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It's Over If nature is a story we were designed to be it's villains.



Why the long midface?
Jan 29, 2019
I mean think about it, we're basically males with facial deficencies so horrid it can't even be tolerated. If we reproduce we might 60% end up making infantcels just like us irregardless of what female we reproduce with.
Our bodies are insufficient for survival in contrast to the average male. We are but a speck to the status + abilities chad brings to the table. We don't even have intelligence to back us up, being self-aware doesn't make you intelligent.
Being self aware just means you are living life on 100% cautious mode, the first step to being incel is to realise you're being held back by your genes, once you come to that realization, you need to figure out ways to operate in regular society with your subhumanity, that may range from not being so loud/confident in public, avoiding eye contact with people, minimising the time you need to spend outside. This behaviour wasn't a result of intelligence, instead, it was adaptive behaviour, it was a subconcious trigger to a permanent problem. Most of the users here were probably doing this stuff since middle school. Saying incels are high iq for being self aware is like saying a daddy long legs is intelligent because it can walk on 5 legs if it loses it's 6th.

Because we don't have any resourceful/above average abilities in contrast to other males, we're leeches.
Because we don't have any average/healthy genes to provide for our offspring, we're genetic garbage.
We aren't even high I.Q enough to get ourselves out of this situation permanently.

What are we then? Why do we even exist? It just doesn't make any sense. Nature can be a very liberal force in that your success in life depends on how you adapt yourself to it or use it to your advantage, but it seems this rule is not inclusive towards us. If we try to approach a femoid we're rejected for better competition (chad), if we try to challenge that better competition we get our asses kicked, we try to have people understand our problem and it's somehow our fault we're born like this (IncelTears).

Everything we do is so damning. No matter what good it is we try to do, we'll always be suspected by others to have some evil intention. If we do evil, everyone -including others like us- are not even surprised or shocked because it's expected of us. Dogs growl when we get too close to them, babies cry if we look at them.

All of these unfortunate events happening simply because we were born with the wrong bones that was given to us by nature. One would rationalize that we were meant to serve as a warning to others of irresponsible and careless breeding, that we are the bastard children which stemmed from things like sexual liberation, but I argue that is only a part of our existence maybe at the full picture of things, we are meant to be violent, we are meant to be angry and crazy and cruel, the more I think on it the more I realize that this is the only proper alternative solution that would yield any valuable or absolute results.

I remember reading a post by some user here who said that killing another male (especially high status) is seen as an SMV booster as it displays the full ability of one male against the other, maybe, that's what nature wants us to do, it just wants us all to go ER so that humanity can fight back and we can lose. It may sound pointless on a personal scale but by large numbers it may serve as a strategy for evolution in the inner workings of nature. Ever since agriculture and societies were built humans no longer needed to worry about being hunted by predators, ever since the nuke was dropped humans have stopped fighting against themselves in large scale wars. Maybe this is how nature deals with a species that tries to jump it's rules, it creates incels en-masse who terrorize it's own species until that species becomes vigilant once more and works according to nature's rules. Once more.

I dunno, I just don't see why incels exist in a biological system as advanced as humanity...
Interesting. I agree with this. There is no reason for us to exist, we are merely dust particles.
..we are meant to be violent, we are meant to be angry and crazy and cruel, the more I think on it the more I realize that this is the only proper alternative solution that would yield any valuable or absolute results.
Yes.Nature has,in His divine will,send us here as a meant to fight and be violent against the system that allowed us to live in the first place.
We are here because men has become weak enough and technology are advanced enough that facially disfigured men like us are allowed to live instead of being eliminated by environment.We are here because men has degenerated and become weakling.We are here to create discord in society,to impede technological progress,to fight back against degeneracy and return mankind to its natural state.

Anyhow,inb4 being banned for discussing illegal activity.
Interesting. I agree with this. There is no reason for us to exist, we are merely dust particles.
By that logic nothing should exist since it is all dust particles. The fact that we do exist makes other dust particles quite mad.. and I think I want to continue those other dust particles mad. This dust particle is having fun tbh.
Why did nature give me so much empathy and longing for romance then? :feelsbadman:
Yes.Nature has,in His divine will,send us here as a meant to fight and be violent against the system that allowed us to live in the first place.
We are here because men has become weak enough and technology are advanced enough that facially disfigured men like us are allowed to live instead of being eliminated by environment.We are here because men has degenerated and become weakling.We are here to create discord in society,to impede technological progress,to fight back against degeneracy and return mankind to its natural state.
Well of course.. the thing is that we must figure ways to infect other minds with our mental discord.. this is why the Tinderpill is a potent mental method of infecting people to our point of view. :blackpill:
By that logic nothing should exist since it is all dust particles. The fact that we do exist makes other dust particles quite mad.. and I think I want to continue those other dust particles mad. This dust particle is having fun tbh.
Yes bro. My thoughts about that exactly :feelskek:
I can't put it any better myself or add anything to it it's just too perfect.
ugly people are always casted as villians on movies so yeah
We weren't designed for shit.

In other species the ugly/deformed ones just die out because they are incapable of taking care of themselves. Human society, on the other hand, keeps weak ones artificially alive, because we have developed strong empathy for other living beings. While this keeps the weak alive, and makes the strong feel good about themselves, it also makes the weak live in misery.

If a genetically inferior male animal were to survive, it never gets a chance to breed. Alpha males will kill them if they try, and even if there are no alphas, females will naturally deny them.

Hell, I read the other day that hammerhead sharks usually live alone, but the females will form schools when they want to mate, in order to not allow undesirable males near them. This is basically what happens with humans as well. You're not invited to the party, while Chad is, and has his selection of women.

Tl;dr You were meant to die young, and even if you didn't, you were never meant to reproduce.
I dunno, I just don't see why incels exist in a biological system as advanced as humanity...
You are correct.. there is no guiding hand for what comes next in history with Incels.. it really will be all new. Whatever does come next was going to happen whether we wanted it too or not.. the sexual revolution has truly ruined humanity.
We weren't designed for shit.

In other species the ugly/deformed ones just die out because they are incapable of taking care of themselves. Human society, on the other hand, keeps weak ones artificially alive, because we have developed strong empathy for other living beings. While this keeps the weak alive, and makes the strong feel good about themselves, it also makes the weak live in misery.

If a genetically inferior male animal were to survive, it never gets a chance to breed. Alpha males will kill them if they try, and even if there are no alphas, females will naturally deny them.

Hell, I read the other day that hammerhead sharks usually live alone, but the females will form schools when they want to mate, in order to not allow undesirable males near them. This is basically what happens with humans as well. You're not invited to the party, while Chad is, and has his selection of women.

Tl;dr You were meant to die young, and even if you didn't, you were never meant to reproduce.
We weren't designed for shit.

In other species the ugly/deformed ones just die out because they are incapable of taking care of themselves. Human society, on the other hand, keeps weak ones artificially alive, because we have developed strong empathy for other living beings. While this keeps the weak alive, and makes the strong feel good about themselves, it also makes the weak live in misery.

If a genetically inferior male animal were to survive, it never gets a chance to breed. Alpha males will kill them if they try, and even if there are no alphas, females will naturally deny them.

Hell, I read the other day that hammerhead sharks usually live alone, but the females will form schools when they want to mate, in order to not allow undesirable males near them. This is basically what happens with humans as well. You're not invited to the party, while Chad is, and has his selection of women.

Tl;dr You were meant to die young, and even if you didn't, you were never meant to reproduce.
True, but humanity has evolved so far that even if we were to head into combat, it wouldn't be our hands doing the killing but our tools, our guns a result of human invention. This tool alone nullifies the alpha beta dichotomy to 0 as it isn't dependent on your gene quality or I.Q just how quick you draw against your opponent.

And even then, in a primitive society, you really think males really give a shit of whether females declare them worthy of reproducing or not? The hammerhead shark was a good observation however, I can just as equally equate betas reproducing with females as dolphins normally just do, which is just to gang up on the female and rape her, but the problem is is that we're not dealing with animals that operate on linear mental patterns, we're dealing with primate mammals that have developed complex thought systems over millions of years of evolution prior. If an incel had to face a chad during the neolithic age, he's not going to try to bash chad's face in with his wimpy hands, he's going to make a spear to eliminate chad from a safe distance, if chad also has a spear, then the incel will make a bow and arrow, if chad possesses both a spear and a bow then the incel will give his spear to his incel friend to stab chad behind the back in case he gets too close and so on and so on, even then the incel would probably only have a 30% chance of winning and if probability favours him and the incel does win, Stacy has no retorts to this, even if stacy did pick up a spear herself chances are the incel would easily kill her as female bodies are built much smaller and less efficient than a male's body, but as you said, most incels wouldn't live past infancy problem is, they are now and it's going to produce some very dreadful consequences in the far future.
Interesting. I agree with this. There is no reason for us to exist, we are merely dust particles.
The reason for us to exist is to be slaves to the matriarchy. That is why we’re despised so much. Because we break free from our chains.
I dunno, I just don't see why incels exist in a biological system as advanced as humanity...
Mistakes happen in all biological systems, and we are the mistakes of humanity.
In other species the ugly/deformed ones just die out because they are incapable of taking care of themselves. Human society, on the other hand, keeps weak ones artificially alive, because we have developed strong empathy for other living beings. While this keeps the weak alive, and makes the strong feel good about themselves, it also makes the weak live in misery.

Yep, the ugly suffers and doesn't matter who they are.
We weren't designed for shit.

In other species the ugly/deformed ones just die out because they are incapable of taking care of themselves. Human society, on the other hand, keeps weak ones artificially alive, because we have developed strong empathy for other living beings. While this keeps the weak alive, and makes the strong feel good about themselves, it also makes the weak live in misery.

If a genetically inferior male animal were to survive, it never gets a chance to breed. Alpha males will kill them if they try, and even if there are no alphas, females will naturally deny them.

Hell, I read the other day that hammerhead sharks usually live alone, but the females will form schools when they want to mate, in order to not allow undesirable males near them. This is basically what happens with humans as well. You're not invited to the party, while Chad is, and has his selection of women.

Tl;dr You were meant to die young, and even if you didn't, you were never meant to reproduce.
We are just the ones who were born with bad hands and who could not make do with what we had to reproduce.

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