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Discussion if i were a white german or a euro i would definitely join the army and protect my country but i will never do it as a 3rd worlder.


Med Amine

Dec 29, 2022
just imagine this:
you live in some islamic shithole with very bad weather, very poor economy and very bad living standards and literally don't even have access to water and basic living standards.. then the govt wants young people to enter the army????!!!
it's totally retarded to fight and protect a 3rd world country. there's nothing worth protecting here and we don't have anything valuable so it's pointless to even try. why would i waste my blood for some shithole that have no glory and no history.
north africa is just a shithole full of Berbers and amazighs who got beaten down by some sandniggers and forced to enter pisslam. we aren't even real sandniggers, just some mutt jewish desert dwellers with no history or any achievements.
the same applies for people in india, africa and pretty much all the 3 rd world.
but the same won't be said if i was a euro especially a german. your country have a big history of achievements and have a lot of geopolitical power and control. it also have good living standards so you're defending the high quality life style people in your country have.
tbh i rather bomb my self inside a mosque and kill a ton of kiddie didlers pedophiles than joining the pisslamists army of some sandnigger country.
. your country have a big history of achievements and have a lot of geopolitical power and control. it also have good living standards so you're defending the high quality life style people in your country have.
The logical conclusion would be to immigrate to germany
In some countries like Austria you HAVE to join as a male
If I were*

Also, would you protect your country if you lived in a muslim 1st world country?
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The logical conclusion would be to immigrate to germany
the logical conclusion would be to perform auto self destruction.
In some countries like Austria you HAVE to join as a male
they should join the army, they have a lot to lose. but i don't think i will have a problem with seeing my place get nuked.
Also, would you protect your country if you lived in a 1st world muslim country?
for me a 1st world country isn't just about economics but also the looks and average SMV of the citizens.
i only see brown monkeys outside so i don't really feel like the people should be protected.
Joining on purpose your country's army is kinda cucked tbh
Joining on purpose your country's army is kinda cucked tbh
only if it's a third world shithole country then yes. but if you live in a good country with a big prideful history and a ton of achievements then you should be forced to join and keep the country successful and safe.
only if it's a third world shithole country then yes. but if you live in a good country with a big prideful history and a ton of achievements then you should be forced to join and keep the country successful and safe.
Joining the army and fight for a war that doesn't belong to me and to serve as cannon powder for the sake of my country richfags' economic purposes? That's not for me.
Indeed. It's why reincarnating into a superior bloodline maybe even in a superior world system is of utmost importance.
I wouldn't risk my life for any of these kiked countries
i only see brown monkeys outside so i don't really feel like the people should be protected
If sandniggers (that look closest to whites from all races)are monkeys to you then indians and blacks are a different species.
just imagine this:
you live in some islamic shithole with very bad weather, very poor economy and very bad living standards and literally don't even have access to water and basic living standards.. then the govt wants young people to enter the army????!!!
it's totally retarded to fight and protect a 3rd world country. there's nothing worth protecting here and we don't have anything valuable so it's pointless to even try. why would i waste my blood for some shithole that have no glory and no history.
north africa is just a shithole full of Berbers and amazighs who got beaten down by some sandniggers and forced to enter pisslam. we aren't even real sandniggers, just some mutt jewish desert dwellers with no history or any achievements.
the same applies for people in india, africa and pretty much all the 3 rd world.
but the same won't be said if i was a euro especially a german. your country have a big history of achievements and have a lot of geopolitical power and control. it also have good living standards so you're defending the high quality life style people in your country have.
tbh i rather bomb my self inside a mosque and kill a ton of kiddie didlers pedophiles than joining the pisslamists army of some sandnigger country.
@Med Amine Is Serbia worth protecting?
Its good to join if the land belongs to your ethnicity and your people can have land to farm for yourself. If no land then no need to join the army.
If sandniggers (that look closest to whites from all races)are monkeys to you then indians and blacks are a different species.
maybe levantine arabs look a bit like whites but not north africans who look like shit dark brown monkeys.
blacks are known to be animals from the very beginning.
@Med Amine Is Serbia worth protecting?
even if i was on an euro fag country i wouldn't even lay a finger for them, dying for the imbeciles who want your life deplorable for being male is top cucked and moronic
All western soldiers fight for the banks
Lmao as a "euro" i absolutely would never join the army of my cuck amerimutt slave country

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