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Serious If I had money i'd immigrate to China and live there



defeated by the NT , face and heightpill
Nov 22, 2022
Europe is getting pretty unstable pretty much it's not safe anywhere anymore. Eastern Europe will probably turn into a battlefield yet again, the West will most likely deal with a race war which is going to be very brutal. If you're an European millionaire now and were smart you would immigrate to either Kazakhstan or China.

How stupid you must be to stay in the West it's become like Africa right now jfl. Literally much more dangerous to live in the supposed "first" world country than most second world countries on the planet.

I would like to live in China because their government is reliable, strong , society is high trust and the CCP takes good care of its own people including safety and healthcare.

There are cameras, cops on every single corner of the streets and nothing can escape their eye.

They oppress dangerous muslim uyghyrs hence why their country is so safe, no tolerance for foreign aliens to their culture you either comply with what they say or they'll deal with you pretty quick.

China is the greatest country on earth as of right now. I wouldn't think twice before immigrating there if I were wealthy and had a family.

You are less likely to die in NK than the main streets of Paris it's literally insane. "But, but muh freedom and totalitarian states, oppression wah waaaaaaah".

It doesn't matter the country's safe and completely isolates its citizens from being exposed to western and muslim degeneracy. Glory to the CCP, Glory to Xi Jinping.

@juche necromancer , @supersoldier , @Ci Jey
for wealthy whitecels it's a good idea to immigrate in Asia and forget about shitskin muslim brown african infested Europe
BASED Total non-Slavic white countries destruction
reeducation camps for muslims are based

for wealthy whitecels it's a good idea to immigrate in Asia and forget about shitskin muslim brown african infested Europe
Stay away from our homeland please
We're full
literal tales most of the food produced there is on their own soil. They import bad quality food in other countries. There are a lot of farmers there getting subsidies to produce good food by the country itself. Stop believing in propaganda.
I swear i'm not lying
it is the reality
reeducation camps for muslims are based

China is the greatest country that gives no fuck about mudslimes and genocides them. China is the country that makes the liberal screech. Long Live China as long as China exists there is hope for the humanity. China is the country that makes the muzzies shed tears.
I can’t cope with this shit here. Everyone hates me and wants me gone. Already at college today and get treated like I am the worst. My looksmatches are curry exchange students.:feelsrope::feelsrope:
I can’t cope with this shit here. Everyone hates me and wants me gone. Already at college today and get treated like I am the worst. My looksmatches are curry exchange students.:feelsrope::feelsrope:
take the Chinapill.
China Loop GIF by xponentialdesign
I swear i'm not lying
it is the reality
why would I believe you ? I personally know people who have been in China and tell me other things. Most of the food there is natural produced by farmers that's what I was told. Counterfeit food exists everywhere in the world anyways.
China is the greatest country that gives no fuck about mudslimes and genocides them. China is the country that makes the liberal screech. Long Live China as long as China exists there is hope for the humanity. China is the country that makes the muzzies shed tears.
China is doing more than 336 millions abortion since the start of ((communism))
And their woman are monkey branching bitch

View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=S_7mFiivNxo
if whites weren't cucked and ruled by jews, immigrants would be burning in death camps
We both live in EE so you know that geomaxxing is impossible with our financial situation
it's about peace of mind. We will never have it because we live in jewrope. It's over for us. Chinese are the most fortunate people especially those that do not consume western media.
why would I believe you ? I personally know people who have been in China and tell me other things. Most of the food there is natural produced by farmers that's what I was told. Counterfeit food exists everywhere in the world anyways.
There is no safe zone
Dont be gullible
Mongolia, Kazakhstan and China are safe zones.
Mongolia is a post commie shit hole

Kazakstan is one of the most corrupt nation in the world inhabitated by bukharan jews
Totally a shit hole inhabitated by mongrel hapa
Mongolia is a post commie shit hole

Kazakstan is one of the most corrupt nation in the world inhabitated by bukharan jews
Totally a shit hole inhabitated by mongrel hapa
yeah dude you know everything :feelskek: my bad for trying to "argue" with the omniscent.
Same and hopefully in the future i might move to China to seek a better education

life in top tier chinese cities is at the same quality of western european and american ones without the rampant disadvantages of the west, not even a comparison with the shithole i come from.
Singapore would be a pretty good option for such a thing, order is maintained by the Chinese while you get to get around with solely English.

Prime time geomaxxing locations are only a shot-haul flight away as well.
Presumably China is infected as much with narcissism and alienation as South Korea and Japan.
Singapore would be a pretty good option for such a thing, order is maintained by the Chinese while you get to get around with solely English.

Prime time geomaxxing locations are only a shot-haul flight away as well.
Tamils are slaying there
I can’t cope with this shit here. Everyone hates me and wants me gone. Already at college today and get treated like I am the worst. My looksmatches are curry exchange students.:feelsrope::feelsrope:
Sounds like pure ropefuel.
Same and hopefully in the future i might move to China to seek a better education

life in top tier chinese cities is at the same quality of western european and american ones without the rampant disadvantages of the west, not even a comparison with the shithole i come from.
You'll be homeless in the slums of Shanghai.
It's ovER for gooks if even Currycels can slay with their women but gooks can't, they should've stayed isolated from the west, their fate at the west hands was too cruel :feelscry:
Slavs get their women stolen by WEs just as much as rices
me too, im studying mandarin rn and i hope to study abroad there
Europe is getting pretty unstable pretty much it's not safe anywhere anymore. Eastern Europe will probably turn into a battlefield yet again, the West will most likely deal with a race war which is going to be very brutal. If you're an European millionaire now and were smart you would immigrate to either Kazakhstan or China.

How stupid you must be to stay in the West it's become like Africa right now jfl. Literally much more dangerous to live in the supposed "first" world country than most second world countries on the planet.

I would like to live in China because their government is reliable, strong , society is high trust and the CCP takes good care of its own people including safety and healthcare.

There are cameras, cops on every single corner of the streets and nothing can escape their eye.

They oppress dangerous muslim uyghyrs hence why their country is so safe, no tolerance for foreign aliens to their culture you either comply with what they say or they'll deal with you pretty quick.

China is the greatest country on earth as of right now. I wouldn't think twice before immigrating there if I were wealthy and had a family.

You are less likely to die in NK than the main streets of Paris it's literally insane. "But, but muh freedom and totalitarian states, oppression wah waaaaaaah".

It doesn't matter the country's safe and completely isolates its citizens from being exposed to western and muslim degeneracy. Glory to the CCP, Glory to Xi Jinping.

@juche necromancer , @supersoldier , @Ci Jey
You better not have good organs or else you go missing in China
Europe is getting pretty unstable pretty much it's not safe anywhere anymore. Eastern Europe will probably turn into a battlefield yet again, the West will most likely deal with a race war which is going to be very brutal. If you're an European millionaire now and were smart you would immigrate to either Kazakhstan or China.

How stupid you must be to stay in the West it's become like Africa right now jfl. Literally much more dangerous to live in the supposed "first" world country than most second world countries on the planet.

I would like to live in China because their government is reliable, strong , society is high trust and the CCP takes good care of its own people including safety and healthcare.

There are cameras, cops on every single corner of the streets and nothing can escape their eye.

They oppress dangerous muslim uyghyrs hence why their country is so safe, no tolerance for foreign aliens to their culture you either comply with what they say or they'll deal with you pretty quick.

China is the greatest country on earth as of right now. I wouldn't think twice before immigrating there if I were wealthy and had a family.

You are less likely to die in NK than the main streets of Paris it's literally insane. "But, but muh freedom and totalitarian states, oppression wah waaaaaaah".

It doesn't matter the country's safe and completely isolates its citizens from being exposed to western and muslim degeneracy. Glory to the CCP, Glory to Xi Jinping.

@juche necromancer , @supersoldier , @Ci Jey
Have fun with those foxcon factories and all ching chong land has to offer.
I want to move to Kazakhstan ngl. I already know some Russian while I know 0 Chinese so it would be easier in Kazakhstan I guess

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