Genetic trash foids will have kids no matter how ugly, fat and disgusting they are.

Therefore, everything you do is sentence a bunch of innocent men to a life of loneliness and pain and suffering while not getting anything in return. Ugly men will exist in 100 years as well. Genetic trash foids will pass on their genes no matter what.
We should prevent ugly foids from breeding. Anyone here got a plan?
80% of females have reproduced in the history of mankind, less than 50% of men have. If there was any truth to the eugenics bullshit it would have happened already.

And even then, chad is a somewhat relative concept. If every ugly male became a chad suddenly, women would treat giga chads as chads and chads as ugly males because of hypergamy.

It's not just about what she can get, it's also about what other women can get.
We should prevent ugly foids from breeding. Anyone here got a plan?
Won't work because men have strong evolutionary urges to fuck anything.
Won't work because men have strong evolutionary urges to fuck anything.

Let them fuck. As long as they dont breed, its fine for us. Someone needs to create a new viral disease that prevents ugly foids from conceiving.
Sounds like a human problem

Don't forget that chad dads and stacy moms can still give birth to subhuman children (rare) and incel dads can give birth to chad kids (even rarer but still possible)
And even then, chad is a somewhat relative concept. If every ugly male became a chad suddenly, women would treat giga chads as chads and chads as ugly males because of hypergamy.

It's not just about what she can get, it's also about what other women can get.
We should prevent ugly foids from breeding. Anyone here got a plan?

castration. It’s the only way. They can fuck escorts so they can spend of the rest of their lives at least having to pay to fuck but will never reproduce thank god. I’m a balding 36 year old 5’4 ricecel with a tiny dick.why the fuck would anyone think of reproducing with me?? NO ONE
For foids: tie their Fallopian tubes so they don’t produce babies but still give the castrated uglies pussy. It could be the new circus. The new freak show. I would gladly be a part of that show, and let the white Chads and normies throw peanuts at me JFL bc as a ricecel that’s what I fucking deserve at the most.
castration. It’s the only way. They can fuck escorts so they can spend of the rest of their lives at least having to pay to fuck but will never reproduce thank god. I’m a balding 36 year old 5’4 ricecel with a tiny dick.why the fuck would anyone think of reproducing with me?? NO ONE
For foids: tie their Fallopian tubes so they don’t produce babies but still give the castrated uglies pussy. It could be the new circus. The new freak show. I would gladly be a part of that show, and let the white Chads and normies throw peanuts at me JFL bc as a ricecel that’s what I fucking deserve at the most.

Holy shit thats a lot of self hate.
Holy shit thats a lot of self hate.

what else am I supposed to do? Be positive and lie to myself and cope saying things will be alright and I’ll find a foid to fuck? You think that’s even realistic for me? FUCK NO. I’m an old ricecel. I can’t fuck nobody but escorts now. I was brought into this world an ugly. I will die alone and ugly. Period.
what else am I supposed to do? Be positive and lie to myself and cope saying things will be alright and I’ll find a foid to fuck? You think that’s even realistic for me? FUCK NO. I’m an old ricecel. I can’t fuck nobody but escorts now. I was brought into this world an ugly. I will die alone and ugly. Period.

Iam sort of in the same boat. 32 yr old KHHV currycel. But i dont hate myself coz foids wont fuck me. Foids are superficial whores and judging yourself by the same standards foids use is not advisable.
what else am I supposed to do? Be positive and lie to myself and cope saying things will be alright and I’ll find a foid to fuck? You think that’s even realistic for me? FUCK NO. I’m an old ricecel. I can’t fuck nobody but escorts now. I was brought into this world an ugly. I will die alone and ugly. Period.
I wish things could be different. Unfortunately they aren't.
Females are retarded and don’t know how genetics work.
castration. It’s the only way. They can fuck escorts so they can spend of the rest of their lives at least having to pay to fuck but will never reproduce thank god. I’m a balding 36 year old 5’4 ricecel with a tiny dick.why the fuck would anyone think of reproducing with me?? NO ONE

no offense, but it reaches a point where you don't even WANT to reproduce. Why would you, as a gentically shit man, want to ruin your offsprings with the same garbage fate you suffered? Logically, us reproducing makes sense, yet our instincts still cry for otherwise.
I'm living proof of that being untrue. My dad was a Chad in his youth. He was 6'8" (literally"), had broad shoulders, a square jaw, light blue eyes. He had many many girlfriends and was married multiple times. He has children with 3 women. His two sons from his second baby mama are Chads. One of them is a Giga chad, the other is a Chad lite. But their mom was a Stacy when young. But then he married my mother who is an ugly brown pinoy midget and created me. I'm only 5'7", have a small frame, narrow shoulders, and a very low T ugly face. My dad's good looks were not enough to override my mother's hideous genetics.
most of my shitty traits ( bad eye area, receding hairline ) comes from my mothers side.
I'm living proof of that being untrue. My dad was a Chad in his youth. He was 6'8" (literally"), had broad shoulders, a square jaw, light blue eyes. He had many many girlfriends and was married multiple times. He has children with 3 women. His two sons from his second baby mama are Chads. One of them is a Giga chad, the other is a Chad lite. But their mom was a Stacy when young. But then he married my mother who is an ugly brown pinoy midget and created me. I'm only 5'7", have a small frame, narrow shoulders, and a very low T ugly face. My dad's good looks were not enough to override my mother's hideous genetics.
This is suicide fuel. At least no one from my family was even chadlite tier (except maybe my mom's brother who was pretty decent looking and still is). Other than that, all of them average at best. Not even my brother is better looking than me. At least I don't experience suicide fuel on a daily basis. Otherwise I would've probably flipped by now
Of course women are going to delude themselves into thinking that they will have beautiful children.
That means they think they have a duty not to reproduce with sub 8 men.
No, you fucking cuck. Because females who are genetic trash will still pass on their genes. Goblin foids having kids with 6'4 men will result in a 5'7-5'8 kid. Kids get a lot of the important genes from the mother. Genetic trash foids will have kids no matter how ugly, fat and disgusting they are.

Therefore, everything you do is sentence a bunch of innocent men to a life of loneliness and pain and suffering while not getting anything in return. Ugly men will exist in 100 years as well. Genetic trash foids will pass on their genes no matter what.

More and more people on this forum becoming sentient thank god
80% of females have reproduced in the history of mankind, less than 50% of men have. If there was any truth to the eugenics bullshit it would have happened already.
Actually only about 30% of men (at least European men) have passed on their genes throughout our species' evolutionary history whereas nearly 100% of women whose children lived to child-bearing age have:

And even then, chad is a somewhat relative concept. If every ugly male became a chad suddenly, women would treat giga chads as chads and chads as ugly males because of hypergamy.
Not true. There are objective metrics and thresholds of attractiveness that are scientifically validated. Just because most people would be Chads through in vitro fertilization (now) and genetic engineering (later) doesn't mean "gigachad or bust". Chads are objectively attractive and would be able to find a partner (especially since genetic engineering would equalize everyone genetically anyways)
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I'm living proof of that being untrue. My dad was a Chad in his youth. He was 6'8" (literally"), had broad shoulders, a square jaw, light blue eyes. He had many many girlfriends and was married multiple times. He has children with 3 women. His two sons from his second baby mama are Chads. One of them is a Giga chad, the other is a Chad lite. But their mom was a Stacy when young. But then he married my mother who is an ugly brown pinoy midget and created me. I'm only 5'7", have a small frame, narrow shoulders, and a very low T ugly face. My dad's good looks were not enough to override my mother's hideous genetics.
The current system is the most beneficial to foids. All foids share chads, even ugly goblins. Normal and genetically superior foids create chads and stacies with their chad sperm, ugly and short foids create more incel slaves and more ugly and short foids to create more incel slaves... It's a cycle that maintains a constant supply of humans that will suffer physical inferiority and wageslavery with nothing in return until they die. They won't stop ugly foids from reproducing because just being a foid means you automatically win in life and without ugly and manlet men, society would have nobody to oppress to the point of suicide.
80% of females have reproduced in the history of mankind, less than 50% of men have. If there was any truth to the eugenics bullshit it would have happened already.

And even then, chad is a somewhat relative concept. If every ugly male became a chad suddenly, women would treat giga chads as chads and chads as ugly males because of hypergamy.

It's not just about what she can get, it's also about what other women can get.

Won't work because men have strong evolutionary urges to fuck anything.
High iq. Something so simple that cucks will never be able to grasp.
Just hate yourself coz foids dont want to fuck you? Id rather not.

JFL @ the gook cunt.

I mean...if you're rice or curry you would understand. Read my Ricecel manifesto and hopefully you'll get a glimpse of what I have gone through: https://incels.is/threads/ricecel-manifesto.204979/

no offense, but it reaches a point where you don't even WANT to reproduce. Why would you, as a gentically shit man, want to ruin your offsprings with the same garbage fate you suffered? Logically, us reproducing makes sense, yet our instincts still cry for otherwise.

Maybe you misunderstood me. I don't even want to reproduce with anyone because I don't want my hypothetical offsprings to go through what I went through. So if castration was required for those who don't have Chad genes, then just get castrated and just fuck escorts for the rest of my life.

I mean that's sort of what the Vikings and Nordic countries did back in the day. Only the superior and strong were meant to reproduce and have offspring. Same with Sparta somewhat, because any deformed babies or those who were mentally retarded were put to death early.

Look at the results now. Icelanders, Danes, Swedes, Norwegians, and northern Germans have the most superior and attractive genes out of all humans in this world.
Iam sort of in the same boat. 32 yr old KHHV currycel. But i dont hate myself coz foids wont fuck me. Foids are superficial whores and judging yourself by the same standards foids use is not advisable.

I don't want to either, but if ALL OF SOCIETY is doing it, then what am I supposed to do? Cope like a fucking cuck? Hell to the fucking no.

If all of society deems something as a measurement, then we as humans have no choice but to abide by it, unless we as a collective say no. For now, I have to deal with what I have to deal with.

Hopefully that changes over time, but in my generation, that's not happening. I'm just going to fuck escorts as cope. Maybe I'll rope someday, throw myself onto oncoming highway traffic or a fucking train idk.
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